Blood Warrior (18 page)

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Authors: H. D. Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Mixed characters, #Young Adult, #Vampires, #Fantasy, #next

BOOK: Blood Warrior
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We all laughed, because this was the kind of exchange we had grown used to between these two. I think they had begun to consider each other friends, and even though they would never admit it, they were kind of similar in personality.

Nelly shrugged and looked at Daniel, who shrugged back. “Sure,” she said. “We’re in.”

Tommy switched his gaze to me, both eyebrows slightly raised. “Alright,” I said.

“I’m in.”

Jackson chuckled and whispered in my ear. “Where Nelly goes…” I elbowed him and he laughed even harder. He was right though, I wouldn’t have agreed if Nelly hadn’t said she was going. I’m not really a partier. I would prefer to stay home and read in my free time, but maybe that was because I had never been invited to any parties.

Perhaps I could use a night of recklessness.

Tommy grinned triumphantly. “Wonderful. Meet me here at eight then.” We agreed and Tommy headed off. Nelly looped her arm through mine and turned to the boys. “Well, it looks like we need to go shopping, you guys coming?” Jackson and Daniel exchanged looks that answered that question. Nelly rolled her eyes. “Okay, we’ll catch up with you later then.”

After they walked away, I looked over at Nelly, “How are we going to go shopping? We don’t have any money left.”

“Actually, it’s Friday, so our school allowances should be waiting for us in our mailboxes in the dorms.”

I looked at her like she was crazy. “Our what?”

She laughed at my expression. “I guess no one told you because there has been so much going on, but yeah, we actually get paid for going to school. It’s crazy, right?” As awesome as being paid for attending school sounded, that feeling that I was missing something flooded into me once again. “Yeah,” I agreed. “That is crazy.”

Chapter 36

Even if I was uneasy about receiving money for attending school, that didn’t stop me from wanting to spend it. We had stopped by our rooms, and just like Nelly had said, there was cash waiting for us in our mailboxes in the lobby. Mine contained two hundred dollars, Nelly’s had one hundred.

“Why do I get more than you?” I asked as we strolled up a block that held a variety of stores.

She shrugged. “I guess fighters get better pay than the rest of us. Oh, look, this place looks like it might have some good stuff.”

We entered a store filled to the brim with fashionable clothing. I picked out a couple of pairs of jeans and a few cute tops. Nelly rolled her eyes when she saw what I had chosen.

“Oh, come on,” she sighed. “Why do you always pick boring stuff?” I looked down at my choices; the tops were all either black or gray, but that’s what I always picked. “I like this stuff.”

“Yeah, but we’re going to a party! Our first social outing since we got here. Don’t you want to look hot?”

“Uh, I don’t really care. Besides, most of my clothes end up getting ruined. And you know I don’t like drawing attention to myself. I get stared at enough already.”

“Suit yourself.”

“Then, let me,” I snapped.

She raised an eyebrow at that. Then, she gave me a look of concern. “You okay?

We don’t have to go tonight if you’re not up to it.”

I pushed the hair out of my face. I had been snapping on her a lot lately. “Sorry,” I said. “We’re going, and who knows, it might be… fun.”

Nelly nodded, but she still looked concerned. “It will be. We could use a little carefree time.”

I walked over to where some floral sundresses were hanging on a rack and picked out a couple in my size. I usually didn’t wear dresses, they’re not practical fighting attire, but these ones were cute and modest. And I wanted to show Nelly that I was trying.

She smiled at my choices. “Much better, let’s go check out. I saw a shoe store across the street that I want to hit before we go.”

We headed over to the check-out counter and tossed our stuff on the counter.

The lady looked up at us and smiled, then, her eyes lit up with excitement.

“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed. “It’s you isn’t it? The Warrior I keep hearing about?”

I shifted uneasily, what was I- some kind of celebrity? I sure hoped not. “Um, yeah, I guess so.”

Her eyes widened even more, and I was worried they might pop right out of her head. She leaned forward, like she was about to tell us a secret. “Can I see your marks?” I struggled not to roll my eyes. I was so tired of this routine. Reaching down, I pushed the sleeve of my shirt up to my shoulder. I had worn long-sleeves, even though it was about seventy degrees outside, in order to avoid this.

She gasped and leaned forward even more. I shot an annoyed look at Nelly. She just smiled.

“Absolutely beautiful,” the woman murmured. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She said that last part more to herself than to me.

I cast another look at Nelly, and she shrugged. Leaning forward, I kept my voice low. “Why? Why do you say that?”

She looked up like she hadn’t meant to say that aloud, and darted her gaze nervously around the store. “I didn’t say anything.” She began stuffing the clothes hastily in a bag. “Will this be all?” She asked.

I narrowed my eyes and Nelly gripped my arm; she knew I was about two seconds from shaking an answer out of this woman. I really had to get control over my temper.

“Yes, that’s all,” Nelly replied, with a nervous smile of her own.

“Okay,” the woman said. “Have a nice day.”

I furrowed my brows. “But we haven’t paid for it.”

The woman smiled, and scanned the store once more. “You’ll pay for it tenfold…

at least, I hope so,” she mumbled. “Have a good day.”

We left the store with our clothes and headed across the street to the shoe store.

“Well, that was… weird,” Nelly commented.

“No shit.”

She shot me a look. “Don’t curse.”

I raised an eyebrow, pulled out my pack of cigarettes, and lit one up.

“Ugh, you’re still smoking?”

I blew out a long cloud of smoke. “No.”

She sighed and shook her head. “Well, hurry up. Don’t you want some new shoes?”

“Not really. I don’t feel like getting any more free stuff.” Her brow creased. “This happened before?”

I nodded. “Everyone keeps giving me free sh-, free stuff. I feel like some kind of mobster.” I handed her some money. “Just go on in and pick me out something.” Two cigarettes later, she returned with two big bags in hand and an even bigger smile on her face. “I got you a new pair of tennis shoes and a pair of really cute black flats,” she informed me.

“You know the way to my heart,” I laughed. “Did they charge you?”

“Yeah, but I had enough. It’s so weird that no one is making you pay for anything.”

“You’re telling me.”

Chapter 37

We went back to my room so that we could get ready. I put on a new pair of jeans and a black, V-neck t-shirt with my new black flats. Nelly wore a red halter-top and a cute pair of jeans. I left my hair down, and it hung in long, dark waves down my back. I even let Nelly apply a little mascara. I never wore much make-up. Not because I thought I was just that beautiful, but because it’s not practical for most of my activities.

We left the dorms and headed toward the courtyard where we told Tommy we’d meet him. The boys were already standing around joking when we arrived. They all looked really good in different ways. Jackson had on a dark blue and black flannel shirt and jeans, Tommy wore his usual slacks and dress shirt and Daniel had on khakis and a button up shirt.

Jackson spotted us first and his eyes lit up upon seeing me. His reddish-brown hair was messy, like always, and his green eyes shined brightly. He looked me head to toe and picked me up off of my feet in a hug.

I have a personal bubble that I didn’t usually like invaded, but I would allow it from Jackson. And maybe Kayden, but I wasn’t even going to think about that tonight.

“Hey, darling,” he whispered in my ear. “You look absolutely breathtaking.” He set me back down on my feet, and I couldn’t help a smile as I shook my head.

“Always know what to say, Jack.”

Jackson just smiled. Then it dissolved as Tommy grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. “Let her greet the more important people first.” Okay so maybe Jack, Kayden

Jackson’s eyes lit up into a golden color and he made a noise that resembled a deep growl. Tommy just put on a crooked smile that flashed his fangs. I rolled my eyes and stepped in between them. The first time I had seen them do this, it was a little bit jarring, but I had gotten used to it over the last week.

I pushed the hair out of my face and crossed my arms. “Come on, guys, I just got these clothes.”

Nelly chimed in. “Yeah, I won’t be happy if you make her ruin them already.” Everyone laughed and Tommy led us to his where his car was parked. I stopped in my tracks when he opened the passenger door of a brand new Mercedes for me.

“This is your car?” I asked.

“Yes, mam.”

I hopped in the front seat, and Jack, Nelly and Daniel took the back. About fifteen minutes later, we reached our destination.

The house that the party was being held in was enormous and elaborate. It was more like a mansion; with multiple fountains on the plush lawn and a long driveway that was already packed with cars. I leaned forward in my seat as we approached it, gawking at the sheer size of the place. I don’t think I had ever even seen a house that big in real life.

I turned to look at Tommy. “Whose house is this?”

He turned his face toward me and gave a sly grin. “Mine.”

I just stared at him. “Seriously?”

“Seriously,” he replied, with a laugh. “Well, I mean, it’s my dad’s house, but I live here too.” He pointed to another house that was on the grounds that I assumed was a guest house. “Actually, I stay in that house. That way I can have some privacy from my dad.”

“Who’s your dad, Bill Gates?”

He laughed at that and parked the car up near the entrance of the house. We all got out and headed toward the front door. As soon as we got near it, the sound of loud music and multiple voices flowed out. I immediately felt like turning around and heading back to my dorm. There had to be a lot of people in there to be making that much noise. Like always, this made me really nervous, but I pushed my chin up as Tommy opened the door and ushered us inside.

Just as I had expected, there were people everywhere. At least they were all around my age, and seemed to be too engulfed in their drinking and dancing to pay much attention to us. The house was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. The foyer had a high ceiling and a large staircase wrapped around one side of the room. There was a gorgeous crystal chandelier hanging above us and the floor was a rich marble. I felt completely out of my element, but that seemed to be happening a lot lately.

“I’ll go get us some drinks,” said Tommy, speaking loudly as to be heard over the music.

We nodded and Tommy led us over to a pristine living room area. As we entered, I took note of our surroundings. Then, I saw something that made my heart leap in my chest.

There were warriors here. They lined the walls, wearing their black uniforms and staring straight ahead. I noticed way too quickly that Kayden was among them. When we walked in, his eyes flicked to me for the briefest of moments before staring straight ahead again.

We walked over to where a very expensive couch sat and I plopped down on it.

Jackson sat down beside me and put his arm over my shoulder. I got the urge to push him away from me, but I ignored it. There was nothing going on between me and Kayden, so I wasn’t going to act like there was.

Tommy returned a few minutes later, miraculously holding five drinks in his hands. He handed one to each of us and I looked down at mine to see that it was turquoise in color.

“What is it?” I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow. “Alcohol.”

The others were already diving into theirs, so I took a deep breath and swallowed a big gulp of mine. It was actually pretty good; in a way-too-sweet kind of way. I have never really liked drinking, never saw the point. I prefer smoking over drinking, but I was here to have fun, and that’s what I intended on doing. I gulped down the rest of the drink and was glad when I felt my nerves relax a little.

“Take it easy, babe,” Jackson whispered to me.

“I’ll be fine,” I told him. I turned to Tommy. “Got any more of this stuff?” I asked, gesturing to my now empty glass.

“Sure, lots. But maybe you should wait a little while before having another one.” I stood up and was surprised when I felt a little light-headed. “I’ll just go get it myself then.”

Tommy waved his arm to someone holding a tray of more turquoise colored drinks, and she came over and handed me one.

Nelly gave me a warning look to tell me I needed to slow down, and I nodded.

But, after another fifteen minutes, my second drink was empty and I was feeling wonderful. My friends had started to relax too, because we were all laughing at jokes that I’m not sure were even funny.

A blond girl stumbled up to us. She was well built, probably about three inches taller than my 5’5”, and maybe ten pounds heavier too. She had on way too much makeup and not enough clothing. She wasn’t ugly, but I figured that any beauty displayed was owed to products. Her eyeliner was thick and black, her lips painted a bright red that matched her tiny dress. Even though her clothing was inappropriate, it made me glance down at my own attire.

She smiled when she saw Jackson. My hackles went up, just a little.

“Hey, Jackson,” she said, in voice that I guess was supposed to be sexy.

Beside me, Jackson shifted. “Hey, Victoria,” he said.

Victoria’s eyes flicked to me and back to Jack. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” she said, shooting another look at me.

Jack shrugged. “Well, now you do.”

On the other side of me, Tommy snorted. “How many times do I have to tell you, Kane? Alexa is

I was mortified, but that quickly vanished when Victoria propped a hand on her hip and said, “I don’t see what’s so special.” She eyed me up and down, and I felt anger grip me.

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