Bloodland: A Novel (34 page)

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Authors: Alan Glynn

BOOK: Bloodland: A Novel
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‘I’m in shock. I’m sure you are, too.’

‘Yeah, I actually can’t believe it. I knew he had financial difficulties, but Jesus, he was always so –’

‘That’s not why he did it, Phil.’


‘I was there last night. I was with him. Not when he jumped, but up to a few minutes beforehand.’

In the silence that follows, Jimmy slows down and stops. Standing now by the side window of Brown Thomas, he waits. But the silence goes on so long that he eventually has to interrupt it.


‘Yeah. I’m here. Look, this is weird. We have to meet.’

‘I’m not so sure about that, Phil. I’m in the –’

‘Jimmy –’

‘I don’t have –’


‘OK. Fine.’ He clears his throat. ‘Of course.’

There is silence for a moment, and then in quiet tones, almost whispering, they make an arrangement to meet.

Tomorrow evening. The Long Hall on George’s Street.

Jimmy’s head is reeling as he puts his phone away.

Ten minutes later he’s in Rastelli’s sitting down opposite Maria Monaghan.

It takes him a while to adjust. He’s also distracted by how Maria looks. There’s something different about her, and he’s not quite sure what it is.

A girl comes over and they order coffees.

Jimmy is hungry, but this isn’t a conversation he wants to have while he’s eating.

‘Thanks for agreeing to see me,’ he says. ‘I realise it must seem a bit…’

‘Yes,’ she says, ‘it does.’ She studies him for a moment. ‘You look like shit, Jimmy.’


‘So what’s going on? You made some pretty big claims on the phone there. You’d better explain yourself, because I’m not staying here any longer than I have to.’

Then it hits him what it is. She’s not dressed for work. She’s in jeans and a zip-up sweater. And she’s slightly paler-looking, too, no sign of any make-up.

She seems more relaxed.

‘Not at work today?’ he says.

‘I’ve taken some time off. I was due a few days.’

He nods, delaying.


‘OK.’ He launches into it. He may look like shit, and feel like shit, but the one thing he can’t afford to be accused of here is talking shit. What he says has to make sense, and not just to her, to
as well. Which it does, largely. But as he proceeds, as he talks, as their coffees arrive, it occurs to him that all he’s doing is describing a sequence of conversations he’s had – and private, unrecorded conversations. It doesn’t help that two of the people he spoke to are now dead. Nor does it help that what he got from the others – from Gary Lynch, from Francesca and Pia Bonacci – was little more than conjecture and speculation.

Jimmy wants Maria to believe what he’s saying, partly because
believes it, and partly because he hopes the knowledge that Susie wasn’t to blame for what happened will bring Maria a certain degree of solace.

But he’s not going to convince her with this.

What’s to stop her from thinking he’s deluded and has made it all up?


It’s only when he gets to the end that he sees a flicker in her eye, a response to something he’s just said.

He leans forward. ‘What?’

Maria doesn’t answer.

He glances around, thinking back for a second, going over it in his mind. He’d been telling her about the mine in Congo, about Dave Conway trying to sell it, about the deposit of thanaxite they’d discovered.

About Buenke.

And BRX.

Clark Rundle.

Gideon Global.

’ he says again, looking directly at her.

She’s pale, even paler than before.


She swallows. ‘Did you say


She holds his gaze, but doesn’t speak.

‘What’s wrong? Have you heard of it?’

She nods her head very slowly. ‘Susie mentioned it in that text she sent me from the hotel, before she left. I had no idea what it meant. It seemed like nonsense. I mean, the whole text, it was –’

‘What did it say?’

Maria hesitates. This clearly isn’t easy for her. Some of the texts that Susie sent to people that morning were leaked to the media and quickly became infamous – evidence that she wasn’t in a stable frame of mind. She sent one to her agent screaming,
Get me a decent fucking job before I go completely FUCKING insane!!!!
She also sent a couple to a friend in Dublin in which she said some fairly scurrilous things about a well-known broadcaster who had recently interviewed her.

But the text she sent to Maria that morning has always remained private.

She leans back in her chair. ‘It said, I can’t remember exactly, it was about going on the helicopter ride with some of the guys, along the coast, and then,
Thanaxite baby, that’s where it’s all at, we’re heading for the blood-soaked motherlode
.’ She shrugs. ‘I never knew what that meant. But it was just
Susie, you know, it was typical, she was a messer, she spoke in code,
this and
that, rhyming slang, song lyrics, made-up Dublin rap, whatever. It could have meant anything. Plus she was clearly high as a kite. So it didn’t strike me as significant at the time. And after the crash, what did
matter? She was dead.’

Jimmy nods, ‘Yeah. Sure.’ He lowers his voice a notch. ‘But doesn’t this corroborate what I’m saying? What Dave Conway told me?’

Maria nods back, reluctantly.

Jimmy can see it in her face. She was sceptical before, impatient even. Now she’s putting the pieces together and they seem to fit. ‘If what you’re telling me is true,’ she says eventually, ‘then this whole chain of events, from Susie’s death right up to what happened last night, it’s all the result of a desperate scramble to protect ownership of a


She holds her hands out in disbelief. ‘Is that … could that
be true? I mean…’

‘Well, there seems to be an awful lot of money involved, so on balance I’d say yeah, it could.’

But Maria is barely listening. ‘My God. Poor Susie. You know, I think I’m almost glad Mum and Dad didn’t live to hear this. It’s too awful. It’s –’

And then she stops, as something obviously occurs to her. She looks at Jimmy. ‘What happens now?’

He isn’t sure what to say here. He looks down at his coffee, which he hasn’t touched. ‘I don’t know, Maria. I wanted to tell you this, and I wanted you to believe it. That was important to me. Who else is going to believe it, though? On what conceivable basis could any official investigation of this go forward?’

‘On the basis that…’ She stops, trying to think it through, the ramifications.

But he sees it dawning on her.

‘There’s no evidence, Maria. Nothing at all. Two of the principal witnesses are gone. If Susie hadn’t sent you that text, with that word in it, which in itself hardly qualifies as evidence, would
believe it? Would you even still be sitting here?’

Maria considers this, looks at him. ‘You’ve described a conspiracy to murder
people, Jimmy. Including my sister. That’s
. Can these bastards simply be allowed to get away with it?’



Jimmy clicks his tongue. ‘Leaving aside for a minute the issue of resources, and the fact that I don’t have the backing, the
, of an official news organisation, there
another avenue of approach here.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Two of the people who were at the table that night in Drumcoolie Castle are gone, yeah? Larry Bolger and Dave Conway.’

Maria nods.

‘But there were three others. The ones who actually had the incriminating conversation, and who
carried through on it.’

She nods again.

‘Clark Rundle, Don Ribcoff and … some old guy.’


Rundle and Eve are having coffee in the kitchen of their fifty-seventh-floor apartment in the Celestial Building. They’re talking about Daisy, about Oxford, about England, and when Rundle’s phone rings he resents the intrusion.

It’s Don Ribcoff. He’s downstairs in his car and needs ten minutes.

Rundle could ask him to come up, but he’s not going to.

‘I’ll be right down,’ he says into the phone, and makes an apologetic face at Eve.

She’s used to it. Twenty years of marriage to Clark Rundle and what’s she going to do, start getting snippy now?

She reaches for her own phone as he gets up to leave.

Descending in the elevator, Rundle feels relatively relaxed – happy to be back from his trip and looking forward to dinner with Jimmy Vaughan tomorrow night.

Outside, he strolls across the wide plaza towards the kerb, keenly aware of the monolithic slab of bronze-tinted glass shimmering in the sunlight behind him. As he gets near the parked limousine, a door opens, and Ribcoff emerges.

The two men stand on the sidewalk, traffic whipping past.

‘Some weird news,’ Ribcoff says. ‘From Dublin. Dave Conway killed himself on Thursday night. Jumped off a sixth-floor balcony.’

Rundle is surprised, and shows it. ‘That
weird. Any fallout we need to be concerned about?’

‘Maybe. Our asset there is working on it. It turns out someone was with Conway before he did it. The two of them were seen talking, and then this guy was seen leaving. In a hurry. By some local kids.’ He pauses, reluctant to go on. ‘It might’ve been that journalist.’

have been? I thought you had him under surveillance?’

‘We did. But not round the clock. I mean, we checked him out, went to his apartment, trawled through his shit, but there was nothing much there. He wasn’t deemed a risk.’

‘And now?’

‘We’re looking into it.’

Rundle glances around. ‘What’s the take on Conway? What are people saying?’

‘Debts, bankruptcy. He was in for a couple of hundred million. Victim of the recession. It seems to be straight up.’

Rundle nods. ‘Fine, but this journalist prick talks to Bolger, then he talks to Conway … we have to assume he knows something. Or thinks he knows something. We
to assume he’s a risk.’

‘Yeah. But from what our asset could find out the guy is more or less unemployed. Until recently he was working on a book about that actress who was killed in the helicopter crash. That’s how he got caught up in this.’

doesn’t make him a risk?
, Don.’

Ribcoff looks around, nodding. ‘OK. I’ll get our asset to take another look at him.’

‘Not just another look, Don.
on the bastard. We don’t want any surprises here.’


Rundle is anxious to get away. ‘That it?’

Ribcoff nods.

‘Keep me posted.’


As Rundle is turning to go, Ribcoff says, ‘By the way, have you seen Mr Vaughan yet? Since we got back?’

‘No,’ Rundle says, feeling a slight impatience at the question. ‘I’m seeing him tomorrow night.’

Back in the elevator, he takes out his phone and calls Regal.

Unfortunately, Nora is not available today. They’re about to suggest someone else, another escort, but Rundle hangs up.

*   *   *

As he walks along George’s Street on his way to the Long Hall, Jimmy keeps turning and looking behind him. He can’t shake the uneasy feeling that he’s being followed. No one in his line of vision offers themselves up as a likely candidate, but then …

He wouldn’t expect them to.

Stepping into the pub, Jimmy glances around and spots Phil Sweeney sitting alone at the bar.

He looks tired. There is a glass of whiskey in front of him.

‘Jimmy. What’ll you have?’

‘Pint of Guinness, thanks.’

Jimmy sits on a stool, facing straight ahead, and puts his hands on the bar. ‘I’m sorry about Conway,’ he says.

‘Yeah.’ There is a long silence. ‘So, what happened?’

Jimmy gets straight into it. Since talking to Maria yesterday he has refined the narrative somewhat. He tells it quickly and leaves no room for interruption.

Sweeney visibly wilts as Jimmy is speaking. At the end he takes a couple of sips from his glass.

Jimmy’s pint arrives, but he doesn’t touch it. The two men sit for a while without speaking.

Eventually, Sweeney turns to Jimmy. ‘I had no idea. I knew
stuff, but…’ He shakes his head. ‘I thought he’d had a fling with Susie, that it was all about covering
up. Keeping the papers out of it. Saving the marriage. I knew there was a business angle as well, but … you know, it was
. You learn not to ask awkward questions.’

Jimmy doesn’t say anything. He keeps staring at his pint.

‘Look, Jimmy, I know you have nothing but contempt for me and for what I do, for the company, and for … whatever, I don’t want to bring your old man into it, but believe me, what I do, what
did, it’s not
, not what you’re telling me.’ He reaches for his glass. ‘What you’re telling me? Way out of my fucking league.’

‘OK,’ Jimmy says.

‘I mean, Conway and Bolger? Whatever bullshit they got involved in that weekend, they kept it a secret all this time.
certainly knew nothing about it.’ He drains his glass and makes a sign at the barman. ‘But I have to tell you, Jimmy, I’ve heard some ugly shit in my day, but nothing like this. And I don’t like it. One fucking bit.’

Jimmy is beginning to wonder how much drink might be in the equation here.

‘Look Phil,’ he says, fully expecting to be pounced on, ‘let me be straight with you. This is a big news story and I intend to pursue it. My only problem is that the two main sources for it are now dead.’

Sweeney looks at him and nods. ‘Yeah, I can see that’d be a problem all right.’

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