Blue Bloods: Keys to the Repository (9 page)

BOOK: Blue Bloods: Keys to the Repository
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Forsyth Llewel yn has been revealed as a Silver Blood traitor, entrusted with the destruction of Al egra and Lucifer’s firstborn child in

. It is the Venators’ belief that he let the child live in order to facilitate Lucifer’s return. During his cycle as Tiberius Stanford, he supposedly died of grief shortly after his daughter Maggie went missing. However, the Repository files indicate he never showed Maggie very much

affection and most likely was using grief to cover his fear at the repercussions from his true master had Maggie (Bliss) been able to destroy herself.

At the urging of Cordelia Van Alen, he also took the spirit of the Watcher, the Pistis Sophia, as his second daughter, Jordan. Cordelia suspected

that Silver Blood treachery was afoot, and that one of the oldest families in the Conclave was working in league with our sworn enemies and possibly

the Dark Prince himself. Little did she know that she was entrusting the traitor. . . .

The Repository now believes that, along with fel ow Silver Blood traitor Nan Cutler, Forsyth arranged for Jordan to be taken by the Croatan. From

his position in the Conclave he sent the Venators on a wild goose chase after her— sending those who could have unmasked him as far away as

possible. After the murder of Lawrence Van Alen and the disappearance of Charles Force, Forsyth tried to instate himself as Regis. Only a lone

objection from Mimi Force kept the vote from being unanimous.

He arranged for the bonding ceremony between the Force twins to take place so that the Silver Bloods could stage an attack at St. John the

Divine, which we now believe he had guessed was the true location of the Gate of Time. If not for the remarkable sacrifice and bravery of Venator

Martin, the Silver Bloods might have been able to open one of the Gates of Hel and let loose Abomination upon the world again, as during the Battle

of Rome. Forsyth disappeared soon after the attack, and has not been seen since.

Current Status
: Missing. Location unknown.


Andela, of the Dawn

Birth Name
: Roberta Shepherd Prescott, known as “BobiAnne”

: December 18, 1973, Houston, Texas

Known Past Lives
: Dorothea Stanford (Newport), May Brewster (Plymouth), Antonia de Medici (Florence), Eunia Macro (Rome)

: Forsyth Llewel yn

Assigned Human Conduit
: None

List of Human Familiars
: John-Boy Rogers (1991–1993), George Walton (1995–1997), Bil y Busch (1998–2001), Richard Carter (2001–2006)

Physical Characteristics

: Dyed blond

: Brown

: 5’9”

Described by Cordelia Van Alen as a prime example of the “downwardly aspirational” actions of the current incarnation of Blue Bloods, BobiAnne

was known to be a superficial, sil y, and ridiculous social climber; a tacky caricature who never quite fit in with the New York upper crust.

The much younger wife of Forsyth Llewel yn is referred to in al reports as Bliss’s stepmother; however, there is no record of Forsyth’s prior

marriage, and a recently discovered copy of Bliss’s birth certificate lists her birth mother as “R.P.” the initials for Roberta Prescott. It is the

Repository’s conclusion that BobiAnne was Bliss’s birth mother for her current incarnation but al owed the child to believe she was her stepmother, as

Bliss had shown hostility toward her in prior life cycles. As Dorothea Stanford, she reportedly became mental y unbalanced after her daughter’s

disappearance, which we now believe was due to her fear that Maggie’s true identity would be revealed to the Coven. Dorothea was convinced that

her friends and neighbors were keeping the truth of her daughter’s whereabouts from her.

She was also Jordan’s birth mother. By al accounts, she barely tolerated the child, for reasons that have now become clear. The Venators

believe that, like her husband, Bobi-Anne was a Silver Blood traitor, and feared that the Pistis Sophia would expose the couple for what they were:

agents of the Prince of Darkness, foster parents to his secret heir. She perished during the massacre in Rio, a victim of her own nefarious schemes.

Forsyth Llewel yn was never the same after her death. As for New York and Texan society, they survived.

Current Status
: Finished. Slain during the Silver Blood attack in Rio.


Pistis Sophia, Elder of Elders, the Watcher

Birth Name
: Jordan Grace Llewel yn

: January 1, 1994, Houston, Texas

Known Former Aliases
: Julia Livil a (Rome)

Current Alias
: Jane Murray

: None. The Pistis Sophia is a virgin incarnate and has no bondmate.

Physical Characteristics

: As Jordan Llewel yn, brown

As Jane Murray, red

: As Jordan Llewel yn, green

As Jane Murray, blue

: As Jordan Llewel yn, 4’10”

As Jane Murray, 5’5”

Jordan Llewel yn’s true identity—the spirit of the Pistis Sophia, the Watcher—was known to only very few members of the Conclave: Cordelia Van

Alen, who cal ed for her rebirth; Forsyth Llewel yn, who fostered her and accepted her into his family; and the Regis, Charles Force, who final y gave

his permission to the House of Records to cal up the Sophia after Cordelia petitioned for it once too often.

The Watcher is an ancient soul born into ful consciousness, with command of her memories and the ability to see the future. The Blue Bloods

believe her wisdom wil keep vigilance against Lucifer’s return, but she has slumbered for thousands of years. She came to her position during the

days of Rome, when she was then cal ed Julia Livil a and sister to the emperor Caligula. She was the first who recognized Lucifer in him and joined

forces with her sister Agrippina in a failed assassination attempt.

Michael released her spirit from the blood and freed her from having to adhere to the cycles of Expression. As the Pistis Sophia, in Rome she

predicted the breaking of the bond between Michael and Gabriel e and prophesied that Gabriel e’s daughter would be the salvation of the vampires.

As Jordan Llewel yn, the Sophia was a slightly awkward, short, and heavy girl, homely in contrast to her sister. At school she excel ed in

mathematics and science, and had a smal group of friends. Family reports show that she fol owed Bliss around everywhere as a child, and, given

Bliss’s extraordinary origin, it is safe to conclude that Jordan knew exactly with whom she was dealing and was simply biding her time. Yet those who

knew the sisters wel reported that they were very close and shared an affectionate bond, which might explain why Jordan waited several years

before making the decision to strike.

The Venators believe that on the night of her abduction in Rio, the Watcher in Jordan final y took action. She tried to kil Bliss in her sleep, but

was discovered at the last moment by Forsyth and BobiAnne. From Venator Martin’s subsequent investigation, it appears that Jordan was held

captive by Silver Bloods at Lucifer’s command for a year, in an attempt to extract information on the Order of the Seven. When it appeared she would

never give them this information, they kil ed her. Or so they thought. The Watcher is capable of changing physical shel s, and as Jordan died, Sophia

found a new host in Jane Murray, a forty-year-old history teacher who had been hit by a bus while traveling in South America.

As Jane Murray, Sophia is now a sturdy, apple-cheeked woman with bright red hair and a ruddy Irish complexion. In 2009, she joined the staff of

Duchesne as a history teacher. School reports from Duchesne indicate she was incredibly popular; her seminar, Ancient Civilizations, was continual y

overenrol ed.

The Venators have pieced together this information from Jane Murray’s ransacked apartment, and we can only conclude that the Watcher is with

Bliss Llewel yn, wherever she may be.

Current Status
: Missing. Believed to be in the company of Bliss Llewellyn.

Author’s Note: I am in the process of writing the first book in the Wolf Pact series. The idea for Wolf Pact came very early to me, when I was

writing the major outline for the Blue Bloods books, and once the story expanded, the wolves seemed to merit a series of their own. The following

is a sneak peek at the first book. The series follows the continuing story of Bliss Llewellyn as she sets off to find the Hounds of Hell.


The shadows made everything look larger, and smel worse. Styrofoam platters and massive rols of waxed paper were stacked on the counters.

Hooks from empty meat racks hung from the ceiling, their crooked silhouettes looking even more ominous in the moonlight. Tacked on the brick wal s

were charts mapping animal parts. Shoulder. Chuck. Loin. Near the entrance were two large glass counters ful of steaks and chops wrapped in

cel ophane.

Bliss Llewel yn took a deep breath and held it for as long as she could, wil ing her tense muscles to relax. She had tracked the beast inside the

butcher shop, had watched its arched, furry body slink in through the back door. This was it. She’d been in Hunting Val ey for three days now, and had

combed every inch of it, which wasn’t too hard, real y. It was barely a town—the downtown area consisting of one honky-tonk bar and several

boarded-up storefronts. It was the kind of place most people left as soon as they had the means; the kind of place for those left behind.

Bliss crept as quietly as she could across the wet stone floor. This was the end of her chase. Everything she had done so far had led to this

moment. The beast was lurking somewhere within the darkness, waiting. She would have to be quick. She had seen the carnage it had left in the

woods, had fol owed the trail, and now she was at its end.
Tame the hounds
, her mother had told her.
Bring them back to the fold
. She would have to

bring it to heel, somehow. Her eyes caught a flicker of light in the distance. In the back of the room she noticed the door to the meat locker was open,

revealing a carcass swaying like an inverted pendulum. So that was why her surroundings smel ed of blood.

She closed her eyes so she could hear.
. She pinched her nose. The smel was distracting. When the Visitor had been her only

contact to the outside (or was that inside?) world, she found she could listen better if she closed her eyes and withdrew from her other senses. She

was human now, with human limitations. She could no longer listen to a conversation conducted fifty feet away; she could no longer lift objects five

times her body weight; she could no longer do any of the things she had taken for granted when her blood was blue.

But even if she was only human, she was used to the dark. The Visitor had taught her that. She heard a clock tick, the sound of a hook grinding

against a chain, heard the soft click of claws against the concrete—the beast, stirring . . . and then there, barely perceptible, was the sound of breathing. There was someone else in the room, someone other than the creature. But where? And who?

The horrible clicking grew louder, and Bliss heard a snarl, deep and primeval and vicious, and then the sound of breathing became louder, more

desperate—suddenly a scream from beyond the doorway. Bliss leapt from her hiding place and ran toward it.


A knife fel to the floor. She swiveled in its direction, then stopped. The knife was a ruse, a distraction. The beast was behind her now; it was

trying to steer her away from the door. She could see it watching her from the shadows, its crimson eyes staring at her baleful y. Did it think she was

stupid? She might not have her vampire abilities anymore, but that didn’t mean she was completely useless. She was stil fast. She was stil

coordinated. She had the speed and skil of an athlete.

The beast snorted and raked its claws across the concrete. It was angry and getting ready to jump. Bliss figured it was now or never. She pushed

her way toward the open door, clambering onto a table and spraying a dozen knives across the room. The beast leapt but she was faster, and when

she reached the oversized steel door, she grabbed the handle and, using its weight as a pivot, swung around so that she pul ed it closed behind her.

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