Read Blue Colla Make Ya Holla Online

Authors: Laramie Briscoe,Chelsea Camaron,Carian Cole,Seraphina Donavan,Aimie Grey,Bijou Hunter,Stella Hunter,Cat Mason,Christina Tomes

Tags: #Romance, #Box Set, #Anthology, #Fiction

Blue Colla Make Ya Holla (15 page)

BOOK: Blue Colla Make Ya Holla
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“It’s late, I gotta work in the morning. Get some rest. LoraLeigh, don’t worry about the fights okay. Now, get some sleep.” He starts to turn away when I reach out to stop him. I lace our fingers together and lead him to his room.

“Stay with me.” I invite him. Heath knows me better than I seem to know myself and he nods before going to get ready for bed, as I do the same. He lays down and pulls me against him. We sleep like we always do after my nightmares. For the first time since I was a teen, I can say I sleep through the night.

It feels good.

Three weeks pass as Heath and I both work and cohabitate together. He has taken me out to dinner twice in what were our first dates. He brought me flowers and kissed me goodnight both times. Who am I kidding, he kisses me goodnight every night. We sleep in his bed together as well, but he doesn’t push me for more.

Tonight is fight night. Dread fills me. Kenzy is supposed to come to the house for a movie night. Honestly, there is nothing that will take my mind off the fight. It isn’t about what the fights mean to me; well, not completely. More so, I don’t want Heath injured. He has come to mean too much, he has gotten too close.

“Let me go with you,” I blurt out as we are closing up the gym.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? If Pete is there, they will see I’m still doing my part. Anyone questioning what I may or may not have leaked will see I’m where I’m supposed to be.”

Heath blows out a frustrated breath as Wendol shakes his head. “She makes a valid point man. I gotta know, though, will she be a distraction for you?”

Without a word, Heath is standing in front of me. He cups my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine for answers to what I am unsure. His lips meet mine and a cascade of unspoken emotions washes over us in this moment. He pulls away slowly pulling my bottom lip out as if he doesn’t ever want to let go.

“I gotta know you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.”

“Call Tapper on the way. Have him meet us there. He and Kenzy can sit with her. He’s on the list anyway so we won’t ruffle feathers having them there.”


The run-down buildings
are all the same in fashion. The smell of sweat, body odor, and too many people in a closed room all assault my nose as I make my way to the front with Tapper in front of me and Kenzy close behind. I sit like a statue through round after round. I compose my features, my emotions like I did for how many fights in the past. Final match is called.

Hitman versus Professor

I can hear Pete taunt Heath from where I sit.

“Lose to me and you don’t need to pay up, you can just give me her back.”

“Better kill me here and now, the only way I’ll be apart from her is when my body no longer works,” Heath grits back at him.

“Her pussy is golden. It’s like a vice around my cock. Miss that shit. I get it man. I’m just sayin’ you lose, I’ll take her over the cash.”

“Fuck you, fuck your cash, and fuck your cock. She’s mine.”

“Careful, Hitman, people might think you have a weakness,” Professor smirks before looking at me and grabbing his crotch.

Bile rises up in my throat as all the memories of my past flood my mind. Pushing them down, I focus on Heath. The bell rings and he is like a lion protecting his territory. He circles Pete before he straight pounces. He takes him and down and the punches fly as Pete wraps his legs around Heath and tries to gain leverage from the bottom.

Heath rises up from his knees to standing. He is holding Pete immobile with his legs wrapped tightly around his sides and he has crossed Pete’s arms over his chest. Dropping to his knees he slams Pete’s back into the mat. Both men cry out. Pete is strangled in pain. Heath’s sounds more like a war cry as he releases Pete’s hands and pounds away at his face and ribs.

The round ends with Pete unable to get up without Joel coming over to assist him. I can hear Wendol trying to calm Heath down.

“Gotta slow down. If he bounces back, you won’t have the stamina to finish him.”

“I’m gonna fuckin’ finish him, mark my words. I’m ending him tonight.”

The bell rings and the round begins. Pete tries to take Heath down, but he keeps them standing. Separating, they exchange a few jabs before the right hook makes contact on Pete’s jaw. He takes two steps in a stumble backward before his eyes visibly roll back in his head and he hits the mat. Lights out, knock out. Heath wins.

I breathe. Heath exits the cage, ignores the crowd making his way to me, and he kisses me in a passion filled dance of ownership.

This is one ownership I could get used to. This is one ownership I welcome with open arms.

We get home and I can’t think beyond my need to be with this man. He showers and changes into low slung pajama pants. He climbs into bed beside me. I am wearing one of his t-shirts and my panties. As he lays there, I climb over to straddle him. He starts to speak, I bring my index finger down over his lips to quiet him.

“I want this, Heath. I need this. You have made everything in my life better. Make this better for me too. Give this to me – give this to us.”

Before he can respond I bring my mouth crashing down on his. I roll my hips dragging my center over his quickly hardening erection. His hands come up to cup my ass sending tingles up my spine. I have never been touched because I have wanted it, until now. Needing more, I pull away and remove his shirt. My breasts rub against his bare chest causing me to moan from the contact.

I kiss across his jaw and down to his neck. When I suck on his earlobe his hips rock up as his hard cock rubs against my core, dampening my panties. His hands cup my ass, as his fingers trace the edge of my panties at my center teasing me. Slowly, he circles my opening. Gently, he dips one finger in. The sensations overwhelm me as I stop sucking on his neck and ear to feel what he is giving me. He bends his head to take my nipple in his mouth as his finger begins working me in a steady pace.

When I start to take more from him, he adds a second finger, working me, stretching me, preparing me. I can only mumble as I feel this need build up inside me.

“More,” I cry out.

His teeth graze my nipple. “Heath. Need. More,” I cry out each word needing him. “You. Want. You. Now.”

“We can stop, LoraLeigh.” His words come out with a bite that reminds me how hard this is for him. I look him in his eyes.

“I want this. I want you. I love you, Heath. I don’t know much about real feelings, but I know I love you.”

My words break the last barrier between us as my panties are ripped from my body at both sides. He slides his pants down enough to free himself before reaching into his nightstand for a condom. He covers himself. Impatience overtakes me as I take him in my hand and guide him into me. He fills me emotionally and physically, in a way I have never had before. Slowly, just like everything between us, I slide up and down on him. Giving and taking, we equally balance each other both in bed and in life. His fingers make their way to my clit, a few soft touches and I explode around him as my pussy continues to milk him until he goes over the edge behind me.

Today is the day I willingly give myself to a man. Today is the day I know what it is to be loved, completely and unconditionally.

Chapter Seven


One Year Later

hings can change
in the blink of an eye. I never would have thought I would win everything in winning one fight. My life was okay before LoraLeigh, but it was unfulfilled. The day she was on my doorstep, she wasn’t my payment, she was my lifeline.

My life has become so much more than working, fucking, and fighting since she came into it. To see the world through her eyes, as she experiences so many things we have all taken for granted, reminds me of how much she has survived.

In all our efforts, we never could find out who her dad is. Her mom truly had no family left. She should have ended up in foster care. It would have been an easier life than what she lived, that is for certain. She survived, though, and it dropped her off on my doorstep.

I was never one to really believe in fate, karma, love, or any of that. I believed you played the hand life dealt you and moved on.

Until LoraLeigh.

She taught me fate will bring two people together when it is meant to be. Karma will reward your goodness even if you have to see beyond the moment to find it. Love is a powerful emotion that can heal the most tattered of hearts. LoraLeigh taught me, most of all, you don’t merely play the hand life deals you and move on. You fight when you can’t fight anymore. Days will get dark at times and you may want to give in, but there is a reason for your being.

She hasn’t harmed herself since the first day in my kitchen. I hope I can be the light to her dark, as she is my inner strength when I feel weak.

We pull up to the court house and LoraLeigh looks over at me. I simply smile at her. Walking around my truck, I open her door and take her by the hand to guide her out. Lacing our hands together, I shut the door and lead her down to a small bench off to the side. Dropping to one knee in front of her, I pull out the ring and pour out my heart.

“Today, I want to make your life not about survival anymore. We’re here at the courthouse. I want today to be the first day of the rest of your life as my wife. LoraLeigh, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my days protecting you, cherishing you, and growing with you. I want to spend the rest of my nights making love to you. As long as I live you will be my first, my last, and my only. Karma saw fit to bring us together. Cupid saw fit to shoot his arrow straight at my heart. Sweets, can you see it fit to be my wife? Share my life with me. Marry me?”

Tears fill her eyes as she nods her head yes.

“You gave me the fight inside to overcome all of my past. I love you, Heath. I want nothing more than to be your wife.”

Nothing I’d rather do than hold this woman close today, tomorrow, and the rest of my days. Love isn’t a fight. Love isn’t supposed to be painful. Love is pure. Love is raw. Love is passion. Love is all consuming.

~ Nothing more I’d rather do in my life than love this woman, love my wife. ~

And they lived happily ever after…

The End

Maverick and MaKenzy have their own story available in the Moments in Time: A Collection of Short Fiction available on Amazon.

About the Author

Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming.

Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream; she realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice.

Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspire her Love and Repair Series and best-selling The Hellions Ride Series. She also co-writes The Fire Inside Series and The Regulators MC Series.

When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in.



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a novella

Carian Cole


BOOK: Blue Colla Make Ya Holla
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