Blue Love

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Authors: MJ Fields

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Blue Love

Book One

MJ Fields



Copyright 2013 MJ Fields

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the writer
’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organization is entirely coincidental.

This book is intended for adult readers only.
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Coming Soon
MJ Fields

New Love
book 2

Sad Love
book 3

True Love
book 4


[email protected]



To my parents who have lived through it all with me and still love me. To my siblings who I hold so tightly it may sometimes hurt and still laugh and cry with me. To my nieces and nephews you make me smile each time your names touch my ears or heart. To my family, all of you mean the world to me and I am so glad we are genetically linked. To my friends, of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, thank you. My husband who I grew older and created perfection with, I love you anyways. To my daughter, my heart, my love, and my life, you are proof that anything is possible through faith.

Thank you

To Lexie my first reader and editor

To Stephanie thanks for jumping in with both feet and all your heart

To Karen who pushed me hardest

To my family who blindly believed

To Ally for patience and unconditional love…even though you cannot read this until you are thirty!



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26


Chapter 1

Only three weeks until school started and Tessa knew something awful was brewing at home. Her parents who always had little arguments had stopped arguing over a month ago. Maggie, her mother was busy organizing the house, which meant emptying every nook and cranny, including each closet and cupboard in the old farm house. Her father John was consumed, as he was every summer since before she was born, dodging rain and summer storms while crop session was in full swing.


Tessa and Alex were already skipping out on helping due to fall sports practice and try outs. As a senior Alex was playing football for the first time this year. He had always wanted to try out but things were very busy on the farm. Maggie insisted her husband encourage him. It was his last year in high school and she wanted him to fully experience it. Alex had been very withdrawn since the accident which killed his two cousins five years ago. Jason and Jasper were the same age as Alex. They had not only been cousins but the best of friends.


Tessa and Jade went to the pond after field hockey practice to swim. They discussed their upcoming year and were excited for all the possibilities. Alex pulled in with a truck full of team mates, who piled out and jumped in to the refreshing water.

“Here come the white hat boys Tessa,” Jade said grinning from ear to ear.

For the past two weeks Tessa and Jade
’s field hockey team had practice at the same time as the football players. Tessa and Jade would wait for Alex and Ryan and watch all the freshly showered shirtless hotties walk out of the school. The hottest ones always seemed to be wearing white hats. Tessa and Jade would sit back and take in the view.

School would be different this year. Due to state and federal budget cuts to the education system a few schools in the surrounding areas were closed at the end of last year. The girls called the students from the other schools that would now be attending their school

Tessa and Jade were laying on the raft in the sun when a bunch of white hats swam out to them. Tessa was uncomfortable in the bathing suit she wore, the attention was unwelcome. She dove in, swam to shore, and quickly grabbed her shirt to cover herself. Jade followed behind but slowly walked out of the water bending back to ring out her long black hair. She smiled at the group of white hats and slowly bent down to grab a towel and wrap the lower part of her body.

Tessa picked up her shirt and tossed it at her and Jade laughed and put it on.

You’re naughty Jade,” Tessa said and smirked.

Look at them I think naughty would be fun,” Jade said.

Tessa walked to the truck and jumped in the driver
’s side. Jade smiled and waved as they pulled out. Tessa noticed one of them staring and rolled her eyes and kept driving.


Tessa dropped Jade off. “See you in the morning” she said as she waved goodbye. “Hi Uncle Jack,” Tessa yelled as she pulled out. He waved back. Tessa drove home to the farm.


Jade’s alarm sounded. It was the first day of senior year and she had no desire to get out of bed so she hit snooze and rolled over.

Time to get up,” Jack, her father called up the stairs.

Jade rolled over and groaned,
“I’m up Dad.”

She walked out her door and into the bathroom and looked in the mirror,
you better fix that hair she thought
, and started the shower.

Jade turned seventeen in May. She was tall and well developed. Her hair was long and
a deep dark black. Her parents divorced two years ago, and her mother lived an hour away. She lived with her father, a contractor. Their house was small and cozy. She was the youngest of three children including older twin brothers who would have been in there first year of college, but had died five years ago in a horrible accident.

She walked into the kitchen and her father had made pancakes, he kissed her head and asked,
“What else are you wearing Jade?”

She was dressed in denim shorts that were a little too short for his liking, but perfect for hers. She had on a tank top with a silver flashy design on the front. It clung to her body in all the right places.

She chewed her pancakes and lifted the white sweater off the back of the chair to show him and grinned. He shook his head and said, “That stays on all day.”

If you want a ride you’d better hurry up Jade,” her cousin Alex yelled from the door.

Have a great day baby girl,” her dad said as she grabbed her bag and flew out the door.

He watched as she ran to the truck, she looked like his exwife more and more every day. He looked at the chair and her sweater hung on the back. He grabbed it and ran to the door,
“Hey” he yelled stopping them, “You forgot something,” he said handing it to her through the window as she rolled her eyes at him.

They pulled out the driveway as Alex laughed,
“He wants you to cover those things up Jade,” she smacked him and sat back. Alex was the same age as her brothers but the year they died he chose to stop doing school work and ended up having to repeat the school year forcing him to graduate with his younger sister Tessa and cousin Jade.


The house was quiet; all the kids would be up soon, if she wanted a hot shower she’d better hurry it up. Phoebe jumped up and tiptoed to the bathroom.

Phoebe was seventeen and pretty with her hair cut in a medium length bob, pretty low maintenance. Her parents both died a year ago and she lived with a foster family. Phoebe
’s foster family the Brooks, had ten kids in the large house. Two kids were biological, four adopted, and the other four fosters like her. She had been placed here over the summer, hoping she would not have to move again for a while. She liked this family way better than the last family she had been placed with. A new school awaited her: a school where no one knew about her ugly past. She was happy for a new start.

Becca was waiting for the shower when Phoebe walked out. Becca was exceptionally tall and thin, she had long curly hair and big green eyes. She was a classic beauty, her outside matched her inside. Deep down she loved what her parents had done by taking in all these kids but sometimes she wished they had more time for her. She and Phoebe were the same age and she liked her. Phoebe did not walk into the house for the first time with a chip on her shoulder; she was sweet and had a lost look in her eyes. She seemed at home her

You ready for today?” Becca asked her with a smile.

I think so,” Phoebe replied, “are you?”

Most definitely, there are fewer chores to do now that we are back in school,” she said with a big smile as she walked into the bathroom.

Becca was seventeen and had spent most of the summer at one camp or another; she hadn
’t spent a lot of time at home. The time she did spend at home was consumed by chores, camp, church, and helping with the kids. Unlike for most kids, school was a much needed break from the crazy busy summer.


Tessa was almost eighteen, she was medium height and she had developed over the summer, she was not fond of her new body and much preferred the boyish build she carried last year. She had long blonde hair that hung to her waist and big sparkling blue eyes that people often mistook for contact lenses. She was the third in the family of five. She lived on a farm just down the road from Becca’s family.

Tessa honey it’s time to come down, breakfast is going to get cold,” Maggie yelled.

Tessa grabbed her clothes she had s
et out the night before. She had picked up knee length khaki shorts and a light blue baggy tee. She wanted to cover up those stupid and unfamiliar mounds of flesh. She went and showered and was the last to get up, so today Tessa got the cold shower.

’s siblings were, Molly her twenty year old sister, she was attending community college, and planned to get her bachelors when she finished. Alex was nineteen and on the football team for the first time this year. Kendall was a 15 year old tomboy, and Jake was 14. Her parents, Maggie and John Ross, had been married for 21 years, high school sweethearts. Things were not good between them at all. Tessa knew it was only a matter of time as she had overheard many arguments.

Tessa was dressed and sitting at the table when Alex pulled in after picking up Jade. She ran out and got in the truck. The stupid smelly school bus as Kendall and Jake called it was here
, Maggie took pictures and watched as her two youngest got on.
How could this have happened


Jade started to decorate her locker, she was putting in a mirror when she realized she had the sweater on, she stuck her tongue out at herself and took it off and smiled. Tessa’s locker was next to hers as usual, cousins with the same last name.

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