Blue Maneuver (39 page)

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Authors: Linda Andrews

Tags: #Book I: Extraterrestrial Security Program

BOOK: Blue Maneuver
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Lani pointed down the second hill. “There’s a car down there behind those trees. Maybe it can take us home.”

Seffy refrained from pointing out that cars in dream world blast zones didn’t run. They mostly loomed, or in this case, squatted…menacingly.

“Looks like a Caddy,” Gareth said. “An old one.”

They headed down the hill and toward a straggly grove of pine trees, which cast long, gnarled shadows in the purpling light.

“A Coupe de Ville,” Gareth said. “Circa 1971.”

“Uh oh, maybe this is real,” Seffy said. “My dream would’ve featured a BMW 650i.”

“Good choice,” Gareth said, a tense smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

“Will it drive?” Lani asked in a nervous voice.

“Doubtful,” Gareth said, sounding discouraged. “But it will be a good place to spend the night.”

Spend the night
?” Addison said, her eyes shiny with moisture. “Are you serious? Let’s keep walking until we find civilization—”

“Or at least a modestly priced hotel,” Seffy said, raising a brow.

“With a pool,” Lani added.

Gareth turned to Addison and put his hands on her shoulders. “Look around you,” he said gently. “We can see for miles. There are no roads and we don’t know what direction civilization is in.”

Addison chewed her lip, tears spilling down her cheeks. She dashed them away with the back of her hand. “It just feels like we’re totally giving in here and going all survival modey.”

“It’s getting dark. We just need a place to regroup and figure out what happened and how to get home.”

“And then what?” Addison said, her voice shaky. “What happens in the morning? Help arrives?”

“We wake up,” Seffy said. “We go back to our real lives, and refrain from wallowing in the past as we’ve agreed.” She cleared her throat. “Besides, I have an audition I cannot miss.”

“Another ‘audition’?” Addy said. “Watch out for that casting couch, sweetie.”

Lani gasped. “What a horrible thing to say!”

“Addy,” Gareth chided, making her blush. “We’re supposed to be supporting each other with our goals, remember?” He turned to Seffy. “That’s great news about the audition. You didn’t mention it earlier.”

Seffy lowered her eyes, her pleasure at his warm tone at odds with what he didn’t know. There were a whole lot of auditions she hadn’t mentioned to him. Maybe it was because she never got the gig…or worse.

Gareth sighed. “Look, I know we’re all scared and upset, but let’s take it down a notch, okay?”

Addison looked away, her mulish expression contrasting with the trembling of her chin.

Seffy didn’t want to feel a pang of sympathy for the redhead. If only Addison understood the challenges of trying to get an acting gig when millions more wanted the same thing—which sucked. But Addison was apparently too busy with her successful exercise classes at an exclusive club to worry about stuff like that. Seffy pushed a lock of hair from her face. She needed to make that audition. If she was chosen for the part, it would take her one step further from all she longed to leave behind…not to mention alcohol-induced dreams and grouchy friends.

And maybe it would bring her one step closer to Gareth’s admiration.

He pulled Addy close in a side hug. “At least we’re together. That’s something to be thankful for.”

Addy shrugged away from his touch. “Except for Verity.”

“Except for Verity,” he echoed in a hollow voice. He shook his head. “You know what, I’m just going to assume she’s okay, wherever she is. I mean, she’s not the only person who didn’t show up with us. We have to assume L.A. is fine and we’re just…someplace else.”

Addison hot Seffy a sharp look. “Which means Verity is probably drinking a tonic tea at Elixir right nows, all safe and sound. Right, Sef?”

“I told you, I don’t know where she is!”

“I think you do! I think you’re hiding something!”

Seffy gritted her teeth. “Hey, if anyone has secrets around here, it’s

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Seffy refrained from answering, knowing she’d earn a dark look from Gareth.

Lani clasped her hands together, her pretty face pinched. “What if this is L.A? All that’s left of it?”

“I thought you said this was a new opportunity?” Addy said, her lip curled.

Lani dropped her gaze and plucked at the folds of her skirt.

Distancing herself from Addison’s insinuations and Lani’s fears, Seffy walked up to the old car. She peered in the dusty windows and tried the rusted handle. She was shocked when the door creaked open. Beating away some of the cobwebs and dust on the seats, Seffy stuck her head inside for a quick look. “It’s got a leather interior.”

Gareth joined her perusal then checked along the dash and visor for keys, but found none. His lips quirked in a humorless smile. “It works in the movies.”

She sighed. “Yeah.”

“And unfortunately, I don’t have a clue how to hot-wire a car.”

“Me, neither.”

He slammed the front door shut.

“Anyway,” Addison said, “the thing is probably full of snakes.”

Seffy edged away from the car. “Hey, you’ll freak Lani out.”

“Lani’s already freaked,” Lani said. “Gareth, can you check for snakes?”

He nodded and grabbed a stick from the ground. After poking and prodding under the seats, he declared the car snake free.

“You just stirred up all the black widows.”

“Okay, Addison,” Seffy said, glaring, “
can sleep outside with the wild animals.”

“There aren’t any wild animals in WeHo, dummy.”

Gareth’s brows lifted. “You weren’t with me on the Strip last weekend.”

Seffy rolled her eyes. “You guys, none of this is real.”

“Maybe we’re in some other dimension,” Lani ventured, blinking hard. “You know, a time wrinkly thing.”

“Gee, I thought Gareth was the only one in touch with his inner geek,” Addison said.

“Hey!” Gareth said with mock offense. “Let’s not get nasty.”

Lani lifted her lips in a wobbly smile. “So we’re not mad anymore? I just wanted things to be the way they used to be. I miss the old us.”

“I’ll be sticking to the new and improved version, thanks,” Seffy said, wondering why they were having this conversation in the first place.

Addison looked up. “What does it mean when the sky turns green?”

Seffy looked up. Indeed it was. And green coming off of purplish-pink just could not be good. “Can this dream get any creepier?”

“Why do you keep talking about a dream, Sef? Wake up!”

Seffy sent Addison a weary look. “I plan to, real soon. And when I do, hopefully you’ll be gone from the house so I can get some peace and quiet.”

“Gareth, she thinks this is all in her head.”

Gareth turned from Addison to Seffy. “This isn’t a dream, Sef. We’re really here in this place—wherever it is.”

“Want me to give you a hard pinch?”

Ignoring Addison, Seffy said, “I’m going to get in this old beater and close my eyes. When I wake up, I will regale this bizarre dream to you all over bubble tea and muffins in the morning and you will think it’s hilarious.”

“No one except you drinks bubble tea anymore,” Gareth said with a weak grin.

“A dream,” Addison said. “Leave it to Sef to go into denial mode during a crisis.”

Seffy was about to deny the charge, but instead slid into the backseat of the car. The leather was warm, the air musty. Exhaustion made her sink into the squeaky upholstery. Lani scooted in next to her, her hair emitting a passion fruit scent. “You using a new shampoo?”

Lani’s bright blue eyes shone in the gloom. “Yes, it’s one of the new botanicals the spa is carrying.”

“It smells a lot better than the inside of this car.”
Are smells common in dreams

“And it’s on sale.”

Seffy laughed, then her smile faded. “When I wake up, I’ll buy some.”

Lani looked down at her hands. “Yeah.”

“Addy, after you,” Gareth said.

“Should you and I sit in the front?”

Gareth wrinkled his brow. “Since it seems like we’re in some kind of desert, we might all want to be together for warmth if it gets chilly.”

Seffy suppressed a snarky comment about Addy’s machinations and tried to get comfortable. Lani leaned her head on her shoulder as the other two got in and pulled the door closed.

A muffled silence fell once they were settled.

“I’m hungry,” Seffy said after a minute, hoping to lighten the mood. “Think there are any sushi restaurants around?”

“Look at the bright side, Sef. This way you might lose that last fifteen pounds you’re always yammering about.”

Seffy mashed her lips together. She’d always been jealous of Addy’s whipcord lean physique and the redhead knew it.

“Not nice,” Lani scolded in a sleepy voice.

“Agreed,” Gareth said from the other side of the seat. “Let’s not get into body image issues tonight.”

At his wry voice, Seffy felt a pang of pity for the man. He sounded more like a brother than a roomie. She wondered if he’d ever think of her as more than a friend—at least while Verity was out of the picture.

Seffy leaned her head against the back of the seat and watched the remnant of the neon sun sink below the horizon as an eerie green glow descended on the land.
Where in the world are we
When will I wake up

Her heart began to pound out an odd rhythm. She swallowed hard, her throat dry.

Lani’s voice broke the silence. “
it the end of the world?”

No one answered the question.




The Z Word



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Copyright (c) 2012 by Linda Andrews

Published by LandNa Publishing

Cover Design (c) Carol Webb, Firebird Media Management

Photos by Valdum, Philcold, Raisa Kanareva


All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

About the Author:

The Z Word

Chapter One

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