Read Blue Moon Dragon Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #paranormal romance, #werewolves and dragon romance

Blue Moon Dragon (3 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon Dragon
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The cat had probably won him over about the time he’d presented Jack with a huge eel in the middle of the night. A gift of the highest magnitude. Yes, that had been the defining moment. Jack centered his mind on the scruffy black cat and fought the dragon that writhed under his skin. The dragon roared in displeasure, the sound echoing through his head. He ached to feel the cool waters of the harbor, the explosive release of sex equally compelling.

You can’t damn well have sex
, Jack shouted silently.
Behave, dammit.
Shit, no wonder he had a headache.

“Are you all right?” A slender hand with pale pink nails touched his forearm. Jack started, his nostrils flaring as her clean floral scent washed over him. His dragon fought briefly then retreated with a snarl.

“I’m fine. Thinking about the case.” Jack didn’t relax an iota. How could he when Emma’s wide-eyed expression screamed innocence? The scent of lavender and roses backed up the veneer of inexperience along with the baby-pink polish painted on her finger and toenails. His gaze drifted up to meet hers.

Whoa, baby
. No way was her avid gaze innocent. She puckered her pink lips then her tongue slid out to moisten the plump curves. The dragon roared approval, and his cock stirred again with definite interest.
Well, hell.

Emma’s intriguing mix of artlessness and pure sex appeal knocked away his previous confidence of his ability to remain detached. This assignment might be the death of him. The dragon wouldn’t let him forget her willingness. Perhaps he should’ve brought the damn cat with him because he was going to be focusing on the furry creature a lot—just in self-defense.

Jack guided Emma to the bow of the boat. It was crowded at present, but once they pulled from the sheltered harbor into the Gulf, the cool sea air and brisk wind would send the passengers scurrying for the warmth of the lounge and bar area. He edged her to the railing and caged her in place with his arms.

Emma jumped and barely bit back a nervous schoolgirl
. Jack, of course, registered her reaction.

“Quit that. Remember you’re playing the part of my partner.”

“I hate that word.” Emma glanced over her shoulder at him. “What does that mean? When someone refers to their partner.”

He crowded her, gritting his teeth as his cock brushed her ass. “Would you prefer lover?” He relished her shiver, and satisfaction filled him as she tried to edge away. “Take care. We don’t want people to think we’re arguing.”

The number of passengers boarding slowed to a trickle then stopped. Finally, the deckhands released the moorings and the ferry slipped from the berth. Excited chatter filled the deck area where they stood. Jack scanned faces and bodies. Despite the breeze, most of the women were dressed in a similar manner to Emma—shorts and skimpy T-shirts or thin cotton shirts. Shouldn’t be long before they beat a retreat inside out of the wind.

“I thought the weather forecast said fine and sunny.” Emma tried to move. “Can we go inside? It’s cold.”

“I want to discuss the case. Work out a plan of attack.” Jack pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. The taniwha stirred, sighing in pleasure. Jack ruthlessly erected a barrier in his mind, forcing the beast back. Then Jack exhaled too, pushing away the hum of pleasure as her scent filled his senses. No doubt about it. Emma fit his arms perfectly.

“Okay, so talk.”

“This is a job, and that’s all. Don’t get any romantic ideas just because we’re posing as a couple. I’m not interested in anything but getting the job done.” Emma froze in his arms, and he wished he could see her expression. Instead, she stared directly ahead at the dormant volcanic island of Rangitoto.

“Of course, I understand.” Her voice emerged clear but stiff.

“Good.” Jack should’ve experienced relief, but instead he felt as if he’d kicked a puppy. However, he’d achieved his goal. She wouldn’t harbor a single romantic illusion about them becoming a real couple.

* * * * *

An hour later, the hostess led them from the resort reception area. She pushed the door open and stood back to let them enter their accommodation.

“There’s only one bed,” Emma blurted.

The hostess gaped at her in bemusement, making Emma realize her error. Of course, they’d be expected to share a bed. This was a week for couples and sex. After all, her mind dwelt on sex.

“He snores dreadfully,” she told the hostess, taking petty revenge for the hurt he’d inflicted on her earlier.
Just a job
No romantic ideas
, she mocked silently as she detoured around the bags the porter deposited in the middle of the floor. No romantic ideas for her. All she wanted was sex—the hot and sweaty kind. “I suppose I can always pull out the earplugs as a last resort.”

“I do not—”

Emma stepped closer to Jack and gave in to the temptation to run her fingers through his hair. The dark locks slithered against her skin—soft and silky and smelling of the sea. Wow, even better than her imagination. “Of course you do, but that’s part of your charm. Too many good points and I’d get bored. I mean you’re excellent at sex. Superior. Great stamina. What more could I ask of a lover?”

Jack made a choking sound deep in his throat as she trailed a hand across his broad chest. Her fingers tingled while her pulse leapt at her daring.

“Can I help with anything else?” the hostess asked, amusement coloring her voice. “Remember, the welcome party starts promptly at midday. It’s just a short meeting so we can outline the activities for the week. After that, you’re free for the rest of the day to partake in all the facilities we have at the resort. We want you to be rested for our gala dinner tonight.”

“Thanks.” Emma continued with her exploration while she had Jack captive and within touching distance. “We have everything we need.”

The door swung shut with a soft click.

“That’s enough,” Jack growled. “She’s gone now.”

Emma drew a sharp breath, gathering her courage. “You need to kiss me.”


Was that panic in his dark eyes? “We’re meant to be a couple,” she explained, starting to enjoy herself. “We’ll have to kiss at some stage to make sure we look the part. I think we should practice. We don’t want to give ourselves away.” Her heart thundered and blood heated every inch of skin. She was hyperaware of his strength and masculinity.

Jack glanced at her and immediately her lips tingled. His chest rose as he sucked in an audible breath. Yep, she’d definitely put the fear of God into him. His mouth worked, but no words emerged, then he grabbed her. Their lips smashed together and parted just as quickly. Jack jerked away, and they stared at each other, both breathing hard.

“That was not a kiss.” Emma broke the pregnant silence. Frustration washed through her, leaving her feeling cheated. Her mission was turning out trickier than she’d envisaged.

Jack scowled. She presumed he meant to frighten her in the same way he scared everyone else he encountered. It wouldn’t work. She was on to him. “Come here. I want to show you how we should kiss in public.”

When he remained motionless, she closed the distance between them. She placed her hands on his shoulders. The muscles and tendons were tense and chilly apart from his dragon tattoo. For some reason the black ink design radiated heat. “You’re very cold.”

“Get it over with.” Jack’s hard smile held enough temper to warn her not to push him any longer.

She stood on tiptoe and gingerly claimed a kiss. He didn’t budge but didn’t cooperate either. Time to move this experiment along. Emma opened her mouth and made contact with her tongue. A groan rumbled deep in his chest.
Oh, yeah!
Score one for the home team. Working on pure instinct, she moved her lips persuasively against his. She nibbled, then soothed the tiny nips with a sensual lick.

Jack’s arms circled her without warning, and he tugged her off-balance until his muscular chest flattened her breasts. He tipped her head back and moved his mouth over hers with a toe-curling expertise. She gasped, taking in his masculine flavor, a hint of mint and the tang of the sea. He tasted good, so good. Then his tongue slipped inside to twine with hers, and she became officially addicted. Her breasts peaked against her bra as their mouths slid together in a sensuous dance.

Jack pressed closer and to her delight, she discovered he was interested.
A hard-on
. With a subtle twitch of her hips, she shifted against his sizeable erection. Her eyes fluttered shut to savor both the sensation and her triumph. Emma Montrose had turned on big, bad Jack Sullivan.

Jack pulled away as abruptly as he’d grabbed her. They stared at each other for a long drawn-out moment. She moistened her lips and his dark gaze followed the movement.
Game, set and match, bad boy

“Right.” He straightened and took a giant step away from her. “We’ve established we can manage a kiss without looking as if we’ve never done it before.” He glared at her, obviously in an attempt to regain control. She wasn’t about to relinquish her advantage, no matter how much he glowered.

His body was interested in sex.

Sex with her.

All she needed to do was push harder until he crumpled.

Without warning, doubt flitted through her mind, sinking tendrils deep. Could she act with sexual aggression? She quashed the negative thought. Nah, men were easy. And damn if she would turn twenty-six without knowing sexual pleasure with Jack.

Jack glanced at the diver’s watch on his wrist. “We’d better go to this blasted meeting. While we’re there, I want you to take note of the faces. If there’s anyone you think is familiar or is mentioned in the file, take note and tell me later.”

Emma nodded. “I’ll just change before we go. I thought I’d check out the pool after the meeting.”

Jack watched the sway of her hips as she walked over to her bag and rummaged through the contents. She fished out something small enough to hide in her fisted hand, then sashayed into the en suite and closed the door. His dragon released a low growl of need.

“Fuck.” He rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes and dragged in a huge breath. He was in trouble and was man—taniwha—enough to admit it. What the hell had happened to the brown sparrow from the office?

The creak of the door jerked him upright. He turned and experienced an instant roar of approval from the taniwha. This was no brown sparrow standing proudly in front of him. Emma Montrose was one curvy, confident, sexy woman and she scared the crap out of him. Her breasts were poured into an itty-bitty red top that barely contained them. Then there were acres of smooth, pale skin before his gaze hit the brief bikini panties shielding her femininity. With her Marilyn Monroe figure, she reminded him of the curvy film stars of the fifties. Add in a little more height and you got Emma Montrose—a luscious armful of femininity.

“Is that all you’re wearing?”

“I have a sarong.” She grabbed a square of red-and-white patterned material from her bag, wrapped it around her hips and tied it with a knot. “I think I’ll buy another from the gift store to take home as a souvenir.”

“What about a thing for the top? A towel?” He gestured at her breasts in their itty-bitty top. Anything to screen her lush curves from his sight.

Emma tossed her head. “I’ll get a towel at the pool.”

“Won’t you get cold?”

This time, Emma shrugged and her breasts jiggled enough to distract him. “The sun has come out and it looks as though the wind has died. Besides, the brochure says there’s nude bathing—”

Jack ripped his gaze from her cleavage to stare at her in shock. “Over my dead body.”

Emma planned to be difficult. The defiant tilt of her chin confirmed her obstinate gene. How had he missed her stubbornness? She’d always scuttled out of his way, giving a creditable impression of a frightened bird.

This Emma was no sparrow.

Jack jerked open the door and stood back. “Let’s go.”

She exited with a sashay, the pert wiggle of her hips drawing his eye. Sweat coated his skin while his cock jumped to high alert. Jack debated his reaction. Curse a blue streak or laugh hysterically? One thing was for sure. They couldn’t share a room without the simmering attraction between them boiling over.
Oh, yeah
. No wonder George had belly laughed. His boss had probably noticed Emma’s crush. The joke was well and truly on him.

Jack followed her along the brightly lit corridor and outside.

The sea, pungent and briny, called its siren song, trying to entice him to shift and slip into the cool waters. He forced himself to concentrate. Instead of facing temptation tonight, he’d wait for Emma to fall asleep, then leave to do some investigating. With luck, he’d be able to check out Mahoney’s office and find something to further their investigation. Or blow the whole case wide open and save his taniwha butt in order for him to hightail it home to safety and his scruffy tomcat.

Emma paused by a garden full of colorful blooms. She trailed a hand over the lavender border. “Do you prefer to swim in a pool or the sea?”

“The sea.”

“You live by the sea, don’t you?”


She made a small huffing sound. “Do you live by yourself?”


“No pets?”

“I have a cat. What’s with the questions?”

“I’m your significant other. I should know these things. I live by myself but have loads of friends. I hate swimming in the sea—long story, but I almost drowned. I’ll tell you one day. I’m twenty-five years old and my favorite food is hokey pokey ice cream. Oh, and chocolate. I love chocolate.”

“This is where the meeting’s taking place.” Jack opened the door and ushered her inside, relieved to end the questions. There was one thing worth knowing about a woman and that was how easy she was to bed. As a taniwha, he needed that type of information. He did
need to know her personal likes and dislikes.

The large meeting space was packed to capacity and most of the women were dressed in similar outfits to Emma’s. In fact, Jack felt distinctly overdressed in his shirt and shorts.

Jack directed her toward two empty chairs and settled at Emma’s side. He scanned the men and women sitting either side. Damn, crowds made him antsy. They were so bloody happy. Shit, make that horny. He could hear their rapid heartbeats and their naughty whispering. The majority of them looked as if they needed a bedroom.

BOOK: Blue Moon Dragon
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