Blue Moon III: Call of the Alpha (5 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon III: Call of the Alpha
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“Why are you watching me like that?”

“I’ve never seen you so domesticated. It’s interesting. You had servants and butlers—”

“That was in the Order,” Alpha cut in. “I’m not there anymore. Never had a need for them, really. I prefer it this way. Making my own meals, doing my own laundry. Everything you do, no matter how menial, is an accomplishment, brother.”

“Yes, I know, Alpha,” Omega drawled, rolling his eyes at his older brother’s sayings.

“If you know, then what have you accomplished lately?” Alpha eyed him. “I’m not your leader or sensei anymore. I’m simply your big brother now.”

He watched him a few more seconds before turning back to his cooking. They sat in silence while he finished up with the salad.

“Someone has requested to see you.”

“Who?” the deep voice asked from the kitchen doorway. Alpha’s body responded immediately. He turned and saw his lover looking comfortable in dark blue Navy sweatpants and a white tank top. His close-cropped hair was still damp and sticking up in random spikes from his shower. It was slightly longer than he used to wear it when he was enlisted and Alpha enjoyed rubbing his cheek over the short strands.

“Another assassin from the Order. He’s requested to speak to you, brother.”

“No.” Call’s voice and tone brooked no room for debate.

Alpha didn’t speak, but his jaw ached with the suppressed urge to argue. Instead, he set their plates on the table and turned back to get their drinks. Strong arms draped over his shoulders and pulled him back into a solid chest. “No one sees you,” Call growled against the back of his neck.

“He is a brother, John.” Alpha turned so Call could see his seriousness. “Let me hear what Omega has to say. Then we’ll decide together.”

Alpha sat down across from his brother, who looked at him again with stunned silence. He picked up his fork and watched the others follow suit. Call sat hard in his chair with an irritated glare.

“You really are his cherished one,” Omega said in hushed shock.

“And he’s mine. Now who wants to see him?” Call demanded.

Omega gave his head a little shake, surely in disbelief at seeing the powerful Alpha in this manner. But Alpha was with his one true life partner. In the Order, they believed that everyone had – though rarely found – a cherished one. Alpha believed that fate had blessed him with his. Soon he’d have to take him back to the Order to be congratulated and receive the ceremony that would bind them with blessings for life.

Call listened as Omega told them about his contact with another assassin named Lion.

“What’s his name, Erik?” Call eyed him intensely.

Omega looked to his brother first, and received a curt nod before turning back to Call. “His name is Firuz Nikahd, Persian for man of triumph. He’s loyal and a fierce protector. There’s some corruption within the Order and he doesn’t feel he can trust anyone else but Alpha.”

Alpha’s eyes narrowed and Call knew that his man was going to want to find out more about this.

“Tell me what you know so far,” Alpha demanded.

“He wasn’t comfortable talking details, even on a secure line. I told him to wait in Greenville and if you approved his visit I would come for him.”

“So he’s an hour and a half away from us right now.” Call dropped his fork, eyeing Omega with hostility. Assassins were too damn stealthy for his liking. Omega could’ve easily been tracked.

“Omega’s not so easy to follow, John. Relax. And Lion wouldn’t take the risk of double-crossing both of us.” Alpha gently stroked a couple fingers over Call’s forearm in an attempt to calm him, but it was hardly working. While he didn’t know the full workings of the Order, he knew that they stood on the side of justice. There were many “good” men in the world who seemingly stood for right but at the first opportunity would quickly stand for wrong if it were beneficial enough. Men went dirty for many reasons: wealth, power, recognition, or all of the above.

Call looked Alpha in his penetrating eyes. “If there is corruption, what do you think you can do about it? You’re discharged.”

“Lion is coming to Alpha because he’s the honorable one. He can trust him if not for help, then for counsel. If the rebellion knew Lion was meeting with Alpha, that alone could give them pause,” Omega justified.

“It could give them pause or give them reason to come up with an attack,” Call argued in return.

“Enough,” Alpha’s dark voice broke over their debate. “Omega if you’re done with your dinner, you’re excused. Go get him and bring him here by six tomorrow evening. That will give me time to make my own calls to check on him.”

Omega quickly wiped his mouth with his napkin, placed his dishes in the sink, and left the kitchen. Call’s eyes were still locked with Alpha’s when he heard their front door close a couple minutes later. “Well, it’s nice that we discussed that first,” Call deadpanned.

“If Shot, Hawk, or any of your Beastmasters for that matter, came to you and requested your assistance, would you even hesitate?”


“Exactly.” Alpha stood and stiffly removed their plates from the table, letting them drop into the sink a little harder than necessary.

Call blew a frustrated breath. Alpha wasn’t some helpless boyfriend who needed his protection, he was a well-trained killer, far more deadly than Call could imagine. Why he was behaving this way, he didn’t know. All he knew was he had love and he wasn’t ready to lose it. But he had to remember that while thousands had hunted Alpha and his brother for years, no one had even come close to catching them, not even his own team. He’d trust his partner, and if Alpha required it, he’d back him up, too.

Call quietly rose from the table. Alpha was standing with his hands braced on the countertop. He placed a heavy palm on Alpha’s shoulder and felt him tense beneath his touch. That wouldn’t do. He leaned in and whispered against Alpha’s ear, “Come upstairs, now.”

“I’m not going to argue about—”

“Now,” Call insisted, squeezing harder.

Alpha’s entire body shook at the command and Call knew what needed to be done. He turned and left the kitchen, his long legs taking two steps at a time as he went upstairs. He shut off all the lights in the hall and in their bedroom, except for the bathroom light. It was just enough.



Alpha checked that the stove and lights were off before he made his way upstairs. They never bothered locking windows or doors or activating alarms. If anyone was man enough to break into their home, then they were man enough to meet their end.

Alpha walked slowly to their bedroom. He was so wound up. Damn, he needed his man, needed his strength. Alpha had plenty of his own, he was born with it. But the strength his lover possessed was like nothing he’d ever felt. He was addicted to it now, craved it. He wondered how he’d gone his entire life without this all-consuming power. If he’d approached Call before, when he was in the field, when he’d watched him from afar, would he have had the same reaction to him back then?
It doesn’t matter, he’s here with me at this moment so there’s no—

“Take off your fuckin’ clothes.”

Oh gods
. Call’s sexy baritone order cut into Alpha’s thoughts, freezing him in place. His cock was rising already. Alpha didn’t turn around. Call was probably sitting in one of the wingback chairs in their bedroom. He could feel that strong presence like you could feel a heat wave. Imagining Call’s hard body vibrating with his restrained power as he watched him grasp the hem of his t-shirt and slowly pull it over his head.

“Turn around and look at me. Let me see that pretty face,” Call whispered roughly.

Yes. This was his man. Alpha turned, sucking in a soft breath. Call was leaning back in the tall chair, half his face and body shadowed by the darkness, the side with the scars illuminated by the light from the bathroom. Alpha groaned at the visual.
Fuckin’ beautiful
. “Take me,” he moaned in Persian.

Call’s reaction was sharp. His chest rose and fell rapidly, but his face remained stoic. He slowly got up from his chair and stalked towards him like Alpha was about to be punished. Maybe he was. “Take you,” Call whispered when he was directly in front of him. Alpha didn’t lower his eyes. He was Call’s equal, he wasn’t a sub. He was a man that enjoyed his man’s dominance.

Oui, je te veux,
” Alpha whispered against Call’s lips, leaning closer for a kiss, but Call pulled away.

He walked behind Alpha, gripping his shoulder so Alpha didn’t turn with him. The hard clasp of Call’s big hand on his neck caught him off guard in the most delicious way. Call closed the very short distance between them and pressed his hard length against Alpha’s ass. He could feel Call’s thick chest hair against his back. Feel his elevated heartbeat. Smell the masculinity pouring off him, off his war hero. “You think because you turn on that sexy French accent that I’m gonna get weak in the knees. Hmm, baby. You think you’re gonna make me lose focus.”

“John,” Alpha hissed

“Shut the fuck up.” Call yanked Alpha into his chest. He spun him around and gripped him under his chin. “Get on the bed.”

Alpha watched Call step back so he could do what he was told. And he did. Alpha crawled onto their king-sized bed and turned onto his back, spreading his tan legs in invitation. He smirked seductively and reached down to cup his balls, knowing how much Call loved to bite on them and make him scream his name. Alpha squeezed and pulled on his sack, his back arched off the bed as he tortured his own balls. Call’s body was strung tight fighting to maintain his control. Alpha could see it, hell he could already taste it.

“I know how much power you have inside you,
mon amour
. Come to me. Let’s give each other what we both need,” Alpha moaned, stroking his cock. His eyes never leaving his lover’s. “I need you, John. Need you so damn bad.”

As if Call’s last shred of control snapped, he was on the bed and pressing Alpha into the firm mattress before Alpha could beg anymore. Call’s wide body spread his legs farther apart and Alpha was just able to hook his ankles around his commander’s body. “

The kiss stole Alpha’s breath away. He was tucked away into a massive chest and hugged by strong arms while he placed kisses all over Call’s left side. He ran his tongue along the indentions and craters on Call’s throat, savoring the soft hisses of air the touches made him release. “More,” Call sighed against his cheek. Nipping and licking up his stubbled chin to his eyes. Call looked down on him and one side of his mouth twitched and Alpha knew they were back, they were okay.

“You’re not mad.” Alpha nuzzled into Call’s warmth.

“I’m not mad, Daskshaun. I just want you safe and with me.” Call’s voice vibrated against his own lithe chest.

“I’ll always be with you. I can’t leave you. I wouldn’t survive.” Alpha made sure Call saw the sincerity in his gaze.

Call gripped both of Alpha’s hands and pulled them above his head, pressing them into the leather padding of their headboard. Alpha moaned at the move. Call thrust his hard cock into his groin, making Alpha’s already weeping cock pulse with anticipation.

“Keep them there,” Call ordered before sliding down Alpha’s body. He kissed and nibbled at his nipples and Alpha immediately wanted to bury his fingers in Call’s short hair.

“I wanna touch you,” Alpha grumbled.

“Keep them there.” Call’s tone was so forceful and passionate Alpha didn’t even consider not obeying.

When Alpha’s dick was engulfed in warm, wet heat, his hips elevated off the bed until strong hands pinned him back down. “Oh. My. Gods. John, that’s it.” Call knew exactly how to please him. Always drove Alpha to the point of craziness and let him loose. He tried to keep his eyes on his man but the pleasure was too extreme. The head of his dick was lodged in Call’s throat while he swallowed around it. Call applied more suction and oh so slowly pulled back one inch at a time, stopping at his cap, flicking it with his tongue. Alpha needed to thrust, rut, anything to keep that feeling going. “More,” he growled.

Call chuckled sadistically and swallowed him whole again. He gripped both of Alpha’s muscular ass cheeks and shoved him in and out of his mouth, controlling how deep and how fast Alpha fucked his face. “Goddamnit. Let me touch you now,
mon amour

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