Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True (20 page)

BOOK: Blue Moon: Too Good to Be True
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“More. Please,” he begged. His body shivered with need and relief. He didn’t care or feel the slightest bit embarrassed. This was why Bass was here.

“Relax, sweet boy. I’ll be rewarding you all night. But right now I want to take a walk with you on the beach and get to know you a little better, and you can ask me questions too…if you want. How does that sound?”

“Actually, I like that idea, sir,” Ryker said a little huskier than he’d intended, his voice revealing his lust. Ryker moved back to let Bass further into his home and showed him where he could put his bag.

“This is the guest room, it’s completely made up and—”


“Where’s your room?” Bass cut him off.

“At the end of the hall.”

Bass closed the guest room door and marched confidently down to the end of the hall and made a sharp left into Ryker’s bedroom. Ryker stood in the hallway speechless until the Dom came back out without his bag. “I’m ready.” He wore the sexiest, most confident smirk as he spun Ryker around and popped him hard on the ass. “Move it…I want to hold you in my arms and watch the sun set.”

Ryker’s cock leaked some more.

They walked out of the back patio door and made their way down to the shoreline. Ryker was glad that he had chosen this place instead of the condominiums downtown. Nothing beat being able to open up your back door and stand on the beach three minutes later.

A gentle breeze blew off the water, making it feel slightly cooler than the reported seventy-five degrees. Ryker laid the blanket down that he’d brought out and they sat and watched the tide disappear for the evening. They didn’t speak. It was peaceful and quiet.

The sun said “good-bye for now,” but not before it arrogantly cloaked the sky in a variety of oranges, purples, and blues. The vibrant yet soothing streaks of color filled the sky and stretched as far as the endless blue sea. The view reminded him of a Thomas Kinkade original canvas. A large white cargo ship paced itself along the distant horizon.
Ahhh. Heaven.

Ryker nestled comfortably between his Dom’s thighs and let his head rest back on a wide shoulder. Bass wrapped his arms around his waist, and buried his capable hands up under Ryker’s fleece polo. He didn’t care who noticed, he never even looked up to see who walked by. This part of the beach was pretty secluded. After several more minutes of silence they were completely alone. He finally felt his Dom place gentle kisses on his neck, collarbone, and cheek. Ryker was in heaven.

Bass clearly meant it when he told Ryker he wanted them to get to know each other. He told him excitedly of a couple of his adventures as a ranger in the Special Forces, and how he always wanted to retire with his sub and live out his days in peace like his parents. He told him about his encounters with

Angel’s father and his squad while they were enlisted men. How what started out as a hostile relationship eventually turned to respect and finally trust.

They’d talked about Ryker’s degrees and his business. Ryker didn’t speak too much on his parents or his childhood days, mostly because it was too fucking depressing and he didn’t want to dwell on that right then. He kept it light, but told him about Max always being the center of his life. He knew his Dom could feel the tension that he constantly carried at caring for his brother. He also knew his Dom would know how to relax him.

He especially liked it when Bass told him what being a Dom meant to him. He said he’d seen some Doms violate their subs and it outraged him.

He told him that he’d had a permanent sub a long time ago, but when he was about to make it official he found out about his infidelity. Since then he’d only played a little but never got a vibe from anyone else to get serious, so eventually he stopped playing altogether.

Since Bass had told Ryker all that personal stuff, he felt it only right to share a little something more personal about himself.

Ryker weaved their fingers together before speaking in a low tone. “I’ve always been fascinated with domination and submission, for as long as I’ve known I was gay. I loved the idea of letting a strong man control my body, my heart, and my mind. The thought of being able to just live and let go appealed to me more than I could put into words. Watching the act in videos or reading about it in books doesn’t give you the real aspects of that way of life.” Ryker tensed a little and cleared his throat. He felt those arms around him get a little tighter and it immediately settled him.
Mmmm, yes

“I went to a club downtown to hopefully have my first experience with submission. It was supposed to be by invitation only and it was pretty secret.

I thought there would be only the best Doms at this secluded, members-only club. But I guess I was misinformed.” Ryker let out a depressed breath. “I wanted someone to see me and maybe scene with me to see if we had a connection. I wanted a Dom that would be mine and only mine. I wanted to meet a Master that would teach me and nurture me. My baby brother drained so much of me all the time, I always felt like I’d never been guided or cared for because I focused all my energy and attention on him.” Ryker swallowed

hard and continued, but his hands began to tremble slightly at the horrible memory.

“Relax, boy…I’m right here. Tell me what you experienced,” Bass whispered.

“As soon as I walked in there were several men checking me out as I made my way to the bar. A few of them approached me but I turned them down. They went away, but some didn’t take the rejection well. One guy, decked out in red leather, smacked me in my face.” Ryker inhaled sharply, but continued. “He called me ‘teasing cocksucker.’ Before I could react a man stepped in front of me and pushed the man from my face. He told him that I was his and he didn’t want to see anyone put their hands on me without his permission.

“I thought I’d found the Dom for me. He wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous, but he was handsome in his own way. I wasn’t, and have never for that matter, been hung up on looks and appearances. I was just so happy he’d stuck up for me…someone had actually stepped in to care for me, since no one ever has before. He took me back to one of the rooms and we did some light playing, a little flogging and some spanking. He was real attentive and very careful. I knew some of the basic rules but it was my first time doing a scene, and I told him this. He said I was gorgeous. He said he would teach me. God, Bass. I fell to my knees and begged him.” Ryker choked out a sob at the embarrassing confession.

“We stayed in a private room for a couple of hours. After our playing was done and he’d gotten off, I asked him if I could come and he…he, he…” Ryker stuttered in shame. He knew his face was as red as the colors lacing in the sky. “He turned to me with this horrific look on his face. He said I was a fucking ungrateful little boy and should only be concerned with pleasing him. I was more than shocked…and disappointed. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I was already upsetting my Master. I felt foolish when I tried to remember what the subs did in the videos I’d watched. Regardless, I got dressed like he’d commanded. My erection was no longer an issue. We went back out into the club and he instantly yanked me back by my hair and barked at me to stay directly behind him.” Tears streamed down Ryker’s

burning cheeks. “Bass, I can’t. This is fucking stupid…I was stupid.” He violently wiped the stubborn tears that continued to fall. He gazed out at the waves flowing up on the shore. He couldn’t look in Bass’s eyes—it was too much to see the humiliation of his naivety reflected back at him.

“It’s okay, baby. Breathe,” Bass crooned against his ear. His voice was gruff with emotion. “It’s all right. No one will ever hurt you again, sweetheart, as long as I live and breathe. But I need to know what you’ve experienced. Believe it or not, it’ll help us. Just hold my hand, baby, and keep going.”

Ryker stayed silent for a couple of minutes, and Bass waited. He held the man’s strong hand and drew in his strength.

“I kept following him like he’d said. He went to the bar and told me to buy him a drink, and when I bought us two beers he took both of them. He sat on one of the bar stools and told me to sit on the floor beside him. I was embarrassed because no one else was on the dirty floor, but I did as I was told. I saw other subs sitting in men’s laps, and even the few on their knees had pillows as they rested their heads in their Dom’s laps. I tried to rest my head on his thigh, but he pushed me off. People were looking at me and making little snide remarks, but I just kept my head down.

“He sat there on the stool drinking both his beer and mine along with many more until he was fucking drunk. He didn’t speak to me anymore. I’d been on the floor on my knees for two hours and by then I was thirsty as fuck.” Ryker felt Bass’s breathing accelerate and his body tense up behind him but he kept going. “I thought this had to be some kind of endurance test. After another hour my legs were completely numb and I began to shake.

No matter how hard I tried to concentrate on being still it only made me shake even more. I looked up and asked as respectably as I could for something to drink. He kicked me over. His friend held me under his boot to pin me down while my so-called master poured a beer on me.

“I struggled to get up, but when I did, I pushed him away from me.”

Ryker knew he was stone-faced now. The emotions were cutoff…like he was so good at doing. “He yanked his whip off his shoulder and slapped me across my face with it, splitting my cheek open. I ran outta there as fast as my

numb legs would move. I heard slurred curses that I was just a stupid worthless pup.” Ryker let out a sinister laugh. “Sounded just like my da…”

Ryker didn’t finish that sentence.

“I was so damn scared…and bleeding all over the goddamn place. I thought he was on my heels, but it was another sub from the club. He stopped me from running, and took me to the hospital. I sat in the emergency room alone, vowing that there was no way I would ever put myself through something like that again.

“All the books I’d read and all the videos that I watched were fucking bullshit. Since then I’ve only fantasized about submission, too fucking terrified to act on it. I had to leave town immediately. I couldn’t let Max see me, there is nothing I could’ve said to justify the way my face looked. Even the doctor that stitched me up didn’t believe the lie I told. I told Max that I was working on a huge business merger and I’d be back in three months.

Until this day, he still doesn’t know I had plastic surgery to remove the bulky scar tissue from my face. I had to protect Max, he couldn’t see me with bruises…not again.”

“You went through all of it alone.” Ryker didn’t have to reply, it wasn’t a question but a statement. Bass didn’t say anything else, he just held him tight and continued to smother him with gentle kisses. Then Bass’s entire body went rock hard. “Baby, look at me.”

Ryker twisted in the rigid embrace and very slowly raised his head so his eyes could meet Bass’s hard eyes. The normally exotic hazel flecks that swarm in his irises now looked like flakes of smoldering ash, and Ryker saw the Special Forces Army Ranger Lieutenant. “I swear on everything that I hold dear, and if it will please you. You say the word and I will track that fucker down and bring him to kneel at your feet. I will put him in a ranger chokehold and force him to beg for your forgiveness right before I crush his windpipe with my bare hands.” Bass’s growled threat made him tremble.

Ryker crawled up to his knees and hugged his new protector with every ounce of strength he had. “You’ve already fixed it, sir.” Ryker could put that memory behind him for good. He was ready to submit to his true Master.


A. E. Via


Bass embraced his beautiful boy until the temperature got too cool for them to ignore. “Let’s go back in, sweetheart.”

Ryker efficiently moved around in his modern kitchen as he prepared a light dinner. Ryker was focused on his task and Bass couldn’t resist, he had to touch him. Bass had a newfound respect for this man. He’d been through way more than he’d confessed to on the beach, but Bass would learn more when Ryker was ready. Under the expensive suits and ties and behind the degrees was a man that desperately needed the direction of a Dom. He wrapped his arms around him from behind, and Bass watched over his shoulder as Ryker flipped the sautéing chicken breast. He saw a breathtaking smile form on Ryker’s lips as he smothered his face in the crook of his neck.

“You smell so good, sweet boy.” He purred seductively into Ryker’s ear.

“Later, I’m going to explore your body and see if you smell like that everywhere…tell me how much you’d like that.” Bass spoke in a deep and sensual voice.

“Mmmm…yesss sir. I would like that very much,” Ryker hissed.

During dinner they talked about little things. They discussed their favorite types of music, foods, favorite bands, artists, authors, movies, even their favorite colors. Since he was eleven years Ryker’s senior, he was surprised that they had more in common than he’d thought. They both liked Italian but typically preferred American food. Neither was big on art but could still respect its beauty when they saw it. Bass was surprised when Ryker said he preferred jazz, compared to Bass’s soft rock and some R&B. Bass was floored when Ryker said his favorite movie was
The Notebook

“Can you be any more gay?” Bass teased his boy.

Ryker laughed and threw his balled up napkin at him. “Well, probably not, but come on. I admit it’s a guilty pleasure, but anyone who’s seen it can’t say that they don’t wish they could have that type of unconditional love from a partner.” Ryker’s smile faded. His beautiful green eyes glazed over as he spoke. “A partner that will love you and only you for the rest of your days, and when you are gone his life’s not worth living anymore.”


Ryker stared unflinchingly into Bass’s golden gaze. Ryker’s emerald greens never flinched, but his pink cheeks betrayed his so-called confidence.

Bass brought up a hand to gently caress that cheek.

“Is that what you desire, boy?”

Ryker’s gaze dropped slightly, and Bass saw the heat rise up his long neck. “I guess so, but I’m a realist before I’m a romantic, sir.” He looked up again. “Life doesn’t work that way. If you don’t have unrealistic expectations about love and life…then you’re not so disappointed when love or life fails you.” Everything was silent for a few long minutes before Bass simply stated, “Let’s go to bed.”

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