Blue Streak: A Blue Series Novella (12 page)

BOOK: Blue Streak: A Blue Series Novella
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“Well,” she says with a smile, “I spoke with my colleagues and—you got the internship. It was unanimous. We’re very excited to have you on board. In fact, Adam and Deborah are rather anxious for you to start. We’re backlogged up here and could use someone with your abilities.”

“Oh my gosh,
thank you
. And yes, lay it on me. I can start as soon you want.”

She grins. “Excellent. I’ll give you a call this week to discuss schedules. I understand you’re still working at Blue as a waitress. There shouldn’t be a problem working around your shift if you think you can commit three to four hours in the afternoon?”

“Yes, no problem.”

Adam walks past the doorway, and I swear Hayden’s back straightens. As if she senses him, she glances over her shoulder, then smiles stiffly at us. “Wonderful. I’ll be in touch.” She walks off in the opposite direction.

Mira heads to the door and closes it behind her boss. “Oh my God, oh my God!”

“I got it,” I squeal, my cheeks cramping, I’m smiling so hard.



I don’t know
why I’m nervous. I wasn’t the one with the job interview. But that’s my girl at Blue, sitting across from the bigwigs. I don’t want her to get hurt.

See—this is why I was afraid to take a risk with Nessa. I want to protect the hell out of her. And love her. Love her in my bed too, because damn, that’s fun. My mind drifts to last night and the position we pulled off in the hot tub. Gotta do that one again. Soon. The hot tub has become my new favorite place to spend time with Nessa.

I shake my head. All I do is think of my girl.

My girl.
I like the ring of that. She’s mine and I’m hers and that’s all there is. I grin as I prepare the chicken for tacos tonight. Everyone’s coming over for our weekly dinner. No more sick girlfriends holding the boys back, and no work obligations. I have it on good authority that there are no Blue events tonight, so Mira has no reason to flake. Even Tyler wrapped up his book edits and will be here.

The whole gang is back together. It’ll be the first time we’ve hung out since Nessa and I became a couple.

Some of the guys have asked me what’s going on. They suspect things, especially after I picked up Nessa from Mira and Tyler’s place and never returned her. Never heard the end of that one from Mira. And while I don’t care who knows that Nessa and I are together, I don’t feel the need to go into details about how it came to be. Nessa’s the most important person to me. That’s all they need to know.

The door creaks open and I spin around. Nessa plops her purse on one of the living room chairs and walks over, giving me a big hug. “Mmm, you feel good,” she says.

She knows I’m dying to know what happened. She’s totally leaving me hanging, sassy little thing. I grab her ass. “Well? How’d it go?”

She reaches around and steals shredded cheese from the counter, stuffing it in her mouth. I watch as she chews, a wet, pink tongue swiping a small piece off her plump bottom lip.

I haul her closer. “You had better give me the abbreviated version, because watching you eat—it’s giving me ideas. We’ve got business to take care of before our friends arrive.” I waggle my eyebrows.

She reaches down and palms my erection. “I got it.”

My mind draws a blank. “Got it?” My erection. Yes, yes she does. I lean down and kiss the smooth skin of her neck. “What, babe? Me? Yup, but you already know that.”

She starts unfastening the row of buttons at the top of her white blouse, which is tucked into a narrow brown skirt that accentuates her beautiful curves. I pull out the hem of her top and work on her lower buttons.

“The internship,” she says.

I slide the shirt down her arms and toss it aside. “You got it?” She grins, and I squeeze her in a bear hug, careful not to hold her too tightly. My cutie is petite and I don’t want to hurt her.

“Congratulations,” I say. “Not that I doubted it. Of course you got the job. Who wouldn’t want you?”

She grins and leans toward my ear. “Now, where were we?” she whispers, and I feel her pulling my shirt up my back.

I jerk it over my head and quickly kick off my pants. I remove some belt thing she has cinched around her waist that’s probably the height of fashion, but looks like a samurai sash to me, and shove up her skirt, then lift her in my arms.

“Our friends will be here in half an hour, but you deserve lots of pleasuring for doing such a good job today, so we better hurry.”

She giggles and wraps her sexy legs around my waist as I run with her down the hallway to my bedroom. I leap and twist in midair, landing backward on the bed, Nessa on top.

“Ahhh!” she cries above me, her body bouncing—all the good parts, anyway.

I drag her mouth down and kiss her while my hand slides up her leg to the sweet spot I’ve been thinking about all afternoon. Damn, my girl is hot.

Nessa sits up and shimmies out of her panties, her skirt hiked around her waist. She tugs at my boxers. I lift my hips with her on top so she can get them down far enough. Cool air hits my erection, and then her soft, warm body covers me.

I groan. The perfection of her body against mine is something I will never get over. We fit together—we always have. In every possible way. I was just too afraid to reach for it.

As I consider the ways in which I love and want to love Nessa, my heart rate kicks up and pressure builds in my groin. As turned on as she makes me, this could be over in two minutes if I’m not careful—okay, one, if I’m being honest—but that’s not gonna happen.

I flip her over and inch down her body, unfastening the pretty lavender bra she hid, the bad girl, underneath her business top. I kiss one breast, then the other, my palms following the path of my mouth. I unbutton her skirt, consider taking it off, then decide it’s too much work and I’ve got places to be.

My eyes linger on her pretty legs and the part of her I consider my personal heaven. Holding the backs of her thighs, I push her legs up and lick her center.

She moans. I do it again and again, enjoying the little sounds she’s making, but it’s not enough. I want her out of her mind.

I insert a finger and find the spot I discovered the other day that she really likes.

Her breath hitches. “Zach,” she says, her voice breathy and sexy as hell.

I don’t stop. My mouth, my hands, are all over her, pleasuring and loving her until she cries out, her body convulsing, hands clamping a pillow over her face.

She tosses the pillow aside and blows a lock of hair out of her mouth. “Agaah… Can’t talk.”

I kiss the inside of her leg and inch back up her body. “No need. Just let me do the work.”

A wicked glint shines in her eye and she sits up, straddling my lap. Before I can figure out what position she’s going for, I’m inside her and she’s falling on me, my legs pinned beneath us. This might end in a hell of a leg cramp, but I’d rather lose a limb than stop.

I grab her ass and kiss the beautiful breasts that are bobbing in front of my face—the sexiest sight imaginable. As predicted, my release comes hard and fast, and if I’m not mistaken, she comes too, because I feel her milking me for everything I’m worth. And you know what? She can have it all. I want to give her everything and more.

Our breaths are uneven as I straighten my legs beneath us, Nessa still straddling me and nestled in my lap.

I roll to the side and take her with me.

She turns over and I spoon her from behind. I could easily pass out.

Nessa reaches back and slaps my ass. “No sleeping. They’ll be here soon.” She climbs out of bed, her cute little butt swishing on her way to the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” I croak.

“To shower, Zach. For real, you can’t fall asleep. You’re the one who feeds us.”

True; none of my friends can cook for shit. Gotta fix that. Putting a crimp in the alone time with my girl.

I may want to pass out, may not feel like getting up and feeding my friends, but you know what? It’s a good problem to have.

Nessa is my blue streak in the sky—that flash of lightning that knocked me off my feet when I first met her. I never thought I deserved her, but I do. I’ve finally grabbed on to her bright light, and there’s nothing better than sharing my life with her. Because I’m the guy who’s going to care for her and love her more than any man has ever loved a woman. I may piss her off from time to time, but I’m never going to give her a reason to doubt my devotion.

She has it—all of me.



pull up
to the small, brown, run-down dwelling near Nessa’s old apartment. Two front doors face the street, a pitched carport in the center separating the two units. “Well? What do you think?”

“It’s—” Nessa cocks her head, taking it in from another angle.

“A piece of shit,” I say for her. “But I’m going to fix it up. Don’t you think it has potential? With new paint and a little landscaping?”

So far, Alexis hasn’t tried to reach out to me since she kissed me in her hotel room, and I haven’t seen her at the casino. I think she’s finally taking me seriously, thank God. I don’t want to go to the police, but I will if she tries anything again. Now that I have Nessa, I just want to continue to build what we have together. Nothing’s ever felt more right.

Nessa smiles at me. “It’s awesome. And I’ll help. We’ll make remodeling it a project. In fact, I bet the gang will help too.”

Now, there’s an idea. About time my food-freeloading friends lifted a hand. They’ve been using my kitchen as their own for years. “I’ll call them this afternoon. Escrow closes in two weeks, and if we plan it right, we can get in and make the upgrades quickly. The faster I get the work done, the sooner I can get renters in.”

I have dreams of owning a few duplexes and making a living off the rent. That’s a little ways away, but this is a start. Owning land gives me the stability I crave, and working at Blue with Nessa while I build my empire means more time with her.

Blue is about to hire Nessa as a full-time employee in the marketing department. She’s only been there a few months, but she’s kicking ass so hard, they’ve already moved her from an intern to a part-time employee.

“Lewis has all that extra gravel lying around in his yard, now that his landscaping is finished,” Nessa says. “I wonder if he’d let you have the rest? Oh my gosh, and you could get Jaeger to make cute wooden shutters with pine trees cut into them. It’s going to be so adorable! We could even have a painting party.”

I grab her and kiss her firmly on the mouth. “A topless painting party?”

“With our friends around?”

“Dude, no. Before our friends come. Like a topless prep-party for the painting party—one that involves just you and me. Exactly the way I like it.”

I haven’t said anything to Nessa, because I don’t want to scare her away, but the fire under my ass to own more property is because I want to be able provide for us. If Nessa wants to work, I fully support her. But I want to be able to take care of her no matter the situation. That’s important to me.

She shakes her head in exasperation, but there’s a naughty grin on her face. “Topless-hot-tubbing-after-the-painting party?”


The End

Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed reading Nessa and Zach’s story in
Blue Streak
! Are you ready to find out how Hayden will whip the bad boys of Blue Casino into shape in the final installment of the Blue Series? Or maybe you’re just curious about Hayden’s sexy new colleague, Adam, and his role in Blue’s old boys’ club? <3

to sign up for my New Release Newsletter for an email alert of when
New Blue,
the final book in the Blue Series, releases. Newsletter subscribers gain access to Subscriber Extras on my website, which includes a FREE extra scene in Jaeger’s point of view that takes place after
Deep Blue
(Blue Series 1).

Read on for a description of
Fates Divided
, the first full-length novel in my brand-new romantic fantasy series, Halven Rising, set to release in 2015.




Please share your love of books and the characters in the Blue Series by leaving a review at the retailer where you purchased
Blue Streak
. Thank you!

Stay connected with Jules:


The Blue Series

Deep Blue (Book 1)

Blue Crush (Book 2)

True Blue (Book 3)

Blue Streak: A Blue Series Novella (Book 4)

New Blue (Book 5)

The Halven Rising Series

Fates Altered: A Halven Rising Prequel (Book 0.5)

Fates Divided (Book 1)

Fates Entwined (Book 2)

Fates Fulfilled (Book 3)

Ready for More?

You’ve just read the fourth book in the Blue Series. Join my
for an email alert of when
New Blue (Book 5)
, the final installment in the Blue Series, releases. In the meantime, read on for a description of
Fates Divided
, the first book in the Halven Rising Series.

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