Read Blur Online

Authors: Kristen Middleton

Tags: #Vampires, #Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Horror

Blur (14 page)

BOOK: Blur
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He nodded. “Let’s go.”

“I’m going to be taking off,” said mom. “Caleb’s supposed to be stopping over after work. I don’t see him patrolling around here anyway.”

There were a few cops wandering around but I hadn’t seen Caleb around either.

“Okay, bye, mom,” I said.

“Don’t stay up too late,” said Nathan.

“Same goes for you,
,” she replied.

We purchased some carnival tickets and then spent the next couple of hours screaming on the rides. I watched in amusement as Nathan pretended to be frightened and hugged Susan for comfort.

“They seem to be hitting it off,” said Duncan as we got on the Ferris wheel by ourselves.


Duncan’s face darkened. “So, what exactly happened between you and Ethan?”

Chapter Twenty-Two



“Not much,” I lied.

His eyes narrowed. “Nathan mentioned he was in your bedroom?”

“Yes. He knocked on the door and I opened it. I’m not even sure why I did. He has this way of manipulating people. You heard Susan.”

“He’d better leave you alone or I’ll manipulate his face,” he said. He then put his arms around me and drew me close.

I smiled in pleasure as his lips closed in on mine. Within a matter of seconds, I’d forgotten all about Ethan and was kissing Duncan back as hungrily as he was kissing me. Then the ride was ending, and we were forced to pull apart

“What are you doing to me?” he murmured.

I’d certainly felt his excitement brush against me and decided it was probably better that the ride had ended when it did.

“So, Duncan, how many girls have you been with?’

He looked at me in surprise. “Is it important?”

“No, not really.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve only been with one other girl. We went out for a few months when I was living with my mom, in Minnesota.”

“Do you miss her?”

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “You’re all I care about, Nikki. I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”

I smiled and kissed him.

“What about you?” he asked, when I pulled away.

I blushed. “Actually, I’m a virgin.”

He raised his eyebrows.


“You are?”

I scowled. “Yeah, why? Do I seem easy to you or something.”

He burst out laughing. “No! I’m sorry. You just know how to…”

I smiled wickedly. “Excite you? You’re a guy. It’s not too difficult to figure out.”

“So, you’re really a virgin?” he said, rubbing the bottom of his chin. “Hmm…I’d better be careful then. You’re like a delicate flower that needs to be handled with kid gloves.”

I snorted. “Yeah right!”

“Okay, maybe I should tell you to be careful with

“Maybe, you should.”

He smiled as the Ferris wheel stopped at the ground and then helped me down.

“There’s Nathan and Susan,” I said, pointing towards the ticket booth. They were apparently going on more rides.

“Would you like to go on more rides?” he asked, pulling out his wallet.

“Actually, I have to use the ladies’ room,” I said, looking around.

He nodded. “I’ll come with you.”

We walked towards the beach where there was a public restroom open for the festival, which was good because I hated using the satellites. 

“Do you want to take a walk by the beach?” he asked when I was finished.

I looked towards the beach. It was dusk and now deserted. “Sure.”

We walked towards the lake and I took off my sandals so I could dig my toes in the sand.

“Now that I’ve got you alone…” he grinned, grabbing my arm and pulling me close.

Duncan was almost a foot taller than me and I stood on my tippy toes to meet his lips. We started kissing and then I remembered.

“Wait,” I said. “It’s getting dark. We shouldn’t be out here alone.”

He snorted. “Listen, if Ethan shows up, I’ll knock his lights out.”

Duncan would have been a formidable adversary for anyone, but not for whatever kind of creature Ethan was. There was no question in my mind about that.

“Duncan, he’s not normal. Remember how he grabbed me and ran through the woods? Even you can’t compete with that.”

He sighed. “Fine. Just one more kiss and we’ll head back.”

I slid my arms around his neck and we began kissing, again. Just when my legs began to feel like jelly, he released me.

“Hey,” I pouted as I opened my eyes.

“Well, well, well,” chuckled Ethan. “You’re a naughty little vixen, aren’t you?”

Duncan lay on the ground, obviously unconscious. I rushed to his side and looked up at Ethan. “What did you do to him?!” I yelled.

He sighed. “Don’t worry he’s just taking a little nap. I
have killed him for even touching you.”

“Ethan, you have to stop this. I’m not Miranda.”

He grabbed my hand and lifted me up. “You are Miranda. I can see it in your eyes, the way you smell, how you taste…” he murmured, looking into my eyes.

My heart began to race as he bent his head and began kissing me. A wave of hot pleasure shot through my body and I released a strangled moan.

Just then, Duncan came back to his senses. “Leave her alone, you asshole!” he raged, trying to get Ethan away from me.

Ethan’s eyes burned with fury and I watched in awe as he let out an unearthly roar. Before I could do anything, he held Duncan in the air by his throat.

“Please, stop!” I sobbed, rushing towards them. I started hitting Ethan in the back, but it was like hitting a plate of steel. He used his other hand and pushed me to the ground.

Duncan’s eyes were bugging out of his head and his face was turning purple. I knew he would die if I didn’t do something.

“Ethan!” I screamed, getting back up. I hit him repeatedly with my fists, but he continued to ignore me. It was only when a group of men began racing towards us that he swore and released Duncan.

“Let’s go, now,” ordered Ethan.

I backed away from him and then turned to run. Before I could take five steps, I was in his arms and we were racing across the beach like a flash of lightning.

“No…” I sobbed as the lights from the carnival became a blur.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I woke up in a cool, dark bedroom. Candles lit up the room and rock music played softly in the background.

I sat up. “Duncan?” I mumbled, “Nathan?”

Someone sighed and I found Ethan watching me from the shadows. He sat in a leather club chair that had been pushed into the corner of the room.

“So, you’re finally awake,” he murmured.

I swallowed. “Where am I?”

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he chuckled. He was naked from the waist up and my mind turned traitor once again as I imagined running my fingers over his impressive pecs.

What in the hell was wrong with me?!

I forced my lustful thoughts aside and tried to concentrate on Duncan and whether or not he was safe.

“Take me home,” I demanded, scooting to the edge of the bed. “Please.”

His eyes studied me intently, but he didn’t respond.

I stood up and smoothed down my dress. “Seriously, take me home,” I said, lifting my chin.

Ethan stood up and walked towards me. His eyes lowered to my dress and I suddenly felt naked. I wondered if vampires had x-ray vision.

I put a hand to my chest and looked up at him. “Ethan?”

home,” he replied, his voice husky. I backed away and he grinned. “Are we playing hard to get, now?”

I ignored the question. “Look, this is insane. You can’t just keep me here like a prisoner.”

His eyes hardened. “Prisoner? If you want to leave, you’re certainly free to go.” He then stood sideways so that I could move around him to the doorway.

Holding my breath, I decided to go for it. Before I could take two steps, however, he grabbed both of my hands and had them behind my back before I had a chance to exhale.

“You know you want to be with me,” he said, smiling darkly. “In every way.”

I stared up into eyes that hinted of things I’d only fantasized about, and shamefully, my resistance fell apart.

Yes, I wanted Ethan

In fact, from the tingling sensation growing between my legs, I wanted him every way and everywhere.

One of his large hands slid into my hair, cupping the back of my head. “Let me,” he whispered seductively, his breath hinting of butterscotch once again, “please you.”

Oh, my God…

My eyes lowered to his mouth and I licked my lips, remembering how good they’d felt on my skin. The next thing I knew, he had me on the bed, pressing against me, and I surrendered all control, gasping in guilty pleasure. Within seconds I was returning his kisses as passionately as he was giving them.

“Yes,” he growled, against my mouth as my hands traveled along his back to his hair. I tightened my fingers around the strands and pulled him closer, kissing him deeper as hot waves of desire shot through my veins, urging me on.

More… I wanted more…

I wrapped my legs around his waist, this time holding him captive as our pelvises moved together in a rhythm that soon had me whimpering in pleasure.

Suddenly, he stopped and his body tensed up.

“What?” I asked, staring up at him. 

He closed his eyes and his jaw tightened.

“What did I do?” I whispered, touching his cheek.

He opened his eyes and they seemed to burn right into my soul. I stared in awe as a fire ignited around his irises and grew into flames.

My eyes widened. “Are you okay?”

He touched my cheek with his finger, drawing circles. “I’m fine… and you’ve done nothing but… make me want you more than ever,” he whispered. “I just needed a second to regain my control.”


“Now, where were we?” he asked as his fingers moved down my neck and across my chest. Before I could respond, the front of my dress was ripped open and his mouth was on my skin.

“Oh,” I moaned as his tongue trailed wet kisses to my nipples, teasing and driving me insane with desire.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, cupping my breasts as his mouth moved upwards. When I realized where he stopped, I tensed up, wondering what would happen next.

Was he actually going to bite me? And worse, would I care?

His tongue stroked the skin near my collarbone and then moved up towards my ear, nibbling and licking. As I began to relax, his right hand released my breast and his fingers moved down my ribcage, across my bellybutton to my panties, stopping right at the edge of the cotton. 

“Invite me in,” he whispered against my neck.

“Yes…” I whispered, my legs trembling.

He ran one of his fingers over the top of the material and I gasped. “Say it…” he demanded.

“Come in, Ethan…”

Just as his fingers began to slide under the fabric, the door burst open and he shot up. His face was a mask of monstrous rage and my heart stopped as I saw his fangs for the first time. “What is the meaning of this?!” he growled.

Sheriff Caleb stood facing us while I pulled the blankets over my exposed body. His face was burning red, as were his homicidal eyes. “Why in the fuck did you bring her here?!” 

BOOK: Blur
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