Blur (Changing Colors Book 2) (45 page)

Read Blur (Changing Colors Book 2) Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn

Tags: #Changing Colors, #Part 2

BOOK: Blur (Changing Colors Book 2)
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Doesn’t she fucking get it? I don’t want anyone else.

I’m in love with her.

And I have to sit back and watch her be with someone else.

Walking out of the bathroom, with the intentions of finding Brooke and apologizing for the way I behaved, I’m hit with the sight of her on the dance floor with Jamie.

A frown mars her lips. He rests his cheek against hers and says something softly into her ear. Jamie leans back, eyes meeting hers. Brooke smiles a little, nodding. And then he’s wrapping his arms around her waist while they sway to the beat of Passenger,
Let Her Go

Bloody ironic song choice.

Jesse claps me on the back, startling me out of my painful trance. “No use standing here. Let’s grab a drink, mate.”

I offer a curt nod, following him to the bar.

The rest of our group has moved downstairs. Some residing at the bar, others—like Jamie and Brooke—are currently on the dance floor.

I down the shot of Jack my brother slides my way. We do this for three more rounds, without saying a single word to one another. He can sense I’m not in the mood. My eyes continue to find their way to the dance floor, finding Brooke still in Jamie’s arms.

The alcohol is humming through my veins. Seeing as I was already buzzing during the show, I’m well on my way to getting pissed tonight. The numbness the liquor brings is much needed. It’s the only thing keeping me from falling apart.

“Hey stranger,” Chrissy whispers into my ear. Her eyes are glazed over, lips parted in a seductive welcome. “You wanna dance?”

My first instinct is to decline her offer, but then I see Brooke moving about the dance floor in my periphery, and the word ‘yes’ is out of my mouth without a second thought. I place my hand on the small of her back, leading her towards the floor.

The music switches over. Tove Lo sings about staying in bed, and Chrissy proceeds to press herself against me, guiding my hands to her hips. They sway seductively beneath my fingers.

I let myself get lost to the music, pulling her close and trying to drown out the visions of Brooke in another man’s arms. And it works, until Chrissy wraps her hands around my neck, pressing her lips to my skin. Her tongue sneaks out, tasting me, and urges my eyes open in surprise.

A pained, golden gaze locks with mine.
She’s staring back at me, watching another woman in my arms. Her eyes flit down to Chrissy’s mouth nuzzling my neck.

I’m rooted to my spot, letting Chrissy continue whatever she’s doing, and watching Brooke watch me.

A part of me wants to push this woman away and go to Brooke. I want to kiss that pained expression from her lips. I want to hold her in my arms and reassure her that no one has me the way she does. That whatever Chrissy is doing doesn’t mean shite to me. That I’m only out here, dancing with another woman, because I’m trying to distract myself from watching her and Jamie.

But another part of me, the bitter and angry part, wants her to see this. I want her to feel like I feel. I want to break her like she’s broken me. Because this is her doing.

this. Not me.

her choice.

And I didn’t get a say in the matter.

I watch the instant Brooke can’t take anymore. I see the way her eyes blink back tears. The way her shoulders sag and fingers grip at Jamie’s shirt, as if she can barely stand on her own two feet. I watch the instant she is hit with everything she’s given me.

She averts her eyes, whispering something into his ear. He nods, and together, hand-in-hand, they walk off the dance floor. A minute later, they’re walking out of the bar, leaving me feeling worse than I’ve ever felt before.

Who’s Little Wing?

Green Eyes Looked Pained in Seattle

Careless Cockups finished off the US end of the pre-release tour in Seattle this evening. Their set list was a stellar lineup. And these boys did not disappoint. They truly brought the house down at The Showbox.

Mid-show, Dylan threw in a last minute song change. He covered Jimi Hendrix’s,
Little Wing
, and spoke to the crowd about what that song means to him. He talked about a woman he fell in love with in Paris. A woman that apparently broke his heart.

Even though this was one of the best Hendrix covers we’ve ever seen, there’s only one question that’s currently on our minds.

Who’s Little Wing?

Was this cryptic song dedication for Brooke Sawyer?

We’re extremely curious to see how Careless Cockups’ radio interview goes tomorrow morning on the Caine show. Apparently, Brooke and Dylan will be sitting down together.

Tune into HotMix93 at 10am to find out.


Thank God this is a radio interview.

Tired eyes, dark circles, and hair that’s seen better days, I’m the picture of worn down.

Even though Jamie and I left the bar before everyone else, I didn’t sleep a wink. I was too busy tossing and turning, replaying the horrible night in my mind and wondering what Dylan did after I left.

Did he kiss her? Did he go back to the hotel with her? Did he touch her? Undress her? Did he—God, I can’t even think about the other heart-wrenching scenarios.

I want to know, and I don’t want to know. I try to tell myself it doesn’t really matter because it’s none of my business. Dylan can do whatever he wants. We’re not together. But it doesn’t help, because inside, I’m still falling apart at the seams.

This radio interview is the very last thing I feel like doing. It’s going to be torture, acting chummy with Dylan while we answer questions about the band, the album, and whatever else Caine Matthews throws our way. Hell, I’m having a hard enough time pushing away the images of Chrissy latching her mouth to his neck like a goddamn Hoover vacuum.

But I don’t have a choice.

Which is explains why I’m currently walking behind Dylan through the glass doors of HotMix93’s studio. Caine Matthews introduces us on air. “Now we’ve got Careless Cockups’ lead singer Dylan Bissette, along with the beautiful Brooke Sawyer. Let’s give them a warm HotMix93 welcome!”

We sit across from him, slipping on headphones.

“Let me officially welcome you to Seattle.”

“Thanks, mate,” Dylan voices into the mic.

“Jesse just informed us you guys killed it at The Showbox last night.”

Dylan grins. “Of course he did. It was a bloody good time. Seattle fans are spectacular. And my brother is a bastard. Don’t listen to a word he says.”

“He told me you’d probably say that,” Caine laughs, switching his attention to me. “What’d you think of the show, Brooke? You were there, right?”

I nod. “I think it might have been their best to date. Careless Cockups brought their A-game, that’s for sure.”

“We saw a clip from your New Orleans show on Mad Sounds. And I gotta say, after seeing you two cover
, and then hearing a sneak peek of
this morning, I’m a huge fan. Can we look forward to seeing more collaboration in the future?”

“Well, that depends on Brooke. It’s a bit like pulling teeth to get her to showcase that voice of hers. And she’s a bit shy about being in the limelight, but as you’ve heard, she should be there.”

“For the love of God, get over it, girl,” Caine teases. “Your voice would sell a ton of records.”

My cheeks flush. “Now, let’s not get crazy.”

Caine laughs, looking at Dylan. “Is she always like this?”

“Unless she’s got some liquid courage, yeah, she’s mostly like this.”

I wish I had liquid courage right now. Actually, I wish I had about a gallon of liquid courage and my bed.

“So, do you mind if I share the good news with our audience before I ask a few more questions?”

Dylan nods. “Have it at, mate.”

“In about five minutes, we’re going to debut a little song called
. It will be the first song by Careless Cockups to hit airwaves, and I can guarantee it won’t be the last.” Caine messes with a few switches on the soundboard, filling the studio with a soundtrack of applause. “Have you guys shot a music video for this yet?”

Dylan shakes his head. “Nope. We’ve been too busy with the tour. We’ve got a few more stops to hit in Europe, but after that, we’ll be on a shooting schedule for a few music videos. “

“Promise me something, Brooke?” Caine smiles wide, clasping his hands together in a begging gesture.

I take a sip of water. “That depends. What am I promising?”

“Promise me you’ll be in the video for
God, the two of you together, rolling around in a bed or something, it’s an automatic VMA.”

I burst out laughing.

“Just think about it. I’ve got an eye for these things. And I can see why the public is fascinated with pairing you two together,” Caine voices. “Seriously, people, these two together, it’s not even fair. Dylan is so good-looking that I’m reconsidering my sexual orientation. And Brooke has me close to getting on my knees to propose marriage.”

My skin heats into a full body blush, while Dylan chuckles beside me.

“Oh God, now she’s blushing, folks,” he sighs. “I can’t even take it. Leave your fiancé and marry me. Please?”

“Hey, now,” Dylan chimes in. “What about me? I thought you were all too ready to switch teams on my behalf.”

“You’re right. Maybe I need to think about my options a little longer. Don’t want to make any rash decision.” Caine laughs, and then whispers to me, “But seriously, Brooke. Just say the word and I’ll book us the next flight to Vegas.”

I giggle, tapping my chin with my hand. “You know…I’ve always hoped Elvis would make an appearance at my wedding…”

“You’re killing me.” Caine groans into the mic. “All right, Brooke and I can flirt later. Let’s get to the one question everyone wants me to ask. What’s going on with you two?”

Dylan smirks. “Well, a minute ago, you were flirting with me, and in about an hour, I’ll probably head over to Pike Street for a bite to eat.”

“Oh, come on, you know what I’m asking here. Are you two really just friends?”

“Brooke is happily engaged. And I’m
single,” Dylan answers without a glance in my direction.

My heart plummets to the ground.

Caine glances back and forth between us before finally asking. “Did you hear that ladies? Dylan Bissette is single, on the prowl, and will be eating somewhere on Pike Street this afternoon.”

Dylan laughs. “Thanks for that, mate. Really appreciate it.”

“Any time, man. I’m always here to help,” Caine teases. “All right, let’s take a quick break. This is Caine in the Morning on HotMix93, and we’ll be back shortly with more Dylan Bissette and Brooke Sawyer.”

Three commercials later, and we’re back on air.

“Before we debut
, we’re going to play a little game called Cover It,” Caine announces.

“Seriously?” I groan, feeling my cheeks flush again.

He grins. “What can I say? I’m a man who loves to see a woman blush.”

I flip him off, laughing despite myself.

“Uh oh, folks, Brooke is gesturing dirty things to me.”

Dylan chuckles. “Get used to it, mate. It’s her favorite finger.”

Caine grabs two note cards, holding them up. “Our audience has spoken. I’ve got two fantastic song choices here, and you guys get to decide which one to play.”

Dylan glances at me. “You want the honors, Sawyer?”

I shake my head. “No way. I’m already on the verge of puking on air. You pick.”

He laughs, standing up and taking the note cards from Caine’s hand. Flipping them over, he scans the words, and then glances back at me. His face turns serious. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I answer, even though I’m not so sure about this anymore. His sudden change in mood has me on the edge of my seat.

Dylan stares down at the cards. His lungs inhale a cavernous breath. He looks at me one more time, and then finally chooses. “Looks like we’ll be singing
Say Something
by A Great Big World,” he announces, voice low.

“You both know this song?” Caine asks.

All I can do is nod. My heart is stuck in my throat, making it impossible to form words.

“Yeah,” Dylan answers. “I’m assuming listeners are looking for the version with Christina Aguilera?”

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