Body Shots (15 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

BOOK: Body Shots
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When they went to dinner later, Trent had no doubt that other men would check her out. But he couldn't be so selfish as to keep her hidden away. He would just have to trust that she wouldn't let anyone else sway her feelings toward him.
“The thought of sharing you with anyone but Mac makes me see red,” he blurted out.
Crystal stared suspiciously at him, and said, “Is this some macho thing?”
His voice was so low she almost didn't hear him when he said, “You smiled at my brother. He smiled at you. He flirted.”
Crystal blinked in astonishment. That Trent could possibly be jealous after what they'd just shared together, well, it was ridiculous. Jealous of a smile when he'd managed to make her scream in ecstasy? She couldn't help it; she giggled.
“What the hell is so funny?”
Crystal quieted and settled against him more comfortably. She wiggled her hips to press more firmly into his groin for emphasis as she said, “After you gave me not one, but three deliciously satisfying orgasms, you're jealous over a mere smile?”
Put that way, he did seem unreasonable. He moved his hand down her back and cupped her bottom firmly. “Where you are concerned, I can't seem to help my caveman tendencies, baby. I hate to even think of another man looking at you, much less coaxing a cute little smile out of you.”
Her eyes darkened and heated, and Trent was once again struck by her unusual beauty. “Trent, no other man has ever made me feel the way you do.” She smoothed his brow with a fingertip and said, “Mac and you are the only guys for me. Josh is nice, but he isn't you.”
“I'm glad to hear that, baby.” He started to get up. “Want to go to dinner?”
Crystal got up and went to her closet. “Just give me a minute to find a new outfit. The one I started out in got a bit wrinkled.”
Trent watched her get out fresh clothes. As she bent at the waist and inched a beige skirt up her calves, he had the perfect view of her ass. “Mm, I could get used to this.”
Crystal gasped. “Hey, quit eyeballing me. I'm hungry and you're going to feed me.”
Trent laughed as he left the bed and got back into his own clothes. “I was in the mood for Greek, you?”
She moaned. “Sounds perfect.”
He crossed the room and kissed the back of her head. “You're perfect, baby.”
She smiled and turned in his arms, then pressed her hands against his chest. “You keep saying things like that, and I might just fall in love with you.”
Trent went still. The thought of having Crystal's love made his chest tight with emotion. “I fail to see why that's a bad thing.”
t'd been a week of not seeing Mac or Trent. She'd been too busy with work, and they'd been busy finalizing plans to open a new nightclub. When Saturday night finally arrived, Crystal was all but bursting with excitement. Mac had told her that he wasn't about to wait another minute to see her, so they'd made plans to go to dinner and a movie. She wanted it to be special. She sifted through her closet and found a turquoise sundress that she hadn't gotten the chance to wear yet. She slipped it on, letting the soft cotton glide down her body. It felt pleasantly cool to her heated skin. It had been an oddly hot summer so far, which was what made her opt to go braless. After all, she wasn't what anyone would term chesty, and so going without a bra was neither obscene nor even obvious, much to her dismay. She walked to her bed, sat on the edge, then slipped into her white strappy sandals before heading to the bathroom to apply her makeup. She never wore much, just a pale peach lipstick and mascara to enhance her eyes. She hoped to make tonight memorable so she applied a light dusting of blush and some smoky gray eye shadow. She decided to leave her hair down so it swept her shoulders in waves. Right on time she heard the knock on the door announcing Mac's arrival. Her stomach suddenly filled with butterflies, and her legs felt weak and shaky.
She left the bathroom, turned off the light, then walked on wobbly legs.
Get a hold of yourself
You are going to be fine, and you are not going to make a fool of yourself.
Maybe if she told herself that enough times, she would start to believe it. She was now wishing she had gone out on a few dates in the months since her divorce; maybe then she wouldn't be so nervous. Although she had a feeling that a big part of her anxiety had to do with
the man
she was going out with. Mac simply made her insides turn to jelly. She reached the living room and walked to the front door. She glanced one last time in the mirror that hung above the table there, and realized she had a “deer caught in the headlights” expression. She groaned, straightened her spine, placed a smile on her face, and asked, “Who is it?”
“The man of your dreams,” Mac said, in a deep, sexy voice that curled her toes.
She swung open the door and with a startled look said, “Johnny Depp is here! Where?” She stood on tiptoes to peek over Mac's shoulder, pretending to search for her dream man.
“Very funny, angel.” He laughed.
“Who's kidding?” She smiled hugely. She looked at him this time, really looked. He was wearing black trousers and a black V-neck T-shirt, and he had his hair combed so that it swept the tops of his shoulders in neat ebony waves. Lord, this man was lethal! “Come in, Mac. I'm just about ready to go. Just give me one more minute.”
She turned to retrieve her purse, but his hand snaked out, capturing her arm and pulling her up against his firm frame. He muttered, “You look good enough to eat.” His mouth came so close to her own that she could smell his sweet breath. Peppermint—she loved peppermint.
He whispered, “I wonder, do you taste as sweet as you look?” Then he tilted his head and gently touched his tongue to her bottom lip, inhaling her sweetness, the scent of her still managing to elude him. He lifted his mouth away, grudgingly, and growled, “Go. Finish whatever you need to do, or we'll never get the hell out of here tonight.”
“You're always doing that,” she managed to say at last.
“What?” Confusion clouded Mac's dark eyes.
“Throwing me off balance.” She planted one hand on her hip and smiled.
He bent at the waist so that he was staring directly into her eyes and exclaimed, “In one more second I'm going to throw you over my shoulder, carry you to your bedroom, and quench my appetite with your sweet body.” His hand reached around and smacked her lightly on the rear.
“You wouldn't dare,” she retorted, completely stunned that he'd just swatted her bottom.
“Try me, angel . . . please.” His voice was hoarse from desire, and his eyes were swirling with passion.
She turned from his heated stare and headed for the hall closet where her purse hung. She didn't want to take the chance that he was serious, yet she wondered all the same what he'd do if he followed through with his decadent threat.
Damn, Mac thought, this woman was turning him into a Neanderthal. He raked his hand through his hair in an effort to gain some modicum of control. He paced the living room, trying to distract himself, but the phone rang.
“Mac, can you answer that please?” Crystal called from the hallway.
Mac quickly looked around the living room for the phone and located it on the table beside the couch. In two strides, he was picking it up and saying, “Hello?” He sounded harsher than he had intended, though. Silence. Mac said “Hello?” louder and with more strength this time.
“She's not for you. One day real soon she'll see what a mistake she made leaving me,” the shadowy voice on the other end growled.
“Look, asshole, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but be warned if you come near her. I will personally take you apart with my bare hands. Do I make myself clear?” Mac's entire body tensed with rage.
He was met with insane laughter. “Ah, that's just it, Mac. You don't know me, but I do know you. She's my wife, and one way or the other she'll come back to me. And when she does, I will have to teach her what happens to whores.” There was a pause, then: “By the way, what a lovely turquoise dress she's wearing. I so enjoy when she goes without a bra. Great tits she has, don't you agree?”
Then came the most depraved laughter Mac had ever heard before the line went dead in his hand. Mac quietly replaced the receiver and turned around. Crystal was standing there, her eyes wide and frightened. She had heard enough of his end of the conversation to determine the call was from her ex-husband. He didn't say a word. He walked to the stairs and ascended them two at a time. When he reached the top, he paused at her bedroom door, turned on the light, and saw what he had already suspected. Her curtains were tied back and the shade was pulled up. He walked over to the window and peered out. He didn't see anything suspicious, but he hadn't really expected to. The caller was probably long gone by now. How the hell had the caller known who he was? He made a mental note to call Trent tomorrow. He pulled the shade down and then heard a faint voice say, “Mac, what's going on?”
He turned around and spoke in a no-nonsense tone, “I want this shade pulled down from now on. Do you understand me, Crystal?”
She nodded. “But why?” She felt numb, for she feared she already knew the answer.
Mac walked to where she stood, took her soft hand in his, led her over to the bed, and sat her down on the edge of it. Crouching between her legs, he spoke in a comforting tone, “Your ex-husband just called. And he said something on the phone just now that leads me to believe he's been watching you through there.” He paused and pointed to the window. He went on, biting out each word, “This guy is a sick bastard, and I don't want you taking any chances, okay? Keep this shade drawn.”
She simply couldn't speak past the lump of fear in her throat, so she nodded instead. Her ex-husband had been watching her? How many times had he seen her walk into her private bedroom to go to bed or change clothes? She shivered, and when she glanced over at the window, abruptly her entire body shook with chills. She rubbed at her arms, but to no avail. The fear was stealing all the warmth from her body. She felt an invasion of privacy that she'd never known before. Worse yet, she'd inadvertently put Mollie at risk. She looked back at Mac, who was still crouched in front of her, and said the first thing that came to mind, “What did he say?”
“Angel, listen to me carefully. He only said something to indicate to me that he's been watching you. I don't know for how long.” He stopped and looked at her hard. “He did say one other thing . . .”
His voice trailed off and he looked at her more thoughtfully, as if debating whether she could handle the rest. Crystal straightened her spine and spoke in a calm voice, “Mac, whatever he said, I have a right to know.”
He remained silent. However, he seemed to give in to the inevitable because he responded, “He said he intends to show you what happens to a whore. He intends to teach you a lesson.”
“Oh God!” Her hand flew to her mouth. She felt sick. She spoke in a quivery voice, “I feel like I'm going to throw up.”
Mac placed his palm on the back of her head and gently pushed. “Angel, put your head down and take deep breaths. Can you do that for me?” She nodded and did as he said. He was stroking her hair in a soothing motion. She felt some relief from the rising panic immediately. When she had herself back under control, she said in a stronger voice, “I'm okay.” He pulled his hand away slowly, as if reluctant to do so. She rose up and came face-to-face with him. He looked so concerned for her that without thinking she leaned forward and kissed his angular cheek. Lifting away from him, she said, “Thanks for being here.”
He nodded. “Do you want to call Mollie and warn her?”
“Good idea,” she replied as she pulled her cell phone out of her purse. “She's staying with a friend tonight, but I'll fill her in so she can take precautions.”
Several minutes later, Crystal hung up and smiled over at Mac. “She wants to make sure I'm not alone tonight, either.”
“No way in hell am I leaving you tonight,” he said as he stood. “Now, let's go see that movie. I am not letting that asshole ruin my evening with the prettiest girl in town. Besides, I am very much looking forward to sitting in a darkened movie theater with you.” He rose to his full height, took her hand, and pulled her up off the bed. Like any handsome Prince Charming, he said, “Will you accompany me this evening, my lady?” he asked, in a Prince Charming sort of way.
She quickly responded, “Indeed I will, kind sir.” And she curtsied.
They both laughed, dispelling the tension, and left the bedroom arm in arm.
Crystal was having the time of her life with Mac. They had gone to see a movie, and much to her surprise, he had picked a comedy. They laughed themselves silly. She hadn't laughed and had such a good time with a man in . . . well, ever. They were back in his black Blazer and on their way home, but he turned down a different road.
“Mac, where are we going? Aren't we going back home?” She looked over at him in puzzlement.
“Oh, angel, the evening is not yet finished. After all, Cinderella, it's not midnight, is it?”
He looked over at her for a brief moment, not wanting to take his eyes off the road, but she saw mystery in his and something else pooling in their depths . . . hunger? But for what? Crystal wondered, or perhaps the correct word was, for
She finally said, “Well, my debonair prince, where are you taking me on such a lovely evening as this?”
“Now that would certainly spoil my lady's surprise, would it not?” The corner of his lips quirked up along with one eyebrow questioningly.
“Yes, I suppose it would, and I certainly wouldn't want to spoil it. Shall I close my eyes, too, so your surprise will be complete and untainted?” She laughed, fully expecting him to laugh, too. However, he only whispered lustfully, “Yes, close your eyes. Trust in me to tell you when. Will you trust me, Crystal?”
She spoke breathlessly, “Yes, Mac, I trust you.” And she continued to show him how much by closing her eyes.
Mac hadn't expected the conversation to take such a turn. Nevertheless, he couldn't let the opportunity to observe Crystal in such a way go by. She was beautiful, especially when she laughed. She made him feel like the luckiest man on earth when the smiles were directed toward him. He had taken her to a comedy for two reasons. He wanted to take her mind off the jerk who had called earlier, and he wanted to see her laugh. Who would have thought that laughter from a woman could make a man hard as granite? Well, not any woman . . . only his Crystal. Hearing her in the movie theater made him glad that it was dark; he would've made a spectacle of himself if it wasn't. Hell, he was so horny by the time they had left that he knew if he took her straight home, he'd have her stripped down and on the floor and been inside of her within seconds. So the thought struck to take her to Gibby's bar. As appealing as it was to take Crystal in such an abandoned way, he didn't want her to think he had no finesse at all, that he was no more than a rutting bull, even though that was damn close to the way he felt at the moment.
As they turned the next corner and were traveling down the street where the bar was located, he glanced over at Crystal to see if her eyes were, indeed, still closed. They were, and she was now resting her head on the back of the seat. Her hair fell down past her shoulders, giving him a perfect view of her slender, delicate neck. He might well have been a vampire in some other life, because the need to taste her pulsing vein with his tongue and bite her pale ivory skin there, marking her as his, was almost overpowering.
He pulled into the parking lot to the bar and drove around to the back, so they could enter through the private entrance. He stopped the SUV and put it in Park, but he did not turn off the engine. He looked over at Crystal again; this time a slight smile curved her peach-colored lips. He leaned over her to murmur seductively, “You turn my insides to jelly and my outside to iron, angel.”
He wanted to soothe her, mesmerize her into doing as he wished. She started to open her eyes, but he touched each lid with his forefinger and said, “You trusted me to say when, and I have yet to do so.”
She remained quiet and kept her eyes closed. He caressed her hair with his fingers, stroking her silky tresses. “So soft and baby fine.” He trailed his hand down her hair to smooth one finger over her neck. He touched the pulse beating in her throat; it seemed to quicken under his fingertips. He leaned in to her closer still, breathing in her scent. “Your smell drives me mad at night. It's as if you're lying right next to me, and I dream hot, erotic dreams of you.” His voice grew raspier with the fever that was running through his veins, a fever only she could cool.

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