Read Bodyguard: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance (Snake Eyes Book 1) Online
Authors: Tabatha Kiss
“Even better.” I shake his hand. “Take care of yourself, Box.”
“Go get her.”
I smirk. “You, too.”
He scoffs. “You just had to get in
one more
I lay a hand on his shoulder and push away. He takes off down the stairs, following a line of scared people, as I move in the opposite direction. I have eleven flights to climb.
Dani, don’t move.
I push up the stairs, ignoring the thumping in my chest telling me to slow down and breathe as I ascend higher and higher. People press themselves against the wall to let me pass, some faster than others depending on whether or not they notice the gun in my hand. I bite down in frustration.
Dani, I’m almost there.
They fire angry glances at me but I don’t care. I push them out of the way until I reach the twenty-sixth floor.
I throw open the door and freeze in the doorway. “Dani—”
Fear bleeds from her eyes, falling down her cheeks as tears. Mercer presses the barrel of his gun harder against her head and she cringes in his arms.
“Hello, Fox,” he greets me from the center of the hall. “I suppose we have you to thank for this light and sound show. Pretty brilliant, I’ll say… it’ll take ages for what’s left of my squad to get up here now.”
I let the door close behind me and I take a few more steps into the hall. “Dani, it’s going to be okay—”
“I think all of us know
not true, Fox,” he says. “No point in lying to her now.”
I look into her frightened eyes. There’s a fresh bruise above her cheek that wasn’t there before, along with a few purple marks coming through her neck. I take a deep, angry breath. “Let her go.”
“I have to hand it to her…” Mercer says. “She put up a good fight. Not as dainty as she appears.”
“Let her go.”
“I think she might be growing on me…” he continues, ignoring the demand. He takes a whiff of her hair. “Tell you what, Fox… You come back with me and I won’t kill her. We can even bring her along and share her with the rest of the squad. I think that’s fair, don’t you?” I grit my teeth. “Put the gun down, Fox. Let’s get this over with.”
I lower my revolver to the floor.
“Fox, don’t—”
Mercer clamps his free hand around her mouth, silencing her while he presses his gun into her throat.
I hold back my rage. “If you were going to kill her, you’d have done it already. Just let her go.”
“I will,” he says. “Once you’re on the chopper with me, she’s free to go back to Tinseltown.”
Her face shakes, silently urging me not to give in but there’s no other option. The stairwell opens behind me and a man in a black mask steps into the hall with us. One of Mercer’s men, by the looks of him.
“If I go with you,” I say, “you let her go.”
Mercer grins. “Of course.”
Dani’s eyes grow wide and he holds her tighter to keep her from shaking her head again. I watch her expression as more tears fall down her face.
He’s lying and she knows it.
I raise my hands to my ears in surrender. The man behind me moves in closer, drawing his handgun from his holster. It sticks into my back, just below my left kidney.
I stare into her eyes.
My Dani.
If I fight back now, Mercer won’t hesitate. I’m too far away from them to stop him before he pulls the trigger and her brains spray against the floral wallpaper. I have to get closer.
“Lead the way,” I say.
Mercer’s lips curl and the gun digs into my side a little more. The man behind me bends down and grabs my revolver off the floor. He stuffs it inside his own holster before pushing me forward. We step slowly and Mercer reaches for the elevator call button.
The doors open and Mercer shoves Dani inside, making my blood boil just a little bit more. He waits for me to step on before pointing his gun at her again.
“Face the wall,” he tells her. He places a hand on her back and guides her into the corner. “Head in the corner. Hands on the glass. Say anything and I’ll shoot you.” She leans forward and puts her head and shaking hands against the golden wall.
I would have told her the same. I don’t want her to see this.
“You, too,” the masked one growls in my ear. I shift towards the corner and the doors close. The golden box moves upward, rising high towards the roof.
My eyes scan the reflective walls, watching for an opportunity; just one split second of time that will make all the difference. Black mask here is no rookie. He’s got his eyes trained on me and his aim is solid. Mercer’s eyes are on the move as well, memorizing every detail of the cramped space. His gaze drifts to Dani and it flows down her back to her ass.
The elevator lurches to a stop on the roof.
Black mask lowers his gun an inch, meaning his muscles are loose—
I spin around and reach for his outstretched arm. He panics and pulls the trigger, shattering the glass next to Dani’s head. She screams and falls to her knees while I twist his wrist, cracking the bones of his hand. He drops the gun and I kick it closer to her.
Mercer swings his arm in her direction but I grab it and kick him hard, sending him against the far corner. I bend forward to steal my revolver from black mask’s holster and I point it at his lowered head.
I pull the trigger and his body topples to the floor next to Dani. My ears ring in the small space but I can still hear her whimper in fear.
Mercer grabs her by the hair and pulls her out of the corner before I can reach her. I point my gun at him, touching it to his temple while he settles his own against her head.
“Dani, close your eyes,” I tell her.
Mercer jerks her head up. “No— keep them open. She has a right to see this.” He smirks at me. “Go ahead. Show her how much of a killer you are.”
“She’s already seen it,” I argue.
“But she’s never seen that
you get in your eye when you do it,” he chuckles. “Go on — shoot me, Fox. Show her how much you really enjoy it.”
I catch it out of the corner of my eye; that faint glimmer of metal in her hands as she pulls the bowie knife free of my ankle holster.
She stabs downward, piercing the top of his shoe. The blade slides inside and Mercer cries out in pain, dropping his grip on Dani. I take her arm and pull her to her feet before pushing her outside onto the roof.
Mercer pulls the knife from his shoe and spins around with his weapon drawn.
He points it at Dani.
I leap towards her and knock her out of the way. The bullet strikes my shoulder and fresh pain spreads throughout my body.
“No!” she screams out as I fall to my knees.
I turn back around, driven by adrenaline, and I catch the smirk on Mercer’s lips. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, black device. It fits snug in his palm and he lays his thumb against a smooth, round button at its tip.
A detonator.
The elevator doors close on his smiling face.
“Fox!” Dani falls to her knees next to me. I look around her and catch sight of the helicopter.
“We have to get off the roof.” I push myself up and stuff my revolver inside my belt.
“Wait — you’re hurt—”
“It can wait!” I ignore the blood rolling off my fingertips and rush to the helicopter windows.
“Do you know how to fly it?”
I ignore the question and slide the door open.
There it is. A rectangular, black case with the Snake Eyes cobra etched in white on its surface.
“What is it?” Dani asks, peeking over my shoulders.
“A bomb.”
I grab her hand and pull her with me to the far corner of the roof. Mercer won’t detonate it while he’s still in the elevator. He’ll wait until he gets to the lobby to do it, which gives me only a few more seconds to—
I spot the lanterns hanging between the towers, connected by thick wires.
“We have to zip-line across.”
Dani’s jaw drops. “You can’t be serious!”
I pull my jacket off, forcing myself to move through the pain radiating through my shoulder. “You’ve done it before, Dani.”
no, I haven’t!
“Yes, you have! Remember?” I sit down on the building’s edge next to the nearest wire and twist my jacket into a taut rope around it. “The big climactic chase scene in
Night Trials, Part 2
“That was a stunt girl!”
I grab her hand and pull her down to me, forcing her to straddle my waist. “Just hold on to me and don’t let go.”
“Oh, fuck…”
she whispers, wrapping her arms and legs around me.
“Dani, it’ll be okay—”
She buries her face in my red shoulder.
“Oh, fuck fuck—”
“Don’t look down.” I say it to myself more than her before sliding off the building’s edge.
As we hit the air, the helicopter explodes.
Dani shrieks and her nails pierce my skin. My entire body seethes with pain. The gunshot wound threatens to drop us both to the ground but I hold on tighter, focusing on her life in my hands.
The explosive force fires across to the next building, knocking into the large lanterns as we go. I brace for impact against the glass and twist around so my back hits it first instead of hers.
We crash through the window and my hands give up their grip. We tumble onto the floor as glass shards slice along my back.
She screams my name but I can barely hear it. Her head is silhouetted by a raging fire. Flame and smoke fill the sky above the other tower and innocent screams echo from the ground below us.
She pulls at me, urging me to get up. I see the red smear on her face and I reach out to her. “You’re bleeding…”
“I think it’s yours,” she says, wiping it off her cheek.
“Oh, okay…” I settle back against the floor.
“Fox, come on!”
I glance around the empty hotel room. It’s almost an exact mirror image of Boxcar’s room. I guess that’s how these twin buildings were designed—
I blink out of my trance. “I’m okay.” I sit up slowly, expecting to feel pain but I guess I’ve gone numb. “Are you hurt?”
“A little,” she says, her eyes still locked on me.
I turn over onto my knees and stand straight up. “Come on…”
She follows me out into the hallway. “Fox…”
My knees buckle and I lean on the wall with one hand. “We need to get moving…” I look at the ugly wallpaper and try to ignore the red trails my fingers leave behind.
“Fox, stop.” Dani takes my arm and I put my back to the wall.
“I’m all right—”
“You took a bullet for me.” She stares back at me with those breathtaking eyes.
“You’re surprised?” I ask.
Her hands rise to my cheeks and she leans in close. She presses her lips against mine, pursing ever so slightly into a soft kiss. Those little blue eyes shake in her head as she pulls away.
“Come on,” I say, pushing off the wall. She settles herself beneath my arm but I refuse to lean on her as much as I probably should.
We board the elevator and she leads me through the panicked lobby of alarms and shouting voices. We make it outside and she pulls me towards the car in the parking lot, far away from the screaming fire engines and flashing ambulances.
“Where are the keys?” she asks me.
“I’ll drive.”
“Just give me the damn keys, Fox.” She leans me against the passenger side as she roots through my pockets.
There’s no arguing with her tone. Not that I have the strength to even try at this point. I can barely feel my toes. I’m beginning to wonder if they’re even there at all anymore.
Dani pulls the door open and lowers me inside. I lay back and take several deep breaths. Pain increases on me now, vibrating every nerve with each stabbing breath I take.
“Where do we go?” she asks. “A hospital?”
I look over and she’s sitting in the driver’s seat with her hands on the wheel. “No,” I groan. “They’ll find us.”
My vision blurs. Nausea hits me. “Iowa City.”
“Iowa City?”
I point out the window. “Get on 80 and head east.”
“What’s in Iowa City?”
I lean back in the seat. “Someone that can help.”
“Isn’t that really far?”
“I’ll be all right, Dani.” I force my neck to bend so I can look at her. “Just start driving.”
She keeps her eyes on me for several moments. “Please don’t die on me, Fox.”
My lips curl. “This?” I hold up a blood-covered hand. “This is nothing.”
She doesn’t believe me but she laughs anyway. Good.
If her smile is the last thing I ever see, I’ll die a happy man.
Chapter 14
Please don’t die, Fox.
Not again.
It’s impossible for me to guess how many times those words have run through my head so far. Ten hours on the road, speeding through fucking Nebraska of all places, and he’s still with me, breathing so softly I have to put a finger beneath his nose to make sure he’s not dead.
I turn off the highway onto a dirt road, following the slurred instructions he gave me the last time he was lucid.
You’ll go a mile or two and you’ll see a farmhouse with a rocking chair on the porch and a small cabin just off the driveway. There’s a dog, but he’ll be nice to you.
“Fox?” I nudge his arm, hoping I took the correct turn.
Finally, a house comes into view. It’s just like he described it would be. One story tall, white, with a smaller cabin. No dog in sight, though, but I spot the rocking chair. I check the clock on the dash. It’s just after five in the morning. Hopefully,
Barbara Clark
is a morning person.
I park in the driveway and detach my seatbelt. “Fox?” He doesn’t move. I force the tears down and step outside into the driveway. “Come on, Fox…” I pull open his door and tap his face to wake up him. His eyes flutter open and I breathe a sigh of relief. He falls forward and I let him lean into me as we stand him up. I carry us across the drive with heavy feet and knock on the front door. “Hello?” I cry out. I knock again, struggling to hold him steady.