Read Bodyguard Pursuit Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Bodyguard Pursuit (13 page)

BOOK: Bodyguard Pursuit
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“It’ll make protecting the girls go a lot easier knowing every route is covered.” Kneeling, Tyler wiped his sweaty brow as he secured the sensor low on the trunk’s base. He checked the camera attached to it before flipping the switch. “This one’s set.”

Ben mounted his last sensor in the bow of a tree, made sure he’d aimed it in the right direction so even at that height it’d catch any movement and an image. Carefully, he backed out of the scrub and returned to the trail. The dozen alarmed devices they’d set within their small corner of the island were evenly spaced out and each would send a warning to their cell phones if triggered.

“Let’s head back. Lydia doesn’t like it when I’m late.” Tyler tracked toward the cove and Ben followed. As they made the curved white sand beach with its jagged cliffs either side, the sun dipped along the horizon and sent a final flare of red across the sky. Tyler strode to the beached inflatable and heaved it into the water.

Ben splashed through the surf, bounded into the craft and sat at the stern. He pulled the motor’s cord and the engine roared to life. They were off, cruising back to the ship moored in the deep.

Once on board, Tyler walked toward Brigs as he leaned against the front glass doorway watching them, his corded binoculars swinging around his neck. Tyler clapped Brigs on the back and disappeared inside.

Ben stopped next to Brigs. “How are the girls?”

“They had an enjoyable day. Saria went diving with Dylan and Luke this afternoon, and Lydia kicked back by the pool with Liam and Nico. They’re below-stairs now, getting ready for dinner.”

For the past week, Ben had kept his word in his and Saria’s bargain. Nights only. He’d steered clear of her during the day, allowing Brigs or Tyler to watch her. Which had been damn hard and only just doable.

“I’ve got some news.” Brigs cleared his throat.

“Good or bad?”

“Good. Agent Gilchrist called. Mia Taita is still holed up in her gated seaside Wellington home, but he’s managed to get a team in when she wasn’t looking and her place is now bugged.”

“About time we got in there. The woman has to slip up sooner or later, and Gilchrist needs to catch her.”

“She’s a sly one, always getting others to do her dirty work for her. Gilchrist is now more prepared. He’s tackling every angle he can.”

“So are we. Check your cell phone. Make sure it’s picking up the activated sensors.”

Brigs lugged it out of his pocket. “They’re showing.” He eyed him. “Does this mean you’re happy for the girls to roam the beach if they’d like to?”

“Absolutely. They’ve been looking forward to stretching their legs on land.”

“So have Tyler’s brothers. Even on board, they hover over them, never letting them out of their sight.”

No surprises there. The urge to keep them safe buzzed through all of them. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

“You’re actually going to make it tonight?” Brigs cocked a disbelieving brow.

“Yeah, good point. I might see you at dinner.” He couldn’t trot downstairs fast enough. Once inside their room, he flicked the lock.

The bathroom door opened and steam billowed out. Saria stood there with a delectable smile on her lips and not one inch of her gloriously creamy skin covered. Well, apart from her wet hair clinging to her breasts and hiding those luscious nipples.

“You’re right on time. I’ve just got back from diving and turned the shower on.” She sashayed toward him, gripped his hem and lifted his shirt over his head. “Did you have a good day?”

“Yes, I’m one very happy bodyguard with alarmed sensors in place.” After shucking his cargo shorts, he walked her backward into the bathroom. He swung her into the shower, pinned her against the glass side and kissed her as he’d longed to all day. Hot water pummeled his shoulders, and his woman slid her arms around his neck and held on. He relaxed, every tense muscle easing as peace invaded his soul.

“I love the way you hold me. It makes me feel so secure, cherished, and wanted. Even when you’re inside me, I can feel your strength and determination, along with such sweet tenderness.” She hooked one leg behind his knee, rubbed up and down his calf. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get all sentimental.”

“That’s in your nature. As long as you don’t make anything more out of our agreement than what we’ve decided, you can get as sentimental as you like.” He cupped her bottom and drew her hard against him.

“I won’t make a thing out of it. The sex is hot, and that’s what I like.” She nibbled his neck. “Brigs told us about the call from Gilchrist, that Mia Taita’s place is now bugged.”

“We’ll catch her.”

“I know you will.”

Her faith in him was absolute, something he valued beyond belief. “Tell me about the diving.”

“We explored along the reef, but I got distracted by the dolphins.” Her tone bubbled with excitement. “One nudged Luke to the surface. He grabbed its fin and it took him for a ride. It was the most amazing sight.”

Luke was damn lucky to have spent the day with Saria. “Tomorrow, you’re welcome to use the beach.” That way he could watch her, even if from a distance.

“Wonderful. Nico is bursting to build a sandcastle. Lydia’s actually drawn up a master plan for one.” She glided her hands down his sides as she slowly knelt. “Pass me the soap.”

His already hard cock got incredibly harder. “I’m not—”

She slid her lips around him then licked the head.

“—going to last if you do that.”

“That’s your fault for being so tasty.” One mischievous wink and she sucked him deep into her mouth. Oh hell, he was a goner.

* * * *

Saria intended to tempt Ben beyond his endurance. On her knees, with the water sluicing down her body, she built his pleasure with her mouth until his thighs shook and his fingers pressed deep into her shoulders.

He groaned and rocked his hips. “Please, Saria. Show me some mercy.”

“Mercy is completely overrated.”

“I want to be inside of you, not to come in your mouth.” He pulled out and sagged against the shower wall. “Hell, that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”

Yet harder still was his cock and she was without a condom. “Wait here, Ben. I didn’t think of protection.”

“No, I’m not letting you go now. We’ll come back and finish this shower later.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her dripping wet body to the bed. He tumbled her onto the mattress, nabbed what he needed from the bedside table and sheathed himself.

“You forgot to turn the water off.”

“If you’ve got time to think about that, then I’m not doing my job properly.” His gaze roamed over her chest then he crawled on top of her, cupped her breasts and eased them together. Slowly, he licked her nipple. The hot stroke of his tongue sent a bolt of desire to her core, and all thought of the running water flitted from her mind.

“I love when you kiss me like that.”

“I’ve only just begun.” He grinned then nipped the tip.

“Show me.” He did, sucking her nipple deep into his mouth until a torrent of tingles raced through her. She grabbed his arms and clung. “That feels so good.”

“For me too.” He swept her legs apart and knelt between them. “Now to make you feel even better.”

“Everything you do makes me feel that way.” Up on her elbows, she traced the ridged bands of his stomach. His hard muscles were honed to perfection, and his abs rippled as she brushed the head of his cock. His shaft was thick and long and saluting her from a thatch of blond hair, the same pale color as his head. She sat straighter, bringing their bodies closer together. His chest hair tickled her breasts and she sighed with delight. Then he kissed her, hot and hard and exactly as she wanted. She loved his kisses.

He broke for air, blue eyes twinkling. Then he drifted lower, kissing and licking. She fell back onto the bed as he bent his head and kissed along her inner thighs, his breath puffing against her skin. He dipped his finger along her folds then rubbed her clit.

“Please, yes please.” She grabbed fistfuls of the soft cotton bed sheet. “More.”

“Demand anything you wish.” He plunged one finger deep inside her then stroked, harder and faster, until he hit that spot that had her gasping.

“I want you buried deep inside me and to never leave.” She looked into his eyes as she skimmed his cock. She caressed his hot flesh then pumped him in time with how he stroked her. “Now.”

“As you wish.” He slid over her and filled her completely.

“Ben.” She writhed as he thrust and melded their bodies together. Each of his deeply penetrating strokes took her over. “I can’t hold on any longer.”

“Then don’t.”

“Only with you.” The words rushed from her as blissful spasm after spasm racked her body, and he came too, his climax tumbling over hers and sending her flying into oblivion.

“You okay?”

“Mmm,” she mumbled. “Never better.”



Chapter 10


Later that week, having handed the communications to Brigs for the day, Ben patrolled the cove in the hope of having Saria in his sight for a while. She and Lydia, along with Liam, had Nico buzzing about as another of their monster sandcastles took form. They’d built so many, one each day and they dotted the white sand of their private beach. He stepped out from under the shady tree line. Out in the bay, one of the inflatable’s motors roared to life and Tyler pulled away from the ship. He cruised in and beached the craft next to the two WaveRunners Dylan and Luke had been blasting about on earlier.

Tyler jogged toward him. “Hey, another update just came in from Gilchrist. One of his techs found a backdoor into Taita Software’s network.” Gilchrist was working every angle he could.

“Has he found anything of interest?” With Taita Software being one of the most secure networks in the country, as yet they’d found very little.

“No, but he’ll let us know how it goes.”

After two weeks of no movement in their case, the whole team felt the pressure to uncover the solid evidence they needed to toss Mia’s butt back behind bars.

Ben loosened the back zip of his wetsuit an inch and ran his finger around the tight neckline. He should head out and do another sweep along the cliffs since Tyler was back.

“You look anxious.” Tyler crossed his arms.

“It’s nothing.” No one-on-one time with Saria during the day sucked, particularly when she was in sight. “Go and spend some time with your girl.” At least Tyler could.

“Thanks. Take it easy, okay?” Tyler strode toward Lydia as she collected a bucket of water from the surf. She and Saria had built a wide moat around Nico’s sandcastle. Lydia sloshed the water in and Liam gave a jubilant shout from the center of the massive structure then high-fived Saria. The two laughed, and then hugged Nico who snuck out of their embrace and danced around them in his red swim shorts.

“This is the best sandcastle ever.” Nico giggled.

Never had Ben experienced a childhood like that, where attention was lavished so freely on one. He’d missed out on so much, and being around Tyler’s family these past few weeks had only nailed that knowledge home.

Saria left the others, wandered toward the surf and rubbed the sand from her knees. The incoming tide splashed her white shorts and she gripped the elastic waistband. Hell, she was going for a swim. He should turn away, only it was impossible. She shimmied her shorts off and kicked them up onto the dry sand, a move so sensuous, his mouth watered. Slowly running her fingers under the lower edge of her red bikini bottoms, she straightened the shiny fabric.

Not going to her made every nerve in his body stretch to breaking point. He wanted to touch her, but instead he remained right where he was as she stepped into the water, lifted her gloriously long brown locks and stretched her body. The two squares of red material hugging her breasts strained over the mounds and he gritted his teeth. When she finally walked deeper, dove and disappeared beneath the water’s surface, he released his breath.

He waited for her to appear, and like a sea nymph, she rose with water running down her body. A loud laugh burst from her, and then she grabbed her foot.

Luke emerged from under the water, lifted her up and tossed her. Dylan was out there too, both of them snorkeling after their jet ski.

She came up for air, shoved against Luke’s chest and pushed him backward. The two disappeared within the water’s depths, and unable to hold back any longer, Ben strode into the waves. As she resurfaced, with Luke’s mask and snorkel in hand, she slid it on and dived with a last laugh.

“Saria!” Luke yelled. “Get back here now, you vixen.”

“Hey, Luke.” He joined the man. “You need me to grab your gear?”

“No, I’ll go and fetch another set from the inflatable. I didn’t get a chance to warn her though. The tide’s turning and it’s rough out near the reef.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her.” Her safety and wellbeing came first, even over their agreement. He swam toward her before she got too far, dived and snagged her hand. As she jerked around, he pointed upward and she nodded her understanding.

They broke the surface together and she eased the snorkel’s mouthpiece to one side. “What’s up, Hammers?”

When she said his last name like that, it always got him so hard. Now was no exception. “The tide’s turning.”

“That tends to happen a couple of times a day, so far as I know.” Grinning, she tweaked his nose. “Do you have anything else enlightening to add?”

“Luke said it’s rough. It’s best I swim with you.” He kept a stern expression, even though he wanted to smile at her cheekiness.

“Since when do I need a guardian in the water?” Her curious frown sent a buzz of need through him, and he was already needy enough.

“It’s a precaution, and it won’t hurt you to take it.” The waves bumped them together and he caught her around the waist. “Please, Saria.”

“I gave you my word. No time together outside of the bedroom. Let me honor that. Send Tyler out to watch me if you’re that concerned.” She popped her snorkel back in and kicked away. Damn it, he needed this, to remain with her. He’d certainly had enough of missing her when she was so close.

It was time for them to speak about it. He dived. Colorful fish darted about as he searched for her within the deep blue. A partial reef between them and the ship formed a natural underwater reserve, one she loved snorkeling along. That could be where she’d gone. He surfaced, wiped his eyes and got his bearings.

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