BOMAW Vol. 10-12 (161 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: BOMAW Vol. 10-12
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Letter One...


My Dearest Love,


Now, now, don't shake your head and sigh at my opening salutation, it's how I see you. I bet you miss me. I bet you're thinking about me, even now, before the arrival of this letter to you - and I bet you'd never admit it.

The thought makes me smile, believe it our not. Your determined spirit, your drive, your dignity - your energy - it is all those things about you and more, that makes me smile.

Prepare yourself my love - this is the first of many letters from me, to you, to be found in your mailbox.

My father, by the way - knows.

I'm laughing because I can see your face - the surprise that swept over it upon reading that line - yes, I'm right aren't I? Or, did you think, "Knows what?!" I'm certain one of the two responses took place in your mind - of that I am certain. In case the latter is correct, I will relieve you of suffering and nibbling at your thumbnail as you wonder. My father knows that we have been intimate with one another. To say the least, he was not slapping me on the back for my deeds; primarily due to fears that he has for my future well being. Because you are a parent, I am certain you can relate. I however, assured him that I am perfectly capable of seeing to my personal affairs - thank you. Even so, as he is my father, it is only right that he worries a little - any caring and loving parent will - once more I refer to your position as one, to understand - and not fear that it is anything else beyond that.

Now, I will change the subject from us for the moment to bring you up on what has taken place within my family, which took place on the tail of our return. A tragic emergency has occurred due to circumstances surrounding my uncle and his wife.... ( he went on to relay the events explained to him and where Meribel stood health wise at present ) ...all this time now, since that - it has been driven home to me how important it is to put all that is vital within me, into being a real man standing as a sentry to his family, to the ones that he loves. There is so much involved in being a good husband, and too many take that position for granted, I assure you, I will not! Having stood on the outlines, looking in - I now see that there are numerous layers given to a man, who claims to be one, especially should he choose to take on a woman, call her his, as well the children they share, of those that she, you - have bared before my choosing to take such a position before you. Being a good husband, a real man, is far more than just providing a home. As a boy growing up in the midst of my grandfather, uncles and father, I heard such mutterings around me, often, and yet, until - you - until my uncles tragedy, did they form within my mind a clear picture displaying the gravity of those things I heard from my grandfather and father, and uncles.

Companionship, preparation, entertainment, planning, providing food and clothing, as well sharing in learning and gaining are mere fractions of all that is required of the man. Wow... I am staggered by it all, but not in the least, has it frightened me from my plans. No, not even in the smallest bit. In a sense, my uncles misfortune has prepared me to seek ways in which I can greater benefit you, your children and if I reach you in time, and am blessed - dare I say it now - our children? Now, now, there you go again, shaking your head at what I say. I must prepare myself, right now, today even, for the mighty role in which I've decided to take as your future provider.

I'm young, strong, focused with plenty of advanced warning ... yes my love - when I appear upon your doorstep that day in our future... I will be ready on all counts, I assure you, my words are true. You must be made to feel secure beside me - by all means, that is a must - I will see to that - of that, you have my word. I will stand up, I will be as a buffer - a protector, a shield, a sentry guard before my family and to those I call my own. No harm will befall you - as long as I stand; know this now, I will shore up my powers, for the time if ever - I am tested before you - so that he, or they, that tests me - knows - to you - to ours - there is no clear or easy way through me - the deed will not be simple.

I shake my head now because I will confess to you, and only you - that I questioned my grandfather's words - his wisdom - his seemingly slippery slope on sanity at times, when we chanced to hear his words concerning the things I've spoken of above and how he - infused this into his sons - the mental state of being that would equip them with all that was needed to stand, to fight - and not give in - and all was fair, no matter what means that might be - to keep those you've taken on - safe. This weekend, I saw first hand - someone else, one of his sons, doubt him - doubt his word - doubt his reasoning and because of this - his wife, my aunt, was in critical condition. Oh Jackie, the agony that my uncle is suffering is unbearable to stand witness to. As for me.... lesson - learned. I will not be one, to repeat such an error with those I've chosen to bring home as mine, again - I assure you of this.

In conclusion my love - there is a lot involved with being a real man in this world that we're all forced to live in. Some of us are ready for it, some of us are not. Because I am a man of my word, it is time for me to get ready - while giving thanks that I have been shown this window to peer into which helps to prepare me - for the day when I return to you. I must be ready - I will not fail you.


Paul Raymond McPherson


Chapter 275


L. A...


Jeremiah had already taken the pictures of the possessions he found of the deceased, Mr Eddie Dane's daughter, also dead, supposedly, of suicide. He photographed anything and everything he considered relevant to proving the case against her suicide. He would add it to the other information he was building. At the present he was looking over the photographs spread across his desk; while he worked on clearing his calendar so that he could join Deidre in Wisconsin after she left, later that day. He had a court appearance to make that day and two meetings. His phone rang - his secretary informed him it was Deidre.

"Hey you..." He answered smiling.

"Just wanted to call you - let you know what's happened since you left this morning."

"Something's already happened? What time is it?"

"10:00 - no rest for the wicked."

"Uh oh, let me hear it."

"Of all people to show up at my door, my father! He obviously has discovered my whereabouts, and is wasting no time showing up unannounced."

"Nice..." Jeremiah returned sarcastically, "What does he want?"

"According to him, mother is filing for divorce."

"Aaah, such a lovely couple too, breaks my heart."

Deidre laughed on the other end, "Yes, the world is certainly to stop turning, not only that, mother is also threatening to kick him out."

"Couldn't happen to a nicer guy... and you're to do what about it?"

"Well, he says, that he came to prepare me for the controversy she might stir-up and - if by chance it gets ugly, he wants me to testify that she's crazy. That she slept with my husband, had me drugged and our child aborted, wrecked my marriage and even, possibly tried to have me killed because I provoked my husband into hating her and she took it out on me, her revenge was to try and have me killed."

"Holy shit! They're both insane!"

"Yes - a match made in hell."

"And what answer did you give him?" Jeremiah had to ask, shaking his head at the thought.

"I laughed, in fact, I couldn't stop. Charlie showed him the door."

"Good for you. It's a shame that he knows where you live - but - with his connections, resources, it was only a matter of time."

"Em, yes, well - enough about them - will I get to see you before we leave?"

"I'm planning on it - but - it's not a promise." He regretted having to slip that in.

"I could hold off until really late, as it is, they may not be home from Madison - remember Derrick's wife is still in the hospital."

"If you hold off flying over a day or two, we could go together." He suggested.

"I can't - I don't want to delay it. With her there, her security core needs to be seen to immediately. I need to purchase whatever means necessary to get them housed and set up nearby - that's not for Shawn to do. I also want to get there and meet with the firm who will be supplying all that will be used to build the core of the house and beyond. This way, all will be in place and ready to go. Charlie has seen to that, and made the appointment with them."

"I understand, and of course you're right, either way, I'll be flying down to join you. Thing is, how long do you figure on staying?"

Deidre sighed, "I can't answer that - as long as it takes. Is that going to be okay with you?"

"Are you kidding? Angela comes first. If I have to fly back and forth for us to be together, then I will, simple as that."

"Thank you - for being so patient, understanding about it all."

"Sweetheart, it's your parents I don't like. As for you - you're my kind'ah girl."

Deidre smiled, "You sure about that?"

"Absolutely - and then some."

"Anyway, so what's your schedule?"

"I have to be in court today, I have two meetings to attend, don't know how long they'll be, and I'll be taking my theories on Mr. Dane's daughter to officers investigating, see what they think."

"Is it enough to tie things together?"

"No, just a few pieces, but they're light - even so, every little bit counts."

"Emmm, my mother had a particular - hmmm - I think I'll stop until we're together, keep that info to myself - I don't think it's something to say over the phone, just in case."

"That's my girl, always better to be safe, than sorry. Okay, I better get crackin' here - I'm hoping I'll see you later."

"I'll wait as long as I dare."

Jeremiah went to court - to his meetings and half way through the second, felt his mobile vibrate. Afterwards - checking it - he noted it was from his brother, Max and phoned him back. "I felt your vibrations my brother." Jeremiah started out.

Max started cracking up, "Listen at'you, life sounds good, talkin' that vibrations shit my brother, what's up with that?" He smiled on the other end of the phone.

"Just keepin' things light and easy, how can I serve you?"

"Naw man, I'm just checkin' in tha's all. Been a while you know."

"Yes it has, sorry about that. I've been tied up in court, doing a few mergers, and then there's Deidre - life, you know. Hey, you know where to find me right? You know what to do? Like you just did."

"True dat, true dat - we need to hook up tho - you know what I'm sayin', we the only family we got."

"Missing me, huh?"

"Well yeah, don't you miss me? We blood, 'spose to be keepin' them ties that bind, strong - I'ah do my part, you do yours."

"Absolutely, okay, how about we set up a date for next week, I'll be going out of town in a couple of days, and soon as I get back, it's you and I."

"Works! Where you headin'?"

"East, North - Wisconsin - some matters concerning Deidre."

"Ah, gotcha', well, ring me when you get back, we'll do that." Max finished.

"I'll land and dial your number, that's a promise."

Max hung up, went to shower with Moniqua on his mind.

She was starting to act a bit different lately. Getting into his business about Oscar T., talking about he owes it to his father to give him a chance to make amends. For him to answer, "You don't give a damn about that man and how I treat him - you know ain't nothing bothering you about all that, but that money and how you can get it!"

"Excuse me!" She'd argued back, "I'm making my own damn money, working part-time."

"Where? Where you working this time?"

Instead of answering him - she flipped him off saying, "You ain't gone be puttin' me through this shit - because I'm tryin' to tell you something you need to hear? Oh no, hell with this, you know what - fine - do what you want - I ain't even got the time for it, you understand?" And off she would go. Which was not like her. Before he'd be the one sending her off, for her to turn on a dime, talking him down until they ended up in bed. That wasn't happening lately.

She hadn't been in his bed for over a week now and they'd had a few arguments - that didn't end as they used to. Never had they gone this long out of his bed, something was different, something had changed with her - and it was bugging him what? She was wearing nicer cloths, her hair was always done now, looking as if she'd just gotten it done, every time he saw her; that had never been before. Lil'Kenny was always decked out as well. Yet, every time they came together, she was finding a way to bring his father up in some way. The longer Max thought about it, the more sure he was that she was dealing with another dude, the question is, who?

Out of the shower - with the towel wrapped around his waist, he gave her a call.


"Aye, won't you come by here?"

"Right now?" She returned.

It was clear in her voice, she was up to something else, "Anything wrong wit' right now? You got something better to do?"

"I might, you know ... hang on a minute." She instructed, holding her thumb over the talk hole tightly, changing her tone as she looked up from the bed she was sitting up in, looking towards Oscar T. who was dressing, "What?" she asked him softly, after he'd gotten her attention, over hearing who she was speaking with.

"If that's my son - you go."

"Go? But, I don't like going to him after I've been with you."

"I said go to him."

"What if he wants me to go to bed with him?"

"It's what you're paid to do, isn't it? What's the problem?"

"I thought, well - you and I were getting closer - I thought, maybe I could be, just yours, for you - alone."

Oscar T. shook his head laughing at her, "I'm done with you - go to my son. By the looks of things, you're turning out to be a waste of my time, he's yet to call me." he pointed out, turning away from her and the look on her face.

"Hello? I ain't gone be holding on t'no goddamn phone!"

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