Read Bon Bon Beauty (Plus Size Romance 3) Online

Authors: Lynn Cooper

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Romantic Comedy, #Short Stories, #Series, #BBW, #Foodie, #Bon Bon, #Humor, #Steamy Love, #Sensual, #Romantic, #Poor Side, #Independent, #Beauty Parlor, #Luxury, #Paramedic, #Emergency, #Lifetime, #Trust, #Wooing, #Middle, #Freedom, #Fate, #Adult

Bon Bon Beauty (Plus Size Romance 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Bon Bon Beauty (Plus Size Romance 3)
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Taking a deep breath of determination, she did a few squats to warm up her muscles. They were part of a long-time ritual she performed before every run.  In high school, Saffron was on the relay team.  She was an excellent runner and brought her team to victory many times.  Along with reading, running helped her to deal with her turbulent childhood.

Despite gaining a considerable amount of weight due to insulin resistance—the culprit behind her hypoglycemia—she continued to exercise on a regular basis. She might never be a Skinny Minnie again, but her health was paramount.  She believed a body should do everything within its power to stay well.

It felt good to stretch her hamstrings.  She was focused and ready to run.  At the sound of the starter pistol, she bolted forward.  But before her right foot could make solid contact with the earth, she spotted an unsettling shadow in her peripheral vision.  Her ankle turned at an awkward angle, and she tumbled rather ungraciously to the ground.

Luckily, the other participants had sprinted off into the surrounding woods.  No one except the man of her dreams seemed to notice she had fallen.  Despite her embarrassment, Parker Sloan was a sight for her sore eyes.

Looking up at him, she asked, “Why are you here?”

“To pick you up,” he said, lifting her with ease.

The shock of seeing him again and being encased in his strong arms was making her feel lightheaded. When she spoke, her words came out in a breathless whisper.  “If you don’t set me down soon, you’re going to strain your milk.  I’m a little on the heavy side, you know.”

He winked at her.  “No, I don’t know. To me, you’re absolutely perfect. I could carry you like this all day long.  I love how you feel all warm and soft, pressed against my chest.  Don’t you?”

Saffron could barely think much less speak after such a sweet and sexy declaration.  So she simply snuggled closer, burying her face in his neck.

He chuckled.  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

She could feel his rich laughter clear to her toes.  The vibrations fluttered over her heart like a feather.

Raising her head, she gazed dreamily into his eyes.  “Where are you taking me?”

“Some place private.”

“Good luck with that.  We’re outdoors on nature’s stage for all the world to see.”

“Not for long, my lady.”

Although she knew it was merely a turn of phrase, she couldn’t help but shiver at the possessive expression.  In a moment like this, it was hard not to long for the thing she had always been most afraid of. 

As she steeled her resolve of resistance, determining not to let this man get too close too fast, Parker beat a path to the back of his ambulance.  Nodding toward the doors, he said, “I kinda have my hands full at the moment.  Be a doll, and lift the handle on the right for me.”

When she did, the door slowly swung outward.

She watched with lusty admiration as he shouldered his way inside and gently lay her on a well-padded gurney.

Quickly, she straightened the hem of her running shorts while he closed the doors behind them.

Sitting down on a bench across from her, he gave her a panty-melting smile and said, “Alone at last.”

Feeling a little flushed and flustered, Saffron tried to deflect his attentions.  “Shouldn’t you be doing something paramedical like putting a cold pack on my ankle?”

His eyes burned into hers.  “Sure, I’d be glad to.  It is looking a little hot and swollen.”

She blushed, starring at the bulge in his crotch. “It’s not the only thing.”

He cleared his throat.  “Touché.  But I’m afraid it’s going to take more than ice to bring that swelling down.”

Saffron knew she should quit while she was ahead, but their sexy banter was turning her on.  She didn’t want it to end.  “Like what?”

She sucked in a sharp breath when he leaned forward, placing a strong hand on her ankle.  Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest as he held her gaze, his fingers lightly caressing her skin.

“Like you and your sweet pussy.”

God help her, had he really said that?

Her mouth couldn’t form a response.  She felt faint when he pressed his hot palm flush against her flesh.  She couldn’t suppress a moan of need as it traveled up her calf, past her knee and over her thigh. She tried to push his hand away, but it wouldn’t budge.  His boldness both scared and aroused her at the same time. 

The blunt tips of his fingers danced along the edge of her running shorts.  “Tell me, Saffron Butler.  Are your panties wet? If I touched you right now, my little bon bon beauty, would I find you completely dry? Unaffected?” he asked in a husky yet teasing tone.

“You wouldn’t dare touch me with all these people milling around,” she whispered.

“Why not? We’re tucked safely inside this ambulance.  No one’s paying attention us.  We could take this outside, and they’d be too busy hydrating and tending their blisters to notice.  These people are fully engaged in a race you’re out of now.”

She might have been sidelined, but her pulse was racing a million miles a minute.

Hyperventilation was closing in on her as his hand slid farther up, slipping under the hem of her shorts, closer to her panties.

Shaking her head, she had to say something to regain control of the situation.  “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”  Her words sounded weak to her own ears.

“On the contrary, I think it’s the best one I’ve ever had.  I can make you come right now, Saffron, and no one will be the wiser.”

She released a shuddering breath. No matter how much she wanted this to be real, it all seemed so unbelievable. Hot paramedics didn’t make passes at big girls like her, did they?

When she said nothing, he pressed her again.

“Let me pleasure you.  Please.”

The smoldering desire in his eyes set her nether regions on fire and seared her soul.  Knowing she would live to regret it but, having not an ounce of resistance left, she nodded her consent.

Sliding off the bench, he knelt in front of her and kissed a path up her left leg where his hand had previously traveled.  When he reached the top of her smooth, creamy, caramel-colored thigh, he pushed the inseam of her shorts to the side, using his shoulders to wedge her legs apart.  For several breathtaking moments, his mouth hovered over her panty-clad pussy. 

Saffron bucked at the feel of his hot breath against her most private part.  She relished the feel of his fingers digging into her hips, holding her steady as he pressed his firm, wet lips against her panties. She couldn’t stifle the cries of pleasure, and her entire body trembled when his tongue lapped her through the flimsy material.  Shaking with need, she wove her fingers into his hair and pressed his face firmly against her wanton womanhood. 

She was so close to climaxing but couldn’t relax enough to let it happen.  No matter how hard she tried to concentrate on the delicious things he was doing with his lips, tongue and teeth, she couldn’t shed the feeling that all of it was too good to be true.

Sure enough, she was right.  Seconds before being swept away by what would have been the best orgasm of her life, she heard the latch on the ambulance door click.  Jerking free of Parker’s mouth, she quickly shoved him away and crossed her legs to hide the dampness that had gathered there.

She was happy he had quick reflexes.  He was able to seat himself back on the bench before rays of sunshine streamed in, putting them in the spotlight.

When the door was fully opened, a petite blonde popped her head inside and focused all of her attention on Parker.

“There you are, darling! Your daddy told us you were stuck here, covering for Chase.  What a dreadful way to spend a Saturday,” she crooned, flipping her hair.

Saffron couldn’t tell if it was the bright sunlight or anger squinting Parker’s eyes until he spoke with a cool steeliness laced with restraint.

“My job is
dreadful, Tiffany. In fact, today has been the most pleasant I’ve had in quite a long while.”

Screwing up her face, she glanced at the gurney as if just noticing it.  “What’s wrong with her, darling?”

Parker smiled, turning his gaze to Saffron when he answered. “Absolutely nothing.”  Then almost as an afterthought, he said, “Tiffany, I’d like for you to meet Saffron Butler, owner of the Bon Bon Beauty Parlor.  She—”

“I know,” she cut in, raising her nose in the air as though she had caught a whiff of something unpleasant. “She’s the half-breed, trailer-trash Nigel tried to hire at Curl Up and Dye—one of his smaller salons.  She turned him down, but it wasn’t any great loss.  I mean, we’ve all heard the rumors that Miss Butler is better than Vidal Sassoon and Mr. Clairol combined.  But, I’ve never seen any evidence to support such tall tales.”

Saffron bit the inside of her cheek, using the physical pain to counteract this woman’s hurtful remarks.  There was no way in hell she was going to let some snobby socialite see her cry. 

To her great surprise, Parker jumped to his feet.  All evidence of his earlier desire was gone.  Rage had taken its place. 

She almost felt sorry for the Barbie Doll when Parker grabbed her slender shoulders, lifting her off her high-heeled feet.  In a voice lower and far more menacing than Saffron thought possible, his words came out in a growl.

“Tiffany, if you were a man, I’d break your neck for saying that.  As it is, you best go home.  We’ll talk later, after I’ve had a chance to cool off.”

Saffron didn’t know if the blonde was brave or just plain stupid.  But still dangling in Parker’s grasp, she harrumphed.  “Aren’t you going to introduce
, darling?” she asked, craning her neck to make eye contact with Saffron.

Releasing her with a thud, he said.  “No.  Go
, Tiffany.”

“Wait!” Saffron exclaimed.  “I’d like to have that introduction.  I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting a real-life asswipe before.”

Saffron smiled sweetly and was pleased to see Parker’s scowl had been replaced with a look of amusement.

Surprisingly, Tiffany kept her composure.  She was downright smug.  “I’m Parker’s fiancée.  As soon as he takes the Medical Board Exam, we’re getting married.”

All the air whooshed from Saffron’s lungs.  She felt sick to her stomach. 
Oh God, no!
How could she have been so gullible? All the walls she had built to protect herself had come crumbling down the minute he intimately touched her.  She was an idiot! She never should have trusted him.

This time she couldn’t keep the tears from filling her eyes.  She could barely see Parkers dumb-stricken face as she pushed herself off the gurney.  She had to get out of the ambulance, far away from him and his snooty fiancée.

When she stood, she swayed from a wave of dizziness. 

Instantly, Parker took her arm to steady her.

Saffron flinched.  “Don’t ever touch me. You’re nothing but a no-good player.  I never want to see you again!” she yelled, jumping down from the back of the ambulance.

When she got to her car, her ankle was screaming with pain.  But she didn’t care.  It was far better to focus on it than the gaping, bleeding hole in her heart.


PARKER WAS SEETHING.  NEVER had he been so fucking pissed in all of his life.  “Goddamn it, Tiffany!” he bellowed, slamming the ambulance doors shut.  He hated being confined inside the emergency vehicle with her, but he didn’t want to have it out in public.  He didn’t want to talk to her at all, but enough was enough.

With her arms folded tightly across her chest and her lips pursed together, she looked like a petulant child.  A spoiled brat who was used to getting her way.  Well, not this time.  Parker wasn’t her overindulging daddy.  And he sure the hell wasn’t her fiancé, nor would he ever be.

She had turned her head away from him.  He knew she was purposely avoiding his gaze and giving him the silent treatment, but he wasn’t going to stand for that either. 

Taking her chin, he forced her to look him in the eye.  “Why the hell did you lie to Saffron?”

“It wasn’t a lie.  As soon as you come to your senses, we will be married.”

He shook his head.  “No, we won’t.  I’m never going to be a doctor, Tiffany.”  Feeling a pang of sympathy and guilt, he softened his voice.  “And I don’t want to marry you.  I’m sorry.”

“Sorry! Not nearly as sorry as you’re going to be.  Why do you have to ruin everything?  To change all of our plans?”

“Whose plans?  My father’s? Your father’s? Have you ever really thought about what

She huffed.  “Of course I have.  I want you.”

Parker raked his fingers through his hair.  “No, you don’t.  You want to be the wife of a doctor.  You want the money and prestige.  The perks that come with that lifestyle.  And you can have all of it with someone else.  There’s plenty of doctors in the sea, Tiffany.”

Her bottom lip quivered.  “But Daddy promised I could have you.”

“Good God, woman.  Do you hear yourself?  I’m not an object to be given away.  Neither are you.  Our parents are off their heads.  They’ve tried to impose their dreams and wills upon us long enough.  I’m done.  I know what I want to do with the rest of my life and who I want to spend it with.  When my shift is finished, I’m gonna go to her and see if she’ll have me.”

BOOK: Bon Bon Beauty (Plus Size Romance 3)
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