Bond Betrayed (10 page)

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Authors: Chandra Ryan

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Bond Betrayed
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He ran a finger along her pussy, eliciting a shiver of desire from her. She was hot and wet, ready for him.

“I’m going to fuck you. Right now. If you move before I enter you, even one inch, I’m going to uncuff you and send you to your room.”

She froze on the bed, barely moving to take in a breath. He wasn’t one to make idle threats and she was willing to do anything to feel him inside her again. She may not have intended to be submissive but, now that she was, she was enjoying it.

She smiled to herself as he pushed the tip of his cock up to her entrance. This was what she needed. Yes, they’d just been together. But she was quickly finding his touch, his passion, to be a remarkably soothing balm to the pain life repeatedly inflected. As he thrust fully into her, she found she no longer had the time or the inclination to reflect on him or on what his body meant to her. She could only feel.

There was no savoring this time. Hell, there was no control. He was dominant and she was wanting. And he wasn’t the type to leave a woman wanting. She lost track of his moans and her cries as they mingled and tangled along with the panting breaths and whispered endearments. She was too focused on the tension that was already gathering in her abdomen to care about anything else. When the orgasm finally hit, though, she wasn’t prepared for it. It was too intense, so pleasurable it was almost painful. She called out and gripped one of the slats of his headboard tightly as the waves of bliss rolled over her.

But, when the sensations faded and she was left with nothing but contentment, she was surprised to find he wasn’t finished with her. Even as her body hummed with satisfaction, he began rekindling her desire until it was a raging inferno once again. Still thrusting rhythmically into her, his hands kneaded her breasts and played with the clamps on her nipples until the sensations were too intense for her to take. And then he’d slipped one hand down her body until it reached her clit. Once there, he’d taught her a whole new definition for need.

When she could take no more of the delicious torture, she let what was left of her control slip and fell into a world that existed on instinct alone. No thoughts, no plans, no seductions left, she lived with only the desire to pleasure him and to find some end to the hunger that threatened to consume her soul. Until—finally—the world fractured around her and, for one moment, she was at peace.

She wasn’t sure how long the climax lasted or how long it took conscious thought to return to her, but she was still under him and he was still buried deep in her when the world finally started to fall back into place. Her breathing was still fast and rough, but it started to calm as the seconds ticked by. And her heart, though it still beat fast enough to echo in her ears, wasn’t quite as loud as it was just a moment ago.

“Are you okay?” He sounded truly concerned. Like there was a possibility earthshaking sex could somehow hurt her.

“Are you kidding me? I’m fantastic.”

She glanced over her shoulder just in time to catch his self-satisfied smile. Arrogant as it was, she let him have it. He’d earned his moment of victory. He sat up slowly before releasing the cuffs. This time there were no complaints from her as she rubbed her wrists briefly before stretching.

“You certainly know how to give a girl a workout.” She rolled over and fell onto the bed on her back.

“You’re going to get cold,” he said, trying to free the blanket that was trapped under her.

“I’ll be fine. Need sleep.” She didn’t have much energy left, so she snuggled into an overstuffed pillow as he went to discard the condom in his bathroom. When he lay down next to her, he opened his arms and welcomed her into his embrace. She scooted as close to him as physically possible and then drifted to sleep.


Isaac was content to listen to her rhythmic breathing until he, too, fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. But, even as his body took the rest it so desperately needed, he missed her. His dreams were filled with her. Some were sexual in nature, but others were just of her. Her smiling, her running her fingers through his hair, her laughing at some inane joke. And he found he liked those better. That is, until he noticed the unmistakable sensation of his cock being licked. That, he liked best of all. The woman knew how to wake a man up.

“Hmmm, I’ve never met a woman quite like you.” His voice was still groggy, but she wouldn’t possibly be able to miss the hunger already in it.

“Then we’re even.” She paused to take him deep in her throat and then she hummed with contentment before releasing him with a couple of licks. “’Cause I’ve never met a man like you. You’re the first who could keep up with me.”

“I’m not sure if I can, darling. I think you might be giving me too much credit.” She laughed, but then was silent as she took him back into her mouth.

Dear god, he was already rock-hard again. If they didn’t get this under control, he was at risk of living the rest of his life with a permanent erection. And that could be a problem when she ran off to her beach.

Again, she licked the length of him as she peered up at him from between his legs. “I may not be an expert at many things, Isaac, but I know sex. Trust me when I say, I’m not giving you any undue credit.”

She took him back into her mouth and he didn’t have the will to fight her any longer. Wrapping a hand through her hair, he gave in to the pleasure of the experience. She sucked on him gently as she worked her way up his cock and hummed softly when he slipped to the back of her throat and then started all over again.

She was the sun, and he was quickly growing addicted to her warmth. Oh, he wasn’t going to lie and claim the attraction was all poetry and the stuff of fairy tales. Phenomenal sex and a general respect for one another was what their attraction was based on. But he’d take phenomenal sex over a virgin princess any day.

He groaned with pleasure and tugged slightly at her hair as she wrapped the tip of her tongue around the head of his cock. He honestly thought he could die a happy man at that moment, but he was delighted he hadn’t when a few minutes later she took him deeper into her throat and hummed. The vibration sent delicious waves of pleasure through him, so he did what any sane man would do and tugged on her hair a tiny bit harder.

This time, she lowered her hand from the base of his cock to his balls and began stroking them as she continued to suck him. It wasn’t long before he began to teeter on the cusp of an orgasm. He tried to pull her away from him, but she refused to move and he was too lost to the pleasure to care.

His heart racing and his breath coming in shallow gasps, he watched as he came in her mouth. Her throat moved subtly as she swallowed and then she smiled softly as her gaze found his. “I really like your toys,” she said as she crawled her way up his body.

He looked down and realized for the first time that she’d taken off the nipple clamps at some point. Shame. “I have more.”

“I know.” Her smile shifted from innocent to wicked. “I couldn’t resist. I looked in your drawer while you were asleep.” She lay down on top of him and nipped at his neck.

“You did?” His hand cupped the soft curve of her ass as he pulled her closer to him.

“I did.”

“Any that interested you?”

“Oh, there were several.”

His phone chirped, but it seemed unimportant at that moment. “Which ones, in particular?”

“Aren’t you going to answer that?”

He sighed but glanced at the phone that sat on top of the nightstand that held his treasures. “I would, but that would mean moving you. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

“Oh, here.” She leaned over and grabbed the phone deftly before handing it to him.

“Officer Marrow,” he answered gruffly. Whoever it was, he didn’t want to encourage a long conversation.

“You need to get your ass down to Beck’s. Someone smashed the place up good. Left a little message for you here, too.”

“Shit.” Beck’s was Gus’ bar. Nikki’s uncle’s bar had just been trashed, and he was pretty certain he knew who’d ordered it. “I’ll be right there.” Nikki had already rolled off him and was pulling his shirt over her head when he ended the call. “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta—”

“Run? Isn’t that a little cliché?” Her words were sharp, but her smile was teasing.

“There’s been an incident at Beck’s.”

“Oh.” She paused and looked down at her lap. “I could go with you.” Why did her voice have to be so hopeful when she suggested it?

“No. It could be a trap.”

“So could this,” she pointed out. “My father’s had a man break into your house already once.”

“Things are going to be too chaotic at the scene to keep an eye on you. I can’t take you with me. I’m sorry, honey. But you are right. You wouldn’t be safe here alone, either. That’s why I need you to call Jacob and Izzy and tell them to come over and keep you company until I get back. You’ll be safe with them.” The phrase “keep you company” might as well have been “babysit”, but he couldn’t let anything happen to her.

“Are you certain that’s what you want?”

“Hell no. I’d much rather be here with you discussing the joys of anal plugs.” He slipped his boxers on and then a pair of slacks.

“For me or you?”

He froze as he started buttoning his shirt. “Which would you prefer?” He’d never used one himself, but if she wanted him to…

“Why don’t we leave that as a surprise? It’ll motivate you to get back here quicker.”

As he got into his car ten minutes later, he found his mind was still stuck on that conversation. She was right, he sure as hell wasn’t going to be dawdling tonight.

Chapter Seven


Nikki put a teapot on the stove for Izzy and Jacob as soon as Isaac’s car backed out of the drive. Amazingly enough, she didn’t even have to search the kitchen to find what she needed. She knew the layout almost better than Isaac.

“So you really like it here?” Izzy asked as she raised an eyebrow skeptically. Tonight her sister’s eyes were green but, since Izzy could change her appearance at will, they could—and probably would—change at any moment.

“I’m enjoying myself.” She smiled as she thought about the time she’d just spend with Isaac. “A lot.”

“But he’s a Marrow.” Izzy’s voice was close to a whine.

“And we’re Rathes.”

“We’ve left this world and our family behind. He’s pledged to honor and protect them. Hell, he reports to his psycho mother. You remember her don’t you? She was the deciding vote that led to your banishment.”

That took a considerable amount of shine out of her afterglow. “I remember.”

“So what are you doing? You can’t trust him.” Sure enough, Izzy’s eyes were starting to darken and turn deep violet with emotion.

“You’re the one who said I should give our people a chance,” she reminded Izzy.

“But a Marrow?”

“Yes, a Marrow.” Nikki poured the hot water into the waiting glasses, happy for the excuse not to have to see the disbelief in her sister’s eyes. “He’s not like the rest of them. He’s got a good heart.”

“Translation—big dick.”

“There’s that, too.” She put the kettle down and handed the mug to Izzy. “Look, Izzy, I know you don’t understand—probably never will—but Isaac and I, we’ve got a lot in common.”

Her sister snorted before ducking her head to blow over the top of her tea.

“It’s true.” She stopped as Jacob walked into the room, but then thought better of keeping silent. She needed her sister with her on this one. Too much was at stake. “I not only trusted but supported your decision to marry a human. You owe me.”

“You aren’t seriously comparing your fling to my marriage, are you?”

Jacob sat down next to Izzy, but wisely decided to keep his silence.

“No. And that you thought I was, means you’ve totally missed the point.” She handed a mug to Jacob before picking up the last one for herself.

Jacob looked down at the tea, and then found a spot on the wall behind Nikki to focus on. “She’s just worried about you, Nic. We both are. Isaac is…” He paused as if looking for the right word. “Intimidating, even for someone like me.”

She wanted to glare at the man, but couldn’t. She didn’t have enough people in her life who gave a damn about her to start alienating the few who did. “And I appreciate the concern—for the most part. But he’s a good guy.”

Jacob opened his mouth but whatever he was about to say was silenced by a knock at the door. Instantly, he had his gun out and pointed in the general direction of the front of the house as he started to walk cautiously across the room.

“Good grief!” Nikki walked around him, ignoring his hissed curse.

“The day my father knocks is the day the Earth stops spinning.” Still, as she moved to open the door, she noted that Jacob was standing behind her, his gun held steady and aimed just over her shoulder. She shook her head, but almost wished he’d fired it as she opened the door. But he didn’t. “Good evening, Mrs. Marrow.”

The woman arched one delicately shaped eyebrow at Jacob, but then brushed past Nikki into the house. “Not really, Ms. Rathe.” Her gaze slid down Nikki, making her feel slimy somehow. “I see you’re making yourself at home.”

For the sake of Jacob’s comfort, Nikki had changed into a pair of soft flannel pajama pants and a cami, but now she wished she’d stayed in Isaac’s shirt. “Be thankful you didn’t show up here an hour ago when your son had me in nothing but handcuffs.” Izzy gasped behind her, but Nikki pretended she didn’t hear it. Right now she was too busy facing down the ice queen to worry about her little sister’s image of her.

“Why am I not surprised?” Mrs. Marrow rolled her eyes in an obvious display of distaste. “I’m not here to talk about what you’re doing with my son in the bedroom, however.”

“No? That’s a shame,” Nikki replied.

“I’m here to talk about what you’re doing to his life.”

That was an interesting subject for the woman to broach. “Which would be?”

“Putting it in danger.”

“Says the woman who wants to make him powerless against my father.” Nikki had seen her fair share of hypocrites in her life, but none so huge as the woman standing in front of her.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mrs. Marrow snapped.

“So you don’t want him to get my family’s raven?”

Isaac’s mother looked at Nikki with open contempt. “You don’t know enough about our world or politics to understand.”

“I don’t give a flying monkey fuck what world you’re living in, lady. He gets that ink, he’s as good as dead.”

“No,” she said with an exasperated sigh. “He gets the ink and he’s no longer a threat. He won’t be worth Rathe’s time or energy.”

Nikki wasn’t sure if she’d just gone a little crazy or if Isaac’s mother actually made some sense. Not that she agreed with her either way. “Oh. My. God. All that ink.” Nikki couldn’t help but visualize Isaac’s body as she said the words. “You honestly thought you were protecting him, didn’t you?”

“He’s my son. I don’t
I was protecting him, I know he’s alive today because of me and that ink.”

“The only thing you’ve done is made him powerless against half the families in the Community.”

“How can you not get it? He was born with a bull’s-eye on his back. I did what I had to do.”

“I don’t think he’d agree.” Nikki took a step back as the horror of it came crashing around her. “And I don’t think he realizes you have such a low opinion of his abilities.”

The woman took advantage of Nikki’s retreat and took two steps forward. “In a fair fight, I’d never doubt him. But we aren’t exactly talking about a fair fight, now are we? Which, conveniently enough, brings me to the reason for my visit.”

Izzy placed her hand on Nikki’s back, the contact comforting Nikki and giving her more strength. “Please do tell. We’re all dying to know why you decided to grace us with your presence,” Izzy said sharply.

“Have Isaac remove the bond,” Mrs. Marrow said bluntly.

Nikki’s back went cold as Izzy’s hand was suddenly removed. “Bond?”

Mrs. Marrow raised one eyebrow as she looked between Nikki and Izzy. “So, you haven’t told her?”

“What my sister and I choose to discuss is none of your business,” Nikki snapped.

“Of course. You’re absolutely right.” Still, the woman’s smile was sickeningly victorious. “You’re relationship with her is of no importance to me. With my son, however…”

“Isaac makes his own decisions.”

“I saw the way he looks at you. If you asked him to remove it, he would.”

She could feel the press on her mind, feel her own desire to give in to the woman. “Get the fuck out of my head.”

“So you know.” The pressure lessened, but didn’t go away altogether.

“You want to play, I can play.”

“Your ability won’t work on me,” Mrs. Marrow reminded her.

“No, you’re right. It wouldn’t.” Nikki winked at the shrew. “But it’ll work on your husband. How is Mr. Marrow doing these days? Does he need to take those little blue pills to fuck you? ’Cause he won’t with me.”

The woman actually turned white and started to shake with rage. “You bitch.”

“Oh, hi kettle. Are we just meeting?” Nikki smiled sweetly, just to piss her off a little more.

“Yeah, so clever and quick with the quips. I’m sure I’m supposed to be impressed. Keep this in mind, though. As long as you’re in his home, under his protection, you put him at risk.”

“He’s a big boy. He knew what he was doing when he bound me to him.”

“I only want what’s best for my son.”

“Then you should try working with him for once.” Isaac’s mother opened her mouth to argue, but Nikki stopped her. “And by that, I mean find out what he’s planning and do everything you can to make sure it succeeds, not manipulate him into doing what you think is best.”

The woman glared at her, but then turned to leave. “I’m sorry we couldn’t reach some sort of arrangement.”

“Oh, we reached an arrangement, just not the one you wanted,” Nikki corrected.

Mrs. Marrow didn’t acknowledge the words as she left. She didn’t even slam the door behind her, which Nikki was secretly hoping for. She wanted to slam a couple of doors just to have the satisfaction of hearing the noise. It would’ve been nice to know Mrs. Marrow had left as riled as Nikki was.

“So, should we talk about this bond now?” The hurt and anger in Izzy’s voice was reflected in the still-darkening of her eyes.

Turning away from her sister, Nikki took a deep breath to settle her nerves before noting Jacob’s absence. Smart man. “It wasn’t important.” It was a weak argument—more importantly it was an outright lie, and Nikki regretted the words as soon as she spoke them.

“Not important? You essentially belong to him but that isn’t important?” Izzy’s tone was sharp, but she appeared to still be calm. Yes, her eyes were almost black, but she hadn’t sprouted wings or horns so Nikki was counting it as good.

“No. Of course you’re right. It was important.”


“When it first happened. I was terrified. I thought he might be one of our father’s men.” Nikki shuddered again at the thought. “But then I found out who he is and why he had done it and…” She shrugged, the gesture as weak as her logic. “It wasn’t so important anymore.”

“That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard you say, Nic. And I’ve heard some pretty stupid things come out of your mouth over the years.”

“I know. It sounds stupid to me. But it’s the truth. He just wants his sister back. I get it.”

“No. Do not make this about me.”

“It’s not about you, Izzy. But it is about loving and protecting your sister. Plus, how long have we talked about bringing down our father?”

Her sister’s glare was the only answer Nikki got.

“For years. You’ve had a taste of vengeance.” There was no way Izzy could tell her bringing down their drug-dealing half brother, Alex, a year ago hadn’t felt good. “I want that, too.”

“I only did that to protect Jacob.” Despite her argument, Izzy’s voice had softened considerably.

“But it felt good, protecting Jacob and at the same time knowing Alex couldn’t hurt anyone else ever again, didn’t it?”

Izzy sighed heavily. “A little.”

“And if I try to bring down our father, I’d be safer doing it while bound to someone, wouldn’t I?”

Her sister started chewing on her bottom lip, a clear tell that Nikki was winning her over. “I don’t like it, Nic.”

“I know, and I understand. But this is our best chance.”

“You’ll let me help?”

It’d been Izzy’s dream to bring down their father since she’d gotten sober, but this one wasn’t up to Nikki. “How does Jacob feel about it?”

Jacob picked that moment to materialize out of one of the rooms off the hallway. “I’m smart enough to know it’s too important to Izzy for me to stand in her way. She’ll either do it with my knowledge or behind my back.”

“Have you talked to Isaac?” Nikki asked him.

“Not yet. I was hoping you might be able to warm him up to the idea a little before I jumped in. The last thing I want him to think is I want to take the lead on this.”

“So you and Izzy want supporting roles, then?” How the hell was she going to phrase that with Isaac?

“The DEA would be happy to help in the arrest of one of the most notorious figures in the drug world of this generation. And, of course, Izzy’s knowledge and expertise would be invaluable as an independent consultant.”

Not only was he smart, he was a hell of a diplomat. No wonder he’d managed to win Izzy over. “Let me talk to him. I’ll let you know what he says.”

“Thanks, Nic,” Jacob said with a decisive nod.

“I haven’t promised anything,” she reminded him.

He smiled and looked pointedly at Izzy. “You’re a lot like your sister. I’ve had enough arguments with her to be pretty certain as to how this is going to end. You girls are nothing if not persuasive.”

Izzy’s smile returned in full at the comment and she moved to stand at her husband’s side so he could wrap a protective arm around her waist. “You really don’t mind the bond?” Izzy asked softly.

“I know it’s crazy and I know I should, but I don’t. He never pushes me or forces me to do anything I don’t want to.”

“I don’t like it,” Izzy said, her voice wary.

“Neither does he. But, for now at least, it serves to further both of our causes, so it’s staying.”

She led them back to the kitchen only to discover their tea had gotten cold. “Would you like another cup?” She would make it for them, but she hoped they wouldn’t want it. Her run-in with first Mrs. Marrow and then Izzy had left her exhausted.

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