Bondage Seduction (13 page)

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Authors: Tori Carson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bondage Seduction
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“Give me a moment, little one. I want some privacy with you.”

Ted pushed back against the wall and used it to steady him enough to stand with her still in his arms. With the ball gag and clamps lying on her stomach, he carried her back to his office.


Chapter Five




They’d been drawing a crowd again. Before, he’d never cared how many people watched. Somehow it was different with Meri. He was proud to show her off, but he wanted alone time with her.

He hadn’t intended to scene. It hadn’t been his plan to open her shirt and make her so hot she
to come. Yes, he had pocketed the clamps while digging for the ball gag. But teasing her a little was all he’d had planned.

After Meri had jumped from watching Master Greg swat his sub’s clit, he’d known he had to show her what it felt like before her imagination turned it into something to fear. Once he’d done that, his control had slipped. All he’d wanted was to watch her fly for him. She was so beautiful when she released. It was a sight he wanted to see often.

As Ted struggled to get the door open, he realised how much easier this had been when he’d carried her over his shoulder. Ted was glad he’d bought the comfy couch instead of settling for a couple of chairs.

He drew the toys from her lap and laid them on the table beside the couch. He’d clean them later. Right now, all he wanted was to hold her. “Thank you for trusting me, Meri. How are you doing, little one? Are you sore?”

“A little, but it was well worth it.”

She put one hand on his shoulder and her other rested on his cock. Her thumb stroked the length of him, causing him to wonder if she was consciously aware of her actions. It was possible she didn’t realise what she was doing, like tapping a pen on a desk. Still, he was learning his pet had a naughty streak in her a mile wide—chances were good it was a conscious decision to arouse him further.

“When you leave here tonight, I will give you two plugs. You’ll wear the first one tomorrow night and depending on how that goes, we will decide if you can progress to the larger plug on Monday.”

“I have a charity function to attend on Sunday.”

She didn’t sound too happy about it. It was probably wishful thinking, but Ted wondered if her career was starting to wear on her. If she had a less high-profile career, maybe they’d have a chance together. “Why do you sound like you’d rather have a root canal?”

She chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s that bad, but close.” Meri sighed. “They’re always downtown. The parking is a hassle. I hate walking around alone in those neighbourhoods and the parking garages aren’t lit well. The functions themselves are all the same—dry speeches, silent auctions, lousy food and lots of dancing. Since I go alone, dancing isn’t an option. Although, if there’s an open bar, as the night progresses, watching people attempt to dance while drunk can be entertaining.”

Maybe he should pay James to escort her. At least he’d know she was safe. “If you think it’s unsafe, you shouldn’t go.”

“If I lived by that rule, I’d never leave my house.” She shrugged. “The police have been cleaning up the area and there will be other people from the event around. I always try to find someone to walk out with.”

Meri looked up at him and he knew what she was about to ask. As much as he’d like to be with her, there was no way he was going to a society event. Shit, most of his family were probably attending as well. Talk about a personal hell.

“I’d love for you to come with me. I know I haven’t made it sound very appealing, but I’m sure we could find a way to keep you from being overly bored.”

“I highly doubt I would ever be bored in your company, but charity events and society functions aren’t my thing. I’m a lowly business owner. I wouldn’t fit in with that crowd.”

“You’re wrong there, Sir. Most of the people there are entrepreneurs. What would make you stand out is your confidence and the fact that your balls are still attached.”

She gave his crotch a gentle squeeze, confirming she had known all along exactly what she was doing with her hand. Such a naughty girl. “The men at these functions tend to fall into two categories and I find neither appealing. They are either obnoxious, arrogant assholes or whipped.”

He knew the crowd well and her description was spot on. “And if I explained I was in the sex toy and kink club business, I think my welcome would be revoked.”

“Some might find it off-putting, but you’d be very popular among others. Who knows? You’d likely gain a few members.”

“No, Meri. I won’t be attending a society event.” Seeing her face fall, he knew he had to soften the blow. “I do, however, appreciate that you invited me.”

She kneaded his cock and rested her head against his shoulder.

“I told you what would happen if you aroused your Dom. Now I think it’s time for you to take my cock in that beautiful mouth of yours.”

He felt her smile then she tensed. “What thought just went through that busy head of yours?”

“It’s nothing, Sir.” She kept her head buried against his chest.

“None of that. Tell me.” If she had a hang-up with blow jobs, he needed to know. While he enjoyed them, he wouldn’t put his desires ahead of her comfort.

“Apparently, I’m not any good at it.”

What? Who the fuck would tell a woman something like that?
“Excuse me?” Ted put his fingers under her chin and applied pressure until she looked at him.

“Okay, this is embarrassing.” She let out a sigh and spoke her confession in a rush. “My ex-husband said I didn’t do it well.”

Her voice was quiet and there were tears in her eyes. Her douche-bag ex needed throttling “I sincerely doubt you do anything poorly, but you know what they say…practise makes perfect.” He gave her a wicked smile. “So let’s practise.
A lot.

“Well, if you’re willing to risk it, I’m willing to try.”

Ted liked seeing the sparkle return to her eyes. “I’ve been tested since I’ve played last. I’m clean. Be sure to ask and if ever in doubt, demand he use a condom.”

“Good advice. I haven’t been with anyone in years, but I get tested annually. I’m fine.”

“Be warned. I like it rough and we’re going to begin some breath control exercises. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

“No. Dan wasn’t very sexual. It was one of the reasons I got fooled into thinking he really loved me.”

What the fuck is she talking about? He didn’t want to have sex, so he must really love her?

“Don’t look at me like I’ve grown two heads.” She laughed. “I was young and stupid back then. What I didn’t realise until much later was he had a mistress to take care of his sexual needs. He likes petite blondes with plastic boobs. I was supposed to be the cash cow. When that didn’t pan out, he moved on.”

“I know a few guys like him and they give men a bad name. I’m glad you’re free from him.” Ted held her tight. After a moment or two, she began to stroke his cock again. “On the floor, on your knees, my pet.”

Once she stood, he went into his private bathroom, unlaced the ties on his leathers and pushed them down. He ran warm water and washed off his cock. He’d been hard most the evening and the head was covered in pre-cum. Since she’d obviously not had a pleasant experience with this before, he wanted to do everything in his power to make this enjoyable for her.

Ted walked back to the couch then shoved his pants to his ankles and got comfortable. Meri immediately sank to her knees between his legs.

“Do you have a problem with me coming in your mouth?” He held her hands and noticed they were cold. She was nervous. His protective instinct was pushing him hard. He wanted to find her ex and knock some sense into him, but guys like that would never understand. They were true predators.

“I’ve never… I don’t think so. It never went that far before he stopped me.” She’d turned bright red and was looking at the floor.

Yeah, her ex had really done a number on her.
The motherfucker.
“Meri, we’ll start slow. I’m all yours to explore and experiment with.” He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed the centre of each palm then released them.

“Tell me if I do something wrong.” Her voice sounded shaky.

He pulled her head down towards his crotch. She needed to stop thinking about it and just jump in and get her feet wet—to continue with her swimming analogy.

“There isn’t a right or wrong way. I suppose different men would have certain things they prefer, just like some women like their nipples squeezed hard and some prefer a gentle caress.” He’d almost said some women like their nipples bitten, but didn’t want to give her any ideas when she was so close to his dick.

Meri nuzzled his cock as he spoke. Her soft cheek brushing down the length of him sent his stomach flipping. He wasn’t used to such a sweet touch. The subs he usually played with knew their way around a cock. They got in and got the job done. He also noticed the more she explored, the warmer her hands became.
All that bastard ex of hers needed to do was give her a little time. He should be castrated.

She cupped his balls with one hand and laid her other hand along his abs. His heart somersaulted at the image of her on her knees before him. Wanting to add to their connection, he took her hand in his. She was killing him, but he refused to admit it. No matter how badly he needed to come, he was determined to let her take her time.

Meri ran her tongue around his cock head and tasted the pearly drop on top. Her soft moan as she took the head into her mouth was the epitome of innocence. She touched places deep inside him no one ever had before.

Slowly, she closed her mouth around him and sucked. Ted tipped his head back against the couch and gave himself over to the pleasure. It was rare for him not to control every moment of the scene. Normally, he would fuck the sub’s mouth. He would decide the pace, the depth…all of it. Not a single one of his past partners would recognise the man holding Meri’s hand and frankly, he didn’t give a shit.

Maybe Meri wasn’t the only one that needed this.

As she got more comfortable, Meri began to take more of him into her mouth. “Oh, Meri, you don’t need it, baby, but I promise to let you practise as often as you like.”

She took him deep and chuckled. Oh, good Lord, she almost unmanned him with that little trick.

Meri pulled back. “Show me what you like, Sir.”

“I like everything you’re doing, baby, but if you mean breath control, that can wait.”

She nuzzled him again. Those soft cheeks brushed along his shaft and she dusted kisses over his balls. “Sir, I’d like to know what pleases you.”

Meri pleased him. It was as simple as that. But since that bastard she’d married had battered the fuck out of her ego, he had to be careful. If he didn’t shove his cock down her throat and hold it there, she’d think she wasn’t pleasing him.
This is so fucked up.

It didn’t matter. He would do whatever she needed. “Okay, my pet. As long as you realise I was loving every minute of what you were doing, I’ll show you what breath control is all about.” He ran his hands into her hair and took two fistfuls. “I’m going to go deep and hold there for a five count. Once you get used to it, we’ll increase the length of time. Take a deep breath and relax your throat. If you get into trouble, put your hand on my wrist. Otherwise, keep your hands behind your back. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered as she ran her lips along the side of his shaft.

He waited until she moved her hands and he saw her chest expand. “Here we go.” He pressed his cock deep into her mouth then entered the tight confines of her throat. “One. I’m so proud of you, Meri. Keep your throat relaxed.” He spoke slowly. “Two. You’re such a good pet, letting your Master take control.”

His voice was full of confidence, letting her know he believed she could meet this challenge. “Three. Your body belongs to me now. I even decide when you may take your next breath. Four.”

Her eyes drifted shut and he felt her head move the slightest bit. He’d almost pulled out, thinking she was panicking, but not his pet. She’d completely relaxed and dropped her head farther down his cock. Not a single muscle was tense. No, she wasn’t freaking out, she was sinking into her submissive zone. “Five.” He drew back just enough for her to take a breath.

Ted thrust several times in and out of her mouth, but he kept each stroke shallow. “Good girl. Would you like to practise again?”

“Yes. Longer, please, Sir,” she whispered against his cock.

Holy fuck. She’s going to kill me.
“I’m feeling generous tonight, pet. I will grant your wish. Would you like to try eight or ten?”

“Eight, Sir.” She sounded drowsy as if she wasn’t completely out of the zone.

“Can you take me deeper?” He knew he was growling at her, but he couldn’t help it.

“Maybe a little.” Her eyes had widened, telling him she wasn’t confident in her answer.

“Just relax. The world won’t come to an end if we trigger your gag reflex. As always, we’ll take it slow. You may wrap your hands around my legs. If you can’t take me any deeper, just tap my legs and I’ll hold still.”

He knew she understood when she gripped his thighs. “Breathe, little one. It will be your last for a bit.”

Ted waited patiently as she drew in another breath. He went in deep then used his hands buried in her hair to slowly push into her throat. He paused at the opening and waited until she calmed. As soon as he stopped moving, Meri became compliant. Every muscle relaxed. “One.”

He pushed the tiniest bit farther in. To his surprise, she remained tranquil. “That’s my good girl. You’re body belongs to me now.” Again, Ted made sure his voice was confident and his speech unhurried. “Two.” He stayed still this time, not wanting her to think he would push farther at every count. Fear was her greatest enemy.

“You’re so sexy, my pet. I’m a very lucky Master to be gifted with your submission. Three.”

Her nipples were rock hard against his legs. She was enjoying this exercise almost as much as he was. “A little more, Meri. You’re almost taking all of me.” He was holding on to his control by sheer force. His pet was definitely getting to him. “Four. Just relax for me.”

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