Bondi Beach Boys (4 page)

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Authors: Rhian Cahill

BOOK: Bondi Beach Boys
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“You got under our skin long before we knew your name.” Sam moved forward in his chair. “We want to see where this could go.”


Nate leaned forward in his seat. “Don’t deny you feel it, Piper. This thing between us has sizzled in the room all morning.”

When she pushed to her feet, Nate and Sam instantly came to theirs. Stepped closer. They left nowhere for her to go; the couch rested at the back of her legs and they stood in front of her.

“I didn’t—”

Nate placed a finger over her lips. “Don’t lie, Piper.” Moist air bathed his skin. “Don’t do that to us, or yourself.”

“We know you feel it too.” Sam brushed his fingers along her cheek, up around her ear, and down along her jaw. She shivered.

“I don’t—”

He trailed his finger back and forth over her bottom lip. “Yes, you do.” His fingertips caressed her feathery eyelashes. “It’s in the way your eyes go as dark as night.” Nate brought his hand down along her nose. “It’s in the hitch of your breath.” Pressing his fingers to the pulse beating in the hollow of her throat, he said, “It’s in the pounding of your heart.” He grazed his nails lower, into the shadowy depths of her cleavage. “And it’s in the quiver running beneath your skin when we touch you.”

A shudder rippled through her and she leaned into their caresses. Sam cupped her right breast as Nate weighed her left one in the palm of his hand. Her breath caught in her chest and the tight nipple drew up bullet-hard against his flesh. Nate smiled. He found her the most responsive woman he’d ever had the pleasure of touching, and he planned to do plenty of touching during their seduction of Piper.




Chapter Four



Sam’s hand trembled as he held Piper’s supple flesh. The warm, rounded underslope of her breast sat snug in his palm as if they’d been made for each other. He pinched the protruding nipple with thumb and forefinger, tweaked and twisted until the bud grew hard as granite and a whimper tripped off her tongue. The need to taste her sliced into him. First he’d sample her mouth and then every other inch of her luscious body. With deliberate slowness, he eased forward, brought their lips together in the barest of touches.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Nate drop his head to her left breast. The second his friend’s lips wrapped around her shirt-covered nipple, she gasped, and Sam dove deep. He stabbed his tongue between her parted lips and invaded her mouth. Moist heat laced with spice greeted him. Dark recesses had no defense against his assault. Sam stroked and nipped, teasing them both until urgency took hold, dragged them deeper into the carnal delight of their kiss.

Piper gave and took in equal measure. Her tongue tangled with his; her teeth scraped and those plump lips widened to draw him further in. He was lost. She surrounded him, filled him, pulled him in with moans and gasps. Sam felt Nate’s mouth next to his; moving aside slightly, he let his friend in. Three mouths meshed, three tongues dueled. For seconds he let himself slide down the slippery slope into bliss before it was snatched out from under him.

She pulled herself from their embrace. Panting for breath, Piper climbed over the couch and away from them.

“What the hell?” Nate moved toward her, but she scrambled out of reach, putting the large piece of furniture between them.

Sam stilled his friend with a hand on his shoulder. Putting the brakes on the lust ripping through his body proved difficult, but he knew he had to take a step back or Piper would run out the door, not just to the other side of the room. For long moments, the three of them stared at each other, the combined rasp of their fractured breaths the only sound in the room. With a small measure of fear, Sam stepped back and took his seat once more. Nate followed his lead, and he hoped their retreat would allow her to relax enough to talk to them. He’d known this would be a tricky situation to begin with, and after what had just happened, they would need to tread lightly.

Sam watched Piper. Her breathing and the trembling fingers covering her mouth told him she was just as stirred up as they were. Would she do something about it or walk away?

She eyed them both for a considerable amount of time, minutes that dragged over his nerves like a rusty nail. Finally, she moved around the couch to perch on the edge of the leather seat, ready to bolt at any moment.

“You kissed me.” The words were muffled behind her hand.

“Yes, we did,” Sam agreed.

“You both kissed me.”

He couldn’t help himself; he grinned. “Yes, we certainly did.”

“Together.” Her voice wobbled, whether from excitement, fear, or disgust he aimed to find out.

“We told you we both wanted you,” Nate added.

Piper nodded. “But you kissed each other.”

The astonishment in her words couldn’t be missed, but Sam thought she appeared shocked by their actions, not disgusted. He glanced at Nate, and at his nod, took the lead on explaining their complex relationship.

“We don’t do it often—”


Nate let out a snort, and Sam couldn’t hold back his own chuckle. “Piper, we had our hands on you, our mouths on you. Christ, our tongues were down your throat, and we’ve both got boners we could use for hammers. Does that sound like we’re gay?”

“But…but…you kissed each other.”

“We’ve done more than kiss,” Nate murmured, and Sam silenced him with a look.
One step at a time

“We were kissing you. Together. We thought we were giving you pleasure. I know you liked it before your brain decided to throw up a road block.”

She nodded but didn’t speak.

He took a deep breath. “Nate and I sometimes share the woman we’re seeing, although not always, and we’ve never both wanted the same woman to the degree we want you.”

“I got that part, but you kissed each other.”

“While kissing you, Piper.” Nate fidgeted in the seat and Sam recognized his friends growing frustration.

“Look, it’s hard to explain the dynamics of our relationship. We’re best mates, have been for years, and at some point we stepped over a line into a deeper connection, first by sharing a woman and then by being with each other. But we’re not satisfied with just each other; that’s not all we need, and what we have isn’t like what we have with a woman.” Sam shook his head. “I’m not making this very clear.”

“What Sam and I share is rougher, more driven than what we’d share with you. It allows all the parts of our personalities to be satisfied. I don’t think you can fully understand it without experiencing it.”

Piper looked at Nate. “So you’re not gay. Bisexual then?”

Sam laughed. “Nope, no desire to be with any other guy but him.” He hooked his thumb in Nate’s direction. “Do we have to label what we are?”

She looked down at her hands. They were twisting in her lap, her knuckles turning white. “No, I guess not, but it’s a habit I have. I like to put things in the right place, and you can’t do that without knowing what it is to begin with.”

“Okay, so put this in the pleasure box.” Nate leaned forward. “Label it pleasure and just enjoy it.”

“Enjoy it?”

“Yes. Enjoy it with us.” Sam indicated both of them. “Let us show you how good it can be. You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, we won’t push you or make you do anything you don’t want to, and it’ll all be about pleasure.”

“I don’t know.” She wrung her hands tighter. “I’ve never done anything…”

When she didn’t continue, Sam had a horrible thought, but before he could voice it, Nate almost fell out of his chair.

You’re a virgin


“What? No!” Pip stared at Nate; heat flared in her cheeks and she quickly ducked her head again.

“Then what did you mean, ‘you’ve never done anything?’” Sam asked.

Her face flamed hotter. “I’ve had sex.” She swallowed over her dry throat and mumbled, “Just not much of it.”

Living her whole life in the same small town with three older brothers didn’t exactly lend itself to freedom of any kind. It was hard enough to date without everyone knowing about it, never mind actually having sex with a date.

“How old are you, Piper? Twenty-one, twenty-two?”

Piper’s head snapped up, her gaze locked on Sam’s. “Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight next month.” Her hackles rose at his skeptical look. “I can show you my driver’s license if you want proof.”

“No, that’s okay, I believe you. But to be honest I thought twenty-one was pushing it. I’d started to feel like a dirty old man.” He laughed.

She understood where he came from. Looking years younger than her age had always been a pain in the arse. Depending on what she wore, she still looked like a teenager, so her family treated her like one. She’d moved to Sydney to get away from the people who spent way too much time smothering her for her own good. The move had been about making her own choices and experiencing life how she wanted to, not how someone else said she should want to.

“So how many times have you had sex?” Nate asked. He’d been quiet since his last question.

“Umm…” Piper didn’t want these two sexy men knowing how few times she’d had sex. Crap, they’d definitely change their mind about wanting her if they knew, and she wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass her by. Two hot, gorgeous men wanted her in their bed. She could only imagine the things they could show her—do to her,
her. Moisture soaked her panties as her pussy clenched. She wasn’t a complete stranger to pleasure. Granted, most of what she knew she’d learned on her own, but still, she’d had orgasms.

Sam rescued her. “Maybe an exact number isn’t necessary. The question is, are you interested in having sex with us? Together?”

Both men watched her closely. She tried not to squirm but found it hard with her body on fire with the wicked images that had sprung to mind. With the sensations of their earlier attention still fresh, Piper wanted to rip off her clothes and throw herself on the floor in front of them. But a good amount of fear thrummed through her alongside the arousal, and she didn’t think jumping into this with both feet would be the right thing for any of them. There were other factors. For a start, they’d just signed a contract that would keep them in contact for the next twelve months. If something went wrong…

Piper had a lot to lose if things got messy, and sex always complicated everything. Damn. She really wanted to take what they offered. If she lived to be a hundred, she’d never get another opportunity like this one. With the small taste of what they could make her feel still vibrating across her nerves, she struggled to remain sensible. It would be so easy to fall into them and to hell with the consequences, but Piper had never been one to leap into anything without weighing all the possibilities.

“Your body tells us you want to say yes, Piper, but I think your mind is doing its best to stop you.”

She looked at Sam. He was right, of course. Her body screamed to accept, and honesty forced her to admit her mind was half convinced as well, but there still remained that one thing…

“This has no bearing on our contract,” Nate said. “Regardless of whether you say yes, the agreement is still binding, and we won’t hold it against you if you decline to sleep with us.”

Jeez, could they read her mind?

“And that goes the other way too. No repercussions if you say yes, either,” Sam added.

“No strings at all,” Nate finished.

Piper chewed the inside of her cheek to stop the word
from leaving her mouth. Could there be no strings? Could she go ahead and enjoy these two sexy men,
her boys
, without worry? They were older than her by at least five years and had an existing relationship—she’d also be the third wheel most of the time. If she looked at this as just sex, just the mutual giving and taking of pleasure and nothing more, then it would be unlikely she’d develop any real feelings toward them.

Piper had experienced sex four times in her life, with four different guys, none of whom she’d been in love with, and after the act, she certainly hadn’t felt any more tender feelings. She believed she could sleep with Sam and Nate without becoming emotionally involved. They’d said they would honor the contract, and Pip was one hundred percent sure they would. For some reason, she trusted them. Their home and business showed their dedication and reliability, and a gut-deep knowledge inside her agreed it would be fine to place herself in their capable hands.

Lord knew if it was her hormones talking or not, but Piper had always been a good judge of character. Her intuition had never steered her wrong before. Besides, if she agreed and went into this with her eyes wide open, then she’d see what was coming before it hit her, wouldn’t she? And if she saw the danger, she could remove herself from the situation and not get hurt. And if she said no, she’d miss out on experiencing what promised to be the greatest pleasure of her life.

“There’s no rush, Piper.” Sam stood up. “Why don’t we finish putting the new site in place and then the three of us can have dinner together. See where things go?”

“Good idea. We’ve got to head over to the Baker Street site to check on a few things this afternoon, so you’ll have the office all to yourself for a few hours.” Nate pushed out of his chair and came to stand in front of her. “No pressure, Piper, and we’ll respect whatever decision you make.”

Piper watched as he turned and walked away. Her eyes were drawn to his arse, the way his pants stretched taut across one of the best butts she’d had the pleasure of admiring. When Nate was out of sight, she dragged her attention back to Sam who still stood in front of her. The knowing smile on his face brought heat to her cheeks again, but she refused to hide it this time.

“He has one of the most gorgeous arses I’ve ever seen,” she said.

Sam laughed. “Can’t argue with you there, but you might want to take a peek in the mirror at your own behind. That’s some world class buttage right there.”

His words made her blush more and when she got to her feet her knees shook. “Well, guess I should get back to work.”

Gesturing with his arm, Sam said, “Lead the way.”

Heat crawled up her spine. She could feel Sam’s eyes on her, his gaze a hot heavy weight that sent sparks of arousal shooting into her core, pulling more moisture from deep inside. Piper’s feminine wiles had her putting a little extra swing in her step; behind her Sam stifled a groan.

They made their way down the spiral staircase, the open steps and wrought iron balustrade giving an airy feeling to the floors it served. From what Pip could see it went up one more level from the kitchen lounge area, and then down to the ground floor where the office she’d been working in was located. The stairs continued below street height to what she assumed was the basement. Sun streamed through the round holes the stairs made in each story, splashing out bright golden sunbeams to illuminate the house and stop it from being dark and dreary.

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