Bonds of Justice

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Authors: Nalini Singh

BOOK: Bonds of Justice
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“A completely unique and utterly mesmerizing series.”
—Simply Romance Reviews
Praise for
Branded by Fire
“An emotional masterpiece.”

Romance Junkies
“Another superb entry in what is easily my favorite paranormal series in romance.”

Romance Novel TV
“An amazingly talented writer . . . She grabs the reader and doesn’t let go until the very end and leaves them begging for more . . . I give
Branded by Fire
and Nalini an enthusiastic 5 hearts.”

Night Owl Romance
“I don’t think there is a single paranormal series as well-planned, well-written, and downright fantabulous as Ms. Singh’s Psy-Changeling series.”

All About Romance
Hostage to Pleasure
“Nalini Singh has penned another keeper . . . If you want a thrilling read with action, danger, passion, and drama, don’t miss Nalini Singh’s
Hostage to Pleasure

Romance Junkies
“I continue to be amazed by Singh’s ability to draw the reader into the Psy-Changeling world.”
—Book Binge
“An intriguing world that’s sure to keep readers coming back for more.”

Darque Reviews
“This series just continues to get better and more vibrant as it goes.”

Night Owl Romance
“Nalini Singh continues to dazzle and ensnare new readers with each addition to the Psy-Changeling series.”
—A Romance Review
Mine to Possess
“Singh has done it again.
Mine to Possess
grabs you and never lets you go. This may be the best book of an already outstanding series.”

Fresh Fiction
“WOW! ‘Brilliant’ is the best description for
Mine to Possess
. . . It just doesn’t get better than the best!”

ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“This book was fast paced and riveting. I can truthfully say that once you start reading it, you’ll find it impossible to put down!”

Publishers Weekly
Beyond Her Book
“Ms. Singh’s world-building is as fascinating as the characters with whom she populates it.”

The Eternal Night
“Nalini Singh has done it again . . . [A] must read!”

Fallen Angel Reviews
(recommended read)
Caressed by Ice
“A sensual, dangerous adventure not to be missed.”

New York Times
bestselling author Lora Leigh
“A compelling read with wonderfully developed characters and the strong world-building that has made Singh a star.”

All About Romance
“With a truly inspired mix of passion and danger, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat. [It] will surely earn itself a place among your favorites.”

Romance Reviews Today
“Paranormal romance at its best.”
—Publishers Weekly
Visions of Heat
“Breathtaking blend of passion, adventure, and the paranormal. I wished I lived in the world Singh has created. This is a keeper!”

New York Times
bestselling author Gena Showalter
“This author just moved to the top of my auto-buy list.”

All About Romance
“Brace yourselves because . . . [it] will set all your senses ablaze and leave your fingers singed with each turn of the page.
Visions of Heat
is that intense!”

Romance Junkies
Slave to Sensation
“I LOVE this book! It’s a must read for all of my fans. Nalini Singh is a major new talent.”

New York Times
bestselling author Christine Feehan
“An electrifying collision of logic and emotion . . . A volcanic start to a new series that’ll leave you craving for more.”

Romance Junkies
“A purely mesmerizing book that surely stands out . . . A must-read for any paranormal fan!”

Romance Reader at Heart
“Readers will enjoy Nalini Singh’s excellent futuristic thriller and demand more tales from this fascinating realm.”

Midwest Book Review
“A sensual romance set in an alternate-reality America with just a bit of mystery to keep readers flipping pages.”

Fresh Fiction
Berkley Titles by Nalini Singh
Psy-Changeling Series
Guild Hunter Series
(A Berkley Sensation eSpecial)
(with Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, and Jean Johnson)
(with Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy, and Linda Winstead Jones)
(with Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, and Meljean Brook)
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To Kayo, Cynthia, Loma, Emily & Akbar
Because you all rock. Thank you for being my “tomodachi”!
When the Psy first chose Silence, first chose to bury their emotions and turn into ice-cold individuals who cared nothing for love or hate, they tried to isolate their race from the humans and changelings. Constant contact with the races who continued to embrace emotion made it much harder to hold on to their own conditioning.
It was a logical thought.
However, it proved impossible in practice. Economics alone made isolation an unfeasible goal—Psy might have all been linked into the PsyNet, the sprawling psychic network that anchored their minds, but they were not all equal. Some were rich, some were poor, and some were just getting by.
They needed jobs, needed money, needed food. And the Psy Council, for all its brutal power, could not provide enough internal positions for millions. The Psy had to remain part of the world, a world filled with chaos on every side, bursting at the seams with the extremes of joy and sadness, fear and despair. Those Psy who fractured under the pressure were quietly “rehabilitated,” their minds wiped, their personalities erased. But others thrived.
The M-Psy, gifted with the ability to look inside the body and diagnose illnesses, had never really withdrawn from the world. Their skills were prized by all three races, and they brought in a good income.
The less-powerful members of the Psy populace returned to their ordinary, everyday jobs as accountants and engineers, shop owners and businessmen. Except that what they had once enjoyed, despised, or merely tolerated, they now simply
The most powerful, in contrast,
absorbed into the Council superstructure wherever possible. The Council did not want to chance losing its strongest.

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