Bones by the Wood (31 page)

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Authors: Catherine Johnson

BOOK: Bones by the Wood
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“What do you mean?”  It was late, early, whatever, and her brain wasn’t in the right gear to play guessing games.  She concentrated on making sure that the door was locked securely.


“It’s obvious you don’t bring a lot of men home.”




Thea stopped short.  “Well, yeah.  I don’t.  Like, ever.”




She huffed out a breath and made in the direction of the kitchen.  “Do you want a drink of somethin’?”


“Not unless you’re offerin’ beer or whiskey.”


“I haven’t got either of those.”  She threw her bag and keys onto the table.


There was silence.


“You’re gonna make me actually say it out loud aren’t you?”


Dizzy had followed her into the kitchen corner.  He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms low on his chest.  And didn’t say a word.


“Fine.”  Thea could feel the blush rising, and dropped her eyes to the floor.  “In ten years you are the first man I have ever brought here.  As far as Clarice is concerned, that probably means we should get wed or somethin’.”


“Now that’s movin’ a mite quick, sweetheart.”


She stopped studying the scuffed, black and white tile-effect linoleum because Dizzy’s voice was suddenly very close.  When she raised her eyes, he was right there in front of her.  He fed his fingers back into her ever loosening hair.


“I take that as the honor it is, sweetheart.”


Thea felt adrift. There was no other word for it.  The tide was carrying her out into the open ocean.  She was almost past the point of kicking for shore.  Almost.


“You can’t stay over.  It’s too soon.  It’d be weird for Josh if you were here when he woke up tomorrow.”


“When you wake him up.”




“That’s okay, sweetheart.  It’s gonna be a wrench leavin’, I won’t lie, but you got it.  You know what’s best for you and your boy.”


Ground rules established, Thea decided they’d done enough talking.  She reached up on her toes to kiss him, steadying herself with a palm against his chest, flexing the pads of her fingers against the leather worn soft with time.  The kiss was every bit as deep as the one they’d shared in the parking lot of the store.  And she’d been wrong.  She would not be able to smell pine disinfectant forever.  She was filled with the scents of leather and skin with hints of spice and sweat that just was Dizzy.  Fuck, he smelled tasty.  She wrenched her mouth away from his because she had an urge to lick his neck, but she got carried away and set her teeth into the tender skin as she sucked at the taste of him.


He gripped her shoulders and set her away a little.  “Fuck, sweetheart.  That’s gonna be the first hickey I’ve had since school.”  Oh, she liked that he was breathing hard.  “You wanna suck somethin’? I have a better idea what you can go at.”


So did she.  She caught his fingers with hers and led him to her room.  Thea bit her lip and prayed to every deity she could name that Josh wouldn’t wake up.  She was going to have to keep quiet, and that was going to be a challenge.  As she closed the door of her room behind them, she realized that she was going to have to get some sort of lock for it if this was going to become a regular thing.  She couldn’t afford the therapy Josh would need if he walked in on her and Dizzy in the middle of the act.


Since it was late, early, whatever, Thea didn’t waste any time in getting naked.  She could see that Dizzy was laughing at her eagerness, or trying not to laugh out loud, but he was definitely amused.  But his amusement was not getting in the way of him getting naked either, so she was going to let him off the hook for that.  Apart from making sure that his kutte was laid safely on a set of drawers, and that he’d retrieved a condom from the pocket of his jeans, he paid about as much attention as she had to where her clothes went.


And then those gloriously rough hands were on her body and his mouth was on hers, their tongues tangling, tasting and it was too much and not enough.  Dizzy was rubbing his thumb over and over her pierced nipple, he’d caught onto her little quirk real quick, but she would not be distracted.


Thea dropped to her knees and took the solid length of him into her mouth.  The scent of him was stronger here, more musky, and almost irresistible.  He was too long to completely fit, but she wrapped her palm around the base of his shaft and worked him with hand, tongue and lips until he was thrusting against her grip and making barely audible grunts.  His fingers were tangled in her hair, which somewhere between the kitchen and the bedroom had come completely loose from its moorings.


She pulled back so that she could tease the taught line of skin on the underside of the glans with the tip of her tongue, which earned her several muttered curses.  She grinned at his tantrum, even as she tormented him.


“Fuckin’ sexy witch.”  He rasped as he wrapped his hands around her upper arms and hauled her to her feet.  “Playin’ like that’s just gonna earn you a good fuckin’, sweetheart.”


Nothing about that sounded bad to Thea; in fact she felt her body flood wet at the promise.  It was late, early, whatever, and she was in no mood for more playing.  She stepped around Dizzy, and crawled up onto her bed until she was kneeling on all fours on top of the covers, in the middle of it.


The sound that came out of Dizzy bore no relation to actual words, but his intent was loud and clear.  She felt the mattress dip as he joined her, a pause – during which she heard the foil packet being ripped open – and then he thrust, hard and deep and fast, into her in one smooth move, without warning.


Thea threw hear head back and let out a silent scream, remembering only at the very last moment that she needed to not wake Josh.  But Dizzy was pounding into her.  His hands were clutching her hips, yanking her back onto him as he shoved into her.  She couldn’t do it.  She couldn’t stay quiet.  It was too much, too overwhelming, too fucking glorious.  He was hitting a sweet spot over and over and over with those brutal thrusts, and every time he did she let out a grunt, each one a little louder than the last.


And then he had his fist in her hair and he pulled, forcing her to come up against his body, her back to his chest. She was almost disappointed when he released her hair, even though it had been the other side of painful.  But then he slipped his warm, rough palm over mouth.  Oh that was a good idea, because there was no way she was going to be able to not make noise. 


And it was enough, until he let go of her hip with his other hand and moved to play with her piercing instead, his hot forearm tight across her chest, the hair on it scratching at her skin.  Oh that was good, so good, so very fucking good.  Thea moaned into Dizzy’s hand, and then cursed when he let go of her breast.  But then his fingers were on her clit, pinching and pushing her pelvis back against his thrusts at the same time.  His fingertips were playing with the point of tight pleasure and he was driving the heel of his palm into her stomach, down low, and his cock, dear god his fucking cock was hitting that spot and ... she bit his fingers as she came to keep from screaming until she was hoarse.  As it was, her throat cramped from the effort of holding her cries back.


Her orgasm ripped his from him.  He buried his face in her hair and yelled into her neck and even through the tingling, blissed haze Thea knew she would have a matching hickey in the morning.


When he finally ceased the flexing of his hips, they both fell forward onto the covers in a sweat-soaked heap.   Thea tried not to squirm, she didn’t want him to move, but she wanted to, needed to writhe against him because the electricity making her blood sing made it impossible for her to lie still, and she was still deliciously stretched by his cock which was still buried to the hilt inside her.


Eventually, with a long, low groan, Dizzy rolled off her and out of her.  Thea didn’t even try to contain the sound of her disappointment, she wanted him to know that she felt the loss.


She didn’t have the strength to turn her head to watch him, but she felt the bed move and she knew that he’d been dealing with the condom before coming to lie back down next to her.


“Jesus, sweetheart.  You might just kill me.”


“S’mutual.  How’s your hand?”  She was actually slurring her words.  She about managed to turn her head so that she could see him.  He was holding his hand in front of his face, turning it over, inspecting it.


“You drew a little blood.  Vampire.”




“You’re not.”  He leaned over and pressed a kiss into her shoulder blade.  “But it was worth it.  I‘m gonna leave now, but only ‘cause if I don’t, I’ll fall asleep.”


Thea had to work hard to remember why that wasn’t the best idea ever.  Getting under the covers with him and curling up with her head on his chest was the thing she most wanted to do right at that moment.  But Josh, yes, her son.  Bad idea.  She needed to let Dizzy go.  This time.


She stretched languorously as Dizzy rose, and watched him dress.  Only when he sat on the edge of the bed to pull his boots on did she swing her feet to the floor and snag an oversized t-shirt from a drawer.  By the time she’d pulled it over her head, he was done and ready to go.


She walked with him to the door, and forced her exhausted fingers to work to get the key into the lock.  He waited until the door was open to kiss her goodbye, which was a good thing, or she might not have let him leave.  It was a long and lazy tangling of tongues, a promise of more to come.  Again, Thea reconsidered why going back to bed together was a bad idea. But no, her first instinct had been right, and she needed some sleep before Josh got up, or before she had to get Josh up.  She was impressed that Dizzy had already noted that fact about them.  He was observant, no doubt. 


When they parted, Dizzy cupped her face in his palm. Thea leaned into it, wondering if she hadn’t been a cat in a past life, since she was fighting the desire to flat out purr.


“When’re you workin’ tomorrow, sweetheart?”


She had to make her brain think.  “Same shift tomorrow.”


“Okay.  You sendin’ Josh in tomorrow?”


Thea nodded into his palm.


“I’ll try and drop by in the day.  Be nice to visit, as much as I want a repeat performance.  But if I don’t make it, I’ll be there when your shift ends.  I’ll be there either way.”


That feeling of exhilaration and terror swept over her again.  She was being cared for, and it was lovely, but she simply didn’t know what to do with it.  She wasn’t used to it at all.  She just nodded again.  It was possible that she was entirely too tired to speak.


“Good.  Lock the door behind me, sweetheart.”


For one moment, Thea thought there were more words coming, but Dizzy laid a quick press of lips to her forehead, and then he was gone.  Thea closed the door and locked it, and checked the locks.  As she walked back to her room she ran her fingers over her lips, which were tender and a little bruised, and wondered whether it was all just a spectacularly vivid dream.




Chapter Eighteen


There wasn’t really anything to dislike about doing the runs for the Rojas family.  They brought bank in and therefore were a necessary evil, but it was time out of life, hours on his bike, which was always good as far as Dizzy was concerned.  There was the outlaw aspect, too, the thrill of danger, staying on the razor edge of alertness, which got his blood pumping and his cock hard.  So, all good in his opinion.  Flying down the highway, even sticking to the speed limit so as not to attract attention, and keeping watch for random patrols, it was a release, freedom.


But this kind, the runs when they used the modified saddlebags, had become Dizzy’s favorite of all the ways they transported the various illegal goods for the Colombians.  It was just him and his brothers, out on the highway, straight-pipes thundering, the wind rushing by.  There was no van or truck to keep an eye on.  It was always an early morning, dawn-ish, pick up.  It took them a couple of hours to get south to the border, and then it was more than half a day to get to Absolution.  The invitation to stay at the Louisiana clubhouse was always extended, as it had been to the Rabid Dogs when they’d handled this end of the business, but today they’d voted to do the run and return back in one fell swoop. 

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