Book 1 - Active Trust (4 page)

Read Book 1 - Active Trust Online

Authors: Callie Alexandra

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #sex, #betrayal, #intercourse, #coition, #romance sex

BOOK: Book 1 - Active Trust
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She thought to herself, ‘Maybe
he has promised her something, like a car, apartment or just money?
She knows something or is his regular hooker friend of choice. I’ve
just got to find out.’

More pressing matters were on
the table, however. Mrs. McBride had to know if her husband had
gotten another woman pregnant. Donna had given him three lovely,
well mannered children, but could his fourth child be on the way?
She seemed like she knew he’d been cheating, but a baby would be a
game changer.

In the eyes of the public, Mr.
McBride was a well respected politician who always brought about
positive change. Some have said he is the future of the country,
but his wife just wanted the answers that he refused to give

Michelle had become fascinated
with the human aspect of the equation. She felt a burning need to
help that poor woman. Donna McBride was always so happy in family
pictures and on the campaign trail. Her husband had always garnered
the affection of the public at large. He was a staunch Republican
who created jobs for the communities of which he served and loved
people. Unfortunately, he hid a dark secret behind his good

Michelle’s Saturday poured on
into Sunday and her weekend was spent researching and taking care
of her cat Mittens. Mittens was indifferent to her musings on men,
work and her ambition to make partner at Briggs & Trice. If
that came to pass, she would be the youngest partner in the history
of the firm, but she knew that hard work was the only thing that
would get her there.

Victoria, her competition,
handled much larger cases, but was so cut throat that the partners
would surely pass her over for someone more in tune with what
people were really like. Michelle was a people person and in turn,
a people pleaser. She loved working with those who needed her,
while Victoria was propelled by her need for power and money.

Victoria spent her weekend,
hobnobbing with rich people who were friends of her parents. She
was always networking and her Sunday was spent kicking a younger,
tanned man out of her bed.

“You can’t stay. I mean, you
were good, but this ends now.”

She threw his suit pants at him
along with his shirt and told him to get dressed and to get out.
Victoria wasn’t keen on having any long-term boyfriends and only
opened herself up to a one night stand when she felt her needs
weren’t being tended to.

She was cut throat in every
aspect of her life and always remained tight-lipped about work and
family matters. She would stab her own mother in the back if it
meant that she could get a promotion at work. A promotion was all
she saw and that was the target of her work ambitions. She didn’t
want love and only barely wanted sex when it was convenient for

She was raised an only child and
she learned from an early age to accept the limitations of men and
their weaknesses. She witnessed her father cheating on her mother
when she was a teenager. When she confronted her mother about it,
she was told to keep her mouth shut.

Victoria ushered the young man
out of her apartment and sighed deeply as she told him, “Oh, just
get out already.”

“But, I don’t even know your

“It’s better this way; now make
yourself scarce.”

Victoria pushed him out of her
door and locked it behind him. She wanted to relax in a steamy
bath, read a book and enjoy her day off.

She always said that she played
as hard as she worked and didn’t want the hassle of a commitment
with anyone. She picked up her favorite romance book and her silky
white bathrobe and headed to the bathroom. She turned the handle to
run some hot water and slid into its warmth.

Immersing herself into the
water, Victoria sat up a little and cracked open her steamy romance
novel. She was getting to the good part and had to know more about
the sexcapades that the lead character had gotten herself into.
Much like her once a month visits to the top floor of the B&T
building, Victoria allotted herself a certain amount of steamy
baths per month. They were refreshing, for sure, but she was
positive that doing it more than several times a month would cause
her to lose her edge.

On Monday, both ladies
reconvened business at the office and were dedicated to their
missions at hand. Victoria had concentrated her efforts on finding
the secrets of Fassett & Lews, while Michelle focused on the
indiscretions of The Governor.

Michelle walked down to
Victoria’s office and interrupted Matt.

“What’s your boss doing? Does
she have a minute?”

“Sure, just let me tell her
you’re here.”

He buzzed over the intercom and
said, “Ms. Mayor is here to see you.”

“Please show her in.”

He arose from his chair and
opened the door for Michelle to walk in. Before turning around to
leave, he said, “Do you need anything, ladies?”

After a resounding “no” from
both Michelle and Victoria, Matthew left the room and closed the
door behind himself.

“What can I do for you,

“You know those ritzy parties
that your parents throw in order to do fundraising with The

“Yes, why?”

“I need to get inside of one of
the galas when Governor McBride is there. I will need access for
three of us: one waiter and two attendees. Do you think your
parents would mind?”

“As long as there isn’t any
drama going down at the party, I would think not. All I’d really
need to get you inside is the name of the people you want placed on
the list.”

“Of course.”

“The only thing I want to know
is what was The Governor’s wife doing in your office last

“Between you and me, she thinks
that The Governor is cheating on her with a woman in her twenties.
It only gets worse from there because his wife thinks he got the
other woman pregnant.”

“Gross. So basically the old
fella knocked up a chick half his age?”

“Yes. Guess who would be set for
life if that news didn’t get out?”

“The baby’s mother, naturally.
But – on the other hand, who would profit if the news did get

“The Democratic candidate in the


“What are you working on these

“Mason Janus is trying to
deflect from charges of insider trading, but there is something
fishy going on there. One man just happened to die and I’m not sure
if the details are suspect, but I’m digging around. Janus is suing
Fassett & Lews over their conduct and we’re pushing a full
media blitz to hang F&L out to dry.”

“Ooh, sounds delicious and it’s
just your speed.”

“I am all over it.”

“I appreciate your help with the
gala thing and please let me know if there is anything I can do in

“Just show up with your friends,
make sure everyone is appropriately dressed and no one acts out. My
parents would kill me if they found out that I invited trouble to
their ritzy soiree.”

“We won’t be any trouble; we
will all be merely observers at the event.”

Michelle got up and exited the
office and sent a text message to Chase.

“We are good to go with the next
fundraising gala. Just need names for the guest list.”

Without hesitation, he responded
back via text message, “Chuck Mills and Rebecca Porter.”

Michelle was interrupted by
Missy Erickson from the top floor when her assistant patched Missy

“Yes, Ms. Erickson? What can I
do for you?”

“Mack Briggs is eager to see you
in his office as soon as possible, Ms. Mayor. Are you

“Yes, of course I’m available. I
will be up shortly. Thank you.”

“Great. I will let him know to
expect you soon.”

Missy Erickson also called
Matthew to alert Victoria that Nathan Trice requested her presence
at once. Victoria was quick to rip herself away from the case that
had her attention for weeks and quickly buzzed on upstairs to the
top floor.

Michelle was behind Victoria and
noticed that she had pressed the “up” button on the elevator.

“Hold the elevator, please.”

A hand came between the closing
door and awaited Michelle’s entry.

“I’m not sure what this is, but
I think I’m being made partner. That would explain why you’re here,
too. They give me a promotion and they’ve got to tell you, as well.
It only makes sense.”

“Sure, Victoria, I am positive
that’s what it’s all about.”

Victoria sensed some sarcasm
coming from her colleague, but knew she was on the right track to
being made partner. She was rubbing elbows with all of the right
people and she was bred for this life. She came from money and
naturally would do well as a partner in the firm.

Michelle wasn’t so convinced
about Victoria’s idea of what was going on at the top floor, but
somehow they were both involved.

The elevator’s slight din
brought Michelle back to reality and they both emerged from the

“Victoria Strauss to see Mr.

“Yes, Ms. Strauss, right this

Missy led Victoria to Mr.
Trice’s door and opened it to allow her entrance. She closed the
door behind herself and approached Michelle.

“Ms. Mayor, Mr. Briggs is right
this way.”

She led Michelle to the opposite
side of the giant room and to an office as big in size. She knocked
first, entered and ushered Michelle on through.

Michelle stood until Mr. Briggs
broke the silence.

“Ms. Mayor, how are you?”

“I am doing great, Mr. Briggs
and yourself?”

“I am doing fantastic. Let me
tell you. I have got the two finest lawyers working on two
separate, but equally important cases. You are working with The
Governor’s wife and Ms. Strauss is on the attack against Fassett
& Lews. Things couldn’t be better.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“Listen, Ms. Mayor. I know that
you are on track to become a partner in our wonderful firm here, so
I wanted to offer my mentorship in your endeavors.”

Mr. Briggs took a sip of his
beverage, placed it on a coaster on his desk and walked over to the

“You see, there is one extra
office up here in the penthouse and we want to give it to the
person who has worked the hardest. Both you and Ms. Strauss are in
that category and no one else.”

“Thank you, Mr. Briggs, I
appreciate the good words.”

“Call me Mack. Listen. I see
myself in you, Ms. Mayor, I do. I was once the associate who
handled domestic cases and now look at me. I’ve got fine attorneys
like you behind this great firm.”

Michelle smiled a little and

“Listen. If I had my way, you
would already be up here in that empty office, ordering lattes from
Missy out there and this firm would be Briggs, Trice and Mayor. But
this is a partnership and we need all hands on deck before a
decision is made. I need to see you losing a bit of that nicer
touch. It’s great for the clients, but if you’re a partner, it
encompasses a whole lot more. We need a pit viper up here and if
you draw in new business, you will get a partnership.”

“Yes, sir. I will toughen up
around the edges. I have what it takes to make you proud,

She said his name like she had
been trying it out for the first time in her life.

“That’s right, Ms. Mayor. I’m
going to mentor you and see that you become partner. Now, go and
get us those hours.”

He smiled, extended his hand and
shook hers. She felt a renewed energy about where she stood in the
grand scheme of things. She wanted that partnership so badly that
she could taste it.

In Mr. Trice’s office, however,
a similar pep talk was going down. Mr. Trice was sweet and to the

“Ms. Strauss, thank you for your
time, I know it’s short, so I will get right down to the

Victoria nodded, knowing in her
head what he was going to say. She took a deep breath.

“I know you and Ms. Mayor are
gunning for the partnership within Briggs & Trice. I have seen
your track record with billable hours and I must say, it is quite
impressive. Firstly, I must say, thank you. Secondly, while we
aren’t yet to announce a partner, I wanted to let you know that I
have decided to mentor you.”

Somewhat let down, she said,
“Thank you, Mr. Trice.”

“You are very welcome, Ms.
Mayor. Before I let you get back to the grind, I only have one
suggestion. I’m going to request that you be a little softer in
your approach with some of our clients. Some have said that you
were abrasive and that didn’t allow for any client referrals.
Despite that, your reviews have been stellar. We will reconvene
soon to discuss this matter, but until then, keep up the good

She took it as a hit to her
character that Nathan Trice would call her abrasive. She followed
behind an obviously happy Michelle and wondered what that was all

“You look like you’ve received
some happy news.”

“Mr. Briggs, I mean Mack, has
offered to mentor me to make me partner at the firm.”


“What was your meeting

Victoria took a bit of a snide
approach in her response.

“I didn’t get the partnership if
that’s what you mean, but I was called in because I’m

“Abrasive, really? I wouldn’t
say that.”

“What would you say?”

“I’m not sure, but abrasive
hadn’t crossed my mind.”

They arrived to their floor and
dispersed. Michelle lit up at the thought of being mentored by the
one and only Mack Briggs. Meanwhile, Michelle wasn’t the wiser that
Mr. Trice had offered to mentor Victoria’s efforts.

It had always been a
competition, but this time, Michelle felt that she had the upper
hand in the run for the partnership. Victoria had underplayed her
meeting because she wanted to silently sneak in and snatch up the
partnership without Michelle having put forth her best effort.

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