cretion; and he, tho' emaciated to a Skeleton, yet being in perfect Health, was unmercifully hungry, and therefore taking occasion to rumage the Pot on the First, found the Contents to be Beef and Turnips, resolving thereupon to stand Cook for once; before the Men that row'd them up arriv'd with Mr. Whitworth, whom they were obliged to carry, he had taken up the Turnips and spread on the Table to render them Mouth-meat, and some small Portion he had already secured in his Belly; but the People unacceptably intervening, restrain'd him from eating any more at that time. The Mistress of the Family, learning who they were return'd to the House, and the Master, with his Friend, was put into a Room apart. Soon after, they were visited by Mr. Packer, Practitioner in Physick and Surgery, by especial Order of the Government, whose Administrators, by an Excess of Generosity, had Sent out, that Day, two other Vessels to their Assistance in case of Necessity; and now, in farther Prosecution of the same Pious and Charitable Care, Lodgings, Food, and Nurses were provided for the People, during their infirmity, and Cloaths, Linnen and Woollen, given them upon their Recovery, all at the Publick Expence: and had not their unworthy, intemperate Behavior, plainly evinc'd them to be guilty of In gratitude toward God and Disregard to Man, they were upon the Point of receiving yet farther Instances of their Charity and Christian Compassion. The Gentlemen, most forward in promoting this generous Benevolence towards the Distress'd, were, the ever to be Respected John Plaisied and John Wentworth, Esqrs, to their own considerable private Charge, tho' the Master and Mr. Whitworth, having sufficient Credit, bore their own Expences.
A limited Diet and requisite Purges being Administred, in process of Time all recover'd, tho' every one, excepting the Master, lost the Use of Fingers or Toes, or some other part of his Body; and in particular, the Master's Boy suffer'd the Loss of a Foot. At the first Publication of this Narrative, the Master, the