Boon Island: including Contemporary Accounts of the Wreck of the Nottingham Galley (8 page)

Read Boon Island: including Contemporary Accounts of the Wreck of the Nottingham Galley Online

Authors: Kenneth Roberts,Jack Bales,Richard Warner

Tags: #Survival After Airplane Accidents; Shipwrecks; Etc., #Nottingham (Galley) - Fiction, #Transportation, #Historical, #Boon Island (Me.) - Fiction, #Boon Island, #18th Century, #Survival After Airplane Accidents; Shipwrecks; Etc - Fiction, #Survival After Airplane Accidents; Shipwrecks; Etc, #Shipwrecks, #Fiction, #Literary, #Sea Stories, #Historical Fiction, #Shipwrecks - Maine - Boon Island - History - 18th Century - Fiction, #test, #Boon Island (Me.), #General, #Maine, #History

BOOK: Boon Island: including Contemporary Accounts of the Wreck of the Nottingham Galley
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candid, ingenious Spirits; for whose kind Opinion I am really sollicitous.
I presume any Person acquainted with my Brother will readily believe the Truth hereof. And for the Satisfaction of others, I would hope need only offer, that both his Character and my own may be easily gain'd by Enquiry. Likewise several of his Fellow Sufferers being now in Town, their Attestations might be procur'd, if saw a real Necessity.
I have in the whole endeavour'd a plain smooth, unaffected stile; suitable to the Occasion, carefully avoiding unnecessary Enlargements, and relating only Matters of Fact.
I must acknowledge to have (in composing from my Brother's Copy) omitted many lesser Circumstances, least shou'd swell this Narrative beyond its first Design, and thereby exceed the Bounds of common Purchase.
It's almost needless to intimate what Approbation the Copy has receiv'd, from many Persons of the most curious and discerning Judgments who have done me the Favour to view it, urging its Publication, and (at least) flattering me with an Expectation of a general Acceptance, considering it both as Novel and Real.
I cannot but also take Encouragement from the Value and Esteem it met with when appearing under much greater Disadvantages, as to Particulars and Dress in New England, North Britain, &c. So that adventure it into the World, to receive its Applause or Censures, according to its Demerrits or the Fancy of the Reader.
The Account I have receiv'd of those worthy New England Gentlemen's Kindness to the poor Men in their Extremities, affected me in the most near and sensible manner, and which to omitt making honourable mention of, wou'd be the highest Ingratitude (an evil I hope, foreign to my Temper.)
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How generous, Christian-like, and worthy of Immitation, have these Gentlemen behav'd themselves, to such Objects of Commiseration who must otherwise (in all Probability) have been render'd unable to serve their Families (methinks I am glad such a noble compasionate humane Temper is still found amongst Men) and how happy wou'd it be for us, did this kind and Publick Spirit more prevail among us, as on the contrary, how much to be lamented is that barbarous and savage Custom of murdering fellow Creatures (shipwrackt on our Coasts) in Order to plunder and rifle them with the greater Ease: A Crime so brutish and agravated (and yet so frequently practic'd as to be the common Disgrace of a Christian Nation.)
I might offer Abundance more Thoughts (pertinent enough) on these and other subjects in this Preface, but I am fearful lest I shou'd make the Porch too large for the House; therefore conclude, subscribing my self (candid Reader) thine in all Friendly Offices,
Horsly-Down, August the 2d. 1711.
The Narrative
Nottingham Galley,
of and from London, 120 Tons, ten Guns, and fourteen Men, John Dean Commander; having taken in Cordage in England, and Butter and Cheese, &c. in Ireland, sail'd for Boston in New England, the 25th of September, 1710. But meeting with contrary Winds and bad Weather 'twas the Beginning of December when first made Land to the Eastward of Piscataqua, and haling Southerly for the Massachuset's-Bay, under a hard gale of Wind at North-East, accompanied with Rain, Hail and Snow, having no observation for ten or twelve Days we on the Eleventh handed all our Sails, except our Fore-
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Sail and Main-top Sail double reeft, ordering one Hand forward to look out. Between 8 and 9 going forward myself, I saw the breakers ahead, whereupon I call'd out to put the Helm hard a Starboard, but ere the Ship cou'd wear, we struck upon the East End of the Rock called Boon-Island, four Leagues to the Eastward of Piscataqua.
The second or third Sea heav'd the Ship along Side of it, running likewise so very high, and the Ship labouring so excessively that we were not able to stand upon Deck, and notwithstanding it was not above thirty or forty Yards, yet the Weather was so thick and dark we cou'd not see the Rock, so that we were justly thrown into a Consternation at the sad Prospect of immediately perishing in the Sea. I presently call'd down all Hands to the Cabin, where we continu'd a few Minutes earnestly supplicating Mercy; but knowing Prayers without Endeavours are vain, I order'd all up again, to cut the Masts by the board, but several sunck so under Racks of Conscience that they were not able to stir. However, we upon deck cut the Weather-most shrouds, and the Ship heeling towards the Rock, the force of the Sea soon broke the Masts, so that they fell right towards the Shore.
One of the men went out on the Boltspright, and returning, told me he saw something black ahead, and wou'd adventure to get on shore, accompanied with any other Person; upon which I desir'd some of the best swimmers (my Mate and one more) to go with him, and if they recover'd the Rock, to give notice by their Calls, and direct us to the most secure Place; and remembring some money and papers that might be of use, also Ammunition, Brandy, &c. I went down and open'd the Place in which they were but the Ship bulging, her decks opening, her back broke, and beams giving way, so that the Stern sunk almost under water, I was oblig'd to hasten forward to prevent immediate perishing. And having heard nothing of the men gone be-
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fore, concluded them lost; yet notwithstanding, I was under a necessity to make the same Adventure upon the Fore Mast, moving gradually forward betwixt every sea, 'till at last quitting it, I cast myself with all the strength I had toward the Rock, and it being dead low water and the Rock exceeding slippery I cou'd get no Hold, but tore my Fingers, Hands and Arms in a most lamentable Manner; every wash of the sea fetching me off again, so that it was with the utmost peril and difficulty that I got safe on shore at last. The rest of the men running the same hazard yet thro' mercy we all escap'd with our lives.
After endeavouring to discharge the salt-water, and creeping a little way up the Rock, I heard the three men mentioned before and by ten all met together; where with joyful hearts we return'd humble thanks to Providence for our Deliverance from so eminent a Danger; we then endeavour'd to gain shelter to the Leeward of the Rock, but found it so small and inconsiderable that it wou'd afford none (being but about one hundred Yards long, and Fifty broad) and so very craggy, that we cou'd not walk to keep our selves warm, the weather still continuing extream cold, with Snow and Rain.
As soon as day-light appear'd, I went towards the place where we came on shoar, not questioning but we should meet with Provisions enough from the Wreck for our support, but found only some pieces of the Masts and Yards, amongst some old junk and cables conger'd, together, which the Anchors had prevented from being carried away, and kept moving about the Rock at some distance: Part of the ship's stores with some pieces of Plank and Timber, old Sails and Canvas &c. drove on shoar but nothing to eat, except some small pieces of cheese we pick'd up from among the Rock-Weed (in the whole, to the Quantity of three small Cheeses.)
We used our utmost endeavour to get Fire, (having a Steel and Flint with us, also by a Drill with a very swift motion) but
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having nothing but what had been long watersoak'd, we could not effect it.
At night we stow'd one upon another (under our Canvas) in the best Manner possible, to keep each other warm; and the next day the weather a little clearing, and inclining to frost, I went out, and seeing the main Land knew where we was, therefore encouraged my men with hopes of being discover'd by fishing Shallops &c. requiring them to go about, and fetch up what planks they could get, (as also Carpenters' Tools and Stores &c.) in order to build a Tent and a Boat: The cook then complaining he was allmost starved, and his Countenance discovering his illness, I ordered him to remain with two or three more the frost had seiz'd. About noon the Men acquainted me that he was dead, so laid him in a convenient Place for the Sea to carry him away; none mentioning eating of him, tho' several with my self afterwards acknowledged, had Tho'ts of it.
After we had been there two or three Days, the frost being very severe, and the Weather extream cold, it seized most of our hands and feet to such a Degree as to take away the Sence of Feeling, and render them almost useless, so benumbing and discolouring them, as gave us just reason to fear mortifications. We pull'd off our shoes, and cut off our boots, but in getting off our stockings, many whose legs were blister'd, pull'd off Skin and all, and some the nails of their toes; we wrap'd up our legs and feet as warm as we could in Oakum and Canvas.
We now began to build our tent in a triangular Form, each angle about eight Foot, covered with what Sails and old Canvas came on shoar, having just room for all to lie down each on one side, so that none cou'd turn except all turn'd which was about every two hours, upon Notice given: We also fix'd a Staff to the top of our Tent, upon which (as often as weather wou'd permit) we hoisted a piece of cloth in the Form of a Flag, in order to discover ourselves to any vessels that might come near.
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We began now to build our Boat of plank and timber belonging to the Wreck; our tools the blade of a cutlass (made into a Saw with our knives) a Hammer and a Caulking Mallet: Some nails we found in the clifts of the Rock, others we got from the sheathing; we laid three Planks flat for the bottom, and two up each Side fix'd to stanchings, and let into the bottom timbers, with two short Pieces at each end, also one breadth of new Holland Duck round the sides, to keep out the Spray of the Sea. We cork'd all we could with oakum drawn from the old junk, and in other places, fill'd up the distances with long pieces of Canvas, all which we secured in the best Manner possible; we found also some Sheet Lead and Pump Leather, which proved of use; we fix'd a short Mast and square sail, with seven Padles to row, and another longer to stear; but our Carpenter who now should have been of most use to us, was (by reason of illness) scarce able to affoard us either assistance or advice; and all the Rest so benumb'd and feeble as not able to stir, except my self and two more, also the weather so extream cold, that we could seldom stay out of the Tent above four hours in the day, and some days do nothing at all.
When we had been there about a week without any manner of provisions, except the cheese before mentioned and some beefe bones, which we eat (first beating them to pieces); we saw three boats about five Leagues from us, which may be easily imagined rejoyced us not a little, believing our deliverance was now come: I made all creep out of the Tent, and hollow together (so well as our strength would allow) making also all the signals we could, but alas all in vain; they neither hearing nor otherwise discovering us: however we receiv'd no small encouragement from the sight of 'em, they coming from S. West, and the Wind at N. E. when we were cast away, gave us reason to conclude our distress might be known, by the wreck driving on shoar, and to presume were come out in search of us, and that they would
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daily do so when weather would permit; thus we flatter'd our selves in hopes of deliverance tho' in vain.
Just before we had finished our boat, Providence so ordered it, that the Carpenter's Ax was cast on the Rock to us, whereby we were enabled to compleat our work; but then we had scarce strength enough to get her into the water.
About the 21st (December) the boat just perfected, a fine day, and the water smoother than I had ever yet seen it since we came there, we consulted who shou'd attempt getting on shore, I offering my self as one to adventure, which they agreed to, because I was the strongest, and therefore fittest to undergoe the extremities we might be reduc'd to. My Mate also offering himself, and desiring to accompany me, I was allow'd him with my brother, and four more, so committing our enterprize to Divine Providence, all that were able came out, and with much difficulty we got our poor patch'd up boat to the water side; and the Surf running very high, was oblig'd to wade very deep to launch her, which being done, and my self and one more got into her, the swell of the Sea heav'd her along shore, and overset her upon us, (whereby we again narrowly escap'd drowning) and stav'd our poor boat all to peices: Totally disappointing our enterprize and destroying all our hopes at once.
And as that which still heighten'd our afflictions, and serv'd to aggravate our miserable prospects, and render our deliverance less practicable: We lost with our boat, both our Ax and Hammer, which wou'd have been of great use to us if we should hereafter attempt to build a Raft, yet had we reason to admire the goodness of God, in over-ruling our disappointment, for our safety; for that afternoon, the wind springing up it blew very hard, so that had we been at Sea in that imitation of a boat, in all probability we must have perish'd, and the rest left behind had no better fare, because unable to help themselves.
We were now reduc'd to the most deplorable and mallancholy

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