Born with a Tooth (29 page)

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Authors: Joseph Boyden

BOOK: Born with a Tooth
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When that priest began telling us that Linda could not go to heaven because she committed suicide, Sister Jane began to
shake. But I wasn't angry. I knew Linda was already there. I watched my granddaughter Mary raise her head to look at this priest, and then I watched all my relations who had come from many different places raise their heads too. We all raised our heads up as if we were one big person, growing bigger by the minute.

And then it came. A single drumbeat from the back of the church, travelling through it the way I once saw lightning travel through water. And then it came again, then again. The priest, he didn't like that. He shouted and began to walk towards Joseph and his beating drum in the back of the church, but by the time he got to Linda's casket we had already stood as one, blocking him from going farther. All of us who knew how circled the drum and beat it with him, using our hands, our shoes, our palms. We lifted our heads up and tightened our voices and sang a song for Linda and for her mother. For all of us. I looked to my granddaughter Mary, her dark eyes Linda's, Minnie's. I looked to my grandson Joseph and he looked to me. I looked around me at all my relations around this drum, and to Sister Jane, who'd come to join us. We all stood in a circle and lifted up our voices to Linda and to
, to God. And I began to feel something good that I'd not felt in a long time.


As always, my son Jacob, I'd walk a continent for you.

My northern friends: William Tozer and family, the best and craziest bush pilots and guides in Northern Ontario. The world, for that matter. Remi and Rachel Chakasim, you've inspired me with your quiet strength and wisdom. Judy Wabano of Peawanuck, thanks for your translations and friendship. Shane Enosse of Moosonee, Linda Smith, née Goodwin of Kashechewan, Stephen Spence of Fort Albany, all artists of incredible talent. Ed Metatawabin and the Metatawabin clan, you were inspirations long before you knew me.
to all.

My southern friends: Rick Barton, you've pushed me to succeed. Joanna Leake and Jim Knudsen, patient teachers extraordinaire. My trinity of trouble and eternal drinking posse, Joe Longo, Jen Kuchta, and Mike Mahoney. Jay Poggi and John Lawrence, epitomes of New Orleans art and music in human bodies.

My family: Mayer Hoffer, you are a blood brother for saving my life. David Gifford, prestigidateur with a paint brush. My four sisters, Mary, Veronica, Julia, Suzanne, my three brothers, Bruce, Francis, Raymond, and my three half-sisters, Angela, Theresa, and Claire, it would take pages and years to thank you enough. Mom, how'd you do it? I love you. Amanda, the best editor and trapeze artist I've ever known.

For Amanda, my flying girl


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First published by Cormorant Books Inc., 2008

Published in this edition, 2013

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Copyright © Joseph Boyden, 2008

The following stories have been previously published: “Born With A Tooth” in
Black Warrior Review
; “Shawanagan Bingo Queen” in
Cimarron Review
Blue Penny Quarterly
; “Painted Tongue” in
The Panhandler

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Manufactured in the U.S.A.


Boyden, Joseph, 1966–, author

Born with a tooth / Joseph Boyden.

Originally published: Toronto : Cormorant Books, 2001.

ISBN 978-0-14-318801-8 (pbk.)

1. Indians of North America—Ontario, Northern—Fiction.  I. Title.

PS8553.O9358B6 2013     C813'.6     C2013-903591-5

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