Bound and Determined (14 page)

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Authors: Anara Bella

BOOK: Bound and Determined
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“I know. But you
chipping away at it. I just didn’t let you see it. You got under my skin like no other man ever has.”

He stroked his hand along her thigh. “Thank God for that.”

She laughed. “Yes, thank God for that. I don’t know how to explain it, but somehow the robbery set things in motion, showed me how stagnant my life had become.” She reached out and ran a finger down his cheek. “You didn’t just untie me that day. You shook up my entire life and untied my heart in the process. And now it’s wide open. To you, to life, to love. And I’m bound and determined to stay that way.”

“Thanks to me.”

“Thanks to you.”

He stroked her behind with gentle fingers and then gave it a playful tweak. “So, how are you going to make it up to me?”

She grinned, a dozen tempting ideas flitting through her head. But one stood out from the rest. She let her fingers drop until she grazed his already semi-erect penis, loving the way it jumped, responding to her touch.

She scrambled out of his arms and bounced up onto her knees. Cupping his balls, she gently squeezed and rolled them between her fingers. With her other hand she grasped his now full erection, loving its steely strength.

She leaned in and ran her tongue around the bulbous head, inserting her tongue into the weeping slit, tasting his salty essence with relish.

He groaned and speared one hand into her hair, holding her head in place, encouraging her without words to continue what she was doing.

She tossed him a saucy look out of the corner of her eye. “I think I have some ideas on the subject you’ll quite like.”

Taking him into her mouth, she hummed her satisfaction, enjoying the sensation of his cock filling her mouth, getting more turned on by the second as she worked his hard shaft. She took him deeper and then sucked for all she was worth.

He groaned and surged into her mouth. “God, yes. I definitely like.”

She worked her mouth up and down his cock several more times and then let him pop out. With a loving lick, she ran her tongue along his length and around the crown before looking up at him again. “So, you don’t want me to stop then?”

He reached out with his other hand and cupped her cheek. “I never want you to stop doing what you do to me.”

The intensity in his eyes captivated her and her breath hitched. He hadn’t said it in so many words, but she knew in her heart he was referring to something much more important than her giving him head. “Never?”


Her heart expanded in her chest and she smiled, suddenly happier than she’d ever been in her life. Strangely confident that she was with the right man for her. That she was where she was meant to be. And that come what may, they would be all right.


About the Author

By day Anara is a mild-mannered writer pounding out stories on her trusty keyboard. But by night she’s the Domestic Avenger, ready to take on any and all evil that gets in her way. Okay, so the evils in question are only despicable dust bunnies and dastardly dirty dishes but they
evil. And diabolically prolific too.

In reality Anara lives a quiet life in the suburbs with her hubby and two adorable cats.

To learn more about Anara and her books, please visit
, follow her on Twitter at
or check out her Goodreads page at
. She loves to hear from readers at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Anara Bella

Now Available:


Ready or Not

The Trouble with Curses

Batteries Not Required

Brazen or Bust


Coming Soon:


Sweet Temptation

Nica’s got a new look and an attitude to match. Logan doesn’t stand a chance…


Brazen or Bust

© 2010 Anara Bella


Nica Morelli is through wasting time mooning over Logan Donovan from afar. It’s time to make him see her as more than his tomboyish, honorary little sister. Now, armed to the teeth with a sexy makeover, Nica’s kicking butt in four-inch heels and taking no prisoners.

One minute Logan’s enjoying a beer at the bar. The next, he’s mesmerized by the finest butt he’s ever laid eyes on. It shimmies, it shakes. It makes him want to do all kinds of wicked things to it. Then he realizes who the butt belongs to—his best friend’s little sister. No matter how badly he wants the tasty bait she’s dangling in front of him, she’s forbidden fruit.

Except now that she’s got him turned on, tied up in knots, and swimming in intense emotion, what’s he supposed to do? Fall in love? Not in a million years…

Warning: This book contains hot ’n steamy graphic sex brought about by the flagrant use of seduction, near-nakedness and lavish amounts of tempting, teasing and tequila.


Enjoy the following excerpt for:
Brazen Or Bust:

That there was one mighty fine piece of prime real estate. Bar none, the sweetest ass he’d ever seen.

Logan watched in mesmerized fascination as the mouth-watering backside in question shimmied and undulated to the heavy beat of the dance music blaring through the bar’s sound system. He’d always been an ass man and that one right there was enough to make a grown man cry.

It was a pure bonus that she had red hair. He
fiery redheads.

He didn’t recognize this one though. She had to be a newcomer because he never would have missed spotting her before this. No way. Not with that ass, or with how often he came to PJ’s Bar.

He took a swig of his beer. Without taking his eyes off the visual feast before him, he absently enjoyed the slightly bitter taste of the cold brew as it trickled past his tongue and cooled his throat.

He was trying to get a good look at Red’s face, but with the flickering lights and strobes he hadn’t had much success. But that first-class ass was enough to make him want to get to know her better anyway. A

The music finally switched to a slow tune. That was his cue. Time to make his move.

Putting down his beer, he stood and then made his way over to his quarry. Her current dance partner put his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace, settling in to enjoy holding her close for the dance. But that didn’t deter Logan.

He tapped the guy on the shoulder. “I’m cutting in.”

Without looking up, the guy snarled at Logan to get lost, but he wasn’t put off. He tapped him again. “I guess you didn’t hear me. It’s my turn.”

The guy pulled back, and shot Logan a look meant to intimidate and chase him off. It might have worked too, except the moment the guy caught sight of Logan, his eyes widened, he dropped his arms and quickly backed away from the girl. “Okay, sure thing. No problem.”

Logan hid a smile. He was used to this kind of reaction. He was a big guy. Taller than most, not to mention the fact that he worked out. People were often intimated by his size, and he wasn’t averse to using it to his advantage.

Logan nodded. “Thanks.”

With the testosterone war over, Logan could finally direct his attention to the tasty female treat in front of him. “Name’s Logan. And you are?”

With frustration, he realized even though he was now facing the woman of his dreams, he still couldn’t get a good look at her. Not with her standing there with her hand clapped over her mouth as if she was in shock or something.

Fighting the urge to make sure he hadn’t left his fly open, he tried smiling to put her at ease. This was a damned strange reaction. He was a decent-looking guy but he’d never affected a woman like this.

He tried again. “I’m Logan. And you are…”

She blinked a couple of times before finally dropping her hand. “Logan.”

Her name is Logan?

And then he realized there was something very familiar about this woman. He looked closer. He knew her. Sort of. Didn’t he? He scanned her face again. He did know her. But something was different. So different he couldn’t quite place her.

All of a sudden the penny dropped.

Damn! It’s…

I didn’t recognize you. What happened to you?” Okay, that didn’t come out right. “I mean, you look different.”

was an understatement.

He looked her up and down, still not quite believing his eyes. Could this really be his best friend’s kid sister? Hell, she was as good as
kid sister. He’d watched her grow up and he’d never seen any sign that this little siren lay hidden beneath the shapeless clothes she usually wore.

Nica blushed. For a moment she looked flustered, but then something in her expression changed. Almost seemed to firm up. She smiled and started to preen. “I do, don’t I.” She peeped up at him. “Do you like it?”

Hell yeah.
He’d be mortified if he liked it any better.
, the fantasies he’d been running through his head before he knew it was her were more than a little X-rated.

Completely thrown by both the shock of finding out the woman he’d just been lusting after was Nica and… Well, there was no and. That was enough. More than enough.

Disappointment speared through him as it sank in this was Nica and he’d just been wondering how he could get into her pants. “Uh…you look great.”

She smiled coquettishly. “Thanks.”

“What brought on the dramatic change?”

She shrugged and he noticed how the movement did interesting things to her breasts.

“Oh, I just thought it was time to do something different.”

She was different all right. And he wasn’t at all sure it was for the better. He glared at several guys who were staring at her, not liking the speculative look in their eyes. “I can see that.”

She blushed and looked down, then seemed to come to some decision. He watched fascinated as she tossed her head back and straightened her shoulders “I’m still trying to get used to it myself.”

Was this the same girl he’d watched grow up from a plain child? Just yesterday she’d been the same old Nica. Reliable. Trustworthy. People like her didn’t change overnight. What had happened to cause this radical transformation? Because it was for damn sure something had.

“What’s this really all about, Nica? You’re not the type to do something so drastic.”

Her eyes flashed sizzling blue fire at him. “How would you know what type I am?”

That struck a nerve. “I’ve known you since we were kids. I think I know you pretty well.”

She looked him right in the eyes, and he saw a flash of temper there he’d never noticed before.

“You don’t know squat about me. Not the real me inside. You just
you know me.”

He took in her flushed cheeks and flashing eyes, her stance screaming her readiness to take him on. Maybe she was right. He certainly didn’t recognize the spitfire in front of him right now.

Taking in her sparkling eyes and heaving chest, he fought back a grin. Damned if he didn’t like her this way too.

The grin finally won out.

She scowled and planted her fists on her hips. “Don’t you laugh at me, Logan Donovan.”

Oh look. She’s even trying to look tough.

It was too much. He burst out laughing. “I can’t help it. You’re just so damn cute like this. I think I’m going to like the new you.”
Maybe a little too much.

Just like that her anger dissipated. “Really?”

“It’ll take some getting used to, but yeah.”

The smile she graced him with was like sunshine breaking through storm clouds. It lit up her entire face and accentuated the beauty he’d never noticed before. Had it always been there and he’d just not seen it?


Still busy trying to take in the radical change, he jumped when she put her hands on his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

Looking confused, she said, “I thought you wanted to dance with me.”

He’d forgotten that was why he’d come over here. If he tried to back out now it would hurt her feelings. “Oh right. Of course.”

Smooth, Logan. Real smooth.
He all but rolled his eyes at himself.

Feeling more than a little awkward and probably looking worse, he hesitated while trying to decide what to do. He knew he should put his hands on her waist, but the fact that he wanted to so much sort of made him feel like a perv.

She was practically his little sister for crying out loud. Okay, so she wasn’t, but he’d always viewed her that way. Until now.

Damn it. He couldn’t believe this was Nica. And that she looked so fucking

He shook the thought out of his head, told himself to snap out of it, reached over and put his hands on her waist. There, that wasn’t so hard. At least not yet. He strove to keep as much distance between their bodies as he could manage without looking too obvious.

Nica had ideas of her own though, because the next thing he knew she’d draped her arms over his shoulders and clasped her hands behind his neck. In the process she’d pressed her sweet breasts up against his chest until their bodies were so flush against each other a microbe couldn’t have squeezed in if its survival depended on it.

His groin started to tingle.


Wanted: One fling, orgasmic satisfaction guaranteed.


Batteries Not Required

© 2009 Anara Bella


In Dana Appleby’s experience, really bad, boring sex and long-term relationships seem to go hand-in-hand. Enough is enough. She’s now on a mission and her main objective is finding excitement in the bedroom. And she knows just who she wants to give it to her: Reese Cooper.

Short-term relationships are Reese’s specialty—and so is sex. Dana’s proposal to have a little fling is right up his alley, but things go awry when he starts to realize short-term isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And suddenly the idea of Dana moving onto someone else doesn’t appeal one bit.

So, what’s a guy to do? The only thing he can do. Set out to show Dana that long-term doesn’t necessarily mean boring. Not with relationships—and definitely not with sex.

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