Bound and Freed Boxed Set (2 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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3. Four Years

Twenty-four year old Kelly Flynn took the lift down to
"The Basement," a local BDSM club. It was a Saturday night and the
place would be jumping. Unfortunately she was running late. Her mother had
nagged her to visit which she had, but Dunthorpe was miles from where she lived
and from The Basement, which was in almost the heart of downtown Portland.
Traffic had been bad, and of course it was raining.

Following a succession of silly, unfulfilling jobs after
finishing her Arts Degree, Kelly seemed to have found a niche in organizing and
running speed dating three times a week. She still had no idea what she wanted
to do with her life. Cooking, singing, French and a love of flowers had not
solidified into any particular profession. Being a Speed Dating coordinator was
fun however, and the pay was great. Unfortunately the work was from three pm to
midnight and thus severely curtailed her time at The Basement. There was more
than one opening for a club sub, but Kelly didn't want to go there either.

She smothered a giggle.
I'm not that
she thought.

Regrettably her super expensive month trial membership
would soon run out, and while she had learned tons, and had enjoyed herself
immensely she was no closer to finding a Dom boyfriend.

It was a matter of trust, really. So difficult for a sub
to rely on anyone. The last bastard she had been with hadn't used a condom once
he tied her up. Bastard! And to top it off the jerk turned out to be vanilla
anyway. Kelly would never risk an unplanned child so she was on the pill, but
she also believed in being safe thus she always used protection. It had been
embarrassing to tell her doctor and get a full battery of tests to ensure she
hadn't caught anything. But then in order to join the Basement she had to take
the tests once more. She smiled. It had been easier for her to ask the second
time. Her doctor's expression had remained professional, he hadn't even

The elevator doors smoothed open and she exited into a
small entry room, where a large man with grey hair sat behind a desk, reading a
"Four Wheel and Off Road" magazine and drinking fresh brewed coffee
by the smell of it.

"Hey Tom-boy!" she said cheerily.

"Kelly, as I live and breathe. How are you,

"Better for seeing you, handsome," she said.

Tom laughed. An ex-cop, he seemed to be here most nights.
Kelly drew out a little white paper bag from the pocket of her knee length
jacket. "For you," she said and put it on his desk. "Choc-chip
cookies, I made them today."

Tom opened the bag and took one out. Kelly watched as Tom
drew in a deep, appreciative smell. "Yum. Are you sucking up to me little

"Of course," she replied. "Seriously, it's
the least I could do after all the help you've given me."

Tom shook his head. "Anyone can change a flat tire.
But bake cookies? Not so much. Hey, what about my girlish figure?"

Kelly arched her brows. "I'm assuming you'll bring
some of them home to Mary."

"Fat chance. Uh, oh, there are seven here, an uneven
number. I'll have to eat at least three and possibly even five." Kelly
laughed because with his growing paunch she knew he would do just that.
"You have a good night, honey," he added as she left through the left
hand door.

There were two doors in the entry room, one to the male
dressing and changing area and one to the female area. Kelly strode inside and
immediately snagged a locker, putting her valuables inside and clipping the key
to her corset. She refreshed her red lip gloss in the restroom, taking a quick
check in the mirror to make sure she looked her best. Dark eye shadow set off
her pale blue eyes, and the blue-green satin corset, with a black lacy overlay
accented the eye shadow. Short black underwear and thigh-high fishnet stockings
with black high heel shoes completed the ensemble.

Kelly stared at her orange shoulder length wavy hair with
disgust. If she didn't condition it and take constant care, it would curl and
frizz up like Little Orphan Annie. She smiled at herself in the mirror at that,
because she
played Little Orphan Annie at school, singing her heart
out and stealing the show. If she had more discipline maybe she could have been
an actress, or singer. But really it wasn't discipline she lacked, but interest
and passion. At twenty-four she still had no idea what she wanted to be when
she "grew up."

She frowned. Why was her hair orange and not red?
Probably the same reason rust colored freckles covered her pale complexion, her
face and shoulders – rather than just pale white skin. She had freckles all
over, in fact
all over
. Without pouring on foundation head to toe, there
was nothing she could do about it.

At five feet six, Kelly was of average height, and her
figure was pretty average, too. Her mouth was just too damn big, both it and
her square manly jaw. When she smiled with her big mouth and orange hair she
felt like a jack-o-lantern.

I should have been a man,
Prince Harry looks great and he has orange hair and freckles.
figured she wasn't really pretty, but neither was she ugly – at least she had a
great ass! Lots of people had told her that. She could be considered striking
she supposed, when she was her animated, happy self.

Girlish sounds of laughter and giggling came to her ears
and then the restroom door burst open and two women came in. "Kelly!"
They chorused.

"Hey girls, what's up?"

Gina and Rosslyn were Kelly's friends, also subs - Gina
ten years older than she was, and Rosslyn fifteen years older. They had both
been out checking over the landscape, and filled Kelly in.

"You won't believe it," Gina said. "Father
John is already pretty busy."

A delicious curl of anticipation and desire thrilled
through Kelly. "Really?" she said. "I didn't know he was doing a
scene tonight." Kelly's heart sped. She would be able to spend a portion
of her evening staring at the guy she had a huge crush on, and he would have no
idea that she was watching. It didn’t get better than that. John Taylor. Firm
lips, commanding presence, best ever male eye candy. Yum. Too bad he never
smiled. Kelly, in her secret heart of hearts, would love to be the one to make
him smile.

"Oh, I think this scene was impromptu," Rosslyn

"Woo hoo!" Kelly yipped, tossing her lip gloss
back in her bag. "Well, finish up here girls. We don't want to miss that
do we?"

4. Kelly's Crush

Why oh why,
Kelly thought,
I have to be so fascinated by such an unattainable guy? A dangerous man who
just wouldn't be good for me?
She sighed, and supposed it was the 'bad-boy'
allure. As relationships went, hooking up with John was pretty well about as
impractical and impossible as could be.

John Taylor, also known as "Father John" was a
bit of a celebrity in the Basement and he was also seriously HOT. Word had it
that his membership fees were free because of the crowds he drew, and the lessons
he sometimes gave to wannabe Dom's. Once every two weeks or so, he put on a
public show. The man was not much older than Kelly, but the rumors spread about
him were endless.

He had "lost his true love," he was
"gay," "he really had once been a priest." John Taylor had
gotten the strange nickname of Father John because his subs always seemed to
confess to him when he skillfully tormented them into a blissful state of
euphoria. Then, just like a priest, John forgave them.

No one called him Father John to his face of course, that
was just the gossip's nickname, although sometimes his sub's used the title. He
didn't like the appellations "master" or "sir," insisting
that he simply be called John. Other than the fact that everything about the
man from his voice to entire persona screamed "Dominant," John also
had a flawless, sculpted body. It was so unfair! Broad shouldered, cut abs,
thin hipped, great ass, and movie-star good looking – the man was perfect.

But the really interesting and well established truth was
that Father John never ever had sex with either his male or female subs, and
neither did he even let them go down on him. Was he gay, hetero or bi? No one
knew anything about him. In fact no one had seen the man's penis, although the
outline of a long thick budge could be observed virtually whenever he was in
the club.

Clean shaven, no tattoos, no piercings, no sex - Father
John seemed as pure as fresh fallen snow. And the man didn't even kiss! Chaste
pecks on the forehead or cheek was all he ever gave, and these only to
encourage or coax some poor suffering sub to accept even more pain.

Kelly sighed. She fantasized about the sexy Dom all the
time, but wouldn't have the nerve to go with him. It was unfortunate, but John
Taylor liked dispensing pain, and other than a sexually inflaming spanking,
Kelly wasn't into that.

"He's working over two subs at the same time
tonight, a man and a woman."

"No shit? With his bullwhip?"

"He hasn't gotten to that yet, but he will. Man I am
sooo never going to go there."

Both Kelly and Gina looked questioningly at Rosslyn, the
oldest and most experienced of the group. "C'mon Rosslyn, you went there
with Father John. He topped you. What was it like?"

Rosslyn's thin shapely blonde brows drew down, making a
serious little crease in her forehead as she frowned. "You two have asked
me that before and I still can't explain it."

"Did it hurt?"

"Fuck yes! Like the fires of hell. I told you that

"But did you enjoy it? Was it good? Was it worth


"Would you do it again?"

"Yes, if he asked me to. It's impossible to say no
to John Taylor."

"How about marks? Did you get scars from that whip
of his?"

"Nope, not a one. The man is a professional."

"Do you know," Gina said. "I haven't met a
sub yet who didn't rave about their time spent with Father John. How does he do
it? He hurts people and they love him for it."

Rosslyn sighed. "The man doesn't kiss, he doesn't
fuck, and he won't even let a poor desperate sub go down on him. He says very
little, and that deep seductive, well-educated voice of his on its own is more
than enough to make a girl orgasm I swear. Oh, speaking of swearing, he never
swears either. Can you believe that?

"Really?" Kelly said, astonished by the
hypnotic magnetism the man seemed to have over the entire male and female
population of the Basement. Even older, more experienced Dom's were in awe of
his skills.

"Oh, for sure. The guy is a perfect gentleman, too.
Unattainably reserved, formal and polite throughout an entire scene. He isn't
mean ever, and isn't into humiliation. I think he has a high opinion of his
subs. To John Taylor pain isn't about punishment – it's a reward."

Rosslyn pulled a compact out of her clutch, and began to
apply it in front of the mirror. "He made me feel cherished." She
looked meaningfully into the mirror at them both. "It was as if I was the
only person in the entire world to him. Father John's touch - his few heartfelt
words of praise or appreciation - it was like nothing I've ever experienced. He
treated my submission like a priceless gift."

Shutting her compact, Rosslyn turned back to Gina and
Kelly. "It was all about me - the entire scene, every part of it. I've
been topped thousands of times, but I honestly have never had anyone so aware
and focused entirely upon me. I think his goal was to bring me to sexual
release and spiritual bliss." Rosslyn swallowed and it sounded loud in the
hushed, empty bathroom. "He did it too," she added.

Kelly remained quiet, silenced by Rosslyn's devotion to
the Dom. Gina didn't seem to have anything to say either.

Rosslyn stared at a wall for a long moment, and Kelly
could see her thoughts were far away. "I flew somewhere with him,"
Rosslyn said, and her voice took on a transcendental, dream-like quality.
"To a place I've never been before. The entire experience was incredible.
Life changing."

Kelly shook her head and gave a snort, breaking the
charged atmosphere. "Yeah, well. I don't think I want to go anywhere that
involves enduring that bullwhip of his."

Rosslyn smiled. "Father John can also read minds.
Honestly. He knows exactly what a sub is thinking."

"Really? So did you confess to him too?"

Both girls stared at their friend and Rosslyn's cheeks
reddened. Finally she drew in a deep breath. "Yes. I told that man more
about myself than anyone on this earth knows. He is a magnet for secrets, it's
impossible to hide anything. But he makes you glad to tell. He's probably
fifteen years younger than I am, but I feel shy and seriously horny around him
even now, weeks after our session. Go figure. John Taylor is the ultimate Dom.
I had the most amazing orgasms I've ever had in my entire life with that

"But?" Kelly asked. "I'm sensing a 'but'
in there somewhere."

Rosslyn shrugged and gave them both an ironic, crooked
grin. "But I just wish he had fucked me."

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