Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) (9 page)

Read Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) Online

Authors: Lea Barrymire

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)
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“I’m going to move you, Rella. I need to get control over myself before I do something unforgivable. You are going to stand and place yourself on this table after I stand. You will be restrained, not because I am punishing you, but because the feel of your small hands on my body is making it almost impossible for me to keep from ravaging you. I think you deserve it, especially after hearing that those same delicate little fingers were buried in your pussy all night, bringing yourself to orgasm.” He moved slowly, lifting her from his legs, his fingers lingered on the soft skin of her waist as if they had a mind of their own. He turned her slightly and stood. “Climb up there and lay back.”

She obeyed, but reluctantly, staring at him with wide eyes. He hated losing the ground he’d won with her. He’d bring her back to the brink quickly enough. She responded so well to him. He wanted to feel her come around his fingers and then again around his tongue. Maybe after that she’d trust him and stop looking at him with fear in her eyes. Perhaps he could push her limits as well and get her more accustomed to being restrained.

When she was laid out on her back, he moved to her side and reached for her hand. “I’m going to position your arms and secure them.”

The magnets within her bracelets activated and held her hand to the table. He watched her struggle against the hold, but it was a token reaction. Her eyes dilated as she looked up at him, allowing him to position her other arm without any hint of resistance. His cock responded to her submission with a painful twitch. Gods, she was beautiful like that, completely open and accepting of him.

He slid slowly onto the table next to her hip and slid a palm up her stomach, staying far enough from her belt and breasts that she would relax. Her skin was so soft that he wanted to rub his face against it and inhale her scent where it lingered. He grinned at the gasp she released when he tickled along her ribs and just brushed the underside of her small breasts. With shaking fingers he unclasped her breast binding and opened it, baring her mounds to the air. The binding had been nearly transparent, but it had still hidden the exact color of her nipples, and the perfect way they contracted and looked like ripened berries. He’d seen them the night before and even had touched them during her ceremony, but having her laid out for him and him alone was heady. He needed to distract her and himself while he learned how she reacted to his touch.

“You know the histories of our peoples, and you have been on the receiving end of some of the things our governments thought would be good practices. Both sides want the races to continue and saw the only way to do that was to combine them together, our males taking your females as permanent mates. In the beginning it was a voluntary thing. If we had males that were looking to settle down and have offspring, they would come to gatherings and meet the females that also felt ready to mate. When those produced high numbers of successful pairings, the governments started making it compulsory. For good or for bad, that is what you and I are dealing with right now.” He reached out and ran a finger around one puckered nipple, slowly teasing the areola until she moaned. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were pink. He bent down and blew lightly across her breast, grinning at the shiver that shook her small frame.

“The difference is that I knew what to expect. I’ve been to a couple of these gatherings and our young males are required to watch a few via video prior to their first one. Your people, on the other hand, see this as a rite of passage or some such nonsense and hold information hostage. I’m sorry that you didn’t know what was going to happen last night. I’m sorry that you were surely forced to don that crazy outfit and rubbed with the heating oil, and dropped into this situation without any warning.” While he spoke, he’d changed his position, turning so he could lightly squeeze one breast as he teased the nipple of the other. She was pushing her flesh into his palms, arching her back as far as her arms would allow.

“I’m also sorry that you’ve already been spoken for and that this is the last Unity Festival you will attend as a single female. I know your government gives young females the impression that you will be allowed to choose your mate, but that isn’t the truth. The truth, Rella, is that our race is allowed to claim a female without her consent and take her as a mate. The minute I touched you last night I knew you had to be mine. I requested you as mate the moment I was allowed to this morning.” Before she could react to his words, he leaned over and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He moaned against her breast and flicked his tongue over the hardened nub. The gasp she emitted was music to his ears. She wasn’t denying his claim on her and was still moving under his mouth, pushing her flesh against his lips. He pulled back, sucking on the nipple and letting it pop from his mouth. He blew across the reddened nub, watching it contract further.

He whispered the next words, hoping she continued to accept his statements. “You are mine. I am yours. There is nothing you can do or say that will stop that conclusion. Your father and sisters have been informed already, and your things will be delivered to my dwelling before we leave this place tonight.”

He watched her shake her head, annoyed that her denial was painful to accept. She could be contrary all she wanted, but everything he’d told her was true. She was his and she’d be going home with him at the end of the ball. “You can deny it all you want. It won’t change anything.”

When she opened her eyes, he was struck by the force of her anger and hurt. If he could have felt the heat from her stare he would have fried where he sat. He assumed he’d see tears, have to coddle her and make her feel better after his talk. At that moment he was glad that she was restrained to the table or he’d be scooping his eyes off the floor after she clawed them out.

“Why?” she whispered.

“You’re angry with me? I do understand why. I’ve forced you to see that you have no choice in the future, but would it really be that bad? I want you so badly, little girl. From the moment I heard your voice yesterday I knew you would be mine.”

“But…I’m not right. You’ve seen me. I’m not built like a female should be. I’m fighting the urge to yell at you.”

“That is why, dearest Rella. You are
just another female. I want you. Anger, small breasts, and all.”

He watched a blush creep across her cheeks and almost laughed at the look of indignation that blazed in her eyes. “You can’t speak to me like that. Don’t you learn anything in your warrior classes? Don’t you know you can’t talk to a female like that?”

He leaned down until their noses touched and whispered, “I can say anything I want to you because you’re my mate, Rella.”


* * * *


The longer he looked at her with that grin and continued to softly touch her even when she was staring daggers at him, the longer she wanted him to kiss her again. Her body still hummed with arousal, ready to come the instant he touched her clit again. She nearly vibrated with her frustration, which made her angrier. All of her feelings meant nothing to her traitorous body. When he leaned down to whisper across her lips, she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning and closing the distance between their mouths.

She wanted to strike him for the knowing smile playing on his lips. Did he know what he’d done to her and was now entertained by her predicament? She wanted to get off the table and put some distance between them, but she was still held against the tabletop, captive to his torturous hands.

“Hmm, I see you are frustrated. Shall we get back to my game so you can come soon, or would you like to argue with me longer?” His voice was deeper, rougher.

Perhaps he wasn’t as unaffected by her body as she first thought. That didn’t help her situation, though. She wanted to come, but did she want to give that power to him? Did it really matter? There was no reason for him to lie. That meant she was already his mate, chosen, signed for, sealed. Why not take the orgasm her body so badly wanted?

“Ask me, please.”

“Good girl. I didn’t know if you’d forgive me enough to let me continue. I’m very pleased.”

His hands continued stroking her skin, touching a nipple, skimming down her side, brushing her pussy and back to her breast. She closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling, shivering as goose bumps raced after his fingers. The tips felt rough against her skin but so wonderful as they moved over her. She tried to push her chest toward his hands and raise her hips as he approached her clit. Her frustration rose with each pass as he avoided her swollen nubs. Just as she was ready to scream and beg, he asked his next question.

“Do you want me to bring you to orgasm by my fingers or my mouth?”

Her mind blanked. She understood what he would do with his fingers, but why would he offer to do something to her with his mouth? She opened her eyes and stared at him, her mind hazy. “I don’t understand the question.”

“Do you want me to touch you with my hands until you come, or do you want me to lie between your legs and lick your clit until you come on my tongue?”

Just the thought of him on his belly between her legs, breathing his warm, moist breaths on her pussy made her moan. “Mouth…please.”

He looked surprised for a moment before he stood and moved to the foot of the table. He knelt on the floor and ran his palms up the inside of her legs. “Spread for me, Rella. Let me in.”

She did as he asked, blushing deeply at having him so close to her pussy. She could feel the moisture coating her lips. The movement of her legs brought the beads against her clit and pulled another moan from her lips. She wouldn’t last long, especially with his dark head buried between her thighs. She closed her eyes against the view to allow her some sense of control. If she watched him approach her clit with his mouth, she’d come before he even touched her.

She jumped when something cold wrapped around her thigh. Just above her knee he attached another metal cuff. To it he attached one of the many chains dangling above them. He touched something on the edge of the table and the chain drew her leg up and out, opening her farther. She watched in stunned silence when he did the same to her other thigh. She tested the restraints and found she couldn’t move her legs at all. A shiver ran down her spine. She wiggled her ass and sighed. She still had some ability to move.

When he chuckled, she jerked her gaze to his eyes and saw amusement once again. With slow, calculated movements he reached beside her hip and grabbed a cloth strap. He cocked an eyebrow before laying the piece over her belly and hooking it to the other side of the table. He’d seen her test her bonds and had taken her freedom away. Fear and excitement warred in her mind.

A snick echoed loudly in the room. She looked down and found Sabar removing her beaded belt from her hips. She bucked when he removed the pussy piece, brushing against her swollen tissues. She whimpered with the loss.

“You may come whenever you want.” His words whispered across her inner thigh and she shivered.

Before she could respond he bent forward and wrapped his lips around her clit. A moan was wrenched from her mouth. The feeling was beyond anything she’d ever imagined. Hot, wet ecstasy wrapped her mind in nothing but feelings. She pulled on her wrist restraints, wanting to pull his head away or push it closer to her pussy. She didn’t know, but the feel of those metal cuffs keeping her arms immobile made her try to buck her hips against his lips. Anything to get more or less. Something needed to happen so she could come. Flicks of his tongue were too much, and not enough.

“I need something. Please. More.” She begged, thrashing her head.

“I know what you need. Just feel. Relax into the feeling of my mouth on you and let me take you over the edge.”

She moaned and nodded. What else could she do? His lips wrapped around her clit and something rimmed her opening. A fingertip entered her channel, swirling in her cream. His tongue flicked her nub, fast and hard. Her muscles tensed. So close. The finger pushed further into her and receded in a fast rhythm. She sucked in a breath, afraid to even breathe for fear that he’d stop. He sucked on her clit, hard, and pushed his tongue against it, swirling around the nub.

The dam broke, and she let the sensations carry her over the edge into the best release she’d had. Everything clenched and melted at the same time. Time stood still, air froze in her lungs for a lifetime before exploding out in a cry. She tried to get her hips closer to Sabar’s body. It knew she wanted something else, something buried deep inside her as she clenched around it. The lack of that feeling left her hollow somehow, unfulfilled even with the orgasm still coursing through her veins.

Rough hands moved over her legs from hip to knees, bringing her brain back to reality. She opened her eyes and found him sitting at her hip again, looking at her face with affection. She couldn’t muster the same level of irritation, though. How could she get angry when this male, her mate, allowed her to not only get angry, but spout about it without punishing her? Sure, she would have liked to be asked, but honestly she couldn’t fault him for the government’s methods. They were both pawns in the game of survival for their respective races.

“Better? I know you’re angry at me, but please know that I mean no harm to you or your sensibilities by claiming you tonight.” He ran his hand up her side. “I know you don’t know me, and I don’t really know you, but we will work it out. I promise. Now, the bell will toll soon and we will be asked to leave this place. I would like to get your arm band removed. You will also be fitted with a permanent medallion that has my signature on it. No other male can touch you once that is in place.”

She could feel her anger rising again and she tried to push it down. She’d be wearing his mark as his mate, a permanent reminder that she belonged to someone else. She sighed.
Yes, just as your mother did and your sister does. Neither of them felt betrayed by their mates because they wore the medallions.
Guilt and self-recrimination flowed over her like a black, heavy blanket. She was so different from other females. Why did she find it so insulting that Sabar wanted to claim her? It would keep her safe forever. No one would ever raise a hand to discipline her now. They would report all of her transgressions to him and he would be expected to mete out her punishments.

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