Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Bound by Blood (The Garner Witch Series)
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While yesterday had been a tumultuous day with a lot to absorb, I’d found a sense of peace and fulfillment, finally having answers to questions that have plagued me for a long time coming—answers about my abilities, my family...and even Nathan.

He was peaceful in repose, and I turned gently so I wouldn’t wake him. Unbelievably, even with his hair disheveled from sleep, he was gorgeous. I watched him sleep tranquilly for a while, tracing my fingers gently over his lips, recalling the silky sensation of his mouth on mine. My body tingled as the memory sent a shudder of pure passion through me. My heart clenched just watching him. How had I fallen for him so quickly?

The realization that I was, in fact, falling for him was terrifying. My history with relationships so far was discouraging. At twenty-eight years old, I could count on one hand the men I’d dated. Being psychic severely hindered my love life. I was still a virgin at the age of sixteen when I discovered my gift, and hadn’t yet begun dating. I quickly spurned dating when I realized I could feel the lustful, disgusting yearnings of every teenage boy. I also knew whenever a boy was lying to me—and they lied a lot.

At sixteen, girls dreamed of their first kiss, holding hands, and of getting married one day. It was disturbing to learn how far boys deviated from those thought processes; they only cared about sex. After being attacked and nearly raped the night of my high school grad, my interest in a relationship became non-existent for years. I unquestionably had trust issues with men after that.

Of course, I was involved with a few men over the past four years, but no one ever inspired the depth of emotion and longing—not to mention lust—that Nathan had. Frankly, it was relieving to experience fierce desire for a man. I was beginning to think there might be something wrong with me. I’ve had sex a few times, but even that was always tepid and monotonous. Never once had I blazed with an unbridled need for a man. Until now.

Still, my attraction to him went far deeper than simple lust. It was emotional, and on some level, spiritual as well. The deep bond I felt with him it was a little frightening. My body had responded to Nathan from the first moment I laid eyes on him; I knew there was something different about him. Granted, I didn’t know exactly how different, but it didn’t bother me. I was still irresistibly attracted to him, which is probably why I’d been laying there for so long simply staring at him.

He surprised me when he suddenly spoke. “I could get used to you watching me sleep.” The corner of his lips curled up into that wicked smirk, melting my defenses. Slowly, his eyes opened to look at me.

I smiled back. This was nice, waking up together. “I like watching you sleep,” I responded, unapologetically.

“How long have you been awake?”

“Just a few minutes. Thank you for staying with me last night. Being here where my mother was...nice.” I looked away, feeling a little exposed.

He issued a deep rolling laugh that I felt reverberate through his whole body. “It was a hardship, having to sleep in a bed with a gorgeous woman, but I am sure I will get over it. Someday.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me closer and enfolding me in his arms. He groaned while nuzzling my neck.

“Good morning.”

I sighed. “Good morning.”

A half an hour later, I had showered and dressed. Nathan’s assistant stocked the house with everything I could possibly need, including new clothes, which happened to be in my exact sizes.

After breakfast, we headed back to my apartment in the city. We had such a lovely day yesterday that I was confused when Nathan became pensive on the ride back. He oozed worry, and it was making me nervous. I let it go until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Nathan, you’re killing me here. You’re either going to have to talk to me about why you’re so tense, or you’re going to have to put your shields up, because I can’t handle the stress.”

He glanced at me with an amused grin. “Sometimes I forget you are empathic.” Then he became serious again. “I was thinking,” he started, apprehensively. “You are the most independent, strong-willed, and self-sufficient woman I know.”

I smirked. “Hmm...Why do I hear a ‘but’ coming?”

“However,”—he arched a sardonic brow—“until this situation is over, you are not safe at your apartment. He has managed to get past two of my body guards already. The first time I thought perhaps it was a fluke, but I do not want to risk it with you. I was hoping I could persuade you to come and stay at my apartment. With me.”

“I have a state-of-the-art security system, and I promise I will behave. If you doubt my intentions, I have a spare bedroom you can sleep in.  I would feel safer knowing I could keep watch over you until this is over.” He was rambling, which was completely out of character for him.

“You want me to move in with you? I don’t know...” My body was screaming to accept his offer, but it wasn’t for safety reasons. It was simply because I was greedy to spend as much time with him as possible. But I didn’t want to impose. “I can manage on my own, but thank you for the offer.”

He leaned closer. “Truly, I am being selfish. I
you to stay with me, for my peace of mind. I want to know that you are safe. I could not bear it if I were to lose you. But more importantly, I want time with you.”

I remained quiet while I carefully considered his proposal. The only thing that gave me pause was my job. If I was living at Nathan’s house, it would be difficult to keep my relationship with him a secret from the FBI. Dating a suspect in a string of murders is a big no-no, and I was worried about causing irreparable damage to my career.

Nathan was innocent. I was positive of that. But he hadn’t officially been cleared in the investigation. Still, who was I kidding? I desperately wanted to take him up on his offer. If I stayed with him though, I would certainly end up sleeping with him. And I was worried about that happening too soon. Things were moving so fast between us. Although, I suppose, when it feels right, it’s right.

“Okay. If you’re sure it’s not going to put you out.”

His relieved happiness was palpable as he suddenly pulled me into his body for another embrace. He was always touching me, and I loved it. “I am positive. Let us go to your place and pack your things.”

“Now?” I asked, surprised.

He gave me a devilish look and said, “Someone once told me ‘Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today.’”

I laughed as he used my own words against me. “You do make a good point,” I joked.

It really was handy having a vampire’s strength for lifting heavy suitcases. We made fast work of packing up just the essentials, because neither of us knew exactly how long I would need to stay.

When we arrived at the building that held Donovan security and Nathan’s apartment, I was glad it was Sunday. At least we didn’t have to worry about bumping into anyone from his office in the elevator.

“Do you ever get tired of living above your office—having your staff aware of your comings and goings?”

“No. I find it convenient living so close. As a matter of fact, I deliberately designed it like that when I had the building constructed. I really do not concern myself about what my employees think in regards to my private life. If they choose to pay such close attention, then so be it.” He shrugged, offhandedly.

I turned my head and gaped. “You own the building?” I accentuated each word, unable to keep the shock out of my tone.

“Yes. I assumed you knew when you and Agent Morrison came to interview me.”

I couldn’t believe it. He owned the entire building—a skyscraper, nonetheless. Although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. His determination was one of the qualities I admired about him, and he’d had many, many,
years to amass his wealth. But a skyscraper? Holy crap.

“Wow. This is magnificent,” I said as I walked off the elevator into his apartment—if that was what you could’ve called it. He could’ve fit ten of my apartments in his penthouse—it was enormous. The entire place was surrounded by windows and had a staggering view of the city and mountains.

Despite its size though, it had an informal feel to it. It sort of reminded me of being at a ski lodge. The ceilings were high, and directly in the center of the great room was a monumental stone fireplace spanning from floor to ceiling. It was designed as the centerpiece of the room, surrounded by oversized, comfortable furniture, piled with tons of pillows. The arrangement had me imagining a nice cuddle with Nathan in front of the fireplace.

The living area was a spacious open concept. The gourmet kitchen was off to the right and it was designed with a chef in mind. Now I could understand why Nathan enjoyed cooking so much; his kitchen was spectacular. There was also an elegant, but casual, dining area behind the fireplace in the great room. It could effortlessly seat twelve, yet the table was still rustic and welcoming, and with the fireplace beside it, cozy. I easily pictured a quiet dinner for two, regardless of the colossal table.

“This place has such a cozy feel—I love it!”

“Funny, it has always felt empty to me.” He laced his fingers through mine and I felt how happy and content he was having me here. “Until now.”

We toured the bedrooms next.  I counted three, all with their own ensuite bathroom, and closets that were as big as the bedroom in my apartment. The master suite had a massive, obviously custom made, four-poster bed in beautifully hand-engraved mahogany wood. It was majestic, and perfect for Nathan; classic and masculine, just like him.

He was watching my reactions without saying a word when, without warning, the air surrounding us smoldered with desire. His voice took on a gravelly-hoarse tone as he asked, “Which room would you like?”

Nathan promised that if I came here to stay with him, he’d behave. But I really didn’t want him to. “Where will you be sleeping?” I asked, wryly.

The side of his mouth crooked up into a sexy grin, as if he knew what I was thinking. “This is my bedroom, but I certainly do not mind sleeping somewhere else if you prefer to take this room.”

My gaze narrowed. “That’s very gracious of you. But what if I said I wanted to sleep where you’re sleeping?”

I felt his excitement hitch up a notch. Oh yeah, he wanted to be anything but honorable, and yet he would let me make the decision.

“I loved waking up with you this morning. You are certainly welcome to sleep in my bed with me,” he began, blithely. “I can handle ‘just sleeping’ together if you can.”

I inched closer and gave him a direct, lascivious look. “And what if I don’t want to ‘just sleep’?” I angled up on my toes and closed my mouth over his.

I wasn’t prepared for his reaction to my kiss, or my question. I was suddenly pulled roughly against his body, and my stomach clenched with heat when I felt the hard evidence of his arousal. He was demanding and firm as he probed his tongue into my mouth and kissed me with abandon. Fire scorched through my body in response to his need. I felt it in his kiss, in his body, and it echoed through my senses.

He walked us backward and pressed me firmly against the wall. His hands lowered to the hem of my shirt, tugged it out of my pants, and over my head. After he dropped it to the floor, I hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt.

Once I bared his chest, I couldn’t help but stop and admire his upper body for a minute. I rubbed my hands against the solid expanse of muscle and slowly slid his shirt down his arms to fall next to mine. He made quick work of removing my bra. The instant he bared my breasts, he let out a strangled moan, bowed down to take my nipple into his mouth and suckled.

His mouth and tongue should be classified as lethal weapons—he had me completely at his mercy.  He alternately sucked, nibbled, and licked both of the sensitized peaks until I felt as though I would climax from his ministrations to my breasts alone. I had never really thought of my breasts as especially sensitive or erogenous, and no one had ever given me so much pleasure before. It was almost intolerable.

“Nathan, please...” I moaned.

“Please, what?”

I couldn’t answer; conscious thoughts were impossible. My body was reacting purely on instinct and desire. I absently traced my hands around the waist of his trousers until I reached the clasp in the front and loosened his pants. I spread my hands down his back, over his hips, and finally down the back of his trousers, enjoying the feel of his tight backside. I greedily pulled him closer and pressed my hips into him. He moaned, unfastening my jeans. He slid them down my legs so I could step out of them. 

I felt completely bared, standing in only my thong while he scanned leisurely over my body with a look of pure carnal yearning. My nipples peaked as my chest rose and fell quickly from my erratic panting breaths. I tried to get a handle on the lust boiling through me, my heart pounding in my chest. I wasn’t sure how much of this my poor body could handle.

Nathan stepped back, and I instantly felt empty and cold. But I heated up again quickly when I saw him lowering his pants and boxers in one smooth motion. A shiver of pure desire tore through me at the sight of his glorious, naked form—he was magnificent. I wanted nothing more than to feel our flesh touching, skin–to-skin.

He must have read my mind. By my next breath, he was pressed against me, and before I could process the movement, he ripped off my panties and we were both completely naked.

“Sorry about that.” He chuckled. “I will have to buy you a new pair.” He kissed me as he lifted me off the ground and carried me to his massive bed.

He laid me out impassionedly, stroking my skin everywhere. He was dominating and commanding, taking complete control by placing my hands above my head with a muttered, “Keep them there.”  He trailed his way to my breasts again and laved at them alternately until the pleasure became almost excruciating. His tongue traveled over every inch of my skin until he reached my stomach, licking and kissing the sensitive flesh. He chuckled every time my muscles jumped from his caress.

I was so lost in sensation overload, I hadn’t noticed he had moved lower and was kissing a lazy path along my inner thighs. I suddenly tensed when I realized the direction his mouth was headed.

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