Bound by Lies (42 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Bound by Lies
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With a moan, Brayden takes Jenner in to the root. Restless but trapped, he yanks at his arms, tries to move his legs. He remains trapped, ass-up and spread. His bottom is so sore that when Jenner experimentally kneads his cheeks, pulling them open and squeezing the muscle, Brayden sobs into the leather mask. Jenner fucks him with abandon, setting a quick pace.

It’s rough, primal and spectacular. Brayden weeps precome all over the bed beneath him. Lifting his head—the only part of him that he can move, he cries out his pleasure, yelling roughly.

Soon, Brayden is laughing deliriously through his moans and is more than ready for it when Jenner starts to spank him with an opened hand, slowing his thrusts until Brayden is begging, “More, harder, please… Master… I can’t. I can’t take it.
Oh god
… More! Please… fuck me harder. I need it…”

“Slut,” Jenner smirks, spanking Brayden’s ass raw. He sees his handprint forming atop the welts from the strap and the broad redness from the paddle.

Jenner draws the sex out as much as he can. He squeezes himself tightly, holding his climax back almost literally. Breathing through his nose, Jenner fights for control, clawing at it.

He falls to his knees and allows himself to finally do what he’s wanted to do for an hour. With a deep, rolling moan of pure pleasure, Jenner extends his tongue, licking greedily up through Brayden’s crease. Brayden gasps and complains loudly, “You’re gonna fucking kill me, you fucking bastard! Oh

Jenner moans again. He seals his lips around Brayden’s rim then slips his tongue through the swollen muscle. Jenner takes a long, curling lick over the inside of Brayden’s ass, humming and sucking on his rim. Cheeks hollowed out, Jenner keeps his hands wrapped around Brayden’s tender ass.

“Oh fuck.
. Oh god. Fuck! Please. Oh god,

Jenner tongues at him, licking around the rim, feeling the heat of him, the pulsing of the blood in the engorged tissue. He sticks a finger in and Brayden sobs, trying to hump the air, desperate. His whole body is Jenner’s to play like an instrument.

When Jenner climbs back to his feet, he leans over Brayden’s sweaty, exhausted body, bracing a hand on the bed beside it and reclaims his prize.

It doesn’t take long. Jenner gasps, “God, Bray. So perfect. You’re so exquisite… My god.” Pulling out with a grunt from both of them, Jenner squeezes up his shaft twice, coming in a flood over the tortured flesh of Brayden’s backside. Streaks of pearly white spunk paint starkly over tender red skin. Jenner smears it in, coating Brayden with it.

The face mask is stripped from him. Brayden is worn ragged and nearly unconscious. Jenner kisses his cheekbone, pushes tendrils of hair back from where they’re stuck to Brayden’s face and says, “I’ll be right back. Just going to clean myself up.”

There’s no response. Jenner checks Brayden’s vitals—his pulse rate and breathing. Everything is normal, so Jenner leaves him where he is to rest.

Brayden comes to sometime later as Jenner is unfastening the spreader bar. Brayden’s limp arms and legs are guided from the cuffs and he’s laid out on his back on the bed. Dutifully, unhurriedly, Jenner massages the blood back into his slave’s limbs, smiling down at Brayden with a prideful, drunken sort of crooked grin. Peering up drowsily through his eyelashes, Brayden watches his Master, and winces only slightly at the pins and needles that prick at him. His cock lays swollen and hot against his pelvis. Jenner avoids coming in contact with it.

“Was I good for you?”

“Baby, you were
,” Jenner says with satisfaction. He pries Brayden’s legs apart, letting his knees fall open widely and pushes them up to spread Brayden’s ass open once again.

Producing a harness from somewhere out of sight, Jenner shows it to him. There are leather straps that buckle around the waist, and another that winds through the legs, fitted with the steel cock ring and a plug pouch to securely hold a toy.

“If you let me put this on you, I’ll help you into the shower, then we’ll get you something to eat. I’ll have the only keys to the padlocks, so if you need to void your bowels, you’ll need to ask permission first.”

Lowering his eyes, licking his lips, Brayden takes a breath and nods.

“I’m proud of you, Bray. You were so incredible.”

The praise swells Brayden’s heart until it’s ready to burst. Tearing up, smiling at his own ridiculousness, he reaches for Jenner’s hand. Their fingers lace together and he holds his breath to keep from crying.

“It’s okay,” Jenner tells him. “Let it out. There is no shame or fear here. Only trust and love.”

“I love you so much,” Brayden confesses thickly. Tears slip from the corners of his eyes.

“I’m going to take such good care of you. Better than you’ve ever known. I swear it.”

“Thank you, Jenn.” Brayden smiles tiredly, chuckling at himself as the tears keep falling. He wipes them away, sniffs and holds his legs as Jenner eases the lubed plug, tapered slightly and a good six inches, into him.

“Feel okay? It’s not going anywhere. The ridge at the base will keep it inside, but the strap will make sure of it. It’s designed for long term use, so you should be comfortable enough. Wear your cargos and keep your shirt untucked.”

“Yes, Sir. Thanks.”

It feels surprisingly good to have Jenner put the plug in, and give him firm rules to play by. It makes Brayden feel like he has nothing to worry about, because he knows not only exactly what to expect, but that Jenner will take good care of him no matter what. He’ll worship Brayden’s body, cherish his heart, and give him anything he needs, whether it’s restraints, pain or pleasure. He’ll reward Brayden when he’s good and punish him when he’s bad. It’s perfect.

Jenner helps Brayden stand to get the harness on. The buckles are pulled tight around his waist and up through his legs. His cock and balls are locked inside the ring, squeezed through it, hanging heavily between his legs. The strap holding the base of the plug is secured, pulled tight between his throbbing cheeks.

“You look so fucking hot in this,” Jenner says with a smile, biting his lip, eyes sparkling with delight. “I love it. What do you think? Be honest.”

“I kind of love it too,” Brayden confesses. “Is that weird?”

“No,” Jenner frowns, kissing the center of Brayden’s head. “It’s perfect.”

“Yeah.” Brayden smiles bashfully and takes a bottle of water that Jenner hands to him.

“Drink up. Leave the door open while you shower in case you need me.”

Brayden nods, but hesitates. Jenner waits patiently, trying to read Brayden’s expression. Then, finding his courage, Brayden stretches up onto his toes and places a soft, chaste kiss to Jenner’s lips, his hand cupping the side of Jenner’s face.

With a brief upward glance, filled with love, adoration, devotion and joy, Brayden gives Jenner a look that reaches all the way down into his soul. Happier than he’s been in his life, Brayden retreats to the bathroom to get cleaned up and ready for work.

Chapter 33
Next Steps

It’s been a long, exhausting day for Brayden Clare. The confrontation with Andre was a mental trial and the punishment delivered by Jenner a purely physical one. By the middle of his shift, the only thing keeping him awake and alert is the harness hidden under his pants, binding him. The presence of the plug in his ass keeps his skin flushed a rosy pink for hours on end at the thrill of wearing such a thing while he works, and at the command of his boss. Every time he closes his eyes, Brayden sees the wicked smile that lit Jenner’s face as he pushed the plug into Brayden’s body. Each movement Brayden makes, whether it’s to reach for a clean glass, to clear the bar-top of used glasses and empty bottles, pouring drinks, or walking to check on a customer—it causes the plug to shift and jostle deliciously in his body. Luckily, the bar is as loud as it’s ever been so no one hears his soft moans through sealed lips and gritted teeth.

During his first couple of mini breaks, he seeks out the sanctuary of Jenner’s office. Each time Jenner happens to find Brayden there, there is no teasing or anxiety; Jenner simply holds him, encircling Brayden in a loving embrace. Jenner caresses his slave’s back, murmuring praise with adoration in his eyes.

It’s perfect. Those quiet, tender moments with Jenner make Brayden feel so grateful for his life that his heart wants to burst from being so full. Sunday doesn’t seem so scary anymore. The prospect of meeting Jenner’s family as his date and not just an employee or roommate seems possible. It gives Brayden hope that someday, maybe, he’ll be able to be just as honest with his own family, too. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.

Brayden knows he should call to check in on Emma and Nana. He hasn’t spoken with them since the day before. Errand-running has become more difficult for Ruth, and Brayden knows that she would not be likely to call for his assistance unless there was no other choice. He decides that if groceries or other essentials are running low, he could always make a trip during his dinner break. As he doesn’t want to slack off on his responsibilities for selfish reasons, Brayden is as determined as ever to come through for his family no matter what else he has going on.

However, that leaves him in a tough spot. How in the world can he call his grandmother while wearing a butt plug? She’ll hear it in his voice that he’s up to something. She’ll suspect.

Brayden draws Jenner back to the office one more time and closes the door.

After Brayden explains his predicament, Jenner moves around behind him, crosses a thickly muscled arm over Brayden’s lean chest. Jenner sets the phone in Brayden’s hand, kisses his jaw, and waits.

“Go ahead. It’s no big deal. Relax.”

“Relax. Right. I’ve been half-hard for hours and have a toy in my butt.” Jenner bites his earlobe and Brayden groans, “

“Be glad I’m not fondling you,” Jenner warns.

“Now I really can’t call,” Brayden complains, dropping the phone to his side.

. If you can tend bar, you can ask your Nana if she’s okay.”

“God, I totally hate when you’re logical.”

“Yeah. I bet you never had that problem with Andre,” Jenner smirks.

Brayden swats at him. Jenner laughs and half-heartedly blocks the smacks and thrown elbows.

With a sigh, Brayden dials.


“Hey Nan. It’s me. How are you? Do you need me to do a grocery run or anything tonight? I plan on stopping by around mid-day tomorrow either way. I’ll drive you to the bank and we can do errands then, if you want.”

“Brayden,” Nana sighs happily. “I’ve been missing you, dear. Thank you for calling. I think we’re fine for today. It’s so thoughtful of you to ask. Such a good boy.”

“How is Emma? Did she finish that research project for science?”

“No, she’s still plugging away, but at least she’s started it. Lara always used to put those kinds of assignments off until the very last second.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” Brayden smiles. “Work of any kind was never Mom’s thing. But don’t tell her I said so.”

Ruth chuckles and says, “My goodness, Brayden. You sound so much better than even a week ago. You sound so
. Are you happy?”

“I am, Nan. Very much so,” he admits contentedly, giving Jenner a glance. Jenner is biting thoughtfully at his thumbnail, overhearing Brayden’s half of the conversation.

“So living with that Parrish fellow is working out for you?”

“You can call him Jenner, Nan. Yeah, it’s been great. You have no idea.”

“So, you don’t regret moving up here anymore?”

Brayden frowns slightly. “I never regretted it. It was a difficult choice, but the right one. It was the right thing to do. And things are better now than they ever were in Florida. This is where I belong.”

“Is that thanks to Jenner?”

Suddenly Brayden is afraid to look over his shoulder at the man in question. He feels Jenner’s stare, as well as the effects he’s had on both Brayden’s body and his heart. With more emotion than he wishes was there, Brayden agrees, “Yes. It is.”

“Then I’m glad you found him, and have him. He makes you happy.”

Covering his mouth with a hand, Brayden doesn’t trust himself to speak. He grunts a reply and sniffs to clear his nose.

“Sweetheart, are you crying? I never meant to make you cry…”

“No, Nan. I’m fine. I’m just… grateful. For a lot. I love you. Would it be okay if I brought Jenner by for dinner sometime? It would mean a lot to me to have you get to know each other better. You’re all important to me. The three of you.”

“Absolutely. Just name the day. I know you have trouble with making plans at night, so let me know when you both have a night off. Or I could always have brunch instead. And, you know, sweetie, you can tell me anything and I will always love you.”

“I know. I’m trying Nan. I am.”

“I can tell. You take your time.”

“I, um,” Brayden says thickly, getting lost in the tide again. “I’ve gotta go. See you tomorrow, okay?”

“It’s a date. Bye bye.”

Brayden hangs up and Jenner wraps him in his arms, holding on as Brayden exhales pent-up fear and joy. He’s overwhelmed with everything that’s happened, dreading the judgments left to befall him and Jenner both. While his tears dampen Jenner’s shirt, Brayden indulges in being weak. Jenner gives him that sense of safety he craves. Smoothing Brayden’s hair, radiating understanding and patience, Jenner supports his lover and lets him see that he’s not alone.

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