Bound by Spells (Bound Series Book 2) (28 page)

Read Bound by Spells (Bound Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Stormy Smith

Tags: #New Adult and College, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Coming of Age, #Teen and Young Adult, #Paranormal, #Witches and Shapeshifters, #Bound by Duty, #Bound by Spells, #The Bound Series, #Stormy Smith, #Magic, #Suspense

BOOK: Bound by Spells (Bound Series Book 2)
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You. Shift.

As I had expected, Melinda crouched next to Braxton. Her right ear trickled blood and she glared daggers at me. I shifted myself, refusing to acknowledge my naked state.

“I won’t have you causing trouble in the pack. Do you submit, or will you leave? Those are your choices. Your only choices.” My wolf was feeding me all the right words. I had no idea how to lead a pack of AniMages, but he knew exactly what I should say and how I should say it. I knew enough to understand if I didn't take command of every aspect of the pack, I would always be looking over my shoulder, and I didn't have time for that. I was done wasting time. I needed to find Amelia—now.

Braxton spoke immediately. “It’s clear you are our alpha. Please forgive me. I submit.” He dropped to one knee and once again, bowed his head.

I turned to look at Melinda, who had also pulled herself to stand. I allowed no expression on my face, but I refused to look away from her. Finally, she dropped to one knee as well. “I also submit. You are clearly our alpha,” she said, begrudgingly.

She didn’t apologize and neither did I. I turned to face the crowd once again. “Please, shift. Get dressed and we’ll reconvene soon. We have a plan to make.”

Animals started shifting into humans and the crowd started to scatter to the bins stationed near the cave entrances. In those first few days, I hadn’t understood why the bins were there, but stacks of clean clothes could always be found in them. In general, the pack was better at anticipating the shift and not ruining clothes as often as I did, but it was always good to be prepared.

Dillon came running up to me and I’d never been so happy to see a pair of sweats in my life. As I pulled them on, I heard Dillon gasp. I looked up into his shocked expression. “What’s up, Little Man?” I was bent over and though I’d pulled up my pants, I stayed there, not sure what he saw that I didn’t.

“Your wounds, Mr. Aidan. They are healed.” He hesitantly reached out and ran a finger over my back, where I knew the worst of the pain had come from. “There isn’t even a scar, sir.”

I stood up slowly and it was Will who caught my eyes this time. “I told you. You’re like nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

I didn’t have time to digest what Dillon and Will had said before I heard my name. I had just enough time to register blond hair flying in my direction when Bethany shoved me.

“Ow! What the hell?” She caught me off guard and I took a step back from the impact. “Who taught you to be so violent, woman?”

She was in my face in an instant. “Do you have any idea the pickle you left me in, Aidan Montgomery? It was like being kidnapped all over again. Little Dillon shows up at my apartment, trembling and looking near tears, telling me I’ve got to come with him, and who do I find waiting outside? Oh, nobody in particular. Just the very same redheaded hussy who drove me crazy the last time. And what do you think she’s been doing since you’ve just been off doing whatever in the Sam Hill it was you were doing? Telling me all sorts of lovely little stories, that’s what she’s been doin’.”

I could hardly keep up with Bethany’s tirade. Her accent was getting thicker the faster she spoke and the more worked up she got. “Hey!” I cut her off before she could start again. “What stories? What are you talking about?”

Bethany glared at me with a mixture of what felt like disgust and anger. “She told me you can’t be who they say you are because these people can’t have kids. There hasn’t been a child born to an AniMage in years. They don’t even know where Dillon actually came from. Clearly, he’s a kid, but he’s the first one they've seen in ten years. That’s why they all look at him like they do—he’s a miracle.

“And it doesn’t even matter if you are somebody’s son who’s supposed to rule this damn zoo, you can’t get to Amelia. There’s no way into Cresthaven. It’s impenetrable. There are Hunters everywhere and they are not going to let Amelia walk out of there alive. And what in the world am I supposed to do while all this is happening even if y’all do go? Just sit back in my apartment and wait for everyone I know and care about to be poofed, or zapped, or whatever the hell y’all do to each other?”

Her eyes had filled and her voice thickened. I sighed. “So, that’s what this is really about. It’s not the stories, you don’t want to be left behind.” I reached a hand out and waited for her to decide. Slowly, Bethany uncurled her arms from her chest and put her hand into mine. I pulled her in for a hug. It still amazed me how someone who was barely even a friend a month ago had become my partner in crime. I had the same protective instincts for Bethany as I had for the rest of my pack.

I dropped my voice to a whisper so our conversation stayed between us. “It’s alright, B, I’m scared, too. I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing and I
supposed to be managing this zoo.” She sniffled and laughed simultaneously into my chest. “But I won’t leave you here. I promise. I won’t bring you into Cresthaven, because I’d worry about you getting yourself killed, but you won’t be stuck here. Okay?”

I pulled away from her and she sniffled again. “We’re going to get her out. We have a secret weapon.” I turned to Rynna, who was standing a few feet away, and gestured her toward me. As she approached, I said, “Bethany, this is Rynna. She helped raise Amelia and knows her way into Cresthaven. Rynna…Amelia’s best friend, Bethany.”

The two women shook hands. “Bethany, it is so lovely to finally meet you. Amelia has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. And I was thrilled to know she finally had the best friend she deserved.” Rynna’s words brought out the first smile I’d seen on Bethany in some time.

“Same goes for you, ma’am. She loves you. But…how is it you know how we can get into Cresthaven, if you don’t mind my asking?” Bethany used her sleeve to wipe away the mascara trails leaving black streaks down her cheeks.

I stuttered, taken aback. I hadn’t thought to ask the question myself.

Rynna simply shrugged and smiled. “Because Julia is my sister and I grew up finding ways to sneak out of Cresthaven. I was young once, too.”



Chapter 22



backed away slowly, but didn’t get far, bumping directly into Joran. As his fingers grasped around my arms to steady me, a small jolt ran through my system. I looked back at Joran and his face was blank. Something had just happened, but he wasn’t telling me what.

Joran shoved me a little, pushing me back toward Julia and Rhi.

You will not leave here alive if you do not do as they ask.

His words were crystal clear in my mind.

How did you—

He cut me off.
I see the truth. They will either get what they need from you, or you will die as they take it. This is no threat. You must try. She believes you will either provide the answer or she will kill you to stop the prophecy from coming true. She may fear death, but she fears for her people more.

The exchange had taken only a few seconds and I struggled to keep my own face blank. I looked around the room, finding the women staring back at me. They had heard Julia’s explanation and I wondered if it was for the first time. They had also heard my disgust at her plans. Some looked fearful, some looked hopeful. The redhead who had caught my eye earlier looked at me with questions. I could see her brows furrowed as she bit her lip. I wanted desperately to know what she was thinking, if she knew something I needed to.

“Well?” The Queen’s sharp tone cut into my thoughts.

I stuttered, trying to find words to stall her. “I-It’s not that simple, your highness. I don’t know how to activate this power. I can take off the cuff, but that doesn’t mean I can fix anyone. I don’t know how.” What I wanted to say was I didn’t actually know how to
anything. This power was a constant stream of reactions, but I didn’t want to encourage her torture threats.

Julia didn’t miss a beat. “Well, then, we should probably have some test subjects, shouldn’t we? Why not start with the beasts? We’ve never heard of an AniMage able to successfully give birth outside of their human form anyway.” She spun on her heel and took short, quick strides to the barred cell where the cheetah lay on the concrete floor.

“Open it,” she commanded. Rhi’s collar flared red for an instant and I watched him grit his teeth. It was the first time I had noticed her influence at work. With a flick of his wrist, he opened the cage door. I watched the exhausted, emaciated cheetah attempt to pull herself backward, away from the Queen. The chain wouldn’t allow her to go far, so she curled herself into a tight ball, trying to protect the kittens in her belly. I heard a faint growl, likely all she had in her, as the Queen approached.

“Calm yourself, beast. I’m not coming in there.” Julia looked down at the poor animal, as if it deserved its circumstances, and then turned to me. “But you are. In you go.” She stood, holding the barred gate in her hand, a petulant sneer twisting her lips.

“Move, Keeper.” Rhi was at my ear in an instant. He had been ten feet away and then right behind me. “You will move or I will move you. I would be happy to.”

My vision went dark. The visual of him with his hands around my throat as he walked me across the room, throwing me into the cell with the starving cheetah, was all I could see. The vision faded and my own sight returned. I whipped around and he grinned. Against his light brown skin, the sight of his bright white teeth was unsettling.

“Keep your fantasies to yourself, Hunter.” I coated the words with sarcasm and bite, and forced myself to take confident steps toward the cell. I stopped in front of Julia and faced her.

“You understand once I remove this cuff, I cannot guarantee what will happen. It’s not mine to control. I could kill her, or you, or everyone in this room. Or, absolutely nothing could happen.”

“We must start somewhere,” she said with a shrug. “And while I’m perfectly certain I can stop anything you try, if I die, apparently you will have fulfilled your destiny. But I cannot fulfill mine unless I bring our people to their proper place in the world and we must be able to find a solution before that can happen.” Emotion I didn’t expect took hold in her features. Her eyes dropped from mine as her mouth turned down and her voice lowered. Waves of remorse and sadness came from her. The mighty Queen. The cold Queen. Something inside me was certain this was not the way she intended her life to go.

I swallowed words I knew would be worthless, or simply likely to frustrate Julia further. I turned to look at Rhi and Joran. Joran still stood at the door, a masque of indifference. Rhi, on the other hand, stood near the first line of beds and took pleasure in the women cowering. I shook my head and wished I could direct my Keeper to kick the shit out of him. Maybe later.

I turned to face the terrified AniMage in the cell before me. She still didn’t trust me, and she had every reason not to. Her growl intensified and she bared her teeth as I slid to the ground and walked slowly on my hands and knees toward her. I jumped as the cell door behind me snapped shut with a loud clang of metal on metal. I hadn’t expected to be locked inside, and fear had my power running rampant. I took measured breaths as I tried to stay calm, in hopes the old tales were true and animals would sense your own emotions. I pushed out as much calming energy as I could, every signal saying I was trying to help.

“I’m sorry to scare you. I-I’m here to help you and your babies. To try to give them back their ability to be AniMages again. I don’t know if I can, but I’d like to try.” I spoke softly and though it shook more than I would have liked, I slowly extended my hand toward the cheetah. She snapped her teeth at me once and I yanked my hand back.

I sat back, closed my eyes, and tried to think. There was only one thing I could think to try before I took off the cuff, which was the last thing I wanted to do. I focused inside my mind and found my way to my Keeper’s room. As was the norm lately, the door was wide open, the power floating around. I called to the violet and cerulean orb and it dropped down in front of me.

I need your help. I need you to help me with her. Can you do that? How do I use you?
The orb hovered there, just as it always did. Frustrated, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try to break apart the orb and use what power I could from it. I shoved both of my fists into the orb and pulled them apart. It flew into a million droplets and there was a surge as the Keeper power layered on top of my own. Before it could pull back together, or the Cheetah could react, I dove across the cell to her and grasped her paw—the only thing I could get to. I pushed every ounce of what had spread through me toward her.

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