Bound by Their Love (24 page)

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Authors: Nicole Flockton

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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‘Please, Jeff, can we talk? About what happened this afternoon.'

‘I thought you were done talking.' His words clipped and cold and she knew if he could get his sunglasses he'd put them on.

‘It's not just about us, Jeff. We're having a baby.'

If possible, his body seemed to tighten at the mention of the baby. ‘If I remember correctly, you said the baby has ruined your life. Even before it has been born.'

Greta sighed. There was no point denying something she knew she'd said. ‘I was angry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.'

‘Well, let me put it this way.' Jeff uncrossed his arms and took a step closer to her. ‘When the baby is born I plan to sue for sole custody. I will be more than happy to take away this little “inconvenience” and be a single father. At least then I'll know the baby will be looked after and not fobbed off to nannies because you're too busy chasing your father's approval. I will not let my child feel like they're unwelcome.'

‘You wouldn't dare!' Greta's arms closed around her stomach. Hoping to protect her child from the words just spoken.

‘Try me. Now,' he opened the door a bit more and she noticed someone sitting on the couch. Someone with long hair and legs to match. Someone definitely not male. ‘I said I'm busy. I'll speak to you in a few months.'

Greta's knees buckled and she slid to the ground as the door closed. Surely he hadn't been playing with her all this time?

How could things have gone so wrong so quickly? She wished she could turn the clock back and replay the moment Jeff turned up at her apartment that afternoon. Why had she let her anger take control of her? Why hadn't she thought before she'd spoken?

Slowly getting to her feet, she made her way down the hall back to the lifts. There was no chance of a reconciliation with Jeff now. And there was no way she was going to let him take her child. No way at all.

Jeffrey leaned his head on the door and felt like the biggest arsehole on the planet. But he wasn't ready to face Greta again. He needed to get himself and all the feelings he had for her sorted out.

‘Now I know why you, Lukas and Nick get on so well.'

Jeffrey turned around and faced the woman who had been sitting on his couch—the very pregnant wife of his best friend.

‘Why is that?'

‘Because you all act before you think, and hurt the ones you love.' She waved him away before he could respond and deny that he loved Greta. ‘Go and get dressed before Lukas arrives and gets totally the wrong idea.'

His hands went to his towel to make sure it was secured and walked to the bedroom to get dressed. The last thing he wanted to do was have dinner with Luc and Jasmine. But it was better than sitting in his room dwelling all night on how everything had gone to hell with Greta.

He returned to the living room and found that Luc had arrived. His friend was too busy kissing his wife to notice Jeffrey had walked into the room.

‘Shall I go back into the bedroom and leave you two alone?' he said drily.

Luc pulled his lips away from his wife and looked at him. ‘Very funny. Are you ready for dinner?'

‘As ready as I'll ever be!' He tried to inject enthusiasm into his voice but it was impossible.

‘What happened?' Luc asked as he stood and walked over toward him. ‘What did you do?'

‘What makes you think I did anything?'

Luc laughed and Jeffrey wanted to wipe the smug look off his face. ‘I recognise the look of self-loathing on your face. I was well acquainted with it at one point in my life.'

As Jasmine approached her husband, the look of love on her face burned into Jeffrey's soul. He wanted Greta to look at him that way.

Oh God, he really did love her and want her.

‘I'm such an arse,' he muttered.

Jasmine laughed and touched his arm. ‘I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. Even though you were a complete jerk when she was here earlier.'

, can't you see the man's hurting?' Luc leaned in and kissed his wife beneath her ear. Jeffrey closed his eyes as she melted into his friend. He couldn't believe he was jealous of his best friend's relationship.

‘Why don't you two just go home instead of taking me to dinner. I'm not sure I can handle seeing you all lovey-dovey with each other.'

Jasmine pulled herself away from Luc. ‘Why don't you tell us exactly what happened and then we can work out how you can win your girl back.'

‘I don't think it will be that easy.'

This time it was Luc that spoke. ‘Nothing is impossible. But I hazard a guess it had something to do with a visit I had from Graham and Derek this afternoon?'

‘What did they want?'

Luc led Jasmine back to the couch and sat. ‘They came to tell me that Greta had requested to be taken off the account due to health concerns, and they would be dealing with the final arrangements. Is everything okay with the baby?'

‘Baby?' Jasmine looked between the two men, before she hit Luc lightly on the arm. ‘You didn't tell me.'

‘I just found out today,

‘You could've called.'

Watching the domestic exchange between the tough businessman and his wife had him wishing he could have those sorts of discussions with Greta in their future. He needed Greta.

‘As far as I know the baby is fine. Greta hasn't mentioned anything being wrong. I hate to say this, but Greta's father lied to you. He pulled her from the account and from what I can tell, fired her from the firm.'

‘What?' Luc asked.

Jeffrey rubbed his hand down his leg. ‘Somehow her father found out that she was pregnant with my baby and that we'd slept together when she was up in Broome researching for her presentation.' Not wanting to sit, Jeffrey stood and started pacing. ‘What I want to know is how they found out about Greta's pregnancy. She thinks I told her father.'

Luc looked at him and Jeffrey knew the question was coming before it was even asked. ‘Did you?'

‘Why the hell would I do that, Luc? I love her. I promised her I wouldn't say anything. What about you? Did you or Nick say something?'

Luc had the audacity to laugh. ‘Of course not, why would I? Nick wouldn't say anything either. We both like Greta. I like what she's done with the campaign.' Luc looked directly at Jeffrey. ‘More importantly, I like that she's brought you back to life. Out of the darkness and into the light. Don't go back there, Jeff. It's too lonely.'

Jeffrey acknowledged what he said as the truth. He didn't want to go back to the shadows that had been his life. Saying he loved Greta was freeing and he wanted the opportunity to say it to her. ‘Well, if you and Nick didn't say anything, then who the hell did?'

Luc shrugged. ‘My guess is that the leak was closer to home than any one of us.'

It took a moment, but Jeffrey thought back over the interactions they'd had with Greta's father and his agency. His previous thoughts coalesced in his mind and confirmed his suspicions on who told Greta's father.


Luc nodded. ‘Yes, that would be my main suspect.'

‘The bastard,' Jeffrey clenched he fist and looked at Luc. ‘Tomorrow you and I are going to pay them a visit.'

‘I agree, we will get it sorted.'

Jeffrey still had one problem and he voiced it. ‘How can I get Greta back?'

Jasmine piped up. ‘I've got the perfect idea.'

Jeffrey and Luc sat in Greta's dad's office, waiting for the man to join them. He was anxious for the meeting to get underway so he could get back to Broome. He was itching to design the images that had come to him in a dream last night. But sorting out Greta's father was the most important thing in his mind.

‘Sorry to keep you waiting, gentleman.' Derek Adamas said smoothly as he walked into the room. ‘How can I help you?'

Jeffrey was about to stand but Luc gave a subtle shake of his head, letting him know he'd take the lead, then Jeffrey could take over.

‘We wanted to discuss the account and who will be heading it now Greta has removed her—no wait, that's wrong isn't it? She's been
from the account, hasn't she?'

‘Oh, let me assure you Greta took herself from the account; in fact, she left the firm. I only gave her a job in the first place because everyone expected me to because she was my daughter. She doesn't have what it takes.'

Jeffrey shot out of the chair and grabbed Derek by his jacket lapels. ‘That is the mother of my child and the woman I love you're talking about,' he ground out. ‘You'd better watch what you say about her or I won't be responsible for what I do next.'

‘Jeff, let him go.' Luc's calm voice penetrated the red haze enveloping him. He never lost control, but when Derek had talked about Greta as if she was nothing but a piece of rubbish, he'd had enough.

‘Fine,' Jeffrey said, releasing Derek.

‘Derek, while I know you have a good reputation, the way you've dealt with the Morelli Corporation has been less than professional. We're here for two reasons. The first is that after the gala event our contract with your agency will be terminated. Any ongoing advertising work we need, will be,' Luc paused and Jeffrey wondered what he was about to say next. ‘Handled in a deal I will personally negotiate with Greta. Now, can you call Graham in here please.'

Jeffrey had to admire his friend. Luc was calm and his tone even, but there was no mistaking who was in charge of the meeting and it definitely wasn't Derek.

‘Why do you want to see Graham?'

‘You'll see. Do you think you can get him?'

Derek huffed and picked up his phone to call the other man into the meeting. Jeffrey took the time to get his emotions under control.

The door opened and Graham walked in. Jeffrey turned to face him, wanting nothing more than to wipe the smugness off Graham's face. It was like he didn't care he knew he'd ruined Greta's career or her relationship with her father.

He stalked over to where Graham stood. ‘Why did you do it?'

‘I heard everything you said while you were having lunch.' The other man lifted his chin in defiance. ‘Her father needed to know the lengths Greta would go to get an account.'

This time, Jeffrey couldn't control his anger. His fingers clenched into a fist and he swung his arm, connecting with bone-crunching accuracy on Graham's jaw, knocking the man flat.

‘Mr Courteux, what the hell do you think you're doing?' Derek blustered out.

‘Doing what you should've done. That man,' he flung a hand to Graham's prone figure on the ground. ‘Just insulted your daughter.
flesh and blood, and you have the audacity to get upset with me. Let me tell you, Derek, Greta is better off without you in her life. We all are. It will take hell freezing over before I
let you near Greta or our child.'

Jeffrey turned and looked at Luc. ‘I'm done here.'

Luc nodded, and Jeffrey walked out satisfied that he'd done what he'd set out to do when he arrived at the Adamas Agency—protect Greta's reputation.

Chapter 25

The date on the calendar mocked Greta. She walked over to the window, not seeing the view of the city laid out in the late afternoon sunshine. As if the view could help her forget what she had planned to be doing today.

Today was supposed to be the biggest day of her career. Where she showed the world that Greta Adamas was a force to be reckoned with in the advertising world. Instead it was just another day. Like all the days that had passed since she'd walked out of her father's office. He hadn't even tried to contact her once. If she needed a sign he didn't give a damn about her, that was a pretty big one. She didn't want her baby to grow up not knowing his or her grandfather. It saddened her to think Dad didn't care about his future grandchild.

She began to rub her expanding belly. The motion soothing to her as well as, she hoped, to the baby growing inside of her. The visit with the doctor last week had shown that everything was going well. The doctor had told her he was able to tell her the sex of the baby if she wanted to know. Part of her wanted to know but the other part wanted to be able to share the moment with Jeff. She'd said no, she didn't want to know.

She'd promised she would let Jeff know when her next appointment was going to be so he could come with her. But their last meeting and the vision of the woman sitting on the couch played over and over in her mind. In the end she'd gone to the doctor's by herself.

A knock at the door sounded. It was probably Sheree wanting to see if she wanted to have dinner together. The only plus about her enforced stay at home was the fact that she and Sheree had become good friends.

She opened the door. Standing in front of her was the last person she ever expected to see.

‘Heather? What are you doing here?'

‘Oh, I'm so glad you're home,' the other woman gushed. ‘We don't have a lot of time, can I come in?'

Dumbfounded as to why Heather, Luciano Morelli's personal assistant, stood at her front door with a garment bag draped over one arm. Greta stepped back so she could enter.

‘What's going on?'

Heather placed the garment bag on the couch before answering her question. ‘One of the models is sick and Luciano wants you at the gala. He says you deserve to be there. Your campaign has made the event the talk of the town. He wants you to replace the sick model.'

Greta laughed. The whole idea of her being a model at the gala was unbelievable. Her father would have a heart attack if she walked into the room. ‘I don't think so.'

‘I'm sorry, I'm not taking no for an answer.' Heather picked the bag up and thrust it toward her. ‘Here, this is your dress. Wear comfortable shoes. Ones you can stand in for a while.'

Greta crossed her arms. She wasn't taking that dress. ‘No, Heather, I'm not doing it.' She pointed to the small bump of her stomach. ‘Firstly, if you hadn't noticed, I'm not exactly model-sized at the moment. And secondly, my father would have me escorted out the moment I walked into the room.'

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