Read Bound by Their Love Online

Authors: Nicole Flockton

Bound by Their Love (3 page)

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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Not waiting for a response from her, Jeff slipped his arms around her so she was encircled in his arms. Keeping one arm anchored around her back, he lifted his glasses, exposing his eyes to her. Letting her see the desire he knew was flaring through him at that moment.

He hadn't been lying when he told her he didn't know what was happening. Feelings of desire so strong were taking control of him, making him throw his normal cautious approach toward women out the window. All he knew was he needed and wanted her.

‘I want you, Greta, like I've never wanted another woman in my life. Let me have you, even if only for today.'

She manoeuvred her arms from his hold and placed one hand on his chest. He expected her to push him away. He would be disappointed but would accept her decision. Instead she scrunched his shirt in her hands and tugged him closer, until it would be impossible to slide a piece of tissue paper between them.

‘This is insane,' she whispered, as she lifted her own sunglasses with her free hand. Her hazel eyes blazed with desire. The golden flecks within their depths danced in the sunlight. There was also confusion in their depths. He could appreciate that and he knew he needed to reassure her that everything would be all right.

‘I know and I don't claim to understand it. I do know that if I don't take this chance, I'll always wonder “what if”,' he paused. ‘I live with enough “what ifs” to not want to add another one.'

He lowered his head and brushed his cheek against hers. The contrast between his lightly stubbled chin against her smooth cheek was indicative of their whole encounter. Smooth against rough. An undeniable friction growing with every passing second they spent together. ‘What do you say? Will you spend the rest of the day with me? Do you want to explore whatever is growing between us?'

Greta moved her head fractionally and he tightened his hold on her. Her lips brushed his. ‘Yes.'

On a groan, he captured her lips with his. Her mouth opened immediately beneath his. His body sprang to life at the contact of their tongues meeting. He couldn't stop it even if he tried. He sunk his fingers into her thick hair, to deepen the contact. Her taste invigorated his soul. Sweet and tempting, like the juiciest strawberry. He wanted to know what she tasted like all over.

As if reading his thoughts, she pulled her lips away from his. ‘Let's go back to my hotel room.'

Jeff nodded immediately, his body aching to sink into hers. To lose himself until the only thought in his mind was her. Not the collection he needed to come up with. Immediately, thoughts of Luc's request cooled his desire as effectively as a bucket of cold water.

‘Is everything okay, Jeff?'

Her voice hesitant; like she had a horrible feeling he was about to tell her he'd changed his mind. He pushed the troubling thoughts of Luc and the collection away. He would deal with it tomorrow or the next day. Today, this minute and the next few hours were all about him and Greta.

He leaned down and kissed her again. Just a short kiss, because if he let himself he could easily take her on the jetty in broad daylight, where anyone could walk past. As it was a tour group was making their way down the jetty, heading for where he and Greta were standing.

Grabbing Greta's hand, he entwined his fingers with hers. ‘Everything's great, let's go.'

He lowered his sunglasses and turned his head away from the tour group as they walked past. He recognised the tour guide and he didn't want to risk her revealing his identity to everyone.

As they walked down the jetty, he wondered if he should let Greta know his true identity. He squashed the thought immediately. They were two ships passing in the night. That's all they would be. One wild afternoon and evening together and then they'd part and continue on with their lives. Without needing to see each other ever again.

Chapter 4

Greta took a deep breath as she switched her car off. She looked to her left and saw Jeff climbing out of his sleek, black BMW. The car suited him—sexy and powerful. Just like him. Unable to take her eyes off him, she followed his movements as he walked around the front of his car toward her. His jacket was off and his blue shirt glowed in the sunlight. The glasses, which had annoyed her in the restaurant, now added to his sex appeal. What would he say if she asked him to keep them on while they made love?

She jumped as he opened her door.

‘Second thoughts?' he asked as he reached across and unclipped her seatbelt. His arm brushed her breasts, her nipples tightening in response.

Feeling brazen she reached out and ran a hand down the front of his trousers, feeling the evidence of his desire. ‘No, you?'

Jeff's response was to growl low in his throat as he stepped away. The sound travelled down her spine, sending sparks of fire through her nerve endings. ‘You're playing with fire, Angel.'

Greta laughed and stepped out of the car, the action bringing her flush against him. ‘Didn't you know? I like fire. I like the heat and burn of it.'

‘Enough.' Jeff reached past her and closed the door, then pushed her back against the warm metal. ‘I can show you all the fire you want. But I'd prefer to do it without an audience.' He swooped in, taking her lips in a hard swift kiss. It was over before she could take it any further. He turned and walked away, leaving her panting against her car.

Giving herself a mental shake, she followed him into the depths of the resort. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the muted light of the lobby after the bright sunshine.

‘Where's your room?'

‘This way.' She grabbed his hand, all but dragging him through the lobby.

Her villa was close to the main building but it could've been ten miles away. The anticipation to have Jeff take her was overwhelming.

Finally they reached her door. Greta fumbled in her bag looking for where she'd put the key. The purse slipped when Jeff's arm slid around her stomach, pulling her against him. Through the layers of clothes she could feel his erection. It was impossible to stop the shiver of anticipation shaking through her.

Her fingers closed over the card and she pulled it out, sliding it into the slot. The green light flared. Jeff's hand moved from her stomach to the door handle, flinging it down and pushing the door open in one slick movement.

He propelled her forward before turning her in his arms in a blur of movement so quick she lost her breath.

‘I have to have you,' he said as his hands moved to the zipper of her dress. ‘It's going to be hard and fast but it will be the ride of your life.'

She bit her lip against the urge to cry out.
Yes, hard and fast
. Her purse dropped to the floor with a thump.

Cool air flowed across her exposed back. With a quick shimmy the dress fell from her shoulders and pooled at her feet. Greta couldn't help but smile at the hiss of breath coming from Jeff. She was pleased she'd put on her sexy lingerie that morning.

She bent to take her shoes off.


Greta looked up from beneath her lashes, her hand on the buckle of her sandal. ‘Don't what?'

Jeff pulled his shirt from his pants and she caught a glimpse of a lightly tanned stomach. She wanted to see it all. ‘Don't take your shoes off. Do you have any idea how sexy those shoes are?'

Greta straightened. His words were unexpected and a little scary. Standing there in only her shoes, bra and panties she felt exposed.


‘I saw you standing in the gift shop,' Jeff paused as he divested himself of his shirt, throwing it to the ground. ‘So beautiful and confident. Your dress a powerful colour and your shoes like nothing I'd ever seen before. Delicate yet alluring.'

His explanation didn't sound sinister, but still she wondered if this was a good idea.

‘Oh.' What else could she say? She'd never had a guy tell her he wanted her because of her shoes.

A warm hand cupped her cheek. Jeff had moved until he was standing right in front of her. She kept her eyes firmly on his tanned chest.

Why did this encounter feel so different to all her other ones? Why did it feel like she was about to wade into uncharted waters? Why did all thoughts of work and her career seem so far away?

Heat emanated from him, warming her front and weakening her knees. He was impossible to resist and she needed to stop trying to make sense of what was happening between them. It was one afternoon.

‘Greta,' he whispered her name. She looked up at him. ‘Fate threw you in my path. I hadn't planned on going to the pearl farm today, but something compelled me. And that something led me to seeing you.'

She melted against him, laying her head on his chest. The thumping of his heart beneath her ears reassured her all would be okay.

Words weren't needed between them. As if by an unspoken consent, they'd reached an agreement to take things slow. Savour each other and the joy they could bring to one another.

Jeff's hands smoothed slow circles on her exposed skin. With each movement the tension within her dissipated, giving her the confidence to take charge.

Greta turned her head a fraction and kissed his warm flesh. She trailed her lips over his chest, her hands reaching down to the waistband of his trousers. In seconds she had the belt undone and was tackling the button and zipper of his pants. Slowly she lowered the metal tab, her fingers brushing his hard length, her lips now caressing his rough jaw.

‘You're killing me here, Angel,' he muttered, before grasping her chin and lifting it, bringing their lips colliding together. Desire went from a small smoulder to a fully-fledged five-alarm fire in seconds. She pushed down his trousers before wrapping her arms around his strong shoulders, pulling him closer to her. She felt his legs lift as he got rid of his trousers. Her stomach tingled in anticipation of having Jeff's strength fill her.

Greta wrenched her lips away from his. ‘Bed.'

His laughter rumbled through his chest, vibrating against her, as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her through the small living room to the bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed. She expected him to join her but he moved away and headed back out into the living room. Curious about what he was doing, she sat up on her knees to see if she could see him. The doorway was set off from the room so it blocked her view of Jeff and his actions.

God, I hope he's not leaving

The thought took root before she could stop. Such an irrational one. There was no way Jeff was going to walk out and leave her hanging. She was surprised he could walk at all. His erection had been large and hard against her belly. Before she could think any more about it, Jeff walked back into the room, his eyes locking onto hers. A slow smile broke out over his face, like he knew what she'd been thinking. He then placed a couple of foil packets on the bedside table.

She liked a man who was prepared.

Greta licked her lips as Jeff removed his boxer briefs and she saw what she had felt resting against her belly. From the middle of the bed she moved a little and reached out to touch his cock. She ran a finger up its length, circling the smooth head. His erection throbbed under her touch. She gave into the urge to sample his flesh and enclosed her lips around him, swirling her tongue around the top of his penis. She felt and heard his moan of pleasure, wincing slightly as his fingers tangled through her hair. Before she could take more of him in her mouth, Jeff gently pulled her away from him while nudging her back, until she was flat on the bed with him looming over her.

‘Later,' he whispered, before fusing their mouths together. A bliss she'd never felt before overwhelmed her completely, engulfing her with its hot burn. Should have her running for the door. Instead she let herself embrace it and hope that tomorrow she could go on with her life as before. Unfortunately, she wasn't convinced she could.

Chapter 5

Jeffery ran his hands down Greta's body, feeling her flesh tighten beneath his fingers. Earlier his mind had been on having her hard and fast against the door. His desire flared hot and bright. Then, with a few careless words, the atmosphere had changed. Now he was going to take his time. Learn what made her moan and plead for more.

Brushing his tongue against her lace-covered breasts, he flicked her nipple. Smiling at the sound of her breath catching, determined to hear that sound over and over, he pulled her from her reclining position so that he could get around and release the catch of her bra.

In seconds he was flinging the lace confection across the room and cupping her full breasts. Learning their shape. His lips found their way back to her mouth. Their mouths challenged each other, her fingers sinking into his hair to keep him close to her. Jeffery wasn't going to complain. His hands massaged her breasts, rubbing her nipple between his fingers.

‘Jeff,' she panted and pulled her lips away from his. ‘Oh, God, I need you.'

‘Where?' he asked, swirling his tongue around the shell of her ear, tugging on her ear lobe.

‘Inside me. Over me. Everywhere.'

If possible, his cock swelled more at her request. His hand swept down her body and removed her panties, tossing them away. Then his fingers found the centre of her, stroking her slick folds.

‘Oh yes, there.'

While he dipped his fingers inside of her, his lips closed over one of her breasts, sucking on it with the same rhythmic movement of his finger moving in and out of her. Her body writhed beneath his as he massaged her ball of nerves. The tension inside her radiated out toward him, intensifying the need to sink deep into her.

Pulling his fingers out, he fumbled around until he connected with one of the condoms he'd tossed on the bedside table. Grasping it, he attempted to open it one-handed so he didn't collapse on top of her.

A delicate hand covered his. ‘Let me.' Her voice was a low, sexy whisper, and he gritted his teeth to stop himself from forgetting all about the condom and diving deep into her luscious body.

BOOK: Bound by Their Love
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