Bound By Wolves (Impregnated By The Wolves Part 1) (4 page)

Read Bound By Wolves (Impregnated By The Wolves Part 1) Online

Authors: Bree Bellucci

Tags: #shapeshifter erotica, #werewolf erotica, #paranormal werewolf erotica, #sex with a werewolf, #werewolf sex stories, #werewolf fantasy erotica, #alpha male erotica

BOOK: Bound By Wolves (Impregnated By The Wolves Part 1)
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She was going to try something wicked.
Something she had only ever done once before, and even then only by
accident. She started fucking herself faster and faster, feeling
her orgasm begin in the twitching of her toes and then her leg
muscles, and moving upward into her cunt. She took one hand and put
it in her mouth, wetting all of her fingers, tasting herself and
what was left of Ranulff. Oh, what she would give for another
taste. A real one. What she was already giving! She planted the
soles of her feet into the ground, tough as trees, as if she was
growing back into the earth. She reached her long, tan, muscular
legs out as far and wide as they would go, opening up for him - for

She moved her fingers back to her clit,
rubbing hard and fast, in violent unnatural figure-eights. She
spread her legs further, opening her slit and inching her body
closer to her wolf, her mate. He was shaking the tree so hard now
that the leaves were beginning to fall like the first day of
Autumn. She pointed her pelvis towards him, and plunged the handle
in as hard as she could, with all the energy of the earth and the
sun and the moon and then, with a mighty push of her most intimate

Whooooooooooshhhhhh. She exploded with
orgasmic juice, ejaculating with ferocity all over Rannulf and his
huge, pulsing, shaking, animal phallus. She had never seen such a
rush, never felt so much like a victim of her own masturbation. She
saw it all as if it was in slow motion, the rush of fluid raining
through the air covering his fur, falling down in glorious droplets
on the forest floor. She thought she saw stars, rainbows, the whole
world was made of moon rock and she and Rannulf were the only bits
of living flesh that mattered. She could never have done it without
her audience. She was soaked to the bone, and so was he. She laid
back on the mossy ground until her muscles recovered some modicum
of strength, and then she looked back up at the wolf man. His human
eyes bore holes right through her.

“How did you like that,” she said, crawling
on all fours over to him, running her hands up his hind legs,
towards his tight round sac. She put her fingers through the fur,
grasping his source of reproduction, his vitality. Wanting even
more of what was waiting inside of them to be inside of her.

“I can do so many things, things I bet you’ve
never even dreamed of.”

She reached her hands around his member,
needing both to grasp its full girth, fingering the curves and
veins that made him the perfect hybrid of man and beast. Her juices
were still soaking him, and she used her party trick as her
lubrication, running her hands up and down, looking up at his
snarling face that began to soften, to open wider, to look back
down at her.

She opened her mouth and ran her warm tongue
around the head of his cock, tasting the meld of his metallic skin
and her own remnants. She opened her mouth wider, taking his whole
head into her mouth, sucking on the warm pink cock as if it was the
last one on earth--because for her, it was.

When she closed her lips around him, she
could almost hear his insides, hear his heart beating faster and
faster. Rachel could hear his growls and moans issuing from deep
within his hulking body. She wrapped her hands tightly around his
shaft and ran them over the flanking double curves again and again
while she sucked at the head.

“Woman,” he cried out to her, the vibrating
tenor of his voice wrecking havoc on her own still sore pussy, “you
vile creature, you cannot tame me! You cannot--”

His voice grew raspy and thin and the trees
began their violent rumble. She saw his face soften, and the paws
of his hands grow sweaty and she felt, through her fingers at the
base of his pole, the familiar rush of cum coming from his cock.
This time it was like a tidal wave hitting the back of her

Instead of moving her face away or clamping
down her lips, she moved her mouth further onto the head of his
manhood, pushing him deeper into her throat so she could feel the
full force of his ejaculation shaking her to the very core. She
would show him how much of him she could take, and then take even
more. As the taste of him washed into her mouth, she swallowed
again and again, keeping her mouth wide around him and lapping at
him with her tongue.

She felt a weight on the top of her head, and
only then did she remove her face from his loins. It was Rannulf’s
paw, resting gently above her forehead, and stroking down her
matted hair, now covered with the musk of their overlapping juices.
She looked over and saw that the ropes were laying placidly on the
ground beside them, while Rannulf stood upright leaning unbound
against the tree.

“You were free the whole time?” she said.

Rannulf smiled and she saw again his
glisteningly sharp teeth, imagining the strength of his jaw, but
noting for the first time his relaxed and open demeanor.

“The strength of the blow must have knocked
off the ropes,” he said. She could almost swear she had seen him
wink at her when he said it. “Nice work. You might be more useful
than I thought."

“But if you’re going to stay with me, you’re
going to have to prove you can keep up.”

By then it was actually night time. The moon,
if it was even out at all, was hiding somewhere above the trees,
providing no light to their path. Rannulf took off in a quick trot,
looking behind himself only once to see that Rachel was still

She followed Rannulf closely through the
forest, down the side of her conquered mountain and back up the
crest of another, even higher, mountain. He ran instinctively,
cutting through the underbrush and darting between the trees with
nothing to guide him but his nose. She was panting, but the harder
they ran the more she felt the pure mountain air running through
her veins.

They ran for miles, cutting off other
animals, sending flocks of birds flying out of trees in a solid
mass, terrified for their lives. But Rannulf wasn’t there to hunt
tonight. Tonight he already had his trophy, and he was taking her
home. They ran through streams, over creeks and up and down the
craggy face of the mountainous terrain.

He wanted to be sure about this one, to make
certain that she was fit to be his companion. He had mated before,
with humans and werewolves alike, but they all disappointed him in
the end. They all grew tired and sore when he was only just rare
and still ready to go. They all lacked the energy and enthusiasm he
had for the climb, for the mountains, for the pleasures of the
flesh. This one, he could tell, was different. Since he sensed her
presence in his territory the night before, he could feel something
in her that was closer to anything wild he had ever seen in a
female creature. And she was passing all his tests with flying

When they got to the edge of a river valley,
she saw a wide-mouthed cave just beyond them. It was guarded by two
other werewolves, they seemed slightly smaller than Rannulf. She
hesitated near the entrance, waiting to be questioned by these
warriors, but they simply looked her up and down and nodded at
Rannulf, motioning with a nod of their snouts for her to follow him
deeper into the cave.

Inside, it was nearly pitch black. She held
onto Rannulf’s thick coat as they walked into the cavernous wolf
den. There was no light at the end of this tunnel, but Rachel
wasn’t scared. Though she was walking into unfamiliar territory,
she was the opposite of scared; she felt like she was home.

She heard sounds, familiar and unfamiliar,
reverberating echoes bounced off the walls. There were sounds like
water flowing, the clapping of hands, the clopping of paws. Her
eyes began to adjust to the darkness slowly and she began to sense
motion ahead of her, but she couldn’t quite distinguish any
individual shapes. Then, she heard a familiar sound. It was a human
voice. And not just any human voice.

It was the same sound she had heard the night
before, what seemed like years ago, back in the cabin. She heard
the sound of Emily’s voice, the soft crying puppy sound she had
made in her bed, but this one was louder, fuller. More at home. The
closer they walked to the noise, the more she could distinguish all
the sounds. She heard Katie’s muffled intensity and finally
Michele’s song, metered with the grunts and growls of three other

Of course there were more of them! And of
course her friends had been close behind her this whole time. She
had underestimated their prowess just as Rannulf had doubted her.
Now, they were all there together, finally, where they belonged.
The echoing sounds of the others having sex reverberated into
Rachel’s body as Rannulf nudged her towards his corner of the cave.
They were all in for a long, hard night.

This time there were no ropes, nothing
holding either of them in place, nothing between them but their own
flesh and hair, nothing below them but the cold grey rock, with the
smooth welcoming texture Rachel felt with every pore of her bare
skin. She got down on all fours, putting her hands and knees
sturdily into the ground, and turning her head to look at Rannulf,
his grey coat still glowing in the darkness. She beckoned him over,
and waited for him to mount her from behind. This time, she would
make the moon come to them.

* * *

A few months later, there was a new
generation of young wolf children running around the cave. Emily
and Katie and Michele and Rachel had all given birth in the same
week. One after another the werewolf pups came into the world. They
were a family now, or something even better than a family, a pack.
They would live here in the true wilderness as they had always been
intended to, as they had trained for and wished for. They would
raise their wolves together, with the males close by, and teach
them all the ways of the forest and the things they had learned not
to do in their other worlds. They wore the skin of lesser animals,
covering their milk-filled breasts with pelts that made them more
familiar to their young. Even as they were sitting there, talking
and watching their offspring play in the forest clearing beyond
their cave, they were all once again bearing fruit.

Every now and then, the women thought of
their old lives. They thought of their cars and the men they dated
and the computers and the jobs they had. Rachel thought about her
old apartment and her other friends back in the city. But just as
she began to feel some form of homesickness, she remembered that
first time with Rannulf in the forest. The moon he created almost
out of thin air, how the moonlight bowed as if to worship him. The
way the trees bent to the will of her mate, and how many times he
had made her truly howl, and brought out the beast inside her.
There was nothing like that where she came from. Nothing like that
anywhere else, with anyone else on earth.

“Do you want to hear a story,” Rachel said to
her friends, her sisters. “A story I’ve never told anyone. Not even
my old therapist. Not even Rannulf.”

The other women nodded. “Yes!” They said.
“Yes we do!”

So she began.

“Once, when I was a very young child, my
family and I rented a summer house up in these mountains. My
parents were always busy, having sex with each other and making
elaborate meals for the adults, but more than that, they wanted us
to experience the wonders of the natural world for ourselves. They
sent my siblings and I out into the forest every day with only a
canteen of water and a book with a list of edible berries.

“I was young, and curious, only just learning
about my body, learning about my own sex and my own truths just as
I was learning about the truths of nature. Which plants would harm
me, which animals would let me chase them. I was fearless and I
wanted to be born right in nature, so every day as soon as I was
outside I shed my clothes and went exploring in my own natural

For days, I saw nothing. I sat on logs and
touched myself, the smell of moss and moist wood making me feel
like the only thing I could do was go right inside myself for
adventure. One day, I came across the most gorgeous creature. It
was a young wolf. His fur was as mute and soft as the softest gray
winter evening. His bright blue eyes pierced something in me that
had never been reached before, and never were again until a few
months ago when we first climbed this mountain. I sat down slowly,
so as not to scare the wolf.

I wanted to keep looking at him, for him to
look at me, as long as we could. Instinctively, I began to touch
myself. The wolf kept his eyes on me, and then, for the first time,
I brought myself to orgasm. I kept my eyes fixed on the wolf, and
where I should have been scared, terrified, running for my life, I
went to town on my own flesh until I exploded with a rush of
ejaculating fluid that ran right back into the creek below. When I
finally opened my eyes, the wolf was nowhere to be found.

“I’d been looking for that feeling ever
since,” she said. She looked up at her friends, their faces soft,
attentive but transfixed in the space just behind her. Just as
Rachel was about to turn around, she felt Rannulf’s massive paw
rest gently on her shoulder.





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The following is an excerpt
Bred By Wolves - Impregnated By
Wolves Part 2

Trouble arises for Jane while she and her
friends are camping in the wilderness. The pack of wolves can smell
her sexy young body and raging hormones from miles away. The wolves
stalk closer while she is taking a late night dip alone in the
nearby river. The beasts capture her and have their way with her
tight human body, Jane is reluctant at first but soon she craves
the fullness and savage lust that she receives from them.

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