Bound for Canaan (107 page)

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Authors: Fergus Bordewich

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Farney, John


Ferrisburgh, Vt.

Fifteenth Amendment

Fillmore, Millard

Fitch, Henry

Florida: black population of

fugitive slaves in

secession of

slavery in

Walker's rescue attempt in

Foote, Henry

Ford, Henry

Ford, Horace

Ford, Nelson

Forten, James

Foster, George

Fourteenth Amendment

Fox, George


revolution of 1848 in

in slave trade

Francis (fugitive slave)

Franklin, Benjamin

Frederick Douglass' Paper,

free blacks: in abolitionist movement

African repatriation and

in Canada

in Canadian military

in Christiana resistance

in Civil War

education of

Fugitive Slave Law and

fugitive slaves' betrayal by

institutions established by

kidnapping of

laws discriminating against

in merchant marine

Nat Turner rebellion and

in North

in Philadelphia

racial prejudice against

rights of

settlements of

in South

in underground railroad

violence by

see also specific persons

Freedmen's Aid Commission

Free Labor Advocate and Anti-Slavery


Free Soil Party

Free Staters (Kansas)

Frémont, John C.

French, Rodney

French Revolution

Friedman, Levin

Friedman, Peter

Friedman, Peter (son)

Friedman, Vina

Friend of Man,

Friends of Human Rights

Frothingham, Octavius

Fugitive Slave Act (1793)

state laws opposing

Fugitive Slave Law (1850)

Civil War status of

Garner tragedy and

Northern opposition to

provisions of

underground railroad and

unenforceability of

fugitive slaves

Constitution and

education of

Fugitive Slave Law's effect on

kidnapping of escaped

laws on

longest prison sentence for aiding

Native Americans and

newspaper notices for

in North

north star as guide for

patrols and hunting of

in Pennsylvania

reasons for flight of

refugee communities of

rewards for capture of

slaveholders' self-delusion about

see also
free blacks;
specific persons
Fuller, Benoni S.

Fuller, James Canning

Fulton, Robert

Fussell, Bartholemew


Gabriel (slave uprising leader)

Gaines, Archibald

Gallatin, Albert

Gardner, William

Garner, Cilla

Garner, Margaret

Garner, Mary

Garner, Robert

Garnet, Henry Highland

Garrett, Rachel

Garrett, Thomas

Harriet Tubman and

Garrison, William Lloyd

Constitution denounced by

on Daniel Webster

Douglass and

at first national abolitionist convention

published by

Northern secession supported by

violence against

Wilberforce settlement and

women's rights movement and

Gavitt, John Smith

Genius of Universal Emancipation,

George (fugitive slave)

George III, king of England

Georgia: secession of

slavery in

slave trade in

Germantown, Pa., slavery protest in

Gibbons, Daniel

Gibbons, James S.

Gibbons, Phebe

Gilbert, Deacon

Gilbery, Hiram

Gist, Samuel

Gist settlement (Ohio)

Gold Coast

Gold Rush

Gone With the Wind,

Goodell, William

Gorham, Henry

Gorsuch, Dickinson

Gorsuch, Edward

Gorsuch, Joshua

Gragston, Arnold

Graham (Peterboro guest)

Graydon, Alexander

Great Britain: emancipation movement in

slavery abolished by

slave trade by

Great Dismal Swamp, Va.

Green, Beriah

Green, Samuel

Green, Shields

Greene, Mrs. Nathaniel

Greensboro, N. C.

Griffith, Camillus

Griffith (Pennsylvania abolitionist)

Griffiths, Julia

Grimes, William

Grimke, Angelina

Grimke, Sarah

Grinnell, Josiah

Grose, David

Grose, William

Gunther, John


Hagedorn, Ann

Haines, William

Haiti (Sante-Domingue)

Hall, John

Hall, William A.

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, William

Hamilton's Saul (slave)

Hamlet, James

Hammond, George

Hammond, Joshua

Hanway, Castner

Happy, Jesse

Harpers Ferry, Va.

Harrington, Theophilus

Harrison, William Henry

Harrold, Stanley

Harry (fugitive slave)

Harvard Law School, as beneficiary of slave trade

Haviland, Laura

(slave ship)

Hayden, Harriet

Hayden, Joseph

Hayden, Lewis

rescue of

Shadrach rescue and

Hayes, Rutherford B.

Hazlett (Harpers Ferry raider)

Head, Francis

Hegel, Friedrich

Hemings, Sally

Hemsley, Alexander

Henry, Patrick

Henry, William “Jerry,”

Henry Lewis

Henson, Charlotte

escape of

Henson, Josiah

assault on mother of

auction of family of

autobiography of

birth of

in Canada

in Cincinnati

Dawn Institute of

death of

effort to purchase freedom by

entrepreneurial nature of

escape of

in Kentucky

Kentucky journey of

literacy of

as model for Stowe's Uncle Tom

New Orleans trip of

punishment of father of

Refugee Home Society and

religious conversion of

Riley's deception of

Riley's relationship with

as slave overseer

as teacher

in underground railroad

Henson, Tom

Hewlett, William S.

Hiatt, Allen

Hibbard (farmer)

Hicks, Elias


Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

n Hoag, Joseph

Hopkins (Ripley abolitionist)

Hopper, Abby

Hopper, Isaac Tatum

abolitionist network of

David Ruggles and

death of

financial problems of

legal skills of

on Northern secession

rescues effected by

and Tom Hughes case

Hopper, John

Hopper, Sarah

Horniblow, Joseph

Horniblow, Molly

Hough, Daniel

House of Representatives, U.S.

gag rule in

Southern representation in

Howard, John

Howard University

Howe, Julia Ward

Howe, Samuel Gridley

Howells (innkeeper)

Huber, Charles

Hudson, David

Hudson, John D.

Hudson, Sally

Huff, Daniel

Hughes, Tom

Hume, David

Hunter, Carol

Hussey, Erastus

Hyden, William



Ike (slave)

Illinois: rights of blacks in

slavery in

underground railroad in

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

indentured servants


Quakers in

racial discrimination in

slavery in

underground railroad in

Indiana Yearly Meeting

Indian Territory

Indian wars

Industrial Resources of the Southern and

Western States, The

Industrial Revolution, slave trade's impact on

Internet, underground railroad compared with



Jackson, Andrew

Jackson, Ben

Jackson, Jacob

Jackson, James Caleb

Jackson, Peter

Jackson, Prince

Jackson (stationmaster)

Jacobs, Harriet

Jacobs, John

Jacobs, Joseph

Jacobs, Louisa

Jay, John

Jay, William

Jefferson, Thomas

ambivalence toward slavery and race of

emancipation plan of

inauguration of

miscegenation opposed by

racial prejudice of

and slavery extension issue

Jerry rescue

Johnson, Abraham

Johnson, Bushrod

Johnson, Charles

Johnson, Frederick (Frederick Douglass)

Johnson, Moses

Johnson, Nathan

Johnson, Oliver

John W. Richmond,
S. S.

Jolliffe, John

Jones, Alfred T.

Jones, Monroe


Kagi, John


Free Staters in

John Brown in

population of

rival governments of

underground railroad in

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Kelley, Abby

Kelly, Jonah

Kennedy, John

Kennedy, Milton


emancipation in

slave population of

underground railroad in

Key, Francis Scott

Key, Philip Barton

Kimber, Emmor

King, Boston

King, Mary

King, William

Kite, Elijah

Kline, Henry H.

Knapp, Chauncey

Knights of the Golden Circle


labor movement

“Lady of the Lake” (Scott)

Lafayette, Marquis de

Lambert, William

Lancaster, Ind.

Lancaster County, Pa.

Lane Seminary

Langston, John Mercer

Larson, Kate Clifford

Larwill, Edwin

Latimer, George

Lawrence, Kans.

Lawrence, Luther

Lear, James

Leary, Lewis

Lee, Richard Henry

Lee, Robert E.

Leflore, Greenwood

Leggatt, Isaac

Leverton, Hannah

Lewis, Elijah

Lewis, Graceanna

Lewis, Israel

Lewis and Clark expedition



Liberty Party

Life on the Mississippi

Lightfoot, James

Lincoln, Abraham

election of

Emancipation Proclamation of

slavery position of

Stowe and

Lionville, Pa.

Livingston, Philip

Locke, John

Logue, Abe

Logue, Ann

Logue, Cherry

Logue, Dave

Logue, Jarm

in Canada

kidnapping of mother of

see also
Loguen, Jermain

Logue, Manasseth

Logue, Sarah

Loguen, Caroline

Loguen, Jermain

death of

Fugitive Slave Law defied by

in Jerry rescue

John Brown and

Smith land grant plan and

as “underground railroad king,”

see also
Logue, Jarm

Loguen, Latitia

Loney, Robert

Lorenzo (fugitive)


fugitive slave laws in

fugitive slaves in

secession of

slave trade in

Louisiana Purchase

Louis Philippe, king of France

Louisville, Ky.

Lovejoy, Elijah P.

Lundy, Benjamin


McCague, Thomas

McClennan (New York doctor)

McClintock, Elizabeth

McCormick, Cyrus

McCormick (Canadian)

McCoy family

McCrummel, James

McElligott, Tommy

McKenney, John

McKiernan, Bernard

Macon, Nathaniel

McPherson, Josiah

Madison, Dolley

Madison, Ind.

Madison, James

Mahan, John B.


Malvin, John


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