Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories (43 page)

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Authors: Sierra Cartwright,Annabel Joseph,Cari Silverwood,Natasha Knight,Sue Lyndon,Emily Tilton,Cara Bristol,Renee Rose,Alta Hensley,Trent Evans,Ashe Barker,Katherine Deane,Korey Mae Johnson,Kallista Dane

Tags: #romance, #spanking romance, #bdsm romance, #erotic romance, #sierra cartwright, #annabel joseph, #cari silverwood, #sue lyndon, #natasha knight, #trent evans, #cara bristol, #ashe barker, #emily tilton, #katherine deane, #Kallista Dane, #alta hensley, #korey mae johnson, #renee rose, #holiday romance, #Valentine's Day

BOOK: Bound, Spanked and Loved: Fourteen Kinky Valentine's Day Stories
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Once I ate my fill, I brushed my teeth and prepared for bed under Luke’s watchful stare. He didn’t allow me to shut the bathroom door, wanting to ensure I didn’t reach between my legs to seek my pleasure. He tossed my nightdress at me as I headed back to bed, and I eagerly donned the garment.

“Lie down atop the covers and lift your nightdress up, Nora. We’ve got to get the chastity device on you.”

Flushing, I did as he asked and watched wide-eyed as he retrieved an odd-looking contraption from a dresser drawer. It resembled a belt, but had a middle that curved down with a broad surface that I realized would close over my cunny lips. With deft movements, he slid my legs into the device and pulled it up until the belt-like part hugged my hips. He adjusted a notch on it, bringing it flush against my skin, then locked it. Next, he fitted the bottom portion of it over my privates, again adjusting the notches until it rested snug upon my flesh, not too tight but tight enough that I wouldn’t be able to slip a finger inside, let alone remove the contraption. This part of the chastity device locked as well, and he stuck the key into his pocket and rose after getting me outfitted.

“Under the covers you go, my blushing bride.” He tucked me in and pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead.

I don’t know where he planned to sleep, but he left the room and didn’t return. I missed his presence, his stern looks interspersed with tender glances and touches. But fatigue pulled me under soon, and I fell fast asleep with my bottom stinging and the chastity device locked in place.

Chapter Five


awoke to the sun spilling across the bed, warming my legs through the covers. Stretching, I luxuriated in the comfort of my little cocoon. My fingers brushed across the cool metal of the chastity device. A soft sigh escaped me and I turned on my side, thinking perhaps I might steal a few more minutes of sleep before the maid bustled in to help me prepare for the wedding.

“Oh!” I bolted up at the unexpected sight of Luke, standing beside the bed with his arms crossed, looking introspective as if he’d been watching me for hours. He wore another one of his tailored black suits. The scent of his aftershave tickled my nose. He’d already gotten cleaned up and dressed, while I’d yet to crawl out of bed.

“Didn’t mean to scare you, little girl, but I suspect you’ll be wanting the chastity device removed? You drank a lot of water before bed last night.”

Heat flooded my face and I nodded. Now that he mentioned it, I really needed to use the bathroom. “Please.” When I shifted on the bed, my bottom felt tender and all the memories of my examination and punishment rushed back. I lowered my gaze, suddenly shy even though he’d already seen all of me last night. He’d witnessed me at my weakest, too, sobbing and remorseful for my actions. In the brightness of the morning, the memories felt strange.

He withdrew the tiny key from his pocket and threw the covers back. The silk fabric of my nightdress flounced in the air as he flipped it up, baring me from the waist down. After two clinks the chastity device loosened around me. Next, he widened the notches and dragged it down my legs.

A knock at the door announced the maid, and Luke called her in as I scrambled to arrange the nightdress around my legs. If she noticed Luke holding a chastity device in his hands, she gave no indication. Another maid hurried in with a tray of food.

“Make sure you eat before you come downstairs.” Luke leaned over me with a mischievous glint in his gaze. “You’ll need your strength today.” He departed the room after giving my hand an affectionate squeeze, leaving me to the attention of the maids.

I obediently ate my breakfast and allowed the maids to fuss over me. I supposed it wasn’t every day they got to prepare someone for a wedding. They delighted in bathing me in rose-scented water and dressing me in the wedding gown my mother had sewn. It touched me that Luke had secured the gown, along with several of my other belongings, mostly books and mementos, from my family at some point as he searched for me in the days prior. The delicate white shawl I’d completed the night I’d run away rested atop the trunk, and I drew it over my shoulders with a sense of closure.

This was my life now. There was no returning to Gerrardsville. No more running away. I would walk downstairs to the parlor and repeat my vows to Luke. I would honor those vows and try to be a good wife to him because what other option did I have?

I tried to ignore the resurgence of heat pulsing through my loins, as well as the tightening of my nipples and sudden achiness of my breasts inside the confines of my bodice. Was it natural to crave a man’s roughness the way I longed for Luke? Even though the spanking had hurt, and even though the other things he’d done had been humiliating, I wanted more. More spanking. More scolding. More threats of punishment. God, even more corner time.

I’d dreamed of Luke all night. I’d dreamed of him taking me over his knee, smacking my bottom, and then shoving into my tight hole. Not my cunny, but the naughty forbidden entrance between my bottom cheeks. I inhaled deeply and fanned myself while the maids flitted about me, styling my hair in an elegant updo and applying a hint of rouge.

If Luke knew how dark my thoughts were, would he still wish to keep me as his wife? I’d best keep my desires hidden from him, lest he think me too wanton and improper. After all, he had wanted to ensure my virginity last night. Yes, he said he’d take me anyway, but I knew he’d wanted to find me tight and unclaimed. The pleasure flaring in his eyes to find me in a virginal state had been evident.

The wedding ceremony passed quickly. No Bible verses were read, and no one gave a speech. The minister simply instructed us to repeat our vows. It took all of five minutes and then I found myself being unceremoniously carried back upstairs. The servants had made themselves scarce, though, and we didn’t pass a soul in the hallways. In fact, the mansion had gone so silent, I wondered if Luke had ordered everyone out for the remainder of the day.

“You look lovely in that gown, Nora, but you won’t be wearing it for much longer.” His lips brushed my ear, and I shivered, anticipation quickening in my core.

He strode into the master bedroom, cradling me in his arms as if I weighed nothing, and kicked the door shut behind us. I rested my cheek against the abrasive fabric of his dress jacket, inhaling the masculine scent of him. Aftershave and mints with a hint of whiskey. With each breath, a zing of heat pulsated between my thighs.

He placed me on the bed and shed his jacket, his gaze hot on mine. I stared curiously at the dark hairs on his chest that were revealed after he undid the top three buttons of his shirt. Dark intent flamed in the depths of his eyes. If I hadn’t already glimpsed his desire for me last night, I would probably fear the half-angry look he’d set upon me. I remained atop the covers, propped up on my elbows, waiting for him to bark out an order or perhaps pounce on me and start ripping my gown off.

The bed dipped as he crawled atop me, grabbing my wrists and thrusting my arms above my head. He claimed my mouth in his, a rough kiss that said
I own you now
. It wasn’t long before I began lifting my hips to press against the growing hardness still encased in his pants.

At some point, he released my wrists, but I kept them in place as he clutched my face and deepened the kiss.

“Are you going to be a good girl and take all of me inside you?” he asked as he drew back to peer down at me. When he stroked an errant strand of hair behind my ear, his fingertips left a trail of heat on my cheek.

“Yes, sir.”

He chuckled. “Do you ever plan to call me by my given name?”

The playful challenge in his voice prompted me to not only use his name for the first time, but to tease him as well. I batted my eyelashes and said, “Yes, Luke, I will be a good girl and take all of you inside me.”

His nostrils flared and he gave a low growl before flipping me over to work open my bodice. As I turned, my shawl fell from my shoulders and drifted to the floor. Once he loosened my dress, he roughly tugged the garment off me. He rose from the bed and drew my stockings off, too, forcing my slippers off in the process and leaving me wearing nothing but the frilly bridal undergarments Ella had half-jokingly gifted me for this occasion.

Luke removed his shirt, pants, and underthings in a flash, stripping while I watched breathlessly from the bed. God, he was magnificent. A dark spattering of hair covered his muscled chest, and his powerful biceps and forearms rippled as he moved toward me. I gulped and scooted against the headboard when my gaze fell to his massive, erect cock.

I’d heard whisperings about what a man’s appendage looked like and had an idea of what to expect, but seeing his length and girth so up close put a knot of fear in my stomach. The two fingers he’d inserted in my pussy had been a bit much. How could his large manhood possibly fit?

He stroked his length, his eyes gleaming darker, almost black. “Get back into place, wife, and spread your legs.”

With trembling limbs, I managed to obey his sharp command and arrange myself on the bed to his liking. It seemed odd to spread my legs when I still wore my lace-trimmed and beribboned underthings, but I parted my thighs and bent my knees slightly. All the while, I fought the urge to cover my naked, aching breasts. I kept my hands at my sides, thinking Luke wouldn’t approve of the show of modesty in our marriage bed.

No lanterns were lit in the room, but the curtains were parted enough to allow the morning sun to illuminate the large space. I wished for more darkness and eyed the nearest window longingly, as if I could will the curtains closed with a trick of the mind.

“You look lovely with the sun spilling across your creamy flesh.” Luke sat next to me and placed a hand between my spread thighs. “My my, little wife. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already soaking through your underthings. So, so naughty.”

I covered my face and shuddered. “Please.”
Please stop touching me. Please keep touching me. Please please please.
Confusion swirled through me as my desire grew, and in moments Luke had me humping his hand. He’d slipped inside to explore my wetness and applied the perfect amount of pressure to my needy clit. I throbbed and sweltered for him. Uncovering my face, I tossed my head from side to side as my desperation spiraled out of control. So much for hiding my wantonness.

The sound of tearing fabric filled the room. I glanced down over my breasts and the expanse of my flat stomach to witness Luke ripping my delicate underthings off.

“These were very pretty,” he said, tossing the remnants of fabric to the floor, “but you won’t be wearing anything underneath your dresses in the future. A corset is fine when a particular dress requires it, but you are never to don any sort of panties. Do you understand, Nora?”

“Yes, sir, Luke.”

His head dipped lower, his hot breath wafting upon my smooth-shaven folds. “I want to be able flip up your skirts and drive my cock straight into your little cunny without any hindrance.”

Waves of ecstasy shot through me while he explored my intimate folds. His tongue danced up and down my slit, until he splayed my nether lips wide apart, exposing my clit to his ministrations. He licked me, swirling around my most sensitive spot. Oh God.

I grasped his head, weaving my fingers through his short dark locks, and undulated my hips against his mouth. Several unladylike curses earned me a series of slaps to my inner thighs, but when he finished meting out this punishment, he went right back to lapping at my pussy. It was then that I noticed a small box on the bed, an arm’s reach from Luke.

“Oh, Luke, I don’t have a wedding present for you. I’m sorry.”

He chuckled against my mons and sat back, wiping his mouth on his forearm. He picked up the box and flipped the lid open. “This isn’t a wedding present.” A mocking smile crossed his features, making him appear younger than his thirtysome years. “It’s a plug, Nora. A small one, perfect for beginners.”

The light winked off the metal surface of the miniature phallus-shaped object. I stared at it for a moment before understanding dawned. I felt relief and gave Luke a tiny smile. “That’s very sweet of you to use that on me before your cock, to get me ready. Your cock is, um,
, so thank you.”

He withdrew a little container from the same box and squirted a clear liquid on the tip of the plug. Taking a deep breath, I kept my legs parted wide and braced myself for the insertion of the plug. He situated himself at my exposed center and waited until I met his eyes.

“Nora, this is a butt plug. It’s not going in your pussy. It’s going in your ass, and my
cock is going in your pussy.” He drizzled more of the liquid on the plug and on his fingertips as well.

Nerves fluttered in my tummy. I tried to clamp my thighs together, but Luke pushed them wide open and positioned me under him.

“I want both your holes filled up when I claim you as my wife, Nora.”

My heart thumped against my rib cage and pounded so hard in my ears, I felt disoriented. Hadn’t I just been fantasizing about Luke punishing my bottom hole with his cock? I shouldn’t feel nervous about taking the plug into my back entrance, but trepidation skittered through me, and my asshole clenched against his probing fingers.

“Let me inside, wife. I’m trying to lubricate your tight passage before seating the plug in you. Be a good girl and relax.” His gentle tone coaxed me into releasing the breath I’d been holding, and I unwound enough for him to drive his moistened digits in and out of my bottom. Just when his thrusting began to feel pleasurable, he replaced his fingers with the tip of the cool metal plug.

“It’s too big. Oh, Luke, I think it’s too big,” I protested, trying in vain to escape his hold.

“It’s not too big, Nora. It’s the perfect size for a virgin rosebud. Now, bear down on it a tad, and accept it into your tightness.”

With his encouragement and slow, patient thrusts of the plug into my bottom, I was finally able to accept its size. As small as it looked, it felt gargantuan in my snug hole. Its presence left a steady burn in my stretching muscles, but I had to admit the pain wasn’t unbearable.

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