Bound to Blackwood (5 page)

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Authors: Sharon Lipman

BOOK: Bound to Blackwood
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“Sounds good,” said Ryver.

“We’re all staying at HQ tonight. You too Lena. We’ll get some food and some rest, head out first thing tomorrow night.”

Lena looked back at the oil of Cassandra and Eden. The child’s eyes seemed to look right into her own. She agreed with everything Kaden said. Well everything apart from the leaving-it-until-tomorrow-night part of the plan. She was still staring at the child when Kaden put his hand on her shoulder.

What? Oh right, yeah, they were leaving now. What the hell was wrong with her?
By the way Kaden was looking at her, it was clear he was asking himself the same question.

There was just something about the look in Eden’s expression that she could not let go of. It was almost like she felt a connection with the girl. It did sound stupid though, so she didn’t say it, not even to herself.

Drake showed the trio out and thanked them for coming to the aid of his master. Lena, Kaden and Ryver stepped outside the front door and dematerialised back to Headquarters.




Chapter 3


Thorn, Mercury, Skylar and Phoenix were waiting for them.

“Well?” Thorn asked, almost as soon as they took form.

“Just as we suspected,” Kaden replied. “The old man’s story is exactly the same. I don’t doubt his memory; it’s just there isn’t anything new to tell us.”

Thorn just nodded and shot a pointed look at Ryver. Kaden had to feel sorry for the guy. Ryver's telepathic ability was a real asset to the Order and he never shied away from using it, but tonight had been rough on the Guardian. Kaden had seen the effect Heath's memories had had on him and he knew Ryver felt everything that Heath had. Heath was used to harbouring such sorrow; Ryver was not.

The telepath looked at the King and shook his head. Satisfied with the response, Thorn moved on to outlining the plan for tomorrow’s mission to the Archives in Friarsfield.

Kaden and Thorn had already discussed the finer details. Lena, Kaden and Mercury would lead the initial assault. Mercury, apart from being a smart-arse, was the Order’s technical whiz kid; what he didn’t know about surveillance, alarms, security software, and PlayStation cheats just wasn’t worth knowing. Besides, Kaden trusted him, which was more than he could say for Lena.

She might be great in the field, but he just couldn’t trust her. He'd lost count of the time he spent tracking her to make sure she didn't get herself killed.

Though he had an innate ability to track his people, he generally knew where everyone was. Well, everyone except Lena; she was never where she was supposed to be. The way she had been looking at the painting bothered Kaden and it wouldn’t surprise him if she went against orders. Again.

“So we're all agreed? Kaden, Lena and Mercury lead the first assault and Skylar, Ryver and I are back up. Phoenix you'll be on standby in case we need a medic,” Thorn said.

Everyone seemed satisfied with the plan, except Lena of course, but Kaden would deal with her later. He still hadn't figured out what to do about her little escapade with the Fallen the other night. He loved her like a sister but she could be a right pain in the arse sometimes.

“Good. Let's go eat!” Thorn smiled as he and the rest of the Order headed towards the dining room.

Thank God!
The smells from the kitchen had been wafting down towards the Command Centre for a while now and Kaden for one was famished. He followed his comrades back up the corridor to the main house. When he reached the dining room, the meal was already in full swing and Kaden had to smile to himself as he watched his brethren tucking in.

Whilst blood sustained them, Vampires still needed regular food. If the Order was anything to go by, Vampires
their food. As always, the table catered for every taste; there was everything from roast beef and potatoes, grilled chicken and fresh vegetables to, Goddess forbid, salad.

The guys in the room were definite meat and two veg type of Vampires. The salad was for Lena who was always going on about how they should all watch their waistlines. The thought made Kaden smile even more. Vampires had such a fast metabolism that even the most gluttonous would have to work really hard at getting fat.

Kaden took his place at the table, loaded his plate with beef, and contemplated adding some chicken too. His gaze wandered across the table and landed on the untouched salad.
Surely, Lena hadn’t finally had enough of Mercury’s jibes and loaded up with some decent carbs and protein? He was about to say something when he realised she wasn’t even there.
How in the name of Blackwood had he missed that?
There was no questioning where she had gone either. Kaden’s fist shook with fury and the knife he held disintegrated.

“God damn it, Lena!”


Lena just couldn't wait for first dark tomorrow. It wasn’t a great surprise since she had never been blessed with the virtue of patience, but there was something pushing her now. She couldn’t get the picture of young Eden out of her mind.

She had watched the rest of the Order laughing and joking as they made their way to the dining room. Kaden brought up the rear as usual. Once the Keeper disappeared through the door, however, Lena hot-footed it to the underground garage and dematerialised to the Forest of Friarsfield.

When she landed, it was just as Thorn had described it; the dense forest gave way to the east corner of a large military compound. High, metal-link fences topped with razor wire surrounded more than a dozen single story, former garrison buildings. The barracks were situated just to the left of a large expanse of concrete, presumably the former parade ground. To the right there was a pre-war two-story building with a flagpole on an overgrown patch of grass in front of its dilapidated front steps. Lena assumed it was the original Command Centre and she was betting its usage had not changed that much.

Whilst the exterior looked like it was on its last legs, the front door was solid and the windows were intact. There was no graffiti and Lena could see the motion detectors winking at her. They were well hidden, but not much got past her.

“Going somewhere, Guardian?”

Kaden’s huge hand came down on her shoulder in a vice like grip and it took everything she had not to grimace.
Holy Mother of Fae, he's strong
. Lena’s head fell forward and she closed her eyes, sick to her stomach that the Keeper had managed to sneak up on her.

“I asked you a question, Guardian.”

“I don’t have an answer. Not one you want to hear anyway,
.” She spat his title like an insult. Lena and her big gob couldn’t help themselves.

“I still want to hear it.”

“There’s no need to growl. I was just checking the place out.”

“Growl?” Kaden span her around, gripping both her arms. “You haven’t heard anything yet, Treacle. And do not give me that shit about 'just checking the place out.' Who the fuck do you think you are? Remember those vows you took? You think the part about serving the fucking King was optional for you?” Once he’d finished his jaw locked tight and his blue eyes were nearly black.

Lena had never seen him look so angry.

“I had to come,” she whispered

Kaden released her to run his hand through his blond hair. “Why? Thorn’s not fucking stupid. He knows you’re out here.”

she was in it up to her neck

“I just had to, Kaden. I can’t explain it. I looked at the painting and I swear Eden looked right through me. I have to find her. Not we.
have to find her.”

“You know, if you hadn’t done this shit a million times before I might believe you. I can't trust you anymore, Lena. You are reckless, hot-headed and you never listen to a bloody word I say. And you know what, if it was just yourself you were putting in danger, I would be half inclined to let you get on with it. This isn’t just about you Lena; you’ll get someone else killed!”

“I would never endanger…”

“Never endanger?” Kaden cut her off, his voice was trembling, the anger almost tangible. “Never endanger?” He asked again, incredulous. “You endanger us all, every time you go solo, Lena.”


“You forget who I am. I know exactly where and when you decide to play superwoman all by yourself. When you do, I’m Keeping
safe when I should be Keeping the rest of the Order safe,
when I should be Keeping the King safe. How many times have you needed bailing out of trouble? You’re a distraction I don’t need, Lena.”

She paled. Kaden had given her many a dressing-down over the years, called her all kinds of stupid and irresponsible, but he had never said he didn’t need her. She was so sure of herself, she had never thought about his ability to track her through the blood bond they shared. She could always sense her brethren but she had never realised how powerful a tracker Kaden was. If he knew the moment she went off on her own, then his power was impressive to say the least.

Lena sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry Kaden,” she whispered, her throat tight. “I never realised.”

“And that’s just typical of you, isn’t it?” His strong, angular face showed no sign whatsoever that he had accepted her apology. “You’ll be the death of me one of these days, you know that?”

“Kaden look, this thing with Eden is impor…”

She heard a snap and then a whistling sound, her explanation cut off when Kaden pitched forward. His blue eyes were wide with shock as Lena caught him.

“Kaden!” she screamed.

The Keeper clutched at his chest. An arrow penetrated his torso, ripping through his flesh just to the right of his heart and coming clean out the other side.

Fuck! Shit, shit shit. This could not be happening.

Lena helped him to the floor and forced herself back to her feet, blade in hand, ready to take on their attackers. She struggled to catch her breath, the blood bond forcing her to feel Kaden's pain. Her heart constricted as her soul screamed in agony. She puffed out harsh, agonising breaths as she looked around.

Nothing happened.

Gulping, she sent her senses outward in a wave, listening and feeling for anything that would give their assailants away. Like all Fae, Vampires had awareness of every living thing around them. Lena had a particular affinity when it came to the Fallen.

How the hell had they been caught so unaware?

Kaden's accusations floated through her mind. She
a distraction.

She scanned the surrounding area glaring from shadow to shadow. Something glimmered at the corner of her vision. Her eyes shifted and she zeroed in on a black, metal crossbow suspended between two evergreens. That’s why neither of them had sensed anything; it was a bloody booby-trap!

Her mind mapped the trap; the trigger was wired with a nylon thread that was now broken but had been drawn tight between the brambles where Kaden and Lena had been arguing.
Fuck it.
Satisfied no one else was going to leap out of the dark forest, she dropped down next to the fallen Keeper.

“Don’t you fucking die on me, Kaden!”

Once she tore his black uniform away, the wound looked even worse.
There was blood everywhere; this was not good. She turned him slightly to look at his back and saw that the arrow head was a vicious barb. The shot was too close to his heart for someone as inexperienced as her to deal with.

She pulled her mobile out of her pocket and hit speed-dial-fucking-anyone. It was Mercury who answered, “Lena! What the hell….” His voice strained. No doubt he was dealing with the physical pain they all shared through the bond with Kaden.

“Man down, I repeat, MAN FUCKING DOWN!”

“Fuck. We’re on our way."

“We’re at…”

“I know where you are.”
Of course he did
. “I’m handing over to Phoenix.”


Her hand shook as she swept Kaden’s hair out of his eyes. He was still conscious but a cold sweat had broken out all over him.
This was bad, really bad
. Vampires could survive a lot but they could still bleed to death and a blow to the heart was definitely fatal.

“Lena? Listen to me!” Phoenix was shouting down the phone at her.

Right. Get with the programme, Lena
. “I’m here.” Her voice was not nearly as steady as she had hoped.

“What the fuck happened?”

“An arrow right through his fucking chest! Jesus Christ, Phoenix, there’s blood everywhere and he’s cold, really cold.”

“Okay. Just keep calm. I need you to answer some questions.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Phoenix was calm and as she listened to him, she felt some of the strength return to her own voice. She could do this. She
to do this. She pushed out a breath and nodded before realising that Phoenix couldn’t see her. Instead, she asked, “what do you need?”

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