Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (33 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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“No,” he whispered
before flipping me over.

forced my shoulders down and placed his hand on the small of my back. Each thrust caused my breasts to graze against the floor. Gavin dug his fingers into the skin of my ass and reached around to my clit with his other hand. I cried out from pleasure as he pushed himself deeper and harder into me. My breathing deepened and I let out a loud groan as I clamped down around him. Gavin gave a long hard push into me.

My fingers pulled into fists and my head went weightless. My body involuntarily pulled away from him
, and he yanked my hips back down onto him.

“Oh, no
. I’m not done just yet, love,” he said through gritted teeth.

Moments later he gasped, his body jerking violently from the sensation of gratification.
Gavin collapsed on the floor catching his breath. He stretched his arms out behind him and I crawled next to him and laid my head on his chest as he brought one arm down around me.

I glanced around his room. The sheets had been pulled from his bed, pictures hung lopsided, and his dresser jutted out from the wall.
Glass was strewn across his floor and glinted in the light from the window.

“Taking you to Boston has to be
one of the best ideas I’ve had in a long while,” he said after he’d caught his breath.

I look
ed up at him. “What do you mean? I was supposed to go.”

o, not necessarily. I could’ve just as easily had you sign up for a webinar to get your training.” He smiled at me, “But that wouldn’t have allowed me three days in a strange city with you, now would it?”

aughing, I ran my fingers along his jawline. “So, you had plans to seduce me in Boston?”

No. Thoughts? Yes.” He paused. “That first day I saw you I wanted you. I know I was making it pretty obvious. Very unlike me, may I add.” He stared up at his ceiling. “I didn’t want to get tangled up in a relationship from work. Too messy if things don’t work out.” He sat up and ran his hands across my breasts and down the middle of my stomach. “Something about you.”

rose and walked over to his dresser. Bending over, he picked the broken frame up, collecting the shards of glass in his hand.

Even though I acted like I didn’t notice you I did. Everyday. I couldn’t shake you, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see where things lead — and so, here we are.”

climbed on to his bed and laid myself belly down on his satin sheets. “Well, I’m glad you did.” I twisted my hair around my finger as I stared at him. “It’s funny, I was so attracted to you. I was proud of myself for remembering my name when you asked it that first day.” I giggled.

’s eyes narrowed.

“Really! I picked out
clothes to wear in an effort to impress you,” I confessed.

“Did you now?” He glanced over at me as he
made his way to the bathroom and dumped the glass into the trash can.

Mmm-hmmm,” I hummed and flexed my feet in the air behind my head.

Gavin slid himself
onto his bed and pulled my chin toward his face as he crawled close to me. His green eyes were set intently on me.

“It worked,” he said softly.
“Completely impressed. More so when you’re lying naked in my bed.”


Chapter Thirty-two



he next morning I woke to the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast cooking. I pulled on the t-shirt Gavin had laid out for me at the foot of his bed and walked into the kitchen. I found Gavin slicing strawberries over freshly made Belgium waffles.

“Good morning
, love,” he said tenderly as he came around the bar to give me a kiss.

After we
’d finished breakfast I grabbed the plates and took them to the sink to rinse them off. I turned the faucet on to wash my hands when Gavin came up behind me. I felt his hand grab onto my shoulder.

se your eyes,” he instructed me.

urning the faucet off, I glanced over my shoulder.

I said, close your eyes, woman.” Gavin grabbed the top of my head and gently twisted it back around to the front.

shut my eyes, wondering why he was demanding they be closed. He swept my hair to one side of my neck and then I felt the cold, delicate brush of metal around my neck.

“There. Now you can open them.”

Looking down, I pulled a pearl up from my chest. The top of the pearl had a diamond elegantly attached to the loop the necklace was strung through.

I spun around with a huge grin on my face.

“Do you like it?” Gavin asked. His eyes focused on the pearl as he adjusted it.

“I love it. It’s gorgeous.” I reached up and
pressed my lips to his. “Thank you. That is so sweet!” I said, rubbing my fingers over the smooth, white orb.

“Now you have a real pearl. I saw it last night at the auction and decided you needed it.” He smiled and walked out of the kitchen to the living room.

Stopping in the hallway, I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall. It really was a beautiful necklace, simple yet elegant.

At that moment I knew that I meant some
thing to him, and any doubt I’d had about his feelings for me vanished. I walked over to the couch to curl up next to him

I couldn’t have been happier than I was at that very moment.

The next weekend Gavin was on call and had to stay at the hospital, so Constance and Ashley came over to have a girl’s night. I was evidently in trouble for not hanging out with them enough.

“Well, thank God that the man is moonlighting, or whatever you call it. If it wasn’t for him being stuck at the hospital
, I don’t think I’d ever see you,” Constance whined as she pulled a steamy slice of pizza from the delivery box.

Ashley looked over at me
. “Yeah, you two are so shoved up each other’s asses. It’s pretty damn ridiculous!” She took a bite of pizza. “Didn’t really see him as the lovey-dovey type,” she mumbled over a mouthful of food.

I glared at them.
“Jealous?” I asked. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Ashley, you’re with Colton all the time, and Constance …well, you’ve got BOB.”

Ashley shook her head
. “Yes, Colton — my amaaaaazing lover.”

Constance made a gagging noise

Ashley looked at me
, winding a string of cheese around her finger. “The only difference is that
actually do stuff with other people sometimes, unlike you and Gavin. I guess you’re just too good to hang out with us now,” she said.

“Whatever.” I
groaned and made my way to my entertainment center to grab the remote. I saw the book Constance had given me lying on the top of it. Picking it up, I tossed it at her. “Here’s your book back. I’m sure you’d like to read it again. Sure it gives you some nice visuals to use when you’re pleasing yourself.”

“What’d you think of it?” Constance
asked, looking up at me from the floor.

“It was
… definitely different… intense… yeah, pretty intense. People actually do that stuff, that’s what’s crazy!”

I put a DVD in and turned the t
elevision on. “I mean, how in the hell do you even bring that topic up to somebody you meet on the street?”

giggled. “I don’t know, I think they have like communities or something, don’t they?”

I shrugged
; my eyebrows rising for added emphasis. “You’re asking the wrong person.”

“Ask Gavin
. He’d probably know,” Constance teased.

shot a nasty look over in her direction. “Shut up.”

Ashley picked up the book and flipped through the pages. One corner of her mouth curved up
, forming a mischievous smile. “Yeah, they do have communities. They also have parties.” She continued to flip through the pages, glancing back and forth from me to Constance.

My eyes widened and Constance’s jaw dropped
open. We exchanged shocked expressions.

“How do
know about that, Ashley?” I asked.

.” Constance stood up abruptly and plugged her ears with her fingers. “Don’t want to know anything about this if it has to do with my brother. I can’t take it.” She looked down at me before narrowing her glare on Ashley. “Ashley, I swear, if he has his nipples pierced and gets you to hook him up to jumper cables — I just really don’t need to know about that.”

Ashley giggled
. “No, nothing to do with Colton...yet.” An evil expression cast over her face. “Don’t tell me you’re not curious about it, especially after reading this.” She tossed the book onto my couch. “What does a little experimentation hurt? Huh?”

Constance raised one eyebrow and pulled
her hair back into a ponytail. “Well, my experimentation stops with the books.”

flopped back against the couch. “Well, I’m curious. I’ve been talking to this girl online and she invited me to something called a scene party. It’s tomorrow night, and I’m gonna go.”

“A girl?” Constanc
e’s mouth gaped open. “So now you’re into this BDSM shit
girls? Shit, Ashley!” Constance quickly scooted away from Ashley like she had the plague.

’s dark eyes shot over at Constance. She shook her head from side to side. “No, damn it,” she said and glanced over at me. Her eyes flickered with a wildness I hadn’t seen before. “You wanna come with me, Brooke?”

I sat there
running my tongue over my teeth. I found it a little shocking that I was actually contemplating going with her to something like that. Biting my lip, I hesitated momentarily before asking, “I mean, what do they do at these things?”

I think they pretty much just have ‘scenes.’ Like people who are all into the stuff acting out their fantasies or something.”

My brows scrunched down with confusion.
“So, they’re like, screwing each other and stuff? In
of strangers?”

. The girl said they don’t allow people to actually screw, at least not at this party. I think they can get naked, but they just can’t screw each other.”

Constance snarled her lips up
. “Well, what in the hell do they do then?”

I s
tretched my legs out in front of me and said, “Are they just like, tying people up and whippin’ them with things?” I was completely perplexed.

What in the hell?

Ashley shrugged. “Yeah, I guess...don’t know. But I figured it’s better to go observe it and see what it does to you than just go to some sex shop and stock up on leather and floggers only to realize it’s not what you thought it was.” She smiled. “I mean, at the least we’d probably learn some pretty cool techniques to try on our men.”

Constance glared over at me
. “Brooke, don’t tell me you’re actually gonna go to this thing?”

ooking back at her, the corner of my mouth slowly tugged up into a small grin.

Constance shook her head.
“Oh, shit! I knew you were a damn freak. Damn it!” She pointed at Ashley, “I can’t let you go by yourself with this whore monger.” Rolling her eyes, she said, “Great, just how I hoped to one day spend my Saturday night, watching people spank each other.
Oh joy!”
Her tone was dripping with sarcasm.

Ashley squealed
, clapping her hands together. “Ohhhhh, I’m soooo excited. This is gonna be super kinky.” She looked at me and Constance, her tone becoming serious as she said, “Don’t tell
about it though. Not Colton, not Gavin. Nobody! The girl said that you’re not supposed to talk about stuff like this with ‘vanillas.’ ”

“What the hell is a vanilla?” Constance yelled. “She’s
already talking their lingo! Brooke, she’s a for real

flung her wadded-up napkin at Constance. “It’s someone that isn’t into that stuff, so like us,” Ashley’s finger made a quick triangle as she pointed at us, “we’re considered vanillas.”

I thought for a moment and then asked, “So, if we’re vanillas, why can we go to this party?”

“Well, because we’ve expressed an interest and have been invited,” Ashley said.

’s eyes popped open and twitched a little. “You mean,
expressed an interest and been invited.”

h.” Ashley flipped her hair behind her shoulders. “But the girl told me I could bring a couple of friends if I had any that were interested.”

Constance narrowed her eyes.
“I don’t know...” she paused and glared over at me. “How do we know we’re not gonna get in there and someone’s gonna try to wrap a collar around our necks? Sell us off as sex slaves?”

Ashley rolled her eyes.
“For the love, Constance, it’s not like their criminals. I mean half of them are like, executives, lawyers, and doctors. Hell, we may see some people from work there.”

I frowned.
“Oh, please, no!”

“I’m going, I don’t care if I go by myself,” Ashley said
, crossing her arms over her chest.

aring over at Constance, I raised my eyebrows and nodded as I said, “We’re going too, aren’t we?” I punched her in the arm.

h, sure. Whatever,” she huffed and sprawled out on my floor. “Damn freaks! Screwing up my weekend plans.”

slapped at her knee. “Oh, hush, Constance. You don’t have any plans. I’m sure they ’d be okay if you brought BOB with you.”

She stuck her tongue out a
nd flipped me the bird.

“I love you too,” I said.

Sitting back against my couch, I thought about what I was about to do. My curiosity had definitely been piqued, so what would it hurt to just go see what it was really about outside of a fictional book? You only live once…

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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