Bound to Them (18 page)

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Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

BOOK: Bound to Them
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“Hold on to him, sweetheart. Don’t let go.”

She nodded and clasped her arms around Nash’s waist,
prepared to hold on for dear life.

Nash started the bike, which purred loudly, and they were

Crista buried in against his back, too frightened to open
her eyes, but when she didn’t fall off after five minutes she risked peering

Scenery sped by and a smile tugged at her lips.

When they arrived at the worksite, it was deserted. Nash
helped her off the bike. Grabbing both their helmets, he held out his hand to
her. Crista tucked her smaller hand into his, letting him lead her to the run-down
trailer she used as an office.

“Got your keys, darlin’?” he asked, putting down the
helmets. She handed the keys over and waited while he stepped inside first.

“All good.”

Crista just shook her head and, grabbing the helmets, walked
inside, placing them beside her desk.

Nash folded his arms and watched her. When she stood and
turned, he crooked a finger at her. His eyes, deep and intense, drew her

“Now we have a little matter of underwear to take care of,
don’t we, darlin’?” he drawled before leaning over to lock the door.

Crista swallowed. “What do you mean?”

“Undo those pants then turn around and lean your hands
against the edge of the desk.”

“Here?” she squealed.

“There’s no one else around. Although the longer you
procrastinate, the more you run the risk of someone turning up.”

Oh hell.

“Pants off,” he ordered.

With her hands shaking and arousal coursing through her
body, Crista hastily undid her pants and turned around to bend over the desk.

Nash’s arm skated around her, snatching a pair of scissors
off her desk.

“Now these will do just nicely,” he said with satisfaction.
“Stay very still, I don’t want to nick you.”

Dear Lord.

“Nash, what are you doing?”

Snip. Snip.

He cut each side of her panties, then drew them from between
her thighs.

“By rights you should be getting a spanking as well. But
we’re tight for time. I’ll make it up to you later.” He helped her pull up her
jeans, turning her so he could do them up.

Leaning down, he kissed her gently. “I’m sorry if sometimes
I turn into an overprotective brute, darlin’. When my father left us, I was
ten. My sister was seven. I instantly became the man of the house and I took
that seriously. I swore I would never be a deadbeat like my dad was.”

Nash cupped her face, the skin on his palms slightly rough
on her cheeks. “I joined the armed forces to earn a living and to fulfill this
need inside me to protect. But while I was gone, my sister got caught up with
the wrong group of people. I might have lost her forever had Cord not found
her. All I’m asking is that you be patient with me, darlin’. I can be
overwhelming, I know, and there will be times you want to kill me, but know
that I am only trying to do what’s best for you.”

Tears filled her eyes as she nodded. “I know. But hey, how
do you explain Quinn then? I want to kill him constantly.” She smiled.

“Honey, I’m not even going to try to explain why Quinn is
the way he is. I’m pretty sure he was born like that. And he can dig his own
way out of any holes he makes. Lord knows, he’s got the muscles.”

Crista snorted with laughter and leaned against Nash’s
chest. His arms came around her, holding her close. There was so much crap
going on in her life right now, but at least for a short time she could bury
herself in Nash’s arms and feel safe.

* * * * *

Once all the men had arrived, Nash dragged her out of the
trailer and, to her embarrassment, called everyone together and explained who
Andrew was and why they all needed to keep an eye out for him.

God, she loved him. Him and Quinn.

But they didn’t love her and it wasn’t fair for her to
burden them with her feelings. They could have anyone. Someone thin and
beautiful and courageous.

She should be grateful for this experience. But she wanted
more. So much more.

Having to say goodbye to them was going to kill her.

“Should Crista be staying by herself?” Mac asked, frowning.
He’d worked for her father. He might be getting on in years, but he was still
one of their best men.

Nash stepped closer, putting his arm over her shoulder. “She
won’t be. I’m keeping a very close watch on her.”

The men laughed and Crista stiffened, taking a step back.

“Excuse me. Everyone back to work,” she said coolly before
turning and walking to her trailer, her shoulders still, her head held high.

Hands shaking, she poured herself a cup of coffee. The door
opened, then Nash stepped inside, shutting the door behind him.

“What,” Nash asked, “was that all about?”

Crista snuck a quick glimpse at him and saw the confusion on
his face.

“What was what all about?” she asked.

“The way you pulled away from me out there then practically
ran off.”

“I didn’t run off and you should be working,” she told him.

He raised a brow and leaned back against the wall of the
trailer. “I’m not leaving until you tell me what I did to piss you off.”

“Get back to work or you’re fired,” she told him through
gritted teeth.

He grinned. “Fine then, fire me, gives me more free time to
hang out here with you, minute after minute, hour after hour.”

“Urgh. Why’d you make out that we’re more than friends?” she

“We are more than friends. What’s wrong with everyone
knowing that?”

“Nothing, it’s just that this is only a temporary thing. I
thought we’d just keep it between ourselves.”

“I think people know how close we’ve been this weekend. The
deputy, Anita.”

“But I don’t work with them,” she said. “Once we leave here
I never have to see them again. Some of those guys out there knew my father.”

“You’re ashamed of me? Of us?” Nash growled.

The trailer door opened before she could answer and Quinn
walked in. “Hey, what are you two doing?” he asked, peering between them.
“Well, the tension in here is thick enough to suffocate. What’s going on?”

“Crista is just about to explain why she’s ashamed of me,”
Nash replied calmly.

“I’m not. But you two should be ashamed of me.”

Nash sent her an incredulous look. “What nonsense are you
talking about now?”

Quinn folded his arms over his wide chest and leaned back
against the door, staring at them in interest.

“I am not going to keep our relationship a secret,” Nash
told her. “We care about you, Crista, and I thought you felt the same.”

Crista winced at the hurt in his voice. She’d just reacted
on instinct, let her insecurities take over. “I do care about you both. I’m
sorry. It’s just when they laughed, it felt like they were laughing at me…”

“Why would you think that?” Nash asked.

She groaned. “Why do you think? Just look at me. It’s
ridiculous that a fat chick like me could ever land two gorgeous men like you.
I just can’t stand the idea of everyone pitying me when you both move on. Can
we— Can we just forget about this?” she asked hopefully, staring up into their
shocked faces.

Quinn’s face darkened as he took a step toward her. “First
of all, you never, ever call yourself fat again, understand me?” he ordered in
a tightly controlled voice.

Crista swallowed and nodded.

“Secondly, no one is pitying you. But they are envious of
us. And last of all, no, we cannot forget this.”

Chapter Fifteen


Crista’s stomach dropped.

Quinn took another step toward her. “What did I tell you about
putting yourself down?”

She drew back, feeling stalked. Unfortunately, the trailer
was so small that she had nowhere to flee.

“Ahh,” she said hesitantly, realizing just how much trouble
she was in with them.

“Do you know how many of them congratulated me for being
lucky enough to share your bed?” Nash questioned her. “No one else sees this
fat girl you talk about. We all see a smoking-hot woman. Neither Quinn nor I
are going to let anyone put you down, darlin’. If I didn’t want to do this
properly, I’d bend you over that desk right now and spank your bare ass.”

“I think a small reminder will help until we can get to her
real punishment later,” Quinn interjected.

“Stay away,” Crista ordered, raising her hand. She did not
like the look in Quinn’s eyes.

“Did you not agree to obey us, Crista?” he asked almost
sweetly. Oh dear Lord, Quinn did not do sweet.

“Only when it comes to sex and my safety,” she told them
firmly. “Not at work.”

Nash raised his brow. “Oh darlin’,” he said, his drawl
thicker than usual. “We are not about to let you put yourself down, no matter
where you are. You’re going to get a little taste of what you’re in for
tonight. And you are going to learn once and for all that we are very serious
about this.”

“Lose the pants and face the desk behind you with your legs
split wide,” Quinn ordered.

Crista licked her lips. Arousal fought with fear of

“You promised to never humiliate me.”

“And we won’t, darlin’,” Nash reassured her. “No one will
know what’s going on. Right now, though, you’re just adding to your punishment
by arguing. We’re allowing it because you’re new to this. But we won’t always
be this easy on you. Now pants down.”

Easy? Dear God. This was easy?

Crista pulled down her pants.

“Good girl,” Quinn praised as he saw her bare mound. She
blushed and looked at Nash, who tugged her pink panties from his pocket and
dangled them from his finger.

“We had to stop on the way,” he told Quinn. “All the way
off, Crista.”

Lifting one leg then the other, Crista tugged off her jeans.

“Turn around and face the desk,” Quinn ordered.

Crista moved silently.

“Good, lean over and grab the other end. We’ll get your
spanking over with first.”


“I thought you were going to punish me tonight, Sir?”

Shoot, just listen to what is coming out of my mouth!

“We’ll see to the majority of your punishment tonight,”
Quinn said ominously. “Right now you’re getting a taste of what you’re in for

Crista shivered, but did as Quinn ordered.

“Legs wide.”

She split them apart.


Jeez Louise. This really shouldn’t be turning her on, should

A finger traveled up her thigh, making her jump. Crista
glanced over her shoulder to find Quinn directly behind her. He swept his
finger through her folds.

“Hmm, seems our girl is already wet. Very, very nice.”

Crista’s pussy clenched as he brought his finger, moist with
her dew, to his lips and sucked.

Oh hell. Oh wow.

Quinn closed his eyes, his face displaying his pleasure.

“Eyes front,” he barked. As soon as she turned around, his
hand landed heavily on her poor bottom.

Crista squealed.

“Quiet, darlin’. We don’t want anyone else hearing,” Nash

“And just how do you expect me to keep quiet?” she snapped.


“Sorry,” she cried out. “And just how do you expect me to
keep quiet,

“She’s pretty sassy for someone whose butt is in the line of
fire, isn’t she?” Nash asked conversationally.

She bit down on her lip as Quinn landed five short, sharp
slaps on her ass. He stopped, rubbing the heat in. Then he followed with
another five smacks. Crista held in her groans as her clit throbbed

“Good girl,” Quinn praised her, smoothing his hand over her
cheeks. Crista sighed in relief. “That was just a short reminder. Tonight, be
prepared for much worse.”

She tensed all over again. Then probing fingers brushed
against her clit and she moaned.

“Now it’s my turn,” Nash told her. Quinn appeared before
her, sitting in the worn chair behind the desk.

Crista let out a low moan, shuddering in pleasure as Nash
licked her folds. She was wet and ready for him—the spanking had merely pushed
her arousal higher.

“Please,” she cried as he tapped her clit with his tongue.

“Please what?” Quinn asked, holding her wrists with his
hands. Immediately her need ratcheted higher.

“Please, Sir, take me. Ohh,” she moaned as Nash moved his
tongue back, thrusting it inside her sheath.

“Don’t you come, Crista,” Quinn ordered.

Crista gasped for breath, her body shuddering as she lay on
the scarred desk while Nash played with her. She didn’t care who might walk in,
who might hear them.

All she cared about was coming.

“Oh, please, please, I need to come.”

“No, you don’t,” Quinn ordered. “You hold it back.”

Crista quietly whimpered. This was torture.

Quinn chuckled and kissed her. “You’re doing so well, my
love,” he whispered. She immediately warmed at the praise. And the endearment.
“Such a good little sub. I’m proud of you.”

Nash upped his pace, flicking her clit with his finger.

“I don’t,” she panted. “I don’t think… I can’t…”

Nash pulled back just as she thought she might break and
come. Crista moaned.

“No, please.”

She jolted as a sharp smack landed on her bottom.

“You can get up when you’re ready, darlin’,” Nash told her.
Quinn let go of her wrists and stood.

Crista shook her head, trying to clear the thick fog of arousal.

“What?” she asked, slowly pushing herself to her feet. She
swayed and both men grabbed for her, holding her between them until she’d found
her balance. “But I didn’t…”

“You weren’t supposed to, darlin’,” Nash explained, not
unkindly. “That was punishment. We want you in a constant state of arousal
today. It’s part of the penalty for talking shit about yourself.”

Nash kissed her before she could work up any anger. Turning,
he grabbed her pants, handing them to her. “Now no touching yourself, darlin’.
That’s against the rules. Put these on.”

Crista just gaped at him. Surely he didn’t seriously intend
to leave her in this state. She couldn’t work like this! She’d go mad. Well,
she supposed she could take care of it herself—they’d never know.

“And we will know if you touch yourself, Crista,” Quinn
said, tapping her nose before he kissed her. His kiss was different from Nash’s
gentle brush. He snuck his tongue into her mouth, stealing her very breath as
he explored thoroughly. “Don’t think that we won’t.”

Damn, she believed him. She didn’t know how they’d know, but
they would.

“See ya later, darlin’,” Nash said, winking cheerfully
before he stepped outside.

“Do not even think about leaving this trailer without one of
us beside you,” Quinn ordered before turning away. He stopped at the door to
look back at her.

“Oh and Crista?”


“I suggest you put those pants on. Nash and I wouldn’t
appreciate anyone else seeing what we consider ours.”

* * * * *

The day moved by slowly. Arousal coursed constantly through
her body. She felt irritated, hungry—her skin itchy and on fire at the same
time. She’d never felt anything like this in her life. And she was more than
ready for some relief.

She glanced up as Quinn appeared in the door to the trailer.

“Come on.” He gestured with his head.

Crista packed up her work and stood, then walked toward him.
“Nash?” she asked.

“He’ll meet us at the motel.”

“What about your Jeep? I never asked what the deputy said.”

“Jeep’s at the shop. Deputy said he’s looking into it,” he
said shortly, grabbing her hand and tugging her along behind him.

“Night, Quinn, night, Crista.”

Crista just nodded at the crew members who were currently
climbing into their vehicles.

Quinn led her toward the passenger seat of her car. He
pulled her keys from his pocket and she frowned, wondering where he’d gotten

Suddenly, he stepped closer and, drawing her into his arms,
kissed her. Right there. In front of the crew.

Abruptly he drew back. Crista swayed, still on sensation
overload. Quinn opened the passenger door and bundled her inside without a

“Why did you do that?” she asked once she’d found her voice

“To show them all who you belong to. And to show you as

Shocked at his words, she remained silent until they arrived
at the motel. She followed Quinn into the motel room but came to a stop when
she saw Nash sitting on the sofa, waiting for them. He’d obviously showered,
his hair still wet, and he’d dressed in a clean t-shirt and jeans.

Quinn closed the door behind them, turning the lock.

Crista gulped.

“Good luck.” Quinn kissed her cheek. “I’m going for a

Nash just stared at Crista, his eyebrows raised, waiting.
She suddenly realized what he was waiting for and with a blush, stripped
obediently, pulling off all her clothes and laying them neatly on the seat
beside her. She knelt in position.

“Good, very good, darlin’. You look so beautiful kneeling
before me. There’s just one thing missing.” She heard him stand, then he moved
behind her and tugged gently at her hair. It fell open from its braid.

Crista sighed as Nash ran his hand over her hair, massaging
her scalp. Her eyes drifted shut.

“Good. Put it all away. Take your mind away from everything
else. There’s just me, you and Quinn. The only thing you need to worry about is
pleasing the two of us. Understand?”

“Yes Sir.”

“I want you to stay here until Quinn returns. He’ll want to
see how gorgeous you look. I’ll make us something to eat. You just think about
how best to please us tonight, okay?”

Crista didn’t answer, knowing he didn’t expect her to. She
knelt, waiting, and surprisingly, she found herself calm. The nerves that had
kept her wired all day faded.

All she had to do was please them. Nothing more. Nothing
less. She didn’t have to worry about Andrew or work or Doug.

She just had to be Crista.

“Wow.” Quinn entered the room and the sheer approval in his
voice had her back straightening even further. “You, my girl, look hot. Christ,
my dick is as hard as a plank of wood.”

Nash snorted. “Nice imagery. Crista, you can get up now.
Food’s ready.”

Crista rose, finding an inner grace she’d never felt before.
Nash held a chair out at the small dining table. She smiled at him as she sat.

“It’s just simple. Some sandwiches. I didn’t want anyone
getting too full.”

“Better than anything I could make,” Quinn replied as he
sat, his hair damp from the shower he’d just taken.

“Ain’t that the truth,” Nash agreed. “Darlin’, if Quinn ever
offers to cook for you, make sure you have your doctor on speed dial.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Quinn said as he reached for her
plate and put a big sandwich along with some potato chips on it.

“Worst case of food poisoning I ever had.”

“Your problem is that you’re spoiled,” Quinn replied.

“Spoiled! I grew up on diner leftovers and peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches. I’m not the spoiled one. I had the runs for days.”

Crista choked on a mouthful of sandwich. Quinn helpfully
pounded her on the back while Nash got up and got her a glass of water. She
accepted it gratefully, taking a big swallow.

“Sorry, darlin’. That wasn’t exactly polite dinner talk.”

“No, it wasn’t. Funny though,” she said, grinning.

And it had taken her mind off the fact that she was naked,
eating dinner and waiting to be punished.

Her life had taken a strange turn.

Talk moved to the day they’d had. Normal small talk.

“Okay, darlin’,” Nash said, all humor gone from his eyes.
“Time to move this into the bedroom.”

Crista gulped. Normal had just flown out the window.

“Come.” Nash held his hands out and Crista took them,
letting him pull her to her feet. He leaned down and kissed her. His lips
brushed hers, lightly at first then more demanding, his tongue driving inside
her mouth when she parted her lips, creating havoc throughout her body as he
drove her insane.

Nash drew back. Crista stood, swaying, her eyes closed.

“Beautiful.” Her eyes snapped open at Quinn’s voice. He now
stood in front of her. Reaching down, he clasped her hand. “Follow me, gorgeous

He drew her into the bedroom and over to where a large
full-length mirror covered the wardrobe door. The motel room hadn’t been
updated since the eighties when these were all the rage. Quinn made her face
the mirror.

Crista tried to turn, extremely uncomfortable at standing
naked before a full-length mirror that clearly displayed all of her flaws.

Sharp pain stung her nipple as Quinn twisted it sharply.

“Stand still,” Quinn growled. “Legs apart.”

“But I… I can’t…” She trailed off, horribly embarrassed.

Quinn forced her face up so she looked into his eyes. “Do
you trust us not to harm you?”

She nodded.

“Words, baby.” His voice was low, in control and,
incredibly, it soothed her where reassuring words would probably have failed.

“Yes Sir.”

“You know your safe word?”

“Bunny, Sir.”

“This isn’t going to be comfortable for you, Crista. You’re
going to stand in front of this mirror and watch yourself. If your eyes close
at any stage, I’m going to spank this delicious ass.”

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