Bound Together (72 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Brushing my wet frizzy
hair from my face, Amy tilted her head at me. “Are you
I thought of telling them
about Jared, about our fight and about what happened in the bar but
I didn’t want to relive it all. “I’m fine. Just had too much to
drink I think.”
Chuckling, Mel nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll say. You hit a home run tonight though girl and I’m
proud of you. He tried to knock you off your game and you bounced
right back. Way to go.”
I smiled at her, knowing
deep down that my victory had been bittersweet at best. Hailing a
cab, we climbed in and with her head on Mel’s shoulder Amy fell
into an alcohol induced sleep.
I sat watching her for a
while thinking how tough she must have been finding it that night.
She was in love and all night Mel had been throwing herself at some
guy. My heart ached for my poor friend and her wasted feelings for
my best friend. It was going to be a long road to recovery but we
had each other and that was all that really mattered. I would do
whatever I could to mend Amy’s broken heart and as for my own, I’d
taken the first step that night and now all I had to do was keep


Moving On

Laying on my front, my
bikini top cast aside, I basked in the warm sunshine. Sunglasses on
and sun lotion applied, the girls were having a day at the beach.
The end of the college year was only two weeks away and we were
taking every opportunity to relax, unwind and hang out together. I
hadn’t had any contact with Jared at all since the bar and I was
relieved beyond belief when I heard from Kate that he was back in
New York again for a while. Having him absent from Long Beach meant
I wouldn’t run the risk of bumping into him again anytime soon. I
did wonder if maybe my warning to stay away had finally sunk in.
Either way, I finally felt that without him constantly appearing in
my life, I was moving on. I was top of my class and every day I
spent with my girls having fun. Nick and Eric were still regulars
at the bar and sometimes Amy and Mel would go down there, but since
Ollie had left, I couldn’t face it. I’d tried, but looking at his
empty seat at our booth and the empty stage where he should be
playing, was a painful reminder of the broken relationship that
slipped through my fingers.
Removing her earphones,
Amy smiled at me. That smile usually only meant one thing; Amy
wanted something. Remaining in my relaxed position, I questioned
her. “What do you want this time Amy?”

Well, I was just
Mel snorted beside her.
“That’s dangerous.”
Amy screwed up her towel
and hurled it at her.

I was thinking. With the
end of the year only two weeks away, we should totally throw a
I groaned at the idea. “A
party? Really? Haven’t we partied enough these past few weeks? I
don’t think my liver could take any more.”

You can never party
enough Layla. Besides I spoke to Eric and Nick and they are totally
up for playing at Benny’s. We can do vocals.”
My heart plummeted as I
thought about Ollie’s absence in that line up. It had been almost
five weeks since he’d left and he was still avoiding me. I’d sent
countless emails, I’d sent letters and I’d called so much, my cell
phone bill was sky high. But he kept dodging me. I knew I hurt him
but I at least wanted us to stay friends and it’s what I thought
he’d wanted too. Clearly, we weren’t on the same page and had
slightly different ideas of what being friends entailed;
conversation or acknowledgment being the key aspects. “I don’t know
Amy, it just doesn’t feel right.” She tilted her head at me and
gave me a sympathetic look. I hated that look and the pity it
always portrayed.

You mean it won’t be
right because Ollie isn’t going to be there. Layla he so would not
want you to keep pining over him. I don’t know why you still are.
It’s not like you were in love with him.” I sighed. “I still cared!
I can’t just forget him Amy. He’s my friend and I hate that we’re
not even speaking anymore. It’s killing me. I’m not in the partying
Grabbing my bikini top I
slipped it on, grabbed my things and stood up. “Layla don’t be so
over dramatic. I think it’s a great idea and it’s about time you
got it into your head that Ollie is gone. He’s gone, he’s obviously
decided you two can’t be just friends and has moved on. Maybe you
should do the same.”
Mel had always been a
very straight shooter but I really needed her on my side this

Mel, I can’t just move
on. I hate myself for what I did to him. I led him on, went out
with him, cheated on him and then broke his heart. How do you get
over that? I can’t and I won’t. I deserve to be unhappy for the
rest of my life for what I did and I am not going to a party that
celebrates the most horrible year of my entire life.
She shook her head at me
and it was the last straw.

You wouldn’t understand.
I’m going home.”
Amy tried to get me to
stop but I just kept walking. I wanted to be alone and lately I had
very little tolerance for Mel and her suck it up and move on
attitude. I did feel something for Ollie and though it may not have
been the deep and consuming love I had for Jared, it was still real
and I couldn’t just forget it. I slipped my cell from my pocket and
scrolled down looking for his number. Hitting call I held on and on
praying he might pick up. But again, I was left
Turning the corner to the
campus parking lot, I stopped as I spotted a very familiar face
striding towards me. Continuing on my way, I breezed past him but
his hand caught my arm.

Now, now Layla, is that
really necessary?”
Gripping his hand, I
shoved it away from me. “With you Felix, I’d say it was polite. I’d
rather swallow razor blades than talk to you.”

Ooh, ouch.”

What do you want Felix?
Amy isn’t here and after that very eye opening dinner, I don’t
think you’re high up on her list of would be suitors
He grinned and it made my
skin crawl. “Actually, I’m here to see you. I wondered if you could
give a little message to your ex for me.”
I glared at him. “I have
no intention of speaking to him ever again so whatever it is you
want him to know, you’ll have to tell him your damn self. I’m out
of it.”
He squared up to me and a
shiver ran down my spine. He made me feel uncomfortable and sick in
a way I couldn’t explain. His general presence made me feel in
danger and yet I wasn’t afraid of him.

Well, I’ll have to think
of something that will give him a message that will sink
Raising his hand he
traced the back of his fingertips over my face. “Nobody fucks with
my business or my women. Take care Layla. It was good to see you.”
I watched him walk away and once he was safely around the corner, I
let out the breath I was holding and bolted for the
My heart raced and my
pulse was rapid as I slammed my door closed. Grabbing my cell from
my pocket, I scrolled for Jared’s number and hit dial. “Come on,
come on, pick up.”
It went to voice mail.
Dropping it on the bed, I pulled out my laptop and frantically
searched for any recent news regarding the creep I’d just had an
encounter with in the parking lot. Scanning through the results I
found something that made my blood run cold as I read

James Felix is said to
be furious that his long term friend and business associate Jared
Garrett is not only withdrawing funding in his restaurant chain but
is now dating Felix’s ex-wife Alicia Paige. The two were snapped at
the popular new bar Delicia a few weeks ago and have been seen in
each other’s company at many social occasions since. A source close
to the couple has confirmed the rumors and said that they have
spent very little time apart. Miss Paige refused to comment when
she was spotted leaving the Garrett property only yesterday and as
ever, Mr. Garrett is keeping a quiet and dignified silence over the
I sat there just staring
at the screen in horror. No wonder Felix hated Jared. It all made
sense. Jared had been sleeping with her a long time before I came
along and his comments at the police station to her made sense now
too. But it couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t. His words from that
night at Delicia swirled in my head. I’d pushed him away and
straight into her waiting arms. Tears began to pool in my eyes as
the realization that we truly were finished, that he’d moved on and
that he didn’t care anymore, hit me like a ton of bricks. Swiping
at my eyes, I slammed the laptop shut. I wouldn’t do this to myself
anymore. Enough was enough. I’d shed enough tears to last me a
lifetime and my heart was entitled to a break. My cell rang and
seeing the name on the screen I answered immediately.

Layla, you called?
Something I can do for you?” Jared’s voice purred at me down the
phone but I was wild with anger, jealousy and hurt.

Actually Jared, yes
there is something you can do for me. You can drop dead asswipe. I
hope you and your new pastime Alicia are very happy together.” I
hung up before he could protest. I wasn’t interested in his
reasons. He’d broken my heart for the last time and the way I was
feeling bordered on hatred.
Kneeling on the floor, I
pulled out the box of mementos from our time together and piled
them into a bag. The jewelry was the first to go. Driving to the
mall I smiled to myself. I wasn’t willing to take money for the
gifts and I certainly didn’t want them anymore. I walked into the
store and placed the boxes on the counter.

Good afternoon madam.
What can I do for you?”
The assistant was young,
sweet faced and far too cheery for the mood I was in. “I’d like to
return these items please. I no longer need, want or care about
She stared at me as I
opened each box. “But, this is a black star sapphire.”
I rolled my eyes. “I know
what it is and I don’t want it. Scratch off the inscription, melt
it down and give it all to charity. I don’t care just please get
rid of it.”
She gave me a sympathetic
and knowing look. “He must have really hurt you if you can’t even
keep items as stunning as these.”
I nodded. “They don’t
mean anything to me. They were an ideal, a perfect picture that
never existed.”
Taking the boxes, she
placed them under the desk. They were gone. All that was left was
to dispose of the rest of the box’s contents.
I drove around for an
hour not knowing where to go or what to do with the remaining
items; designer dresses, the laptop and the mug he had left
silently in my room that night of our fight. My heart gave a thud
as I thought about it, but I ignored it, reminding myself that it
meant nothing. He simply didn’t like to lose and it was a game
tactic. I pulled up to the enormous black iron gates and typed in
the security code before driving down the long driveway to the
house. I hadn’t been back to his house since we had spent the night
together and the memory was nauseating. I parked and quickly hauled
the box from the back seat. I had every intention of just dumping
it on his doorstep and leaving but as I placed it on the porch I
was spotted by a heavily pregnant Lucy through the glass doors.
Turning on my heel, I headed for the car but she yelled after me,
waddling down the path to catch up. I felt bad for her and decided
I could at least hear what she had to say. “What do you want Lucy?”
She huffed and puffed for breath in front of me and it made me feel
slightly bad for her. “Jared said you called him. You don’t know
the whole story. He’s not doing this to hurt you Layla. Felix is
really bad news. He’s just trying to even out the playing field. I
know how bad it must look but you have to believe me that he isn’t
dating Alicia.”
I snorted. “Oh really? So
it wasn’t her I saw him dry humping at Delicia? And all those
pictures of them together at these so called social events are
total fiction right?”
She stared at me

That’s what I thought.
You know what Lucy, Jared Garrett isn’t my problem anymore. He can
screw whoever he wants because it sure as hell won’t ever be me
again. I am so done with your brother. Can you make sure he gets
his box of lies, cheap sentiment and painful reminders of his
betrayals back please? Thanks.”
Opening my car door I
glanced back her as she made her way back to the house. I’d done
it. It was finally over. I was supposed to feel liberated, free and
weightless but that feeling never came. All I had was an empty hole
where I’d held him so tightly for an entire year and I feared I
would never fill it again.
The moment I got back,
Amy sprung on me. “I’m really sorry Layla, I wasn’t thinking. If
you don’t want to go party we’ll stay here just us girls and have
fun. It’s no big deal.”
I smiled at her and shook
my head. “No. You were right, we should celebrate. I spent a whole
year nursing a broken heart and I’m done with it. I want to go out,
get hammered and dance my ass off. Let’s do it next week. What do
you say?”

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