Bowles, Jan - Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire [Guilty Pleasures 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire [Guilty Pleasures 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He leaned forward and untied the rope securing her wrists. Like the good sub that she was, she hadn’t complained, but he knew they must ache. Immediately she was freed, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her fingers drifted through his hair as she rode his prick. It made him feel needed. Something he’d never considered necessary before. But he did now. He wanted her to need him with every breath that she took. She was his.

“Come on, baby, that’s it. I order you to come for your Master.” Max cupped her gorgeous buttocks, driving his cock even deeper inside her. He felt her pussy contract around him as he spoke against her ear. Like most women, Ella responded to verbal stimulation. “Wrap your legs around me. Squeeze me tight.” She did as he commanded, crossing them at the ankles. “Mmm, that’s it, baby. Take me all in.” Max ran his hands along her silky, smooth thighs.

His cock glistened with her feminine juices. He couldn’t resist looking down, watching it slide in out of her wet cunt, covered with her arousal. A breathy gasp hissed from her lips as his balls relentlessly banged against her pussy lips. He raised the pace, taking it to a higher level. Her squeals of delight filled the bathroom, until she finally came, her convulsions milking his cock repeatedly. “Max, oh, Max.” Her fingers fisted into his hair, pulling it—hard. “Please, Max.”

“Fuck, baby.” He stilled her hands in his hair. “Jesus.” He threw his head back as his balls tightened further. Then a wondrous, unstoppable surge burst up his prick and spilled with agonizing pleasure deep inside her warm, wet cunt.

Their heavy breathing echoed around the room. “Christ, woman.” Max cradled her head in his arms and tenderly kissed her lips. He smiled into her eyes, which were hooded with pleasure. “You were sensational.” He kissed her cheek, and then whispered in her ear. “But you did disobey me by making a noise. I cannot let that go unpunished.” He smiled. “Still, a little correction at home will serve to keep you on the straight and narrow.” He traced his fingers down her spine, feeling an intense shiver ripple through her body and contract around his cock, still hard inside her. He figured Ella was already looking forward to his discipline.

“You’re such a wicked deviant, Max.” He heard the humor in her voice.

“Yeah, you’re just pissed because I’m your kind of wicked deviant.”

Ella giggled. “Mmm, I guess you are. Where did you learn all this stuff?”

Max wiggled his eyebrows. “It just comes naturally to me.”

“I shouldn’t be surprised.” She looked at him, perhaps as if seeing him for the first time.

“Come, we’d better get dressed.” Reluctantly he slipped his cock from her moist pussy, and began tidying himself up. “If we stay here any longer the workforce will batter the door down, wondering what all the commotion is about. Get dressed, and I’ll take you up to the roof garden. The views are spectacular.”

Chapter Sixteen

It was with some trepidation that Ella followed Max up the short flight of steps, to Lexi’s Tattoo and Piercing Parlor. He turned to her when he’d reached the top, and smiled. “Don’t look so worried. It’ll be a piece of cake.”

“You’re not the one having your private parts pierced,” she said defensively.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“That’s very reassuring,” Ella answered sarcastically.

Max leaned in, his warm breath fanning provocatively against her neck. “Just wait until I get you home, my pet. Some serious correction is in order. I haven’t forgotten your earlier disobedience, and now this uncalled-for sarcasm. Something tells me you want your Master to discipline you.” His voice was laden with intent, and she couldn’t help but wonder what technique he would use when they returned home. Maybe he was right, and she’d deliberately acted like a brat in order to gain his attention.

Without another word, he took hold of her hand and held it firmly in his, and then pushed open the large glass door. Ella decided to trust him, and allowed herself to be ushered into the dimly lit interior. After the mind-blowing sex she’d experienced that morning, she felt really close to him. He’d shown her something she’d never thought possible—a deep, loving connection and understanding with another human being. It had never been that way with Kirk. Maybe it was her fault that he’d sought the arms of another woman, because she’d never responded to him, the way she responded to Max? Max made her feel alive. Ella knew it was more than just physical attraction. She was falling hopelessly in love with him.

For a few brief seconds, Ella strained to see. When her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light, she could make out brightly colored designs displayed on the walls. They showed some impressive, detailed artwork. She figured they were designs for tattoos. There was something to please every taste. A counter ran along the entire length of the store. Under its glass surface lay every conceivable item used in tattooing and piercing. Various stands filled the limited floor space, displaying everything for the bondage and fetish enthusiast. Whips, floggers, canes, and paddles were there in abundance.

Ella found herself squeezing Max’s hand even tighter. It reassured her when he squeezed it back. The thick beaded curtains at the end of the store swished noisily open, and as if by magic, a woman in her late thirties appeared. Her short, cropped hair, the color of straw, was flecked with pink strands, as though she’d tumbled into a candyfloss-making machine. She was dressed in jeans and a leather bustier, which pushed her large breasts into impossible mounds. Her whole body was covered in tattoos. Piercings adorned her lips, ears, and nose. Ella guessed that she had her nipples and clit pierced, too. Thick black eyeliner accentuated her startling blue eyes. No sooner had she guessed this was Lexi, than the woman spoke.

“Hi, Max. Come into the back. I’ve got everything ready for you.” Her deep gravelly voice took Ella a little by surprise. But what did she expect. The woman was a Domme, and a scary one at that. When she looked at Ella, she smiled. “My, my, Max, what a beauty. She’s gorgeous.” She studied her as though she were prey. “If she’s into threesomes, Max. I’d be willing to give you a hand.”

Max playfully wagged an index finger and laughed. “You’re a naughty girl, Lexi. Ella is strictly hetero, as well you know.”

“Yeah, such a shame. She’s such a sweetie, too. I could eat her all up. Still, never mind. I get to pierce that cute little clitoral hood of hers. So there’s a silver lining after all.” Lexi then winked at Ella.

“You’re a wicked woman, Lexi.”

“Never been anything else, Max.” She laughed. “You know that.”

Ella looked at Max and rolled her eyes. She hoped he would get the message that she was more than a little embarrassed by the situation. He didn’t. Instead, he just smiled with amusement. “Take no notice of Lexi, baby. It’s just her way.”

“Sweetie, don’t look so scared. I don’t bite.” Lexi placed a protective arm around Ella’s shoulder, and guided her into the back. Maybe she wasn’t so scary after all.

When Ella saw all the piercing implements neatly laid out on a clean towel, she changed her mind.

Lexi patted the gurney. “Hop up. I’ll just take a look, and see what type of piercing is most suitable for you. Slip your panties off, sweetie. No need to feel embarrassed. I’ve seen it all before.”

Ella cleared her throat. “I’m not wearing any. Max wouldn’t allow me to.”

Lexi threw back her head and burst into laughter. “Fuck, Max, you’re so predictable. I bet Sir here has been torturing your little clit all day long.”

Ella looked at Max, feeling thoroughly embarrassed. They were talking about the most intimate part of her body as though it were an everyday item. Like a bag of sugar or a quart of milk. Slowly starting to relax, Ella replied, “He has,” making Lexi laugh even more.

“Well, lie down and let me take a look, sweetie. This won’t take long to do. Open your legs nice and wide. I bet you’re real pretty down there.” Ella did as she asked. Her cheeks burned brightly as Lexi studied her clit. She seemed to be taking a measurement with something that resembled a cotton wool swab. She lifted her head and looked directly at Ella. “You have a perfect little clit. I’ll be able to fit a VCH.” She turned to Max. “I’ll expect Sir will want to the do the honors.”

“Of course.”

“I won’t be a minute.” Lexi walked from the treatment room.

When they were left alone, Ella turned to Max. “What’s a VCH, and what does she mean by you doing the honors?”

“It’s the way the piercing sits. Vertical ones are more comfortable. Horizontal piercings are not recommended. VCH is an abbreviation for vertical clitoral hood piercing,” Max said matter-of-factly.

Lexi returned with a tray, which she placed on a small table next to Ella. She handed Max a pair of surgical gloves, and then pulled on a pair herself. Panic raced around Ella’s system. “You’re not gonna pierce me are you, Max?”

He smiled benignly. “No, baby. I’m not qualified for that.” Her relief felt short-lived as he continued speaking. “But Lexi, here, knows me well enough to allow me to attach your piercing. It’s something she’s trusted me to do with all of my subs.”

Ella closed her eyes. “Let’s get this over with, before I change my mind.” She felt herself blushing profusely, all the way from her head to her toes.

“So how’s business, Max? I hear you’re doing well.” When Lexi threaded a narrow tube under her clitoral hood, Ella almost cried out in pain.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this woman doing to my pussy?
Instead she covered her mouth and nose with her hands to stop herself making a noise.

Max squeezed her hand. “Nearly done, baby. You’re such a brave girl. He then turned his attention to Lexi. “Yeah, thanks for asking. Business couldn’t be better. I’m having an open day in December. I’ll send you an invitation.”

“Great, I look forward to it. I take it I can dress as I please.” She looked at Max with a teasing smile.

“If it was up to me, you could come as naked as the day you were born, but you know how it is in the vanilla world, Lexi. We have to toe the line.”

“It’s too bad you went into boring construction, Max. Why couldn’t you run something more fun, like a fetish club? I would love showing off my sub. I’ve just bought her a new lead.” They both burst into laughter.

Feeling a little left out, Ella became startled when Lexi finally turned her attention to the job in hand. “My, you look like a frightened little rabbit caught in the headlights.” Ella forced a smile, even though she didn’t feel like it. Maybe it did the trick, because Lexi said, “That’s better. Now don’t move. Take a deep breath, sweetie.”

Max placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as she breathed in. Before she had time to expel the air, a sharp pain stabbed into her clit. She couldn’t help yelping, “Oh my God.”

“Nearly done, sweetie,” Lexi soothed as she continued the procedure. “What a brave little kitten you are.” She tenderly stroked Ella’s arm. “All done now.” She turned her attention to Max. “I know you like to finish the piercing.”

By this time Ella couldn’t care less about her embarrassment. She just wanted it over and done with. Max spoke as he began to screw the chromed balls onto each end of the barbell, his voice deep and gravelly. “Ella, please accept this piercing as a token of my respect for you.” His wonderful silver-gray eyes held hers. Ella could no more look away than stop breathing. “You belong to me. You are mine in body and soul now. By giving yourself freely into my care, I promise to keep you safe and protected. I promise to nurture your well-being on your journey of self-discovery and happiness.”

The way Max looked at her made her feel at one with him. She only had to look into his eyes to know each word he spoke was said with genuine emotion and feeling. What wonderful things had she yet to discover about herself? What else would he show her? She knew then that she would be with him every step of the way, because she loved him. This single thought made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She’d fallen in love with a man who would cherish and protect her. She hoped more than anything that Max was falling in love with her, too. But even if he didn’t love her back, he would always keep her safe from the evils of the world. At that moment her future became clear. She would endeavor to be the best sub Max had ever had.

“Oh, Max. That’s so moving.” She quickly wiped a tear from her eye that threatened to run down her cheek.

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