Boxcar Children

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Authors: Shannon Eric Denton

BOOK: Boxcar Children
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Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny are a family. They’re brothers and sisters—and they’re orphans, too. The only way they can stay together is to try and make it on their own. But where will they live?

One night, during a storm, the children find an old red boxcar that keeps them warm and safe. The children decide to make it their home—and they become the Boxcar Children!

Gertrude Chandler Warner’s


Adapted by Shannon Eric Denton

Illustrated by Mike Dubisch


The Four Hungry Children

Night Is Turned into Day

A New Home in the Woods

Henry Has Two Surprises

The Explorers Find Treasure

A Big Meal from Little Onions

Fun in the Cherry Orchard

Henry and the Free-for-All

The Doctor Takes a Hand

James Henry and Henry James

A New Home for the Boxcar

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