Read Boycotts and Barflies Online

Authors: Victoria Michaels

Boycotts and Barflies (19 page)

BOOK: Boycotts and Barflies
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“How are Jack and Bianca? Anything happening there?”


“Oh, they’ve been whispering back and forth the entire time. Jack gets a big grin

on his face every time she starts moaning over a new fabric or something.”

“So what are you doing?” Michael asked, worried about Grace’s sanity.

“I’m sitting out on some barstool that’s supposed to be the perfect design for

the human body, but it’s sure making my ass hurt. Holy crap, the thing costs

two thousand dol ars! Are they serious? But I swear if one more guy here tel s

me he ‘has something  he wants to show me’ or cal s me ‘Little Lady,’ I might

punch someone.”

“At least you aren’t carrying around five shopping bags.”

“At least you don’t smell like a new carpet. I’m getting dizzy from the fumes.”

“Wait, Meg has made her purchases, and Ryan has a goofy grin on his face.

That’s good, right? Ugh, Pottery Barn. I don’t need to go in there, do I? I see a

bench near a television. I’m going to sit over there. There’s nothing sexual

about Pottery Barn, right?”

“There is to Meg. All those coordinated items can whip her into a frenzy.

She’s an interior designer, for God’s sake. Oh man, Bianca just found this

gorgeous copper soaking tub that’s big enough for two and she’s climbed in.

She’s writhing around in it with her head thrown back, and Jack’s clutching his

chest! Gotta go!”

“Bye, Grace.”

“Bye, Michael.”


Back at her apartment, Grace flopped down onto the couch after spending the

entire day wandering the design expo with Bianca and Jack. She had blabbered

on and on about the different models of everything from toilets to light

fixtures, and Jack hung on Bianca’s every word while Grace stomped around

behind them like an angry child at the grocery store. By the end, she realized

her plan to catch them in a compromising position behind one of the booths  had failed miserably.

Jack and Bianca were locked in an epic video game battle when the apartment  door flew open. Michael stood in the doorway, glowing, like a man returning  home victorious from battle, his arms draped with an obscene number of  shopping bags.

“Michael!” Grace smiled as she launched herself onto his arms. He dropped the  bags to the ground and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, lifting her  up onto her toes. She gave him a big kiss on the cheek as she squeezed his neck  with all her might. “You survived!”


“I’ll go shopping with Meg more often if that’s the welcome home I get.” Michael laughed as he kissed the top of Grace’s head and put her feet back  firmly on the ground. “You do smell like new carpet.”

“If you two are done, some of us would actually like to get through the door  now,” Ryan teased as he came into the apartment with yet another armful of  bags.

“Grace, wait until you see what I got you,” Meg sang as she came through the  doorway.

“It better not be that pile of panties Ryan had in his hand earlier,” Grace said,  carefully watching her reaction. She turned and raised an accusing eyebrow. “Spying on us, were you?” she said as she walked closer to her friend, waving  her index finger in Grace’s  face. “Shame on you.” Then she turned on Michael. “And you, her accomplice. Sorry to disappoint, but I was a perfect little angel,  wasn’t I?” Meg said smugly. Ryan nodded his head in agreement as he  continued delivering the bags into her room.

“Better luck next time,” Grace mumbled to Michael as he motioned her over to  the recliner with him. He sat down and held out his arms for her to join him. “Another loophole,” he beamed. Grace happily crawled into his lap and  snuggled her head against his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt. Meg  came out of her room, opened her mouth to protest, and then scowled at  Michael before stomping off to her room.

“I told you so.” Michael laughed triumphantly.

Grace closed her eyes and enjoyed being so close to him, feeling his breath on  her forehead and listening to his gentle heart beat as they relaxed together. She wasn’t sure how long they sat there before she heard him sigh.

“You have to go, don’t you.” Grace pouted.

“Unfortunately, we do. How will the drunks get fed otherwise?” he asked


“Can you stay five more minutes? Please?” she asked, unleashing her pleading

eyes on him. He glanced at his watch and caved.

“Fine, we can stay … ten minutes. Then I’ll  have to drive, oh, sixty miles an hour

to get us to work on time. That should be fine. Ten minutes. Got it guys?”

Jack gave him the thumbs-up from his spot on the couch with Bianca. Ryan

yelled “Works for me!” from Meg’s room where they were apparently

unl oading Meg’s purchases and putting them away. Michael winked and

twirled a piece of Grace’s hair around his finger. “Happy?”


“Yes, very.” Grace placed her head back onto his chest and relaxed for the last  few minutes they had together before the guys had to go to work. She felt his  warm hand caressing the length of her back as she relaxed further into his  body.

The ten minutes passed, and again, Grace felt him glance at his watch. Jack  didn’t move from Bianca’s side when  Michael cleared his throat, and Grace  gripped his shirt even tighter to try and hold him in place.

“Fine, five more minutes, but now I have to drive eighty miles an hour and we’ll  still be five minutes late. Hopefully, no one will notice,” he mumbled as his  fingers laced with Grace’s. He pulled her hand to his mouth and began kissing a  trail from her wrist, up to her shoulder.

“Gotta love the loopholes,” Grace said softly.

“Is that legal?” Jack asked from the couch.

“Yes, you idiot. So why don’t you take a  page from Michael’s book and figure  out a few ways around these stupid rules?” Bianca snarled.

All too soon, the five minutes were over. “Come on, guys. Ryan, we need to

roll,” Michael yelled.

Ryan came out of Meg’s room, holding a wide array of hanger shapes and styles  across his arms, looking like a six-foot-three coat rack. Meg quickly snatched  them off his arms and gave him a peck on the cheek before he put his jacket on. “Have fun at work,” Grace said as Michael searched his pocket for his keys. “Unless you’re there with me, there’s nothing fun about work.” He quickly  brushed his lips over hers. Grace stood there, stunned because he had never  kissed her on the lips before. His mouth had felt soft and gentle as it moved  against hers, and she realized she wanted him to do it again. Her face must  have shown her shock because he smiled. “That’s allowed, Grace, remember?

I’ll call you later.”


“Bye, beautiful.”


“Bianca, where the hell is she?” Grace asked as she hopped through her  bedroom, trying to cram herself into the new pair of black skinny jeans.

It had been the longest four days of their lives, waiting for the night of the big  bar show. Michael said Wednesdays were typically less crowded at The Vault,  so they would be able to do the show without throwing the whole club 144

into chaos. Bianca was in Grace’s room, clamping yet another bangle bracelet  around her wrist and cursing Meg for running late as well.

“She had a meeting about the courthouse lobby remodel, but she knows they’re  coming to pick us up soon. If she’s not ready, then we’ll have to drive  ourselves,” Bianca said, pouting. Grace could tell she really wanted to ride with  the guys so she could cuddle up with Jack in the car. As Bianca opened her cell  phone to call Meg again, they heard the door fly open and the rapid clicking of  Meg’s heels across the hardwood floor as she made a beeline for her room.

“I know! I’m late. I’m going to jump in the shower. I will be ready, though! Warm up the blow dryer!” sh e screamed. “Stupid, blabbering bureaucrats!”

In an amazing show of speed and skill, Meg was ready to go in eighteen

minutes flat. It was her personal world record. She beamed proudly as she  sprayed the last puff of perfume onto her neck and took another second to fluff  her hair one last time. “And with three minutes to spare,” she bragged proudly,  glancing at the clock as she put on a fresh coat of bright red lipstick.

“OK, ladies, are we prepared for this? I have a feeling they’ve got quite the  production planned from what Ryan said.” Meg grinned. “T onight could be the  night someone falls by the wayside.”

“Not gonna be me,” Grace said emphatically.

“Me neither,” Bianca added with conviction.

“I’m just saying … They’re pretty irresistible under regular circumstances.

But throw in some music, lights, alcohol, and them shaking their asses, it might  just be too much to bear.” Meg winked at Grace when the two of them caught  Bianca looking deep in her own personal daydream.

“Do we know what their demands are for this little performance?” Bianca  asked when she came to her senses.

“No. Apparently Michael will tell us when they pick us up. If we agree, then

there’s a show. If not, no bar tricks.”

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Meg’s brows furrowed suspiciously. “Has he said anything to you, Grace, about what they expect as payment?”

“I never  even asked,” Grace laughed.

“He’s a tricky one, that Michael. I don’t trust him. I think that’s why he’s waiting until the last minute to tell us. He’s got something up his sleeve.” Meg tucked her cell phone into her purse and snapped it shut.

“Actually, I think he’s trying to make sure you go along with it, Meg. I doubt  Grace and I will put up much of a fight no matter what they ask for,” Bianca 145

said with a smirk in Grace’s direction. Grace had to laugh because it was true. Meg was the consummate rule keeper while she and Bianca were constantly  looking for ways to bend the rules to their advantage.

Before the discussion could go any farther, there was a loud knock on the door.  The girls gave a silent scream as they squeezed hands. Grace put her hands to  her cheeks and felt the warmth of the blush rushing to her face. Please, God, let  me make it through tonight, she silently prayed as she took a deep calming  breath. Meg danced over to the door to reveal the guys, all looking incredibly  sexy in their black leather jackets and jeans, with grins plastered on their faces. Jack let out a low whistle as he entered the apartment. “Ladies, you look  incredibly hot this evening.” His eyes spent extra time looking Bianca up and  down.

“Thanks, Jack. See, there are these cute bartenders at the club, and we’re kinda  trying to get their attention,” Grace said, laughing as Michael came over and  wrapped his arms around her. She could smell the leather from his jacket as he  pulled her closer.

“You look stunning,” his husky voice whispered in her ear, “and you have my  undivided attention.”

“I know. That’s what’s driving me so crazy right now,” she whispered into his  coat, not expecting him to hear. When Grace felt his fingers lift her chin up and  she looked into his darkened eyes, she knew by the devilish smile on his face  that he’d heard every word.

“Michael, we need to talk business,” Meg barked, tapping her purple nails on  the kitchen counter. Michael’s hand slipped into Grace’s as they walked over to  the kitchen and joined their friends.

“OK, Meg, here are our demands for the show to happen.” Michael looked at his  partners in crime, who were both nodding their heads in support. “Breakfast,  tomorrow.”

“Breakfast? You want us to make you breakfast tomorrow?” Meg asked  incredulously. “That’s it?” Grace saw relief wash over her. In Meg’s opinion,  they were getting off easy. She’d assumed Michael would demand something  much worse.

Grace peered back at Michael and could tell by his eyes that it wasn’t as benign a demand as Meg thought.

“No, we want to be able to feed each of you breakfast, tomorrow. Alone.”

Grace felt him give her hand a small squeeze.


There is no way she’s going to go for this. Great. No show. Grace felt her stomach drop.

“Alone constitutes a date, Michael. No can do.”

“How is eating breakfast a date? No one goes on breakfast dates. Dates are afternoon or evening activities; this is a breakfast meeting. Just a meeting. We have some things to dis cuss with you ladies, privately.”

He should really go into sales because I am totally buying his line of bullshit. Grace looked over at Bianca who was biting her lip, staring at Jack and anxiously awaiting Meg’s decision. Meg, however, was locked in an intense stare down with Michael, who just smiled sweetly at her like a choir boy, the picture of innocence.

Ryan kissed the top of her head, and Grace saw Meg’s resolve fade a bit.

“And what do we have to discuss at this meeting?” She sneered. Ryan bent over and whispered a quick explanation which seemed to appease her, but she wasn’t completely convinced.

“A breakfast meeting you say? Breakfast traditionally ends at 10:30 we need to be home by then. Got it? All other rules are to be enforced. If we’re even one minute late, we’re out of the bet. Ladies, do you agree to these terms?” Before she even finished her sentence, Bianca and Grace were nodding their heads in agreement.

“Excellent,” Michael said as he extended his hand to Meg to make the

arrangement binding with a handshake. Jack and Ryan looked impressed with

Michael’s negotiating skills. When Michael turned back to face Grace, he looked

absolutely thrilled.

“Then let’s go, ladies. We have a show to perform. We’ll go warm up the cars.

Meet us downstairs,” Ryan said as he jingled the keys in his hand and nodded

to the door. Michael and Jack followed close behind.

When the guys were out the door, Grace turned to Meg. “Wel , you were very accommodating. I have to say that I’m shocked you agreed to the whole thing.” “Come on, Grace, I thought Michael would’ve come up with a better plan than that. He didn’t think that through very well. They’re working tonight, not until close, but well past midnight, so they’re going to be exhausted and probably sleep in late. With our ten-thirty curfew, they’ll only have time to feed us and then have to bring us home. The score for today is Meg: one, Michael: zero,”  Meg said proudly. Bianca looked at Grace with an annoyed look on her face, like it was her fault Michael’s plan sucked.


What was he thinking? Meg’s right; they’ll be exhausted after work. I finally get to be alone with Michael, and he’s going to be a zombie. Great! Still, Grace couldn’t shake the feeling that she was missing something. Michael was smarter than that. She’d just have to be patient and wait.


When they got to the club, the guys brought them through the employee

entrance around the back of the building. As soon as they walked in the door,

Vicki came rushing their way.

“Chicas, long time no see! How are you? Are these boneheads behaving

themselves?” she asked, eying Jack in particular.

“Hi, Vicki. We’ve missed you too. You’ll be happy to know they actually are

behaving,” Meg said with a wink. “We brought you something.” She pulled a

large gift from behind her back and held it out to a very surprised Vicki.

“Merry Christmas from Grace, Bianca, and, of course, me,” Meg said, pointing at

herself and smiling. Vicki’s eyes grew huge as she looked at the package. She

popped off the bow first and stuck it in the middle of Ryan’s chest.

Like a little kid, she quickly ripped off the shiny red paper, tossing it carelessly  to the ground.

“Oh my God! These are the most bad- ass boots I’ve ever seen in my life!

Steve is going to  shit himself.” She threw the box down and held the boots in  her hands, admiring them. Michael nodded his head in agreement.

The girls had searched the greater Portland area for the coolest pair of  motorcycle boots they could find that just “screamed” Vicki. These were black  leather, and around the ankle were a studded harness and a shiny number  seven buckle. Everyone laughed as Vicki kicked off the boots she’d been  wearing, tossed them into the trashcan, and jumped into her new ones.

“How’d we do on the siz e?” Grace asked.

“They fit like a glove,” Vicki purred. She kept looking down at her feet and

smiling. “You ladies are unbelievable.” She then turned to the boys and in a

very motherly voice said, “If you bozos blow it with them, I’ll personally hunt

you down and kick you square in the balls—with these fabulous boots.” All

three of the guys rolled their eyes at her, but when she took a step toward

them, they threw up their hands in surrender.


“We’re glad you like them, Vicki. You’re the world’s greatest fly swatter, you  know. Thanks for everything,” Bianca said as she looked lovingly over at Jack.  The girls exchanged hugs with her as the guys ran off to change for work. “Come on, I have your table waiting for you.” Vicki led them upstairs to the  table they’d sat at on their first night at The Vault. The little red reserved sign  sat on the table where their view of the bar would be the best in the house. Vicki sat down in one of the chairs and propped her foot on the table so she  could admire the boots—again. She started rolling her pant legs up asking,

“So, have they told you anything about what they planned?”

“No. What have you seen?” Meg asked clapping her hands together in  excitement. “Have they been practicing? Are they any good? Has anyone gotten  hurt from the flying bottles?”

“Yeah, we’ve had quite a few things broken and glasses have been flying

around here lately as they worked out the kinks. I think they really want to  impress you.” She l aughed. “Of course, I get the feeling they could spin in a little  circle and say ta-da and you’d be happy.”

“They’re a pretty impressive trio.” Grace laughed with Vicki as they watched  Meg and Bianca wave to Jack and Ryan from the upper rail.

“I gotta go work, I guess. I’ll bring you some food. Go down there and dance for  a while until it’s time for the show.” Vicki headed downstairs with a new strut  in her step thanks to her boots. Grace saw her stop and show them to one of  the other servers before disappearing through the kitchen door.

“Grace? Grace Park?” she heard a male voice say from the next table. Grace  turned to see a big, red-haired guy who looked vaguely familiar. He was sitting  with another guy who she knew she’d never seen before. The redhead stood up  and came over to their table.

“Grace. Do you remember me? Liam, Liam Sullivan. We met at your mom’s  house over the summer.” He held out his hand as Grace racked her brain, trying  to remember him. Then it dawned on her—her mother’s annual pool party, which had also become her annual “find Grace a boyfriend” party.

She was notorious for inviting only her friends with sons Grace’s age, hoping to play matchmaker.

“Hi, Liam. I remember you now. The pool party, right?” She smiled and he nodded his head, staring at her chest. “What are you doing in Portland?”

She couldn’t remember a thing about him other than his spindly legs and that


he was extremely boring. Looks like nothing’s changed, Grace thought as he sat  down in the open chair and waved his friend over to the table as well.

“Grace this is Rick. Rick, this is Grace Park. Our moms are good friends.”

“Nice to meet you. These are my friends Bianca and Meg.”

Ugh, Sullivan had been one of the names Mom had rambled on about the other  day on the phone. I think they’re coming to the house while I’m home

for Christmas. Great …

“Actually, I just got a job down here working for Newman Insurance. I work as  an actuary.” He continued rambling and pointing at Rick, but Grace wasn’t  listening. Oh God, flashbacks to dates with boring guys. Why is he still talking?  How much cologne does  one man need to wear on his body? And that Rick guy  is creepy, looks almost weasel -like. Her head was starting to throb when she  finally saw Bianca looking like she was going to deck Liam if he didn’t shut up. Meg threw back her chair and squealed. “I love this song. Sorry, guys, we’re  gonna go dance for a while. Nice meeting you!” And with that, she and Bianca  darted away, leaving Grace with the two bookends. Rick’s eyes followed Meg as  she made her way onto the dance floor. Liam, of course, was still talking.

“Your mom was supposed to give you my number so we could meet up  sometime.” He leaned closer, and Grace saw him reaching for his cell phone. “Can I get your number?” he asked, holding up his phone. Without thinking, she  took it from his hand and entered the only number she could—Mama Rosa’s. Hey, he’s new in town, at least he gets the number for the best pizza joint

in Portland out of this, she told herself as she quickly gave it back to him. I

have to make a break for it.

“Here you go. Sorry, but I really need to get down there to my friends.

It- it’s Meg’s birthday. I’ll see you around.” Happy her lie had worked, she gave  him a pat on the hand and smiled at Rick. “Nice to meet you! Take care.”

And with that, Grace ran for her life all the way to the dance floor where she  found Meg and Bianca happily dancing.

“Thanks for leaving me back there. Nice friends you two are,” she fumed as she  joined them, “abandoning me in my hour of need.”

“Oh come on, Grace, before Michael, you would have found him perfectly  acceptable dating material,” Meg teased, throwing her head back and laughing. That was before Michael. Grace’s eyes scanned the bar, searching for his  perfect face. When she found him,  he was talking to Ryan and laughing about  150

something. His hand was on Ryan’s shoulder and he was smacking his other

hand on the bar. His smile was absolutely contagious. How did I ever get

so lucky? Grace asked herself  now, smiling. He was all she wanted, all she


“Come on. Let’s dance over there where the view is better.” Bianca grinned as  they wiggled their way closer to the bar. Grace was in the middle of learning a  new dance move from Meg when she felt someone lurking behind her. She  immediately glanced at the bar and saw Michael hard at work. It’s not him.  Who the hell? Around her shoulder came Liam, while Rick was creeping up  behind Meg, watching her move to the music.

BOOK: Boycotts and Barflies
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