Braving Fate (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 1) (39 page)

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Authors: Linsey Hall

Tags: #Scottish Romance Novel, #Adventure Romance, #Love Action Fantasy, #Myth, #Fate, #hot romance, #Reincarnation, #Gods and Goddesses, #scotland, #Demons, #romance, #Cats, #Boudica, #Series Paranormal Romance, #Celtic Mythology, #Sexy paranormal

BOOK: Braving Fate (The Mythean Arcana Series Book 1)
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It was the only prison of its type, a jail without bars or stone. It floated within the aether, that ephemeral substance connecting earth and the afterworlds—known to mortals as the heavens and hells of their religions. It was between here and nowhere, and as such was impossible for him to manipulate. Only the witches had access because they had created the prison.

“We’re working on it. Right now, in fact. And you’re going to screw it up. Come back tomorrow.”

“Now.” Warren’s voice rumbled.

The witch squinted, glowering. “Tomorrow. We’re in the middle of a containment spell. You’re going to screw us up. We’re trying to shore up the boundaries and you’re messing with our concentration.
Come back tomorrow.

Warren frowned, but the seriousness of her voice penetrated. A flash of light bursting from the windows convinced him. If they were doing what they could, he wouldn’t interfere.

For now.

“Tomorrow,” he said.

She slammed the little slot in the door shut.

Warren heaved a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. A huge part of him wanted Aurora to be released so that he could hunt her and retrieve his soul.
The risk to others was too great if she was released. She could aetherwalk away from the university as soon as she escaped, free to wreak havoc anywhere she chose. There was no telling how long it’d take him to find her, or what she could do in the interim. He’d made a vow to protect others when he’d joined the Praesidium. Serving his own selfish needs at the expense of the safety of others was not an option.

He met Cadan’s worried eyes. “We’re done here.”

Cadan nodded. “Come on, let me buy you a pint. Work day’s almost over.”

“Thanks, but nay. Go back to your Diana.”

“I’ve got time. She’ll be in the library for another couple of hours.”

Warren liked Cadan’s woman, an American scholar who was the reincarnate of Boudica. But his friend would be happier with her this evening, no matter how much he protested. Warren was shite company right now.

“I’ve got some things to take care of. Give my best to Diana.” He clapped Cadan on the shoulder, then spun and strode away, desperate to get some space and clear his head.

The possibility that Aurora might escape made his skin feel like it was stretched too tight over his muscles. He felt trapped in his own body, torn between duty and possibility. He spun on his heel, changing direction and heading to his house instead of back to his office. All he needed was some space.

He told himself he’d do the right thing by seeing to it that she stayed in prison.

But he couldn’t say if he believed it.

Book 2,
, is available now from Amazon. Click Here.

It's her last chance at freedom...

Andrasta, Celtic goddess of victory, has fled the cold, sterile wasteland of Otherworld for the steamy South American jungle. It's only a matter of time before the vengeful gods catch and punish her - unless she can convince the man she betrayed two thousand years ago to help…

And only her enemy can save her

Born in Otherworld to the life of a god, Camulos went rogue centuries ago. He's living on the banks of the Amazon, boxing in bare-knuckled fights. The gods believe he's dead - until Ana finds him. Ana, the woman who gave him nothing but trouble, and the woman he could never forget…

Even the gods have secrets

Thrown together, Ana and Cam must evade the wrath of the gods and a return to the living death of Otherworld. But as they flee through the jungle - and as their passion ignites - they find themselves at the heart of an ancient secret. One that could kill them both and extinguish their souls forever...

Book 3,
Rogue Soul
, is available now from Amazon. Click Here.

Fiona Blackwood is losing her mind

Fiona is an Acquirer, an immortal who uses magic to hunt for ancient artifacts. Ever since she failed to live up to her fate and find the Book of Worlds, she’s been shunned by those around her. Worse, she’s slowly losing her mind as her subconscious keeps trying to accomplish her fated task. When she’s presented with one last chance to find the Book of Worlds and thus save her sanity, she’ll stop at nothing to accomplish her goal.

Ian MacKenzie has been in hell

For more than one hundred years, Ian has been locked in a nightmarish prison. An accomplished thief, he was thrown into hell for failing to maintain the secrecy of his magical race. When Fiona presents him with an opportunity for escape, he’ll do anything it takes to ensure that it’s permanent, even if it means betraying the woman he’s grown to care for.

A dark force could tear them apart

As Fiona and Ian get closer to finding the book, they learn that there’s more at stake than they ever imagined – like the fate of the world. When their task threatens to tear them apart, they’ll have to make the ultimate decision: life, or love?

Stolen Fate will be available December 8
, 2014


Boudica is the historical figure who most captivated me from a young age. She was brave, strong, and she fought against incredible odds. Her story stuck in my mind for years. It was only natural that she become the heroine of
Braving Fate.
I wanted to create a world where Boudica could have a happy ending. The only way to do that without messing with history too much was to bring her back through reincarnation and give her the life she deserved. If you’re interested in learning which history I portrayed accurately and where I outright lied to improve the story, please read on…

Boudica was one of Britain’s greatest warriors. Most of what I said about her is true according to archaeology and history (take this with a grain of salt—scholars do their best to learn the truth about the past, but some of it is always shrouded in fog). One place that I fudged a bit was the fate of her daughters. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, when the Romans attacked Boudica’s kingdom following the death of her husband Prasutagus, they whipped Boudica and raped her daughters. This does not happen to her daughters in
Braving Fate
. Instead, I had the Romans killed them outright. I made this decision because it suited the story better. Also, I invented the names of her daughters, as they were not recorded by history. Aela and Calea, however, are Celtic names.

Boudica waged a year-long campaign across Britain. She united several Celtic kingdoms and succeeded in destroying several Roman settlements. She nearly evicted the Romans. The fate of her campaign, and of the Romans’ endeavors in Britain, relied upon the final battle mentioned in this book. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon how you look at it, she failed and died shortly thereafter.

There are two theories about Boudica’s death. Tacitus states that she poisoned herself, while the Roman historian Cassius Dio writes that she died of illness. Suicide suited the Boudica of
Braving Fate
. Would her fate have been as I described it had she been captured by the Romans? I wouldn’t be surprised, as I borrowed that fate from France’s Celtic hero Vercingetorix.

As for her enemy, Gaius Seutonius Paullinus? He actually survived the battle. However, he didn’t have a son that he brought onto the battlefield with him. We can also assume that he didn’t do any of the crazy stuff that I said he did in Erebus.

Cadan Trinovante is not a historic figure. However, the Celtic Trinovante kingdom was located to the south of the Iceni kingdom and was one of the kingdoms that joined Boudica in her revolt. Cadan is a Celtic name, and Cadan has carried his kingdom’s name as his surname. His village, Camulodunum, was real and was destroyed by the Romans. In an interesting twist of fate that did not make it into the book, the Boudica of history attacked the newly built Roman fort at Camulodunum during her year-long attack of Roman forts.

I had the hardest time deciding on a place to spur Diana’s memory about her past. I settled on Verulamium, which was a Roman fort during Boudica’s time and is located near Watling Street, one place that historians believe may have been the location of her final battle. Boudica destroyed this Roman settlement while attempting to evict the Romans from Britain, though Diana doesn’t yet make the connection with Boudica when she sees Verulamium because she doesn’t think she could possibly be one of Britain’s most famous warriors.

Finally, Andrasta and the Celtic gods of Otherworld. Andrasta was Boudica’s patron goddess and the Icenic goddess of victory. She is one of hundreds of Celtic gods from dozens of kingdoms and tribes. However, the Celts weren’t one people in one place at one time. Rather, they were a culture that originated in central Europe and spread out to encompass most of Europe and the British Isles during the first millennium B.C. They spoke many languages and worshiped many gods, but were linked by their material culture and advanced use of metalwork. They were known to the Romans and the Greeks as great warriors.


Aether - The invisible substance that connects the afterworlds and earth. It is both nothing and everything.

Aetherwalking - A method of traveling through the aether to access the afterworlds or different places on earth. Some Mytheans have this power and can bring another person with them.

Afterworld - A heaven or hell created by mortal belief. Mortals can access them only through death. Some Mytheans can aetherwalk to them.

Immortal University - An organization created thousands of years ago to protect Mytheans and keep them secret from mortals.
It was initially founded as a true university, hence the name, but over time it morphed into an institution with greater power and responsibility. The university’s primary goal is to maintain the secrecy of Mytheans and to keep the gods from warring to obtain more followers. They do this primarily through diplomacy. The university also provides services to Mytheans that
they can’t get elsewhere, lest mortals figure out that their clients never die. Things like education, health services, and banking.

Mortals - Humans. They are unaware of the existence of Mytheans or that all heavens and hells truly exist. They are immortal in the sense that their soul will pass on to whatever afterworld they believe in.

Mythean - Supernatural individuals created by mortal belief. They are gods and goddesses, demons and monsters, witches and other supernatural creatures. They are immortal in the sense that if they live on earth, only beheading or grievous injury from magic can kill them. If they are killed their soul will pass on to an afterworld. Secrecy from mortals is one of their highest priorities. Some Mytheans, particularly species of demons and some gods, are trapped in their afterworlds. Others have access to both earth and the afterworlds.

Mythean Guardians - Powerful mortals made immortal, or other supernatural beings who serve at the Praesidium. They protect those mortals and Mytheans who are important to the fate of humanity.

Praesidium - The protection division of the Immortal University. Mythean Guardians work here. Their job is to protect those important to humanity and maintain law and order by keeping Mytheans secret from humans and keeping the gods from warring.

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