Break Me Slowly (13 page)

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Authors: Joya Ryan

BOOK: Break Me Slowly
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I don’t flirt.


Boy, that was the truth
I have to get going. I’m teaching in fifteen minutes.


It took several minutes for him to respond, but when I saw the message in my inbox, I downloaded the attachment and clicked Play.

Hot for Teacher” by Van Halen boomed through my smart phone. I grinned like an idiot all the way to class, enjoying my own personal theme song.


“Well, look at you, Miss Happy Pants. I was worried after you went home last night, but you look great!”

Megan sat across the table from me
, smiling. She took a drink of her diet soda while I forked my salad. I was happy we were having lunch together today. When Adam dropped me off at my apartment early this morning to get ready for work, Megan hadn’t been home.

How was staying with Brian last night?” I asked.

Megan shrugged.
And not her normal, happy-to-be-in-love shrug.

Everything okay?”

Yeah, it was fine. How was the rest of your night?”

It was pretty good. Adam and I…sort of made up.”

’s face stilled and she stared hard at me. “What does ‘sort of’ mean?”

Well, we talked through things. He told me he was sorry and I said the same—”

Wait, why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything.”

I bit my bottom lip.
“I didn’t tell him I was a virgin. It spooked him a little the next morning.”

Megan sat back in her chair, her mouth hanging open.

“But he’s talking to me today, so that’s a good sign.”

Megan shook her head.
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

I know, and I appreciate your looking out for me.”

She blew out a breath.
“Are you happy?”

Warmth flooded my cheeks
. “Yeah. Right now, I’m really happy.”

Okay, then. Are you going to see him again?”

Before I could answer, my phone rang.
flashed on the screen. I tried to hide my goofy smile as I answered. “Were your ears burning?”

You were discussing me?” I could hear the grin in his voice.


That pleases me. Good things, I hope.”

Why, Adam Kinkade, what could I possibly say negatively about you?”

I keep warning you about that mouth, lover.”

My breath hitched.

“Perhaps we can discuss this more tonight. There is a silent auction fundraiser. I would like to invite you to come with me.”

Megan was chewing, her
wide eyes skating across my face, obviously dying to know what was going on.

Um, is this a classy sort of thing?”


I put my hand over the bot
tom of my phone. “Can I borrow a dress? A nice one?” I whispered to Megan.

She nodded.

“There’s no need, Katelyn. I will send everything you need to your home. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

That’s not necessary. I can dress myself.”

Yes, I am aware of that, but I want you to wear what I send. And only what I send.”

My heart jumped int
o my throat. Adam was picking something out for me? The idea that he wanted to see me in something specific had me excited and giddy.

All right.”

See you tonight.”

I hung up the phone and a tremor raced down my spine.

“So…?” Megan asked.

I think I’m going on a date with Adam Kinkade.”



“Oh my God and all things hot!” Megan screeched when I walked out of my room.

As promised, Adam had a dress, shoes
, and jewelry sent to my house the moment I got home.

This is way too much.”

I looked
down self-consciously at myself. When I opened the garment box, there had been a note that read:

To match your eyes…



The dress was form-fitting. Every swell and flare of my body was hugged tightly by the thin nude sheath. The outer layer was strategically placed emerald lace, woven all over the bodice and flowing downward. It was designed to look as if I were wearing only the layer of lace. The thin straps were made of green silk and draped across my outer shoulders, setting off the plunging V-neck. Combined with the nude heels and a pair of emerald earrings, I felt more like a princess than anything else.

You look incredible.” Megan looked like she was about to cry.

No, no. Don’t you dare! I already feel on the brink of a meltdown.”

I’m cool,” she said, wiping a fingertip along her lower lashes. “Let’s do your hair. With that color on your pale skin, you need to sweep that mane of red madness up to expose your neck.”

I fidgeted
with my hands. “I don’t know about that.”

stood up and slowly reached for my hand.

If you let me do your makeup, I can make sure all the scars are covered.” As if sensing my unease, she added, “I can use a concealer brush. My fingers don’t even have to touch your skin.”

I always used thick concealer to cover th
e smattering of crescent-moon scars that ran from my jaw to my neck. Some were bigger than others, pinker than others, deeper than others. My hair was the only other buffer I had to shield me.

You’re such a good friend. I just…I think I’ll leave it down.”

She smiled back.
“No problem, we’ll just curl it, then?”

I nodded.

“Makeover time! This is going to be fun. Oh, and we’re going to charcoal your eyes to look all smoky.” Megan danced a little. She was the girly one of us two. It was a good day if I got around to putting on mascara.

Is this all he sent?”

Aside from a nude shawl, clutch, and heels, yes.”

There was no
lingerie. No panties. God knew even the world’s greatest strapless bra wouldn’t have worked in this situation anyway. I was wrapped pretty tight. Adam’s direction had been,
Only wear what I send

Megan hauled me into the bathroom. I nearly
tripped on the floor-length gown, but hustled behind her as the tiny train trailed behind me.


Megan opened the door when Adam knocked. I stayed in my room, pacing. I was nervous, had no idea what I was doing. My own family looked at me like a second-class citizen and I was about to walk into a place where the wealthiest of Chicago gathered? They’d see right through me.

Deep breaths were becoming overrated
, but this was a step in a good direction. I was excited to see Adam and that was definitely better than avoidance. I opened my bedroom door and walked into the living room. Megan smiled at me and scooted to the kitchen so I could be alone with Adam.

My eyes landed on him and
I nearly fainted.

He wore a p
erfectly fitted black tux, but instead of a bow tie, he sported a narrow black tie and vest. The man made my entire body and mind react in a way that had me rethinking the no-panties idea.

You look…” He stepped toward me, his eyes roaming up, then down, then up again. “Beyond.”

I smiled because
I had used that term when mentally describing Adam.

He traced the back of his finger along my collarbone.
“I love your skin,” he murmured. Leaning in, he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Radiant.”

Well, you look positively sinful yourself.”

He smiled. I wanted to catch it and bottle it up so I could look at those sexy white teeth and dimples all day long.

Adam glanced over my shoulder at Megan in the kitchen. “It’s nice to see you again, Megan.”

She came out, yogurt in hand
, and took a bite. Her smile was genuine, but her eyes were slightly narrowed. I recognized the look. She was not Adam’s biggest fan, but she was trying.

You, too.”

Adam nodded. It was almost as if I
’d missed some secret conversation. Had Megan said something to him when I was in my room?

Shall we?” He offered his arm and I took it.

smiled and waved her spoon at me.

Tonight would be fun, I reminded myself. Tonight would be fun.


rode in the back of a limo. The night air was cold, but the inside, the car was toasty warm. The lights of Chicago lit up the left side of the car while the waterfront lay to the right. It was a clear fall night. Adam hit a button and the privacy glass went up.

Do you like the dress?”

Yes, though I feel like it may be one size too small.”

He shook his head, his eyes raking down my body.
“The dress fits you perfectly and shows off each and every asset.”

My cheeks heated. How did he do this to me? Make me feel…special

Did you follow my directions?”

I stared at him, knowing
what he was asking, but couldn’t help teasing him.

You mean, am I wearing panties?” His gaze was intense. His finger trailed up my thigh. “And if I wasn’t?”

He smi
rked, his hand traveling higher. “Walking around the Four Seasons for hours knowing you’re completely bare beneath that dress is going to give me a permanent hard-on all damn night.”

Good to know.”

You’re toying with me.”

pulled in an exaggerated gasp. “I would never.”

Based on the skyscrapers passing outside the window,
The Four Seasons was only a few more minutes away. I reached into my clutch, dug out my red lipstick, and reapplied it.

Snapping the
top back on, I looked at Adam, sitting there all calm and domineering. I wanted to show him I could be in charge. Be the one in control.

I reached for his zipper and pulled it down, enough so that I could maneuver his thick cock out. He didn
’t stop me. He was already sporting an erection, and I wanted him to keep it the rest of the night. The same way I wanted him thinking of me.

I bent and opened my mouth wide to take his entire length down my
throat. He hissed in a breath. When I had taken as much of him as I could, I fused my lips around his shaft. Then I retreated and let him fall from my mouth.

He looked at me in puzzlement.
“Not going finish the job?”

Oh, absolutely I am. Just not now. The hotel is right up the street. Besides,” I licked my lips and snared his gaze. “I just needed to blot my lipstick.”

He frowned
and looked down. There, right near the base, was a red lipstick stain that surrounded the circumference of his cock.

He grinned and looked at me as he tuck
ed himself back into his pants.

It’s only fair, seeing as how you left a hickey on my inner thigh.”

This is going to be a battle of wills between us.”

Or you can just surrender now. I warn you, I do not submit so easily.”

No. You don’t.” He leaned forward and pushed my dress up to my knees. His hand disappeared beneath it. His big finger plunged inside of me. I was wet. Had been since he’d walked through my front door.

hooked that finger and rubbed that sensitive spot inside me.

I sucked in a shocked breath and clutched his arm. It was like going from zero to orgasm in two seconds flat.
But just as the tremor of pleasure rose, Adam retreated, denying me release.

You must know, lover, that I am ruthless when it comes to something I want.” I watched him take the finger that had just been inside me and lick it clean. I was so hot and ready to jump his bones I could care less about the event, date, or dress. I just wanted him.

The limo stopped in front of the Four Seasons. Adam got out and held
out a hand to me. We shared a heated look before we started up the steps. The hotel was beautiful, its textured rock and brick and rustic archways along the entrance making it look even more elegant. Warm orange lighting glowed from the windows.

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