Break No Bones (31 page)

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Authors: Kathy Reich

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #General

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I clicked a few keys, and Ryan and I skimmed a report on the use of executed criminals as donors in China.

"You can actualy purchase package deals." I opened a series of files and we both read in silence.

An Israeli-led syndicate offered transplant tours to Turkey and Romania for $180,000 U.S. A New York woman bought a kidney from a Brazilian donor, then traveled to South Africa for surgery at a private clinic at a total outlay of $65,000 U.S. A Canadian went to Pakistan in a cash-for-kidney deal costing $12,500 Canadian.

"Check out this Web site."

I clicked to another download. A Pakistani hospital described itself as a fifty-bed private facility in operation since 1992. The site offered a package that included three weeks' lodging, three daily meals, three presurgical dialysis sessions, donor expenses, surgery, and two days' post-discharge medication for $14,000 U.S.

Ryan sounded as appaled as I felt.

"Most countries outlaw this, but not al. In Iran, for example, it's legal but regulated." I opened another file. "The U.S. National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 prohibits payment to those providing organs for transplantation. The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act alows individuals to specify that some or al of their body may be donated after their death. Nineteen eighty-seven revisions to the act prohibit the taking of payment for donated parts."

"OK. Cash for kidneys. But murder?"

I opened several downloads.

South Africa. June 1995. Moses Mokgethi was found guilty of the murder of six children for their organs.

Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua, Mexico. May 2003. Hundreds of women had been kiled since 1993, and bodies continued turning up in the desert. Federal investigators claimed to have evidence the women were victims of an international organ trafficking ring.

Bukhara, Uzbekistan. No date. A family named Korayev was found with the passports of sixty missing persons, an enormous sum of money, and bags of body parts in their home. Their company, Kora, promised visas and overseas jobs. Instead, according to police, the Korayevs kiled their clients and, working with a doctor, pipelined their organs to Russia and Turkey.


"Theft from fresh cadavers is even more common," I said. "And not just in the Third World. Organ Watch has also reported on U.S. cases in which families of brain-dead patients have been offered as much as a milion dolars to give organ harvesters access to the bodies immediately upon death."

The room was brightening. I got up and slid open the glass door. The smel of the ocean made me think of boogie-boarding with my kid sister, Harry, beach blanket gossip with high school best friends, sand castle construction with Katy and Pete.

Pete. Again, that pang deep in my chest.

I wanted to go back to one of those long summer days, to forget putrefied bodies, and scalpels, and wire nooses.

"So you believe someone at the GMC clinic is snuffing street people to harvest their organs." Ryan's voice brought me back. "And that Cruikshank was about to blow the whistle."

"I think Cruikshank was kiled to keep him quiet. And I'm wondering about Helene Flynn, too."


"I'm not sure. The operation would have to involve several people, and a clinic has to be at the core. The average guy on the street can't just yank out a kidney."

Returning to bed, I opened another file.

"Removing an organ isn't al that complicated. In the case of a heart, for example, the vessels are clamped, and a cold, protective solution is pumped inside. The vessels are then severed, and the heart is placed in a bag filed with preservative. The bag is packed in ice in an ordinary cooler and flown or driven to its destination."

"How long do you have?"

"Four hours for a heart, eight to ten for a liver, three days for a kidney."

"Tight schedule for a heart. But plenty of time for transport to kidney recipients."

"Waiting in pre-op at some sterile facility tucked away in the hils." I clicked some more keys. "Cruikshank was looking into Abrigo Aislado de los Santos. Know what that means?"

Ryan shook his head.

"Isolated health shelter. Read the language on their Web site."

The more he read, the more deeply Ryan frowned. "'Unique therapeutic regimes available to individualy qualified customers.' What the hel does that mean? You need a pedigree to get a pedicure?"

"It means cal us. Provide background. If your story and portfolio check out, we'l get you a kidney."

"I'm guessing putting organs in isn't as simple as taking them out."

I looked Ryan directly in the eye. "Implantation requires a surgeon working in a relatively sophisticated facility."

Ryan's expression told me he was careening along the same deductive pathways I'd folowed, speeding toward the same appaling finish. After a ful minute, he spoke.

"You've got the GMC clinic on this end, serves druggies, crazies, the homeless. A few patients disappear now and then, no one notices. You would need a smal plane, a cooler, a pilot who doesn't ask a lot of questions. Or maybe the mule's actualy in the loop. You've got an experienced surgeon operating in an isolated location, catering to those needing organs and wiling to pay a substantial price."

"Lester Marshal and Dominic Rodriguez attended the same med school, dropped out of sight around the same time," I said. "Rodriguez is a surgeon."

Ryan picked up the thread. "Two old classmates hook up, hatch a cash-for-organs scheme. Marshal comes here. Rodriguez goes to Puerto Valarta, sets up a clinic disguised as a spa."

"Or Rodriguez might have left San Diego to practice medicine in Mexico. Could be Marshal got into some kind of trouble, went south, and the two reconnected," I said.

"Marshal takes the organs out, Rodriguez puts them in. Donors don't complain because they've been paid or because they're dead. Recipients don't complain because what they've done is ilegal. A hundred thousand a pop buys a lot of margaritas."

"Ilegal drugs are flown to the U.S. from Mexico al the time," I said. "Why not organs going the other way? They're smal, easy to transport, and the payoff is huge. It explains the nicks, the garroting, the hidden bodies."

"The Burke and Hare script taken to a different level."

A gul touched down on the deck railing. Boyd lunged toward the screen, tail wagging. The bird took flight. The chow turned and looked at us. Ryan and I looked at the chow, thinking the same thought. Ryan voiced it.

"What we've got is speculation. We need to background Rodriguez, find out if the guy's in Mexico. We need to know where Marshal spent those missing six years. And why. And we need info on pilots and planes in the Charleston area. And boats."

Ryan looked confused.

"Wilie Helms's body had to have been taken by water to Dewees Island. Unique Montague was dumped in the ocean. I doubt the kiler used a ferry for either of those jaunts."

"Doesn't everyone and his granny own a boat in this town?"

I thought a moment. "Let's review Cruikshank's notes some more. You think some of the letters represent initials. You're probably right. What if we check those letter combinations against other Charleston MPs?" I was thinking out loud. "If we find a match it probably puts that MP at the GMC clinic."

"From the dates I saw in the notes, Cruikshank was only staking the place out during February and March of this year."

My mind was cranking now. "OK. I have the MP files from Emma. I think they cover the period of Cruikshank's investigation. I'l check the date each MP was last seen and compile a list. Maybe we can cross-check the list against flight plans logged by smal-plane pilots."

"That would be a major law enforcement undertaking, particularly if it involved more than one Charleston-area airport. Also, smugglers rarely log flight plans."

"OK. The disappearances could coincide with times a plane was taken from an airfield."

"Assuming the plane's not kept in a barn somewhere. If they're not filing flight plans, they won't be logging in or out of an airport."

Sudden thought. "What about GMC? They've got a plane. Is it possible this thing goes higher than Marshal? Herron and his staff refused to respond to Helene's complaints. Then she went missing."

"I thought Helene was suspicious about the mishandling of funds."

"That's always been Herron's version. But he and his people refused to help Cruikshank find her, then Cruikshank dies. Stonewaled Pete, too, for that matter, then Pete is shot. Could someone high up at GMC be involved? Oh my God, Ryan, GMC operates clinics throughout the Southeast!"

"Let's not get carried away. When's Gulet coming by?"

"He wanted Cruikshank's computer first thing this morning." Ryan threw back the covers. I grasped his wrist. "Gulet hasn't been busting a gut helping me out. Do you think he could be protecting Herron?"

Puling my hand to his lips, Ryan kissed the knuckles. "I think Gulet's solid."

"You're probably right. But do we have enough to convince him?"

"Cal Emma. Explain our thinking. Helene's complaints to her father and to Herron, then her sudden disappearance. Cruikshank's link to Helene. Cruikshank's files on Burke and Hare, UNOS, the organ trade, Rodriguez, and the Puerto Valarta clinic. The evidence of garroting on Cruikshank, Helms, and Montague. The scalpel nicks on Helms's and Montague's vertebrae and ribs. Find out when Emma expects a DNA report on the eyelash you found with Helms's bones."

"Planning on snatching some discarded chewing gum?"

"Saw that on TV Slick. But I'm a used-soda-can man myself," Ryan said.

"The snail shel that held the eyelash came from a freshwater species, yet it was found with Helms's body on a saltwater beach. We should find out if Marshal lives near a freshwater swamp or beside a stream or river."

"You dazzle, Dr. Brennan."

"And think about Dewees. The island population is less than that of Mayberry. There's no bridge or connector and the ferry is only for residents and their guests." I was pumped. "Where does a perp typicaly dispose of a body? Within his or her comfort zone."


"Thank you, Detective Ryan."

"Here's a plan. Cal the hospital, find out how Pete's doing. Then pul out your spreadsheet and make a list of dates MPs were last seen. In the meantime, I'l make a few cals. When I finish, we'l do some digging on Marshal and the gentle folk of Dewees."

Ryan grabbed his surfer shorts.

"Deputy Dawg Gulet won't know what hit him."


THE CHARGE NURSE TOLD ME THAT PETE WAS AWAKE AND TALKING, and that his vitals were stable. The doctor would see him this morning and decide how long he needed to stay. I thanked her and asked her to be sure to tel Pete I'd caled.

I phrased my e-mail message to Katy very carefuly. "Your father wil be in the hospital for a few days. He received a gunshot wound from a home intruder at Anne's house on Isle of Palms.
Do not panic.
He is recovering nicely. He is at the Medical University of South Carolina hospital in Charleston. He wil be released before you could get there, and wil tel you al about it when you next see him. Love, Mom."

Then I turned to my MPs. The chronology went back five years. I was finishing when Ryan came into the kitchen. After pouring coffee, he joined me at the table. One cocked brow told me I wasn't looking my best.

"Don't say it, Ryan."

"You owe a felow named Jerry a whole lot of scotch."

"And Jerry would be?"

"Buddy at Quantico. NCIC search turned up zip for Dominic Rodriguez. But Jerry found him by other means." A smile played Ryan's lips. "Jerry's devious."

"Don't toy with me, Ryan." Grabbing my hair, I yanked it up into a knot.

"Likes Glenlivet."


"Rodriguez is a Mexican national. Born in Guadalajara." Titilating pause as Ryan took a long, appreciative sip. "Currently employed as chief of welness therapy at Abrigo Aislado de los Santos in Puerto Valarta, Mexico."

"Get out! Why did Rodriguez leave San Diego?"

"Jerry soldiers on, even as we speak. Now. Lester Marshal."

I waited out more coffee intake.

"Name lit up the marquee."

"You're kidding." My heart was plowing in my chest. "What did Marshal do?"

"Good doctor got a little liberal with pharmaceuticals."


"And overprescribing for patients. Making a handsome living writing scrips for controled substances. Coleague dropped a dime. Marshal got his license suspended, but apparently wasn't al that contrite. After a second complaint and investigation, Marshal's license was revoked. Tulsa prosecutors weren't amused, brought criminal charges.

Marshal did eighteen months, vamoosed."

"Where was Marshal between Tulsa and Charleston?"

"Jerry's checking. Got your dates lined up?"

I showed Ryan my list. He did some mental math.

"The Abrigo Aislado de los Santos opened its
in ninety-two. Marshal stopped practicing medicine in Oklahoma in eighty-nine, left the state in ninety-one after doing his time in stir, resurfaced here in ninety-five." Ryan tapped my list. "If this drinking buddy that Gulet's deputy interviewed is correct, Helms disappeared after nine-eleven, 2001, these others after that. Either Marshal and Rodriguez took a long time to gear up, or a number of cold cases need reopening. Heard from Gulet?"

I shook my head. The topknot failed.

"Wonder if the bass were biting." Ryan tucked a few strands behind my ears.

I picked up my cel phone. This time Gulet's receptionist put me through. I wasted no time on pleasantries.

"Marshal is kiling people to steal their organs."

"That's a mighty serious accusation." Flat. "Heard about the shooting. May I inquire how the counselor is faring?"

"Recovering nicely, thank you for asking."

"IOP PD caling the plays?"


"How they reading it?"

"They're inclined to view the incident as accidental."


I didn't know what that meant, but I wasn't in the mood to pursue the discussion.

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