Read Breakaway Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #romance, #multicultural, #contemporary, #interracial, #new adult, #vera roberts

Breakaway (7 page)

BOOK: Breakaway
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She knew what her problem was – she’d
always traveled the safe road. Why take turns when it was smooth
sailing straight ahead? What really sucked was that she did that in
every aspect of her life. She’d listened and been the unwilling
go-to shoulder for her friends to cry on and that soured her on
dating. She took a retail job because she was good at it, but it
wasn’t her passion. Even her wardrobe consisted of dark and solid
colors; no patterns or anything of the sort.

She was a plain Jane.

She was boring.

And she was currently dating one of
the league’s most valuable players.

Such her luck.

She wandered throughout the home while
Dean was soundly asleep, trying to figure out her life. As her bare
feet sank into the plush navy blue carpet, she wondered why she
liked to deliberately sabotage her life. She knew the issue wasn’t
Dean and it wasn’t the distance. Again, it was an available excuse
for her not willing to take a chance on something new and someone

So many women would jump at the chance
at dating Dean and Sydney had done more than enough private Google
research on her own regarding his lothario reputation. Even Sydney
was surprised she didn’t care so much about that now that he was
with her.

Her feet found their way to the man
cave and available pool table at her disposal. As she racked up the
balls and powdered her stick, Sydney truly wondered one thing about

Why did she try so hard to sabotage
her life?


Dean rolled over to snuggle with
Sydney and instead, found a cold, empty space where her warm body
used to occupy. He suddenly woke up and looked around his bedroom.
He walked throughout the home, calling for her, and wondered where
could she have possibly escaped.

The familiar sound of billiard balls
clacking against each other told her where she was. He went
downstairs and found his girlfriend, bent over in the tiniest pair
of boy shorts and a too-small cami tank, looking studious as she
tried to angle herself just right for her next shot.

“Don’t ruin my shot. Don’t ruin my
shot. Don’t ruin my shot.” She warned to him.

“Damn, you look so fucking sexy right
now…” he taunted.

“Damnit, Dean! Do not ruin my shot.”
Sydney smiled. “Do not ruin my shot.”

“I would totally love to step behind
and fuck you until…”

Sydney lost her footing and her
concentrated effort went to hell as the cue ball only moved a few
inches. “Damnit!” She stood up and pursed her lips, narrowed her
eyes, and shook her fist at her boyfriend.

Dean walked behind Sydney and wrapped
his arms around her, pulling her close to him. “Mmm…you like me
being awful.” He breathed against her neck.

Little zaps of pleasure crawled all
over Sydney’s body and she instantly felt the need to feel Dean on
top of her again. “Don’t you get tired?”

“Of you?” He kissed the nape of her
neck. “Never.”

It was like finding out her favorite
crush liked her back and wanted to ask her to the winter formal.
Sydney felt giddy like a 14-year-old girl at a boy band concert and
the lead singer just singled her out. “You’re terrible for

“I think that’s a lie.” He continued
to plant small kisses on her neck. “I think I’m pretty damn good
for you. I also think you’re pretty damn good for me. But you know
what I also think?”


“I also think you want to talk to me
about something that’s bothering you,” he turned her around and
stared into her eyes, “so what’s up, buttercup?”

Sydney put down the pool stick and
Dean sat on top of the pool table. She followed his lead. “I’ve
always played the safe route. When others turned left, I turned
right. If people went one way, I made sure I went the other. If I
saw friends experiment and did things I didn’t like or wouldn’t do,
I made extra sure I would never get in that position.”

“So being here with me scares you?” He

“My past boyfriends never encouraged
me to do anything but be me. They took me as is. Looking back, I
can honestly say those were probably some of the most boring
relationships I have ever had.” She let out the breath she had been
holding. “But with you, I’m questioning everything. Do I want to
stay in San Francisco? Do I want to stay at Macy’s? What in the
hell do I want to do? Like, I’m not even worried about whether
we’ll be together because I’m certain now I want to be with

“There’s a saying that I love and I’m
going to tell it to you,” Dean leaned in, “if it scares you, you
should do it.”

Sydney smiled and shook her head. “You
always know what to say and when to say it.”

“I have years of being
stupid behind me,” Dean admitted, “maybe
many. But I know what I want out
of this life and we only get one. Do I want to look back on
everything and go, ‘Man, I so wish I did X…’? Or do I want to look
back on my life and go, ‘I kicked so much ass, it’s pretty
unbelievable I didn’t get arrested for what I did.’ It’s all about
what you want.”

“I’m perfectly flawed. I’m great at
some things and I’m horrible at others.” Dean shrugged. “I’m okay
with that. Who wants to be great at everything all the time? That’s

“True.” She agreed.

“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the
way,” Dean looked behind him at the pool table, “let’s

“Sure thing.” Sydney began to hop off
the pool table when Dean stopped her and pulled her on top of

“No, I want to play with you.” He
swept his lips across hers before she opened her mouth and let him
in. He tasted her hunger and need, while letting her explore his.
His mouth moved to her neck, where he nibbled and kissed it,
yearning for more.

He rolled her over to her back and
they both shed their clothing in rapid time. He grabbed a nearby
condom and sheathed on him before he entered her. Their bodies
moved synchronized perfectly as Dean drove inside her. They found
the perfect rhythm and moved together, lost in each other. Push and
pull. In and out. Once again, they climbed higher and higher until
a climax ricocheted within Sydney’s being and she felt lost,
floating in air.

“Dean…baby…” she softly moaned as the
orgasm shot through her.

Dean heard her cries and thrust a few
more times before he came, a throaty groan escaping his lips. He
eased himself off his girlfriend and kissed her sweaty forehead as
she snuggled into his arms.

He knew then, it wasn’t
just him being
in like
with Sydney; he loved her. He was determined to make their
relationship work, one way or another.


Other titles by Vera Roberts:


Daddy’s Angel

Wait for Love

The D’Amato Brothers Series:

The Nanny

To Love and

Where I Wanna

All I’ve Ever

The Scott & Mariana Serial:




S&M III, Vol.

S&M III, Vol.

Short stories:

Blow by Blow: Diary of a Call Girl

Dear Diary

Gettin' It

Hot Like Fire (Sweet and
Clean Romance)

I Need You

The Train Ride (Free on

The Erotic Intoxication,
Vol. I: Bad Girls

The Painter

Til Tomorrow

Facebook Page:



Sneak Peek of Breakaway II:

When Dean told her to bring a blanket,
Sydney questioned why. They were inside the Staples Center and she
wore jeans and a mock turtleneck. Now she understood.

She was freezing her balls

Comforted in Dean’s leather jacket and
a warm blanket covering her legs, Sydney sipped the coke in her
napkin-laced hand as she tried to comprehend hockey. It wasn’t like
basketball, where the players played certain positions and she had
an idea who was the forward, center, and guard. It wasn’t like
football where she could tell the difference between the running
back and defensive tackle.

In hockey, she saw a whole bunch of
dudes with aggression and hockey sticks. Come to think of it, there
probably needs to be something of the sort in real life for women.
There wouldn’t be so much hate and competition if that were to

“So you’re Dean’s new chick?” Rebecca
McDonald commented to Sydney. She was a tall, woman with dirty
blonde hair and sharp eyes. Sydney was already uncomfortable with
her. From the moment she sat down, she felt the older woman’s
not-so subtle side eyes on her.

Sydney already knew just by
the first question alone, it was going to be a long-ass game. “Yes.
I’m his
,” she emphasized.

“I see.” Rebecca nodded as if she
understood. “I hope you stay around for a while. Dating a hockey
player is tough. You have to deal with them constantly traveling,
being injured and tired. Not to mention the groupies.”

Sydney sipped harder on her coke. She
wasn’t a big fan of overly sugary beverages and preferred to drink
water as much as possible but the coke was helping her some. It was
making her not want to throw it in Rebecca’s face. “Yeah,” was all
she could mutter.

Rebecca looked at Sydney.
She was pretty
. She had the shoulder-length hair; full lips that she assumed
brought Dean a whole lot of pleasure, and probably a killer bod
underneath all of that clothing and blankets. Sydney also
looked…what was the word she was looking for…ah, yes…Sydney
She wasn’t hardened by Los Angeles, nor was she used to the
lifestyle that dating an athlete brought with them.

If Rebecca had to guess, Sydney looked
like a fish out of water. She wondered exactly what was going to be
the final straw that would break her back. “How long have you and
Dean been together?”

“Oh, enough with the goddamn
interrogation, Rebecca. Shit.” Naomi shook her head and leaned
forward to focus on the game. She was married to one of the
league’s most valuable players and was considered to be the leader
of the wives and girlfriends aka WAGs group. She was a dark-skinned
woman with long, black hair and was nicknamed “Slayomi” for always
showing up in some designer garb whenever she went out. It was no
surprise her other gig besides being wife, was a fashion

“What?” Rebecca asked innocently
enough but not completely oblivious to how she acted. “I was just
getting to know homegirl, that’s all.”

Sydney had to bite the
inside of her cheek.
Was that bitch serious?

“You were getting to know her but
that’s not all,” Brooke responded. She was a petite woman with dark
hair and an English accent. She was the girlfriend to Caleb. “Let
us enjoy the game.”

“Can’t two women have a simple
chit-chat?” Rebecca defended and Naomi hardened her eyes at the
woman. Rebecca shrugged and sipped on her water. “Okay. We’ll
continue getting to know each other after the game.” She winked at

Getting to know each
Sydney silently questioned. She
assumed getting to know each other meant both people asking
questions, not a one-sided firing squad. She assumed Rebecca also
wanted to know her blood type. “Sure.”

During the break, Rebecca left to use
the restroom and for the first time since she’d arrived, Sydney
felt warmth in the arena. “I’m so sorry about that,” Naomi moved
over to Rebecca’s seat and sat next to Sydney. “I would’ve warned
you about her but I didn’t think she was going to do

“Oh, it’s whatever.” Sydney finished
her soda, which was a watered-down mess. “I’m used to

“You obviously haven’t met Rebecca,”
Madison Greene commented. She was a blond woman and stacked like a
library bookcase. She had a warm demeanor that was very different
from what Sydney got from Rebecca. “She can be interesting and not
for any good reasons.”

“So what’s her deal?” Sydney didn’t
want to know but the woman cared enough to give her the

“She used to screw Dean,” Brooke
commented and Naomi socked her in the arm. “What? She was going to
find out sooner or later!”

Sydney felt a swell of emotions arise
inside her and none of them were of the heartwarming variety. Dean
had introduced her to several people since her arrival, yet
conveniently left that part out his fuck buddy was still present at
his games. “Oh.”

“They haven’t been on for a long
time,” another wife, Cassidy Michaels, commented. She had
medium-brown skin, long brown hair, and silver eyes. She looked
like she could be a singer. “So you have nothing to worry

BOOK: Breakaway
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