Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica) (13 page)

Read Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica) Online

Authors: Ty Marton

Tags: #gay, #bdsm, #gay erotica, #bondage, #bdsm erotica, #captivity, #gay bdsm, #gay bondage, #abduction erotica, #captivity erotica, #gay abduction, #gay captivity

BOOK: Breakdown Motel Part 2 (Gay BDSM Erotica)
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Mason nodded to Fox once more after Gus and
Danny had joined the two of them. Fox stepped forward, crossing the
lot and approaching the Mexican, not taking his eyes off of him for
a moment.

“Arms up at the sides,” Fox said as soon he
reached them. The Mexican smirked, complying and lifting his arms,
allowing Fox to frisk through his suit.

“Take it easy,” Dwayne murmured. “They’re
clean. No guns.”

Fox ignored him, clearly trusting no one but
himself. Once satisfied, he stepped over to the Mexican’s slave.
The hood covered his entire head, rendering him blind, and he wore
nothing else but his collar, cuffs, and black, spandex briefs, but
Fox was taking no chances. He looked the young man over
suspiciously, almost as if he were expecting something out of the

Then, as he turned the slave around and
glanced down the young man’s back, he spotted it.

There was scar tissue, faint, but distinct,
peeking out of the top of the slave’s jock. Confusion grew across
Fox’s face. He reached down, grabbing the briefs and yanking them
down, exposing the slave’s ass.

There, burned into his cheek, was the Roman
numeral “IX.”

“What the hell…” Fox muttered, before
grabbing the slave’s shoulder and jerking him back around. He
reached up, tearing at the buckles on the slave’s hood. Once it was
loose, he pulled it off and threw it to the ground, revealing a
long, thick mane of blond hair, and a calm, collected face. Even
for Jeff, peering out through the blinds in his room, there was no
mistaking him.

It was Eric.

Before anyone could respond or even say
another word, Eric clenched his wrists, unlocking a spring-loaded
blade hidden within his thick cuffs. With a sudden snarl, he lunged
his arms forward, plunging the knife straight into Sheriff Fox’s
gut. As the sheriff let out a shocked grunt of pain, the Mexican
deftly grabbed his gun out of his holster, spinning around and
training it on Dwayne. Dwayne raised his hands, utter fear in his
eyes. The Mexican smirked and pulled the trigger, putting a bullet
in the center of his forehead. Then, he turned to Fox, already
crumpled and moaning on the ground, and coolly pointed the gun at
him as well. With another sharp gunshot echoing out into the empty
desert, the Sheriff, too, was dead.

Jeff watched, stunned, as pandemonium broke
out. Letting out a terrified cry, Gus dropped his hold on Danny,
then turned and ran for it, only to receive a quick bullet in the
center of his back, dropping him to the sandy earth. Trixie
screamed at the sight, backing up against the motel and cowering in
place just a few feet away from Jeff’s window. Mason remained
still, his face betraying not fear, but furious anger as he stared
at this bold man with the upper hand, as well as his former slave,
long forgotten and back to where he had come from, vengeance
burning in his eyes.

The Mexican kept his gun trained on Mason as
Eric calmly approached Trixie. Terrified beyond belief, her legs
buckled out from under her, and she slowly slid down against the
motel wall, tears streaming down her face. Soon, Eric was standing
over her, glaring down at her like an executioner.

Eric looked from her to Danny, who remained
frozen in place, unable to take his eyes off of his former partner.
“What do you say, X? Should she live?”

Danny didn’t have an answer. His mouth hung
open, the very sight of Eric putting him into a state of shock.

“Please,” Trixie sobbed, “I don’t wanna

A smile curled up the corner of Eric’s
mouth. He shrugged, then reached down, grabbed two fistfuls of her
hair, and slammed her head into the wall, dazing her, leaving her
barely conscious and moaning on the pavement, blood trickling down
the side of her head.

“Fucking piece of trash!” Mason snarled.


The Mexican fired a shot, sending a bullet
tearing through Mason’s thigh. Mason growled in pain, clutching at
the wound and collapsing to the ground. “Don’t talk to my slave
like that,” he muttered, pausing to give the wounded man a sharp
kick in the ribs before leaving him and moving across the lot to
Danny. He tucked the gun into his pants and reached out, grabbing
the slave’s face and looking him over.

“Number nine here has been a very loyal
slave,” he said, cautiously eying Danny over. “I killed a powerful
rival just so I could have him. He told me you were worth killing
for, too.”

“You can trust him, X,” Eric said, eagerly
stepping up to join them. “He’s a worthy master…”

The Mexican delivered a sharp
slap across Eric’s face.

“Quiet, bitch,” he said. “Remember your
fucking place.”

Eric quickly took a step back, bowing his
head. “Yes sir, of course.”

The Mexican turned back to Danny. “My name
is Orlando,” he said, sliding his thumb across the slave’s lips.
“You belong to me now, like number nine. Say it.”

“I… belong to you now, sir,” Danny said.

“You are my property. You will do everything
I tell you to do.”

“Yes sir…” Danny said.

The two of them locking eyes, Danny trembled
as Orlando slid his thumb into the slave’s mouth, a wry smile
appearing on his face as Danny closed his eyes, resigned, and
slowly began to suck.

Just a few feet away, peering through the
blinds of his motel room window, Jeff knelt on the floor, numb with
shock, eyes wide. Everything he had come to know was changing right
in front of him, and he was powerless to do anything about it.

And then, in a moment that made his mouth go
dry and sent a considerable chill pulsing through the back of his
neck, Jeff realized that Orlando was staring straight through the
window at him, his thumb still nestled in Danny’s mouth.

“That’s a good slut,” he told Danny, keeping
his stare locked on Jeff. He held the slave’s fearful stare for a
few weighted seconds before turning his attention back to Eric.
“We’ve got what we came here for,” he said. “But collect that
little tranny bitch. We can put that slut to good use.”

Jeff felt himself deflate as Orlando moved
away from the window, and realized that he hadn’t taken a breath in
several seconds. Flashing a grin that rendered him almost
unrecognizable in Danny’s eyes, Eric ran off to grab the hood he
had worn earlier. He returned to Trixie, pulling the whimpering
wreck up to her feet by her hair. She sobbed weakly as Eric spat in
her face, then slid the hood down over her head, quickly securing
the buckles and locking it in place.

“Let’s go,” Orlando said. “The chopper is

“What about Mason, sir?” Eric asked. Orlando
just shrugged.

“Leave him to bleed,” he said.

“And the rest of the slaves?”

Orlando paused at the question, bending over
to spit in the dirt. “Forget about them,” he finally said. “Their
troubles are over. Now come on.

With Eric dragging Trixie beside him,
Orlando grabbed Danny by the elbow, the four of them beginning to
make their way toward the truck. Mason groaned, reaching out
towards them in vain.

“No,” he cried out, his voice weak. “X is
mine…” He tried to rise to his feet, but collapsed back down to the
earth as soon as he put weight on his injured leg. “Come back!” he
yelled, teeth bared, his face red, the last of his strength pouring
directly into his mindless vitriol. “

But Danny wasn’t paying Mason any attention.
Instead, he was staring at room X, where the stunned, frozen face
of Jeff was still barely visible through the blinds. The two of
them locked eyes, a silent, solemn goodbye as Orlando continued
dragging Danny away. As they walked, Eric noticed Danny’s fixed
gaze, following it to the window and furrowing his brow in

“…Sir?” he said, his voice hesitant.

Orlando turned, and Eric quietly nodded
towards Danny. Orlando regarded him for a moment, then shifted his
eyes back to room X. A thoughtful expression came over his face, as
if he were listening to some unspoken instinct. He glanced down at
the scar tissue burned across Danny’s backside.

“Get the man’s keys,” he finally said,
turning back to Eric. “Let’s go see who’s staying in room X.”




“Agent Brown - we’ve
got something…”

Audrey froze in the doorway as Special Agent
Martin Brown jostled awake at his desk, nearly spilling a long-cold
mug of half-finished coffee over a mess of paperwork.

“Jesus,” he muttered, shaking his head and
rubbing at his forehead. “What time is it?”

“Just after three,” Audrey said, wrinkling
her nose apologetically. “I know it’s been a long night - I didn’t
mean to startle you…”

“It’s fine,” Brown said, waving his hand at
her as he started collecting himself. “This shit’s giving me
nightmares anyway. What have we got?”

“The decryption team made a breakthrough on
that hard drive we recovered,” the mousy analyst explained as the
two of them made their way down a long corridor. “You were right,”
she told him, “it’s filled with video logs from the motel’s
security system.”

Martin nodded, a burst of fresh energy
coming over him. “Good,” he said. “Maybe we’ll finally get an idea
of what the hell went really went down.”

“You could say that,” she said, the two of
them turning into a small, dim room cast aglow by a wall’s worth of
monitors, all of them filled with footage from the many cameras of
Motel X.

“Shit…” Martin said, momentarily overwhelmed
by the brutal sex and abuse filling the majority of the

“It’s been hard to watch, and this isn’t
even the worst of it,” Audrey said. “The timestamps are still
scrambled, so we’re still trying to piece a timeline together, but
look here. These two.”

She pointed at a monitor in the center of
the wall, where two naked young men were twisted together in a bed
that sat in a bleak, empty room. There was a strange energy between
the two of them, an oddly out of place yet undeniable air of
passion that made the video unlike anything else from the motel

“See there?” Audrey said, pointing at the X
burned into one of the slave’s backsides.

“John Doe number ten,” Brown muttered. “The
missing slave. Who’s he with?”

“That’s the best part,” Audrey said proudly.
“We found a match for John Doe X from the missing persons database
– Danny Major, disappeared just over a year ago. Fits the profile
to the letter. But the other guy? Absolutely nothing. That is,

She guided Agent Brown over to a laptop,
where she pulled up an inter-agency database. With a few furious
keystrokes, she launched a search from an image isolated on the

“With that sheriff and all, I figured it
wouldn’t hurt to check here, and sure enough…”

The search finished, displaying a single

“Jeff Kenton,” Martin said, squinting into
the monitor. “Who is he?”

“He’s a cop. Worked under Fox at Hacienda
County,” Audrey said. “There’s a vague entry in his file about a
departmental transfer dated from about a month ago, but none of it
checks out. No idea if he was initially involved in the operation
or not, but either way, it looks like he was silenced and wiped off
of the grid for some reason.”

“Damn,” Martin said. “Three dead, nine
catatonic victims, and now
missing from the scene.”

Audrey nodded. “Only question is, where are

Martin turned back to the monitor, where
Danny and Jeff were frozen in a frenzied, desperate embrace. The
image seemed to burn its way into Martin’s mind, his eyes
unblinking as he forced himself into their world, desperate to find
the answers.

“Wherever they are, they’re the key,” Brown
said. “Figuring out what happened to them just became priority
number one.”

“Yes, sir,” Audrey said, nodding in

“Danny Major…” Agent Brown said, mumbling to
himself under his breath as he continued staring into the monitor.
“Jeff Kenton…

What happened to you?






Ty Marton lives in Los Angeles, CA, where his
active exploration of the local BDSM scene perked his curiosities
about the creative expression of dark, kinky fantasies. He wishes
to thank all of his many friends in the fetish community for their
support, encouragement, and inspiration, and encourages all of his
readers to find a safe, sane, and consensual way to explore their
own fantasies.


He welcomes all questions, comments, and
feedback regarding his work at [email protected], and humbly
encourages anyone who enjoyed this story to help support him by
posting their review on the book’s website. Reviews make a HUGE
difference, and are always greatly appreciated!

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