Breaking His Rules (Feeling the Heat #4) (10 page)

BOOK: Breaking His Rules (Feeling the Heat #4)
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“I know what you’re thinking,” Jake said softly as he coasted his hand upward over the swell of her buttocks and along the curve of her back.

“Are you sorry?” she whispered, and hoped he didn’t regret what they’d just done. No matter what happened, she never would.

“No.” He leaned forward and kissed her slowly, as if he were savoring the taste of her. When he pulled back, his expression was solemn. “Are you?”

“No. But...but can we go back to being just friends after this?”

“Honestly, I don’t know.” He moved his hand up to brush back her tangled hair and smiled. “Let’s not think about it right now. We’ll figure it out when we get back to Sacramento.”

“Okay.” And it was. She didn’t want anything to cast a shadow over what she and Jake had just shared.

Much later though, as Jake slept peacefully beside her, even the steady beat of his heart couldn’t lull her to sleep. On Monday, they’d be home where the real world was waiting for them. The world where Jake almost lost everything by getting involved with a client—the world where he’d vowed to never do that again. Maybe if she stopped training with him they could pursue a relationship. For the first time she considered that possibility. Jake kept telling her he wasn’t the reason for her successful lifestyle change. Maybe he was right. After what they’d shared tonight, it was worth thinking about.

* * *

Jake had always been an early riser and despite his lack of sleep the night before, this morning was no exception. Beside him, the steady cadence of Melissa’s breathing indicated she was still in a deep sleep. Last night when he’d drifted off she’d been in his arms, but now she was on her stomach with her head turned to the side. Her dewy pink lips were slightly parted and her cheeks were lightly flushed. Even in sleep, she was breathtaking. Though how anyone could sleep on their stomach was a mystery to him. It looked damn uncomfortable.

Although content to wait for Melissa to awaken, he couldn’t ignore the call of nature and gingerly pushed the sheet and blanket aside as he slid from the bed and headed for the bathroom. After he’d taken care of business, he washed his hands, brushed his teeth and filled one of the hotel’s clear glasses with water. Returning to the bedroom, he found Melissa in the same position. He downed a large gulp of water, then set the glass on the nightstand and picked up his cell phone. His assistant manager was covering for him at the gym and usually he never worried, but he checked his texts and emails just to make sure.

Other than a text from his youngest brother, who had just completed his freshman year at UC Davis, there were no crises, business or family related, he needed to attend to. Jake fired off a quick reply to Josh, and then returned the phone to the nightstand.

Putting his hands on his hips, he watched her sleep. Although common sense told him he should have exercised a whole lot more self-control last night, he wasn’t one bit sorry. Touching her, kissing her, making love to her, had been a helluva lot hotter than any of the numerous fantasies he’d had about her. But what
surprised him was how connected to her he’d felt last night. Hell, who was he kidding? He’d felt a connection with her from the first moment she’d stepped foot in his gym, but he’d been so busy trying to fight what he was feeling he hadn’t realized how strong their bond had become.

The thought of going back to Sacramento and returning to their trainer/client status made his gut churn.
Damn it
. He didn’t want to be just her friend or just her personal trainer; he wanted more. He wanted her in his life
in his bed. He wanted to see if what they shared could grow into something that could last a lifetime. He wanted what his parents had, and what J.T. and Angie had found, and he was pretty sure he wanted it with Melissa.

“What time is it?”

Melissa’s sleepy voice penetrated his thoughts. He smiled as she squinted at him. “It’s still early.” He glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. “Not even seven.”

“Why in God’s name are you awake?” She pushed herself up, dragged her fingers through her tousled hair, then shoved the covers from her body. “We don’t have to be at the wedding until two.”

“I always wake up early,” he said, and watched her as, instead of getting out of bed on the other side, she crawled toward him. The sight of her full breasts as they swayed back and forth sent a shot of heat straight to his groin.

“Oh, you’re one of
people.” She held out her hand. “I’m only getting up to go to the bathroom. I need another hour of sleep at least. Especially after last night,” she added as he took her hand and helped her climb off the bed.

As soon as her feet hit the floor, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “Good morning,” he said, then covered her lips with his. The tiny moan that escaped her as he molded her soft, pliant body to his was all he needed. He took possession of her mouth with an urgency he couldn’t control.

When they broke apart, his breathing wasn’t too steady. Nor was Melissa’s. “You brushed your teeth.” A slight frown marred her brow as she studied him.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“You didn’t give me a chance to brush mine. I have morning breath. That’s not sexy.”

“I never have morning breath. But brushing my teeth when I first get up is a habit I’ve had since I was a kid.”

“Oh, I’m sure you have it.”

“I really don’t.” He grinned. “I’m known for my fresh breath. Ask anyone.”

Melissa burst out laughing and shook her head. “That’s the thing about morning breath. Everyone thinks they don’t have it, but they do. Now let me go so I can go to the bathroom.”

Jake released her and chuckled. “You’re going to brush your teeth, aren’t you?” he called after her.

“Maybe,” she said as she closed the bathroom door.

Jake didn’t need another hour of sleep. Once he was awake, he was awake and that was that. For one crazy moment he thought about going out for a run. But only a dumb-ass would pass up the chance to lounge around in bed with an extremely hot woman. And contrary to what his brothers believed, he was no dumb-ass.

By the time Melissa finished in the bathroom, he was back in bed and propped up with two pillows against the headboard. As she paused by the side of the bed and observed him with a hint of a smile, Jake took the opportunity to admire her voluptuous body. Her creamy skin was smooth and although she’d joked about stretch marks a couple of times during the past eight months, if she had them they were either minimal or had faded over time. But even if he could see them, it wouldn’t matter. He wasn’t seeking perfection.

One thing about her was perfect though. Her breasts. He’d almost shot his load the second he’d glimpsed her dusky nipples. For months he’d been fantasizing about them and he hadn’t been disappointed.

She moved to the nightstand and picked up the remaining condom. “I’m glad you had two in your wallet.” She held it up and glanced at the sheet that covered him. “Unless you’re erecting a tent with that sheet, I’m thinking we could make use of this last one.”

Jake glanced at the proof of his arousal. “You’re responsible for this.” He pulled the sheet from his body.

“So it’s not just morning wood?” She tossed the condom on the bed within reach and then crawled onto the bed.

“No. This is all for you.”

“Lucky me.” She gave him a sinful smile as she urged his legs apart and knelt between them. Before he could speak, she reached between his thighs and cupped him, and then he couldn’t say a word even if he wanted to. He groaned as she wrapped one hand around him and gently squeezed.

For several long, amazing minutes, she tortured him. And he watched. He couldn’t look away as she cupped, stroked and squeezed him until he felt like a volcano on the brink of erupting. At that point he had two choices, and while it was a difficult decision, in the end it was a no-brainer. He needed to feel the heat of her pussy one more time. Maybe one last time if they decided they should only be friends.

“Stop.” He grabbed her wrists.

She looked up at him; her eyes had turned from light brown to amber. How the hell did they do that? “Tell me what you want,” she said in a low, husky voice that made his dick throb.

“You know what I want,” he gritted out through a clenched jaw.

“Then say it,” she whispered and gave him another squeeze. His breath hitched.

“Fuck me.”

With a satisfied gleam in her eyes, she reached for the foil wrapper and tore it open. Raw, unadulterated need clawed at him as she rolled the condom over him. Once it was on, she quickly straddled him, then slowly lowered herself onto his erection.

As he slid into her, Jake’s mind went blank. The only thing he was aware of was her tight, wet heat surrounding his cock. For several seconds, she didn’t move. He glanced to where they were intimately joined and prayed for self-control. Then he shifted his attention to her breasts. His hands quickly followed and he groaned with want as her nipples pushed against the palms of his hands.

“I think you have a thing for my breasts.” Amusement edged her soft voice.

“I have a thing for every inch of you.” He gently massaged her soft breasts, reveling in the weight of them in his hands. “Every. Glorious. Inch.”

“What a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing,” she said huskily, then moved her hips.

Jake sucked in a breath. “Fuck.”

Melissa’s melodic laugh filled his ear. “Yes. That’s what I’m doing.”

When she rocked again, he lowered his hands to her hips, dug his fingers into her flesh and thrust upward. He wasn’t sure how long they rocked together on the bed, but over and over again, he moved in rhythm to her movements, going harder and deeper with each stroke.

Jake closed his eyes. He had to or the sight of Melissa’s undulating breasts combined with the friction of his cock sliding in and out of her slick channel would send him over the edge. And that couldn’t happen. Not yet.

Hanging on to the last bit of self-control he had, he opened his eyes and slipped one hand between her thighs. She gasped as his finger slicked over her clit. All it took was two more strokes and a long feminine moan filled the room as she closed her eyes and threw back her head in sensual abandon. The moment he felt her contract around him, he thrust upward one more time and then let himself go. His orgasm rocked through him, drawing a low, almost harsh moan from his throat.

Seconds later, she leaned forward to brace her hands on his shoulders. Immediately, he lifted his hands to her waist and held her steady. As her breathing calmed, she lifted her head and gazed deeply into his eyes. Blood rushed to his ears and for a moment all he heard was the pounding of his heart.

Shifting forward, he wrapped his arms around her, crushed her against his chest and buried his face in her neck. As he inhaled her soft, citrusy fragrance, it suddenly struck him that he couldn’t bear the thought of being just friends with Melissa. It wasn’t enough. And it never would be. Not as long as he was in love with her.

And he was.

Chapter Ten

The awe-inspiring view from the Inn at Spanish Bay’s First Fairway Patio was second only to the amazing vistas Melissa had glimpsed on the drive from Monterey to Pebble Beach. The 17-Mile Drive was as spectacular as Paige claimed, and inasmuch as she hated to give Shauna credit for anything, Melissa had to admit her cousin had selected the perfect location for her wedding. The tiled patio overlooked the links, the rolling grassy dunes and finally, the majestic Pacific Ocean. And if that wasn’t enough, the unpredictable coastal weather had decided to cooperate. The morning fog had burned off and left in its wake a gloriously beautiful and surprisingly warm afternoon.

“Did I tell you how incredible you look?” Jake asked as he took her hand and twined his fingers with hers.

Melissa quickly forgot nature’s magnificent splendor when she turned her head and saw the seductive gleam in Jake’s eyes. Her body tingled in a way that was decidedly not appropriate in a public place and countless memories from last night and this morning began to play in her head.

As hot as the sex had been, what she valued most were the several hours they had spent alone together before getting ready for the wedding. Over breakfast from room service, there had been no awkwardness at all. And after breakfast they’d cuddled on the bed, making out intermittently as they watched an old movie on television. She wasn’t sure if it was because they’d developed a solid friendship beforehand, but being with Jake felt so easy it was almost scary.

“Yes.” She smiled into his eyes. “Thank you,” she said, and paused to give him a thorough once-over. In his dark charcoal suit, blue French cuff dress shirt and understated silk tie, he was easily the most handsome man at the wedding. “You clean up nice.”

“I try.” One corner of his mouth kicked up in amusement. “But I prefer polo shirts and jeans to suits.”

She shifted closer to him and whispered, “I’m partial to you in nothing at all.”

“That can be arranged later on.” His husky tone caused slow heat to unfurl low in her belly. “If you’re interested.”

“Oh, I’m interested.” Drowning in the depths of his eyes, she was oblivious to everything around her until she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Startled, she turned to her right and standing in the aisle next to her chair was Rob.

“May I sit with you?” Rob asked, politely.

“Of course,” she said with a smile and shifted her knees to the side so Rob could pass in front of her. As he took the chair on the other side of Jake, Melissa took note of the strained expression on his face. “Is everything okay?” she asked, leaning forward.

“Everything’s fine.” Rob said, then looked toward the altar.

Melissa frowned and sat back. She’d long suspected Rob had stronger feelings for Paige than she had for him, and that sooner or later he was going to want more than the friends-with-benefits relationship her sister preferred. He wouldn’t get it. For some unknown reason, Paige had always been wary of commitment.

Melissa smiled as two rows in front of her, her father put his arm around his mother’s shoulders and whispered into her ear. Her mother turned and they shared an intimate smile. She couldn’t help but compare her parents to Uncle Darren and Aunt Beverly. In her entire life she’d never seen one sign of affection between them. They had to have had sex at least once; Shauna was evidence of that. But mostly it seemed like they barely tolerated each other. Was it any wonder Shauna had turned into a miserable human being? She had two icebergs for parents.

At the altar—an arched white trellis draped with fragrant red roses and twining greenery—Kurt and his best man stood in front of the minister with solemn expressions as they waited for the ceremony to begin. A gentle breeze rustled the flowers and carried their scent across the patio as the first strains of the bridal party’s music began to play.

Still holding Jake’s hand, Melissa shifted in her chair as the first bridesmaid and groomsman stepped on to the patio from the wide double doors and slowly marched toward the altar. The sixth and final pair included Paige, who looked breathtaking in her knee-length chiffon dress. The strapless red dress with its sweetheart neckline was gorgeous and one of the few things Paige grudgingly admitted Shauna had done right.

As she came abreast of Melissa, Paige gave her a wink and then an imperceptible nod to her own shoulder. Melissa smothered a laugh as right there on her sister’s upper arm was a small tattoo that looked like some sort of a bloody dagger. Obviously fake, given Paige’s fear of needles. Only her feisty sister would dare to incur the wrath of Bridezilla on her wedding day. Melissa couldn’t contain her smile as Paige winked and continued down the aisle.

Next came the maid of honor, and as Denise stepped onto the patio, the first thing Melissa noticed was her stony expression. She also wore red, but her dress was a different style than what the bridesmaids wore. As she moved forward, Denise’s gaze darted furtively over the guests as if she were searching for someone.

Suddenly, Jake’s grasp on her hand tightened. Melissa winced as her fingers were crunched together and she quickly turned to look at him. The color had drained from his face and his eyes were icy cold. Following his stare, Melissa turned to find Denise’s frigid glare honed in on Jake. Her steps faltered slightly, but she didn’t stop. Tension oozed thickly between them as Denise glared at Jake until she passed by their aisle and made her way to the altar.

Mutely, Melissa turned back to Jake. He didn’t look at her. A muscle twitched in his jaw and his lips were compressed in a tight line as he focused his attention on the altar. His grip had eased on her hand but his posture was rigid. His reaction was unusual. The only other time she’d seen such a react so strongly was the first day she’d come into his gym and he’d overheard some jerks making fun of her. To this day, she was certain he’d said something to them. They’d never ridiculed her again.

As the ring bearer and then the flower girl—the adorable children of Kurt’s brother—shyly walked the aisle, Melissa wondered how Jake and Denise knew each other—for they obviously did. Their reactions were more than ample proof of that. Had they dated at one time? If so, it must have ended badly.

During their many conversations, the only woman Jake had ever mentioned dating was a woman named Kirsten. And while he hadn’t gone into great detail about why they’d broken up, he only had complimentary things to say about her.

For the life of her, Melissa couldn’t imagine Jake ever being interested in Denise. At least not after one date. Yes, she was attractive, but she wasn’t a very nice person. Maybe some men could tolerate a shrew for a girlfriend, but she didn’t imagine Jake to be one of them.

The change of music forced Melissa from her thoughts. As the wedding march began, Jake let go of her hand and they rose along with the other guests and turned to watch the bride make her grand entrance. When Shauna came into view at the patio doors, several gasps could be heard over the music. At first glance, Shauna’s white sheath dress appeared simple, but on closer inspection, the jeweled caplet sleeves and the elegant crystals at her slim waist made it anything but. In a word, the bride was stunning.

Despite her dislike for her cousin, Melissa had to concede Shauna truly loved Kurt. It was more than evident by the happiness that shone from her eyes as she gazed at her groom. Next to Shauna, Uncle Darren looked dashing in his dark suit, crisp white shirt and red tie. Melissa squinted. Was that moisture in Uncle Darren’s eyes? Could there be a heart underneath that icy exterior, after all? Or was it one of her uncle’s many allergies that had him tearing up? For Shauna and her future children’s sake, Melissa hoped it was the former.

As Uncle Darren escorted Shauna down the aisle, Melissa glanced at the altar where Denise’s unyielding stare was directed at Jake, who stood as still as a marble statue beside her. The tension, so strong it emanated from him in waves, piqued her curiosity. She had no clue as to how and why Jake and Denise were acquainted, but she was damn sure going to find out.

* * *

Jake often wondered how he would react if he were ever to encounter Denise Snow again. Now he knew. He liked to think he was a forgiving person, and not the kind of man who would let anger fester in his soul. Turned out he was wrong. The low hum of fury that clouded his brain the second he set eyes on the woman who tried to ruin his reputation had been so overpowering it had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed not to stand up and call her out for the lying bitch she was.

Until that moment, he had no clue stalker Denise was the same Denise who’d tormented Melissa for years. After all, it was a common name. Now that he knew, he wasn’t surprised. It seemed only fitting that the woman who’d filed a false claim against him would moonlight as a bully.

Now, as he sat at one of the snowy-white linen-covered banquet tables in the St. Andrews Ballroom waiting for the reception to begin he had to work to keep his anger in check. Causing a scene wouldn’t do anyone any favors and would only embarrass Melissa. He cared for her too much to do that.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t realize Melissa had returned from the restroom until she sat down next to him. “Here.” She set a small tumbler filled with about an inch of amber liquid on the table in front of him.

“What’s that?” he asked, looking from the glass to her.

“Whiskey.” She searched his face with concerned eyes. “You look like you need it.”

“Where’d you get it?”

“I stopped by the bar on my way back from the restroom.”

“Thanks.” Jake picked up the glass and downed the whiskey in one gulp. He gasped as it burned a path from his throat to his stomach. Immediately warmth spread through him and some of the tightly coiled tension in his body eased.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?” He returned the glass to the table and looked around the room. The place was swanky as hell. Jake didn’t know jack about flowers, but the lavish arrangements on each table looked like they cost a small fortune.

“About why you and Denise were glaring at each other.”

He leaned back in his chair and let out a controlled breath. He’d hoped Melissa had been oblivious to his and Denise’s stare down. No such luck. “So you noticed?”

“I’d have to be blind not to.” She shifted in her chair and put her hand on his forearm. “Obviously you know her. Did you have a relationship with her?”

Jake grimaced as he thought of the two miserable dates he’d endured with Denise. He’d known early into the first date she wasn’t someone he wanted to get to know better. The only reason he’d gone out with her a second time was because he felt guilty the next time he’d seen her at the gym. She had also magically produced two tickets to a sold-out concert he’d mentioned to her in passing that he was disappointed not to be able to go to.

“No. Two dates doesn’t constitute a relationship.” He scowled. “At least not to me.”

“Two dates also doesn’t lend itself to the animosity that was palpable between you.” Melissa gently squeezed his arm. “I think I figured it out during the ceremony. She’s the one, isn’t she? The one who filed that bogus charge against you.”

“Yes. She’s the one,” he said, with a curt nod. “The woman who tried to ruin both me and my business is the same bitch who bullied you since you were a kid. How’s that for a coincidence?”

“A little freaky.” Melissa gave him a wry grin.

Jake managed a half-hearted smile. “Let’s not talk about her. She’s not worth wasting our breath on.” He looked past Melissa as Rob walked toward them. The guy didn’t look happy and hadn’t since he’d sat down next to Jake at the wedding. From what he’d observed the night they’d been at Planet Gemini, he got the feeling Paige wasn’t as into Rob as he was into her. Too bad Rob wasn’t more like Jake’s brother Justin, who practically invented the casual hook-up.

“Will Paige be sitting with us, or does she have to sit at the same table as the bride and groom?” Jake asked.

“She lucked out. Shauna decided to only have her maid of honor and the best man at their table. There’s a special table for the parents, but the bridesmaids and groomsmen can sit wherever they want.” Melissa withdrew her hand from his arm and studied him with solemn eyes. “If you’re uncomfortable around Denise, I understand if you want to leave. Paige or Rob can give me a ride back to the hotel.”

“No.” He slipped his arm around her shoulders. “I’m not leaving. I’ve done nothing to be ashamed of. If Denise is uncomfortable then it’s her problem, not mine.”

An hour and a half later, Jake slipped a finger under the collar of his shirt and wished he’d taken Melissa up on her offer to go back to the hotel.

From the moment the bridal party returned from posing for the photographer, he’d been aware of Denise’s hostile eyes trained on him like he was an enemy target in a sniper’s scope. Obviously, she still harbored a grudge against him and believed she was the wronged party in their brief acquaintance. To this day he still had no clue as to why she fixated on him the way she had, or why she’d been so angered by his rejection that she’d filed the sexual harassment suit. He believed he’d put it behind him, but seeing her today caused the resentment that had lain dormant inside of him to rise to the surface. He hadn’t done one thing wrong; still, he couldn’t wait for the reception to be over so he could get away from Denise and her accusing eyes.

Next to him, Melissa and Paige were discussing the fate of Paige’s faux tattoo. It seemed that Shauna had noticed it right before the wedding pictures were about to be taken and had been on the verge of going ballistic until Paige calmly peeled it off and forestalled the meltdown. In his opinion, Paige took a great deal of satisfaction in baiting Shauna, but he supposed he might do the same if one of his cousins was as cruel to his brothers as Shauna had been to Melissa. Loyalty was one of the strongest threads that bound the Sawyer brothers together and he pitied anyone who ever tried to hurt one of them. They may have their disagreements, but as the old saying went, blood was thicker than water.

Jake nodded politely to their server as she removed the plate of half-eaten chicken Marsala in front of him. The chicken was excellent, but he’d lost his appetite and couldn’t manage to choke down another bite. What he needed was a break from the reception. He put his hand on Melissa’s forearm to get her attention. She turned from Paige and judging by her smile, she believed he’d gotten over the shock of seeing Denise and was enjoying the reception as much as she seemed to be. He didn’t have the heart to tell her she was wrong.

BOOK: Breaking His Rules (Feeling the Heat #4)
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